» Fiction » Vampire Knight 3, True.Fantasy [best books to read all time txt] 📗

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He looked at her in surprise, but then offered a hug. When he felt her sobbing against him, a weird hurt ripped his chest. He hugged her more warmly with a sigh.
“Come on, don’t cry Keisha…” He said holding her a little tighter. “Please.” Keisha’s crying stopped, she looked up in surprised. Zero can be…kind?
“Zero.” Yuki said softly. Kaien and Arrau stood beside her, running over after hearing the commotion.
“Keisha!” Arrau said worriedly. “Your cheek! What happened?” Pulling away from Zero, she ran over to hug her brother. Zero closed his eyes thoughtfully. He didn’t want her to move away.
“Dear, what happened; what were you doing in here?” Kaien asked pulling her to him.
“There was a little girl…” She started in a quaking voice. “She wanted me to come in here.”
“A little girl??” Zero asked, his eyes widening in surprise. He turned around. “You trusted a little vampire girl and walked into a dark isolated room!? What’s wrong with you?!”
“Zero!!” Kaien scolded. “It’s okay Keisha darling.” He said giving her another hug. “Zero was just worried.” Zero gave him a look.
Kaname appeared beside her, frowning. “What obscenity.” Keisha moved back to look squarely at the pureblood. “My sincerest apologies Ms Vinn. I haven’t the faintest idea what this many vampires have been doing here.” He glanced at Zero. “Many thanks to Zero Kiryu for cleaning up this filth.”
“But there were no little kids at the feast tonight.” Yuki said frowning.
“Yuki, perhaps could you take Keisha for a drink of water and tell the footman no one may leave the house?” Kaname asked softly. Yuki nodded. Smiling at Keisha, she walked out. Keisha followed close behind.
Arrau ruffled through the dead bodies of the vampires. He stopped at the pocket. “They certainly have a lot of money on them.” He said going through each of their jackets. He looked up frowning. “They each have exactly one thousand dollars – each.”
Kaien frowned. “They were paid for this job.” He shook his head and took off his glasses. “No doubt the ‘small girl’ was one of their ways of getting Keisha in here. Which can only mean; that…”
“…Someone’s after her.” Arrau finished.
“Who?” Zero asked.
“One of our dad’s enemies no doubt.” Arrau replied frowning. Keisha and Yuki walked back into the room.
“No one’s leaving the building.” Yuki confirmed. “Until you give the word.”
Kaname smiled. “Thank you, Yuki.”
“Perhaps, Zero, you should take Keisha home now. We’ll figure out what’s going on here.”
Zero nodded and pulled her out. They walked silently past some of the guests and to the door. The footmen stopped them at the base of the stairs.
“Let them go.” Kaname spoke from behind them. The footmen nodded and stepped aside. Kaname moved over to stand in front of Keisha. “Again, I’m very sorry about what happened tonight. My most sincere apologies.”
“That’s okay.” Keisha said with a small nod.
“My apologies to you too…Zero.” He said carefully.
Zero didn’t reply. Pulling out a gun, he handed it to Kaname. It was the one he’d given Yuki – who had given it back today, when asking him to be the one to kill her in the future.
“I think Lady Kuran dropped this.” Zero said simply, walking past. “Keisha, come on.”
Keisha awkwardly nodded thanks to Kaname, before catching up with Zero. Kaname frowned…he’d seen Yuki with this gun, but how had Zero gotten hold of it? Looking out from the balcony, tears slipped down Yuki’s face. He’d returned the gun. He didn’t want anything to do with her. Her only crime being born a pureblood, and then accepting that fate? Another tear slid down her cheek. Zero; why? ...

