» Fiction » A game of love, brea isomee [have you read this book txt] 📗

Book online «A game of love, brea isomee [have you read this book txt] 📗». Author brea isomee

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*Marco -

I could feel my temples throbbing .

My head was pounding so hard as the ball bounced between the black top and my right hand . I dribbled . I took two steps back and shot the ball . The i waited for it to hit the back board or the rim or if i was lucky ( which i usually was ) it would sink in the net . It seemed like i was waiting for hours . On a basketball court in the middle of the night all alone i felt pressure . I felt the pressure of all the 18 years of living coming down on me . I always wanted to make my mother proud . She always told me to be better than the next man . And the only way i could be better was on the court .

I closed my eyes and waited to hear the noise . The noise that sounded like heaven to my ears . And when i heard it , i knew the ball had sunk into the net . I smiled to myself . No doubt i had skills on the court . Any man or woman could see that when it came to basketball i was like on honor roll . But when it came to actual school , lets just say i had problems .

I heard a feminine voice to my right and my eyes jolted open " nice shot . "

I turned my head to see who it was . I'd never seen her face before a day in my life but i wish i'd seen it a thousand more times . Although the darkness of the night had my visions limited i saw something . And what i saw was pure beauty . She had a light complexion , almond shaped eyes , deep dimples that sunk into her cheeks as she stood there smiling at me .

I shook my head , grabbed the ball from under the rim , dribbled and shot again . I didn't say anything until i made that shot as well " thanks . I didn't know any one was watching . "

" I was just walking but , you caught my attention ."

" You look a lil too pretty to be walking out here alone . "

She shook her head and dropped her eyes to the ground like she was ashamed of something or had something to hide " i - um - so , " she changed the subject " you look really comfortable on the court like it's what you're meant to do . You're shots are just so confident . "

I smiled and walked closer to the fence where she stood " I've been playing ball since . . . since . . . . . i could hold a ball . You know when it's just that one thing you want and it's the only thing that relaxes you ? "

" i wish i knew the feeling , " she backed away from the fence and turned to walk away .

As she stepped into a street light i got a better look at not only her body but her as well . She was about 5"3 , her body was the definition of a coke bottle shape . She rocked a white sun dress with black flip flops . Now i'm not one to pay attention to feet but her toes were beautiful and the nails painted to perfection . Damn .

She peeped back at me , her long hair was flowing down past her shoulders .

If i had a camera i would have taken a picture of her .

I yelled after her " what's yo' name ? "

I didn't think she would answer but after she crossed the street and before she rounded the corned she quickly said " swoop . "

swoop ?

I didn't say anything , i kept quiet and watched her walk away .

Later on that night after i shot around on the court a couple more hours i ran up the 5 flights of steps in my apartment building that it took to get to my floor . My brain was occupied thinking about that girl . Swoop . I mean , i knew it wasn't her real name but it was stuck in my head . The way she walked , the way she talked . All that was stuck in my head too . I usually think of females as objects . Sex objects to be exact . well , the females around my way always wanted to be treated like shit . So you know what i do ? I give 'em they wish . I've yet to find a special girl . These bitches want the thugs , the pimps , the murderers . Now , i'm not a square but i couldn't see myself pimpin' or selling drugs . Simply because it's not in my personality .

How can anyone enjoy smackin' a girl upside her head all for the mighty dollar ? Or selling drugs to a pregnant woman all for the same damn couple of bucks that you could make if you worked at the store down the street . I just didn't understand . And murder someone ? Everyone is really a murderer . Or has the ability to murder if pushed far enough . agreed ?

" i'm home ," i yelled as i walked into the small apartment .

My little sister , Meisha , was stretched out on the couch sleep . She looked so innocent when she slept . But when the girl was woke every other word out her mouth was a cuss word . Meisha raised so much hell at the tender age of just 13 . She has the ability to be so great , so wonderful , so successful . But instead she chooses to run the streets all day and do like all the other hood rats i know . I didn't want to put Meisha in a category with all the other girls i know because she's not like them . or is she ? I don't want to think so but sometimes , i wonder .

There are only 2 women in my life i can put in the category of a woman . And the first one was my best friend Lisa . I called her my lil sis . She's the only girl i ever let get close to me . She's been by my side threw my up's , down's , mistakes and conflicts . That girl there i could honestly say had my back . She wasn't like the other girls i knew . At 17 , she attended high school , had plans for college , had a job , AND SHE'S A VIRGIN ! Now that's really , really a lady . And no one can say she's a virgin because she's ugly , oh no . She had a sexy face and body to match . I'd even tried to hit it on a occasion or two throughout the years when i might have gotten drunk but she never let me . I love that girl .

And the second woman was my mother . Strong , beautiful , black . Enough said .

Speaking of my mother she wasn't in the house as i checked . She was probably at work . She sometimes works the night shift cleaning up hospitals .

I took a quick shower and went to bed .

. . . . . . . . swoop .

*Lisa -

I had my bag packed sitting by the front door . I couldn't stop smiling . I was so happy . It was 7 o'clock on a Saturday morning . I should have been in bed peacefully getting in my beauty sleep but instead i was getting ready to go to my girl Marie's house for a sleepover . We had the whole day planned out actually . First , we were gonna chill at her house for a while and then walk around the neighborhood and chill with a few friends , and close to around 8 go to the movies and out to eat , then back to her place to take pictures and eat junk .

I hadn't slept over anyone's house in a while . Since the end of the school year is coming up shit in school was getting hectic . My work load had basically doubled , i had to study extra hard . And plus my after school job at the clothing store 'simply beautiful' was starting to demand more from me . I was really exhausted and needed time to chill and catch up with my girl . Since Marie was always in a new situation keeping up with her was kind of hard to do .

Me and Marie couldn't have been more opposite but that's why we worked . She's light skin i'm dark sin , she's loud i'm quiet , she's a sex-aholic i'm a virgin . But in this case i guess opposites attract because we couldn't have been closer friend .

" mom ? " I called for my mother who i found in the kitchen stirring a large pot of hot grits .

She didn't even look up as i entered the kitchen " yes , sweetie ?

" where are the car keys ? "

" here , " she handed the keys that had been sitting on the counter next to her " don't crash my car and put gas in it before you come home tomorrow . "

I laughed , kissed her on the cheek and was out . You'de think after all these years she'd trust me , but nope . She never has and never will .

" ay , shorty in the pink shorts ! "

I ignored the comment and didn't even turn my head to see who it was as i put my bag in the trunk of the red charger .

I can't stand when boys feel the need to call all the way down the block for a cute girl . And it's bad enough they all loud but they don't even know the girls name . Dang , how about you come over here and introduce yo'self and then MAYBE we can talk . But don't ever . ever scream at me yelling out what color i got on .

" Dude played his self , " i thought as i got into the car and pulled off .

*Meisha -

I rolled my hips a little to the song .

Nothing seductive but i did it just enough to make sure the boys took notice . It was a hot day on the block and me and my girl Tamara were just standing on the corner with a few of her friends . No one i knew . And to be quite honest i didn't feel comfortable with the whole situation but ever since one of them start playing

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