» Fiction » Vampire Knight 3, True.Fantasy [best books to read all time txt] 📗

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of the room.


Opening the house door, both Keisha and Zero marched into the house; still cross. Keisha more so than Zero, of course. Waltzing up the stairs, she walked into her room to get changed.
“Don’t forget to slam the door!” Zero called out. Oh that jerk! Keisha thought aggravated. Quickly stripping out of her uniform and into her pyjamas, she stormed back downstairs.
“For someone who acts all serious and mature; you’re really childish.” She said, opening the fridge, intending to make a salad.
“You’re one to talk.”
“Just shut up, silver-head.” She snapped pouring a bit too much vinegar into the salad. “You’re such a pain. After all the girls might think of you, I’d gladly give up having to live under the same roof with you.” She said picking up a spoon and walking back upstairs. “They can have it for free!”
When she disappeared from sight, Zero let out a sigh. Why was he being such a pain; he’d never fought like this before. Or been this rude. There was just something about her that…uh! It didn’t necessarily anger him. It just…stirred him up inside. Kaien said it clearly though; he had to apologise. If only for the sake of ties with the Association, putting down his little meal, he treaded slowly up the stairs to her room. This was really going to hurt…his ego. He knocked gently on the door.
“Go away Kiryu, I’m tired of arguing.” Her voice reflected her statement.
“That’s a surprise.” He spoke, instantly regretting it. He opened the door and stepped in. She sat cross-legged on her bed eating her salad. The Television was on a sports car channel; but it didn’t look like she was actually watching. She frowned when he walked in.
“Um, hello? You know, there’s this crazy new ethical invention; it’s called privacy. Try exercising it, will you?”
Zero shook his head. “Do you have a reply to everything?”
“Yes, yes I do. Now, go away or I’ll tell uncle you’re bothering me and invading my privacy.”
“I’m shaking.” Zero said sarcastically. Damn it Zero! He thought; you came to apologise.
“What the heck’s your problem anyway?” She snapped, setting aside her salad on the table. “You have to keep having a go at me? How can you possibly hate me so much, when I just got here??”
There was a pause. Zero let out a sigh. “No, that’s not it.” He said quietly. He moved over to the bed and she frowned. “I’d never hate you, Keisha. I was just worried when I saw Hanabusa with you, that’s all.”
“My father’s a leading hunter.” She said simply.
“You’re not, though.” He replied. When she didn’t respond he added. “Look, I came to apologise. I might have overacted and, well, I’m sorry.”
“Might have??” She asked.
“Keisha; you’re not making it any easier for me…”
“I don’t plan to.” She said simply. “Now, if you could take yourself out of my room, it would be much appreciated.” She said, brushing her hair out of her face.
His gaze again fell to her throat and half-exposed shoulder. Feeling his gaze, Keisha casually pulled up her top a bit further. Much to her surprise, Zero moved to sit right in front of her and gently moved her hand from her top, once again exposing part of her bare shoulder. She looked up in shock.
“Zero…?” She asked. His gaze was locked to her throat and neck and he didn’t reply. “I—I thought I asked you to leave.” She said moving back a little.
He looked up at her and her eyes widened. They were crimson. Oh no. Oh no-no-no, please no. Not now! Her vampire weapon was in her uniform! What did the headmaster say? Always keep the weapon on you. She didn’t think he literally meant ‘always’. Maybe she’ll keep it under her pillow from now on.
“You never apologized.” He said huskily. She shook her head.
“Zero, snap out of it!” She breathed. Trying to get distance between them. Taking hold of her arms, he pushed her down to lay on top of her. Oh no; bad-bad, very bad idea. She thought frantically. His soft silver hair spilled onto her cheek and neck as his lips touched her throat. Her hair was spread out on the mattress, and his hand brushed it lightly, before moving down to rest on her waist.
“Zero, I mean it!” She said stiffening as his tongue grazed down her throat and to her shoulder. She tried pushing him off, but his weight pinned her down – barely allowing her to flinch. She squeezed her eyes shut, expecting a sharp pain, but it never came. His breathing was ragged against her skin, and she once again tried struggling against him. His hand snaked up to her face, the thumb brushing lightly against her bottom lip.
“Mean what?” He asked raspingly, his nose lightly grazing the top of her breast. She was about to reply when he suddenly moved up to her face and pressed his lips against hers. She turned her head in rejection, but he followed; holding her head still with his hands. He was merciless. He bit her lip slightly, enough to make her open up to him. She felt for sure he’d feel her heart thudding hard against his chest. Finally giving in, she tried returning the kiss. A smile crept onto his face as he went deeper. She went completely senseless, feeling nothing but Zero. The sound of a door unlocking, however, made her freeze.
“Kids, I’m home! I have some news for you!” It was Kaien.
Zero finally pulled out with a smirk. “Say you’re sorry.”