They walked in silence for a while. Before Keisha finally spoke up.
“Why couldn’t we take the car?” She asked. Zero didn’t reply. She sighed and kept walking. He was so gentle before, why was he again back to the no-talk-only-glare Zero? She looked up at the large mansion. It was an image of perfection…except for a huge hole in one end – the room the fought in.
“What exactly were you thinking going into that room?” Zero asked finally.
She sighed. “A small girl asked me to kill a bad-vampire, because he had her mom. I told her to go get Kaien while I checked it out…”
“Okay, so what on Earth made you think you could handle it on your own??” Zero asked crossly. She didn’t reply. She was a Hunter’s daughter. She believed in justice and she was worried for the girl’s mother; that was the reason.
“I just did.” She said finally. They kept walking; she looked back at the mansion with its hole. “I kinda feel bad. You blew up a hole in their house.”
He didn’t slow. “They’re purebloods. They can fix it.” He replied nonchalantly.
“Thanks for today Zero.” She said. “And I’m sorry for the trouble I caused.” She said softly. Zero stopped walking. He looked at her thoughtfully.
“You scared us to death.” He said. “I want to know why you didn’t just call me straight away. Or Arrau?”
Keisha looked up sheepishly. “You looked busy with Lady Yuki and…Arrau was dancing with Yori. I…I guess it’s probably because I’m a Hunter’s daughter. Maybe it’s just in my blood.”
Zero looked sternly at her but then sighed. “Keisha.” He pulled her in for a hug. She froze at the intimacy. “You got hurt.” He added, brushing her cheek. “It kills me to think what if I hadn’t gotten there in time…” She closed her eyes as a light feeling took over. Everything felt misty for a moment. She opened her eyes to find herself in her room; still in the hands of Zero Kiryu. She looked up into the violet eyes in surprise.
He smiled. “I teleported us.” The trance crashed. He could teleport??
“Then why didn’t you do that before?!” Keisha asked stepping back. He smiled. He could only teleport when certain tides rolled in and they roll in and out at random times. The Shifting Tides. Ohhh yea.
“Good to see you’re feeling better.” He shook his head and stepped outside the room. “Get changed and I’ll cook us up something to eat.” With that, he walked out of the room.
With his departure, she felt the cold envelope her again. She was a fail at being a Hunter. Stripping out of her clothes, she dressed herself in her nightclothes again and stepped out of her room. She could hear the shower running. Walking into the living room, she walked over to the veranda, staring out at the night sky. She rubbed her face in exhaustion. She couldn’t do anything right. Father would have been so…disappointed. She wanted to be a lead Hunter too but…she was always getting rescued. Then there was Zero. He was so…powerful. She curled up on the chair thoughtfully; she never imagined he’d have so much power. It seemed to be greater than even a pureblood!
She shook her head and looked back at the sky. Useless, why did she have to be so absolutely useless? The sound of music had her up with a start. Zero had gotten changed and he walked over. His hair still wet, the smell he had was unique. His aura was even more so. Powerful but mysteriously diverse. He walked up and kneeled down beside her.
“Are you feeling better?” He asked tenderly.
Keisha cleared her throat. “Nothing serious. I think the only thing that really hurts would be my ego.” She joked.
He took her chin in his hand. “Now, about that cut.” He leaned forward. Her eyes widened, thinking he was going to kiss her or something. His lips brushed across the cut on her cheek. She closed her eyes, the slight sting fading. A light tingly feeling where her cut was. She felt the tingling stop and he drew back. She opened her eyes and touched her cheek. She couldn’t feel any cut. It was gone! She looked up at him with surprise.
“Is there anything you can’t do?” She ask bewildered.
He smirked. “You really want an answer to that?” She smiled and got up shaking her head. “All I know is you danced with every vampire at the Kuran Feast; but not me.”
Keisha laughed. “What would a vampire Vampire-Hunter want, dancing with little old me?” She said walking towards the kitchen.
He reached out and took her arm. “Quite a lot actually.”
She grinned and they both stepped into place and began dancing to the faster music playing on the radio. Twirling around with the song she laughed loudly.
“Who knew Mr Grumpy and Serious knew how to have fun.” She said doing another twirl. He pulled her over by the arm and lifting her up he swung her around. She squealed. “Zero!” She laughed. Putting her down softly, he swiftly took her mouth in his. She froze for an instant but then relaxed and followed his lead. Feeling her mind and heart in overdrive, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her hands in his soft hair as his arms snaked around her waist. The kiss deepened and she felt his heart beating against hers. She smiled; what a man. The song came to an end and she finally ended the kiss, completely out of breath. He smiled.
“How’s that for fun?” He smirked cheekily. She looked at him bewildered, still trying to calm herself down. She stepped out of his grasp and shook her head.
“I think I’m out of my mind.” She sighed. He smiled and stepped forward again. Figuring out his intensions, she took another step back scared. He seemed to notice this and stopped. Confusion reflected on his face, and he looked away with a sigh. She felt her heart sink – she hadn’t meant it as a rejection.
“Yeah, you should get some sleep.” He said not looking back at her. Her eyes softened, he was upset… “Are you okay now?” He asked looking up briefly.
She nodded. “Yeah, I—I’m fine.” Was she?
He nodded and moved to the door. Her heart sunk even further.
“Where’re you going?” She asked worried.
He glanced at her before wrapping a cloak around him. “Kaien will need my help. Don’t wait up. Night.” He said walking out. She pressed her hand to her heart.
“Night.” She said. The door closed and she fell to her knees. What was wrong with her?? Getting up slowly, she made her way into her room. Slumping into her bed she looked up at the ceiling. His soft silky silver hair, strong body and violet eyes haunting her thoughts. This feeling had been growing within her for a while now. Was she…in love? She shut her eyes with a sigh.
In love with a vampire?? He was a hunter, but her father hated any creature that drained the blood of others to survive, and she’d always agreed. Leeches, he called them. Kaien used to agree too, until…Juri. She shook her head, but Zero’s image stayed strong in her mind. His very being, his everything swam around her mind and heart. Just one

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