» Fiction » Vampire Knight 3, True.Fantasy [best books to read all time txt] 📗

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from the kitchen.
“Have you seen my shawl? I brought it down before; but I don’t know where it’s gone.”
“Here.” Zero said. She stopped abruptly and turned to look at him. Zero held a blue and white shawl in his hand. Her gaze brushed over his figure. He hadn’t put in as much effort as he could. He wore a suit, but in his casual style. No tie and rolled up sleeves; clean boots though. She walked over and held out her hand. Spreading it out he, pulled it around her; much to her surprise. He held onto the two ends at the base of her neck and they stared at each other for a long moment.
“I like your bracelet.” He said softly. He touched her wrist with the bracelet gently as if to add weight to his comment. She froze at the touch again. It was so…weird. Finally pulling her hand away she took a step back, strangely disappointed.
“Thanks for the shawl.” She said simply, turning to walk into the kitchen.
Releasing a sigh, Zero turned to watch her leave. “My pleasure.” He said quietly.
The door opened and who else but Yagari walked in smugly.
“You weren’t planning on leaving without me were you?” He asked, in his usual attire.
“Yagari.” Keisha smiled. “Great to see you’re coming.”
“Are the others here yet?” Kaien asked walking out.
“Yori and Arrau are here.” Yagari gestured as a light skinned girl with short light brown hair stepped into the house with a bow. She was dressed in pink and beige. Arrau stepped in after her; dressed well in his suit with a red rose in his pocket. Keisha walked over to Yori and smiled.
“I’m Keisha; pleased to meet you.” She said sticking out her hand.
“I’m Yori.” The girl smiled shaking her hand. “I guess we’d better make a start.”
Kaien laughed. “You’ll meet Yuki soon enough Yori. Come on let’s get going, Miena is probably waiting with the others at the gates.”
Arrau stepped in front of Keisha with a teasing smile. “What and you’re not pleased to meet me?”
Keisha smiled back. “Sure I am…”
He laughed and enveloped her in a small hug. “Okay then, shall we get going?”
“I think we shall.” Yagari smiled walking out.
Keisha smiles. “Who’s the rose for?”
Arrau laughed. “We’ll see.” Rolling his eyes, Zero walked out after Yagari.
They stepped outside to see a car roll up to them; a limo. The window slid down slowly and Miena sat inside, some strands of her blood red hair fell on her face.
“Well-well-well; it seems you could all do with a ride.” She said.
Kaien smiled. “Thank you Miena.” Opening the door, he stepped inside, followed by the others. As luck had it, Keisha had to squeeze in beside Kiryu. Joy. The car pulled out of the paths and onto the road.
“We’ll be there in 20 minutes.” The driver spoke.
“Thanks Kāos.” Miena replied. She glanced at and smiled. “Keisha, how are you.”
“I’m alright.” Keisha replied. “Rima, Senri.” She greeted. They raised their hands.
“Hey.” Rima spoke. Senri yawned.
“So what are we gonna do there?” Zero asked flatly.
“Enjoy yourself, Zero.” Miena replied, before Kaien.
“Are we going to be…you know, the only humans there?” Yori asked.
“We are.” Kaien replied from beside the driver. “But that doesn't mean anything really. It’s just like any other party…”
“Until you tick someone off.” Zero added. “Look, just stay close to us. Okay?”
Yori nodded. “I just…I just want to see Yuki. Is she doing well? Is Kaname treating her properly? How does she fit in in her new life? You know…”
Zero arched an eyebrow. Keisha smiled. “Of course Yori.” Kaien said. “I’ll take you.”
The car hit a bump, and they all swung sideways. Keisha collided into Zero with a thud. He wrapped his arms around her to prevent a chain reaction of falls. The car sped on.
“Uh…” Keisha looked up. Violet eyes, just as shocked as she felt. Heart thudding a little louder, she pulled away with a blush. An awkward silence fell upon them until Yagari cracked up laughing.
“Care to share what’s so funny?” Zero asked giving him a look.
“Nothing really.” He laughed. “Anyway we’ll be arriving at the hall soon enough.”
Zero gave him a look, before turning to gaze out of the window; Miena’s gaze heavy on him.


The soft music of the orchestra radiated from the Kuran House. They had a formal welcome from the footmen, who escorted them into the hall. The hall and footmen stopped and bowed lowly to the ground as they entered. Lady Miena – of course; pureblood influence. The interior was magnificent. Keisha walked in with awe. Large chandeliers hung off the roof, curtains were of a dark red royal colour. Tables were set up along the walls with appetizers. She looked carefully – they seemed normal enough. She winced, though what if there was weird filling and stuff? Like blood in the spring rolls. Her through tightened in disgust – she wouldn’t be hungry tonight.
“Would you like a drink?” A voice asked from behind her. She swung around to look into the same icy blue eyes of Hanabusa. She smiled.
“No thank you.” She shrugged. “I’m alright.” He laughed. She quirked her eyebrow. “What’s so funny?”
He shook his head still laughing. “The drinks aren’t spiked. They’re normal drinks you’d have had. Lemonade, juice…and blood.” He chuckled. Her eyes widened and he laughed again. “Just a joke. There’s no blood. We vampires aren’t that lowly.”
She smirked. “Aren’t you?”
‘No, not really.” His smiled widened as he looked behind her. “Zero! How kind of you to join us.”
She turned to see his grumpy figure looking daggers at the blonde vampire. She turned her back on him and turned to walk to the tables. Despite what he had said – she still felt weary about eating anything there, but a glass of water couldn’t hurt.
“Keisha Naoi Vinn.” A man said with a smile at her. “Only daughter of a top ranking Hunter Jiaozuo Vinn. One sibling. Male. Arrau Vinn. Mother Zany Vinn. Attends school at Cross Academy.”
She looked at him surprised. “Seems you really have me mapped out. Now may I ask who you might be?”
He smiled and stepped forward. “Ladino Pavaki.” He grinned. “At your service.”
“And…you know so much about me because…?”
He chuckled. “My father works in the council. We need to keep tabs on leading hunters. You’re father for instance.”
“And her daughter?” Keisha asked arching an eyebrow.
“I was told you would be here tonight. Along with three other hunters; yet I count four others.”
She smiled. “Why is it only vampires can see me as a Hunter? Zero pretty much laughed at the very idea.”
He frowned. “Zero Kiryu? He’s a hotspot of investigation. Especially after what happened with the Kurans.” She nodded. He continued on. “He’s leading the charts in the most feared hunter. He took on Rido, and killed two purebloods.”
Keisha sighed. “Yeah, I read the hunter’s files but…you never really know.” She shrugged.
He sighed. “Allow me to sign my death warrant and have a dance with a vampire hunter, Miss Vinn…”
She had a strange feeling, a sudden urge to agree to the dance. “Okay.” She laughed. “And don’t worry; I won’t kill you until perhaps after the dance.”
He struck out his hand with a smile. “Very well. I may as well enjoy my last dance then, hey?” She looked a bit uncomfortable, but then shrugged.
“Alