» Fiction » A game of love, brea isomee [have you read this book txt] 📗

Book online «A game of love, brea isomee [have you read this book txt] 📗». Author brea isomee

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As soon as we hit the bed we started back up where we left off . But i took my time and did her body right , kissing and caressing her body slowly . I was glad i was gon' finally get to show her how much she meant to me .



I noticed Armillio and Deaisha walking around getting all buddy buddy and feely touchy . I wasn't really feeling it . If they were in the living room and i walked in he had his arm swung over her shoulder , If they were in the kitchen and i walked in he was always pressed up against her in some way , and if they were in her bedroom and i walked in he'd be looking pissed and she'd be looking guilty. Man , don't let me find out ! That's my best friend man , i would feel kind of betrayed if he was trying to get with Deaisha behind my back . I just shot a nigga the other day for that shit . But then again , i'd feel better if he was with her than another nigga . I mean , i trust him and all too . And i know he'd treat Deaisha good , that's how he is when he's really feeling a girl . But it still bothered me a little .

I peeped around the corner into the living room .

Deaisha was sitting on Armillio's lap kissing him . This wasn't no church kiss . I'm talking , she had to have her tongue all in his mouth . What bothered me was he had his hand reached up under her skirt and i could hear her lightly moaning . Uh-un ! I had had it . No way was he going to just feel up on her like that .

I ran into the living room and punched Armillio on the side of his head . He laughed and pushed Deaisha off his lap , standing up . He squared up and was ready to swing any minute .



I t happened so fast , too fast . All i know is i was kissing Armillio and i all of a sudden ended up on the floor watching them , with their fist balled circling each other getting ready to swing .

I shook my head , i admit i was a little frightened but i wan't too sure of which one would hurt which . I've seen Armillio fight and the punches he threw were dangerous , smashing anything in their way . And i've seen my brother , Ceazar , fight too and his hands were deadly . One time he'd snapped some boy's neck just by one punch . That's how powerful they were .

Ceazar made a move to punch Armillio but right before he threw the punch they both busted out laughing .

I shook my head . I must be confused . What the hell just happened ? I could have sworn just a few seconds ago they were ready to throw down and now they were smiling at each other like Ceazar didn't just punch Armillio .

Armillio held out his hand for Ceazar to shake and he shook it .

I knew if it was anybody else that Armillio wouldn't be shaking his hand , he'd be burying a body right about now .

" man , i'm not disrespectin' you or anything am i ? I mean , i got feelings for Deaisha and i was sick of hiding that shit . You know how it is ."

Ceazar shook his head and they both sat on the couch " i get it . But just do me a favor and take care of her . . . . . And another thing , keep her completely innocent ."

" oh , " Armillio laughed " i ain't know you saw that . My bad . I couldn't help it ."

" yeah yeah yeah ."

They both looked at me sitting on the floor in a state of shock and once again they busted out laughing . Armillio pulled me onto his lap " baby , we been boys too long for us to fall out over this . He knows i'll take good care of you . Even though he did just punch the fuck out of me ."

I smiled and kissed him .

" woah , " Ceazar held up his hand " wait til i leave the damn room please !"

I just shook my head and turned my head back to Armillio . I was happy with him , truly .


2 months later :)


It had been 2 long months and i was proud to say me and Lisa were still going strong . It took us another week or two after i took her virginity for us to figure out what we were going to be . But my feelings for her were deep and getting deeper with each passing day so i wouldn't have her with anybody else but me . She had recently decided to move in with me , my mother and my sister and i loved every minute of having her around . Not only did we have constant sex but we were closer than we had ever been as best friends . I could feel her getting attached to me and shockingly i didn't mind .Meisha's school went all year around but Lisa's school year had just recently ended so she was mainly with me and sometimes with her girls .

I hadn't spoken to Deaisha but that wasn't bothering me . I obviously wasn't on her mind . She acted like she was feeling me , I swear all girls are the same . Except Lisa of course . She was my angel , my baby , my world . Man , i'm stuck on her . Speaking of the women in my life Meisha was doing much better . She was going to school everyday and she stayed in the house on the phone instead of going out partying . Every once in a while she'd go kick it but that was cool . I hadn't heard anything bad about her . I was seriously proud of my little sister . And my mom was becoming more distant . For some reason . I couln't understand that . I never told her that Meisha had lied about her not fucking Sean but that was no reason for her to become distant even though she thought i was a liar . She'd go to work at night and then she'd only come home long enough for her to take a nap and clean up then she was right back out . Something was bothering her , but i didn't want to pressure her into feeling like she had to tell me what was wrong so i gave her her space .

I was fully healthy , my wounds healed up well . I still had scars , always would but , what don't kill you makes you stronger . I was back to work at 'oligone' and i was even promoted to manager . Not that that was too exciting but i was glad i got paid a little bit more . Since my mother was being distant she neglected to pay the rent or buy Meisha anything so i ended up doing that . Not that i minded or anything , i could handle the responsibility .

" mmmmmm , " i came up behind Lisa wrapping my arms around her waist as she stirred the pot that held spaghetti . I put my chin on her shoulder " that smell good ."

" i know right . "

After she finished cooking us two and Meisha sat down to eat .

I was the last one to start eating because i was too busy watching Lisa shove food into her mouth . She'd been eating wild lately like she was always starving . I'd seen her gain a little weight in her stomach and thigh area but it was sexy to me and anyways i'd be attracted to her still if she gained 20 pounds more so i didn't really care .

She caught me watching her and she looked embarassed . She covered her mouth and just laughed . It honestly didn't bother me .

Lisa broke the comfortable silence that was in the room "i'm - " she paused drinking from her cup .

Meisha finished her sentence " pregnant ."

I coughed . I had noodles going down the wrong pipe in my throat . I shook my head and gulped down the rest of my coke that was in my cup . Slamming the cup on the table i looked from Lisa to Meisha .

Meisha's pregnant ? !

I stood up so fast my chair flipped over " Meisha i know damn well you ain't pregnant . Yo' ass bet not be pregnant ! I swear -"

She stood up too " i was tryna tell you -"

" that you a hoe ? You still out there fucking around ?"

" damnit Demarco - "

We were having a shouting match . I wouldn't let her finish anything she was saying . I just knew she couldn't change ! Females !

Lisa screamed stopping us from yelling at her " she's not pregnant Demarco ! I am . If you would let her finish a damn sentence you would know that ! Shit . "

I tried to grab Lisa's arm before she left the room but it was too late . She had stormed out the room and i heard my bedroom door slam shut . I looked at Meisha " i'm sorry ."

" save it ! " She walked to the living room and sat on the couch .

I didn't mean to . . . . I mean , i over reacted . I should have let Meisha finish talking but i was pissed . I thought she had been still being her old self . I guess she did change . Damn ! Now i got Lisa and Meisha both mad at me .

I grabbed my basketball from out the hall way closet and made my way down the flights of step and outside . There was a basketball court out in front of my apartment building so i made my way over to it .

It was 9 at night and surprisingly the court was empty .

I dribbled the ball a few times and shot . I took a deep breath , missed . My mind wasn't focused at all . I tried again over and over again and they were all off . I was getting frustrated . I hadn't played ball in a while and i was missing the court but on this night when i finally came down to just shoot around and clear my mind i couldn't make shit . I knew i had it in me , i just had to relax .

Deep breaths , i dribbled the ball , raised my hands to shoot and let the ball roll off the tips of my fingers flying into the air on it's way to the hoop . I closed my eyes , then i heard it , that noise that i always hear when the ball sinks into the net
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