» Fiction » A game of love, brea isomee [have you read this book txt] 📗

Book online «A game of love, brea isomee [have you read this book txt] 📗». Author brea isomee

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voice .

I remained silent , pushed past her an made my way in the bathroom , i didn't close the door behind me because if i did she would have just opened it back .

" Marco , heeellooo !"

Turning the knobs on the shower i made the water mostly hot to wash away any hate i was feeling at the moment , stripped down naked and got in the shower . I looked down to the bottom of the bath tub and let the water run down my head and straight down my body . Every nerve in my body was screaming for me to get out but i didn't . Although it was burning i stood there until my body adjusted to it , although it never did fully .

" Demarco , what have i done to you ?"

Once again i didn't respond to Lisa's dumb ass comments and questions . I was afraid that if i opened my mouth i'd say something i would regret or i'd say something i couldn't take back . I smiled , but then again she deserved every little thing i had to say to her . So after i lathered my body with soap once and rinsed it away i cut off the water , wrapped my towel around my lower half and stepped out of the shower . I'll be truthful , i expected to see a Lisa who was in a state of shock or had sadness written all over her face but instead i was greeted by a Lisa who had a half smirk on her face and looked like all she gave a damn about was herself .

I lost it " you selfish bitch ."

"excuse you ?"

" you heard me . I've been nothing but good to you but yet . . . . . " i took a deep breath to lower my voice " but yet you've just turned into a self centered , bitch who doesn't even give a fuck about her own children . I -"

" how dare you ! " she cut me off " i might be self centered and a bitch i might also be but i am a good damn mother . I have those kids all damn day -"

" yeah , while i'm at work , then as soon as i'm home your off chasing something else ! I feed them , bathe them . . . . hell , i'm more of a damn mother than you could ever be ."

A look of pain and hurt crossed her face . I could tell my words cut her deep so much so that her eyes had filled to the brim with tears but she was too proud to let them fall . If she let one fall , just one , i'd know she was the same Lisa i fell in love with and that she was just putting up a act because this was a lot for her to deal with . If she would just cry and let me wipe away her tears then i'd pull her into my arms and apologize for everything i had said . But she couldn't do it , she couldn't cry in front of me .

She turned away sniffled and headed for the front door mumbling something about how i didn't know the pain she went through .



I walked slowly out the house with his words echoing in my mind ". . . hell , i'm more of a damn mother than you could ever be ." He meant those words . He probably thought i was a horrible person and a horrible mother and that i didn't give a damn about Demarla and Demarco Jr but that's not the case . Those kids are my world , i would do anything for them . How could he think . . . . .

He hated me , he said he was a better mother than me . Maybe the kids didn't need me . I was strong but this whole process was breaking me , it really was . All i thought about was being happy and having there be peace in the small apartment but i knew it wasn't happening any time soon .

I walked down the block , still walking slow , hoping Marco would catch up to me , pull me in to his body and show me just how strong we were and that we could make it through this . But deep down i knew he wasn't gonna come after me , maybe it was time for me to grown the fuck up and go back , handle my responsibilities as a woman , and a mother too .

I stepped into a restaurant that had a help wanted sign in the window . " hi , can i get a application ."



I ended up having to stay home to watch the kids since i didn't want Meisha to miss school and i also didn't have any extra money for a babysitter so i had to do it myself . Now i'm losing money at work . . . this is not good . I can't do this on my own , i'll admit , but it's not like i really have a choice at all .

Knock , knock , knock .

There was a knock at the front door but i really didn't feel like answering it . Well , actually , i couldn't . I had Demarla over one shoulder while i was leaning over Demarco's crib trying to hold his bottle up to his lips . Demarla was screaming her head off right in my ear and it wasn't nothing i could do about it at that minute .

The knock on the door quickly turned into a banging noise . I was getting so annoyed . As soon as i removed the bottle from Demarco Jr's mouth he started to scream his head off too . I layed the bottle in the crib and went to answer the door .

Her face shocked me . I didn't expect to see Lisa standing there will a look of guilt and sorrow on her face . She pulled Demarla off of me and without a word she went into the babies room but she turned back around " go to work ."

I put on my uniform shirt and was out of the apartment within seconds .

Maybe she was still the same Lisa i fell in love with .


"good evening miss , welcome to oligone . Can i help you with something ?"

The lady looked me up and down with lust in her eyes and i could just tell this wasn't going to be good . She was sexy though . Her body was lovely . She had a nice sex appeal as well . She wore a pair of blue jean booty short and a whit tank top with a pair of blue and whit Griffey's on her feet . It was simple but , she was working it . And her long hair that fell just above the middle of her her back was a light light brown . I just pictured myself hitting it from the back while i was pulling that shit .

"yes , actually you can help me . i'm looking for some pink tights that fit this ," she turned around doing a complete 360 degrees so that i could get a good look at her body " can you help me out ?"

" yeah , um , come with me ."

I led her over to the a rack that was filled with tights " look through here , maybe you might find something you like ."

" can you help me ?" she said with a sexy smirk on her face .

I shook my head and when she stepped up to the rack i stepped right behind her pressing my body up against her's wrapping me arms around her i went through the hangers with her . She slowly swayed her body against mines and i felt myself growing hard behind her .

" damn shorty ," i whispered in her ear and rubbed my hands on the upper inner part or her thighs " you playing ."

I felt her body melting under my touch " no i'm not . I just see something i want , that's all there is to it ."

" you want me , huh ?"

" yeah ," she moaned a little as i slipped my hand down her shorts and was playing with her spot .

I didn't realize what i was doing or why or how much i wanted to until her back was up against the wall in the storage room and i was seconds from entering her . I felt the tip of me rubbing against her and i stopped , i just froze . My girlfriend . . . . My children . . . . . I couldn't do this to them .

" i cant man . I'm sorry shorty but i can't do this ."

I put her down down and fixed my clothes , watching her do the same and led her back to the front of the store where she stormed out but not before making sure her number was save in my phone and my number was in her's . I didn't give a damn about her storming out i had other stuff on my mind like the fact that i'd almost cheated on Lisa . But nothing in me would let me . Why ? Why ? Why ?

I wasn't complaining though . I was kind of happy . At that moment i realized just how in love i was with Lisa . And how i'd do anything to keep our family together .

" he dribbles the ball ! He takes two steps to the left , shakes his opponent . " i was on the basketball court late night once again to clear my head , acting like i was a sports anchor yelling out all my moves as i went along . Although i was by myself i pictured a room full of fans all screaming my name . " he shoots and " i let the ball fly from my finger tips and land in the net " HE SCORES . And the crowd goes wild , aaaaaahhhhhhh ."

I smiled picturing myself shaking hands with all my team mates with smiling faces " Demarco a.k.a the-man-to-be takes his team to the champion ship once again ! Can he be stopped ? i don't think so ."

I must have been going crazy out of my mind . I was picturing myself , number 03 , on any NBA team that would have me . I promise i'd be one of the best damn basketball players you'd ever see , I would take my team to champion ships , get champion ship rings ( more than one ) and more importantly i'd take care of my family . Yeah , MY family . I needed to be the man that i'll need to be for the rest of my life . Hell , all i needed was one shot . . . . my one shot . And i'd make sure the person who gave it to me wouldn't regret it .
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