“Get off.” She said, still trying to calm her frantic heartbeat. He leaned over and pressed their lips together again. She moved to the side. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry Zero!”
Chuckling softly, he moved so their noses met softly. “How hard was that?”
She blushed, and he actually laughed. “It’s not funny!” She scolded. He kept laughing.
“Yes it is.” He laughed.
“Get off or I’ll tell uncle you assaulted me; which, in fact, you did!” She growled. He rolled off and got up.
“I believe, senorita, your heart is still racing like a race car.” He smirked, standing in an arrogant way beside the wall. Instead of replying, she picked up her pillow and threw it in his face. He caught it in one hand and chuckled. “Temper.” He smirked. She got up and fixed her top in annoyance.
“Jerk.” She said simply. Before walking out of the room in annoyance.
“Love you too.” He said walking out behind her.
They both got down the stairs in synch, turning to see Kaien stocking up the fireplace with more firewood. He turned to see them and raised an eyebrow.
“Have you made up?” He asked. Keisha’s heart almost stopped, thinking at first he said ‘made out’. ‘Made up’ she told herself. Turning to glare at Zero, she turned back to Kaien.
“Not really.” She said folding her arms in annoyance.
“We’ve both apologised.” Zero said with a smirk and glance at Keira’s embarrassed expression.
Kaien smiled. “That’s very good to hear!” He sobered down quickly though. “And I have interesting news to share with you also.” Both Keisha and Zero nodded. “We’ve been invited to the Kuran feast.” He said, “And I’d like you both to attend.”
“What?!” Zero and Keisha exclaimed at the same time. “You’re joking.” Zero said, his humour long gone.
“I’m not.” Kaien said with a sigh. “Look, I know it’s probably not a huge joy for both of you, especially you Zero, but the invitation came from Yuki; she wanted her family to be there, her human family.”
“She’s not my family.” Zero said coldly.
“She’s my family though.” Kaien said. “And Lady Miena, Arrau, Yori, Rima and Senri are also attending.”
“I’m not going to any Kuran feast.” Zero said flatly. “I don’t care even if it were her funeral. I’m not going.”
Kaien sighed. “How about you, Keisha?”
Keisha sighed. “I—I guess I’ll go.” She shrugged.
“What?” Zero exclaimed. “No, she’s not going.”
“You’re not the boss of me!” She lashed back. “I’ll go wherever I want to, thank you very much!”
Kaien jumped in immediately. “Kids, don’t you dare start arguing again!” He sighed. “Are you sure, Keisha? It’s not compulsory.”
“I’m not thrilled by the idea of a vampire feast, but…” She shrugged. “But, I’ll go if you’re going, uncle.”
“Oh Keisha!!” Kaien beamed. “You make me so happy!! My darling little girl!” He moved over to envelope her in a hug; which she dodged.
“It’s no big deal. It might be fun.” She shrugged.
Zero let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine! I’ll go.”
Kaien grinned from ear to ear. “Oh my darling children! You’re so sweet!”
“When is it?” Keisha asked.
“Saturday.” Kaien supplied. “In the afternoon, finishes late into the night. You know vampires…”
“I see.” Keisha nodded. “Well okay. Is that what Hanabusa said?”
“Yes. And he said he wouldn’t be back on school grounds without permission and apologised for any disturbances. I didn’t give him permission to talk to Yori or any other day class students.”
“That’s one piece of good news.” Zero said slumping onto the sofa.
“Well, I’m going to bed.” Keira said with a yawn. “Night everyone.” She said turning back to walk back up the stairs and into the room.
When he was sure she was gone, Kaien turned back to Zero, serious again. “You know, Keisha’s father called to see how she’s doing.”
“Yeah?” Zero asked, slipping back into his serious-bored expression.
“He wanted to be certain she’d be okay here.” Kaien sighed. “I’m thinking of giving her access to the Training Centre.”
Zero shrugged. “If you feel that’s best.”
Kaien smiled. “So what exactly caused you to change your mind about the feast, Zero?”
Zero gave him a look and got up. “Well I can’t let you go get Yori and Keisha killed, now can I? Two hunters, two humans and room full of vampires and purebloods. Not that I doubt your renounced title; but that’s still a recipe for disaster.”
“I think you mean three hunters. Keisha’s going as well.”
“She’s not a hunter yet.” Zero said flatly, moving up the stairs to his room. “Just a hunter’s daughter.” Another Quarrel

Sliding her fingers across the wooden cabinet at the end of her room, Miena gave a small smile.
“It’s not exactly 10-star,” She said turning around. “But it’s well-kept.”
“Thank you, my Lady.” Josiah said bowing low again. “My Lady, a vampire by the name of Kāos has requested you audience; he has brought with him sixteen other vampires.”
Miena smiled again, turning around to look as Josiah carefully. “You’re afraid I shall appoint other vampires and leave you in the distance, my sweet Josiah?”
He bowed lower still. “I—I do, my lady. However being of any service to a pureblood is always an honour. I seek no more.”
“Oh Josiah…” Miena smiled sweetly, walking gracefully over stand right in front of him. “I don’t discard those that aid me.” She traced his jaw with her fingers with a growing

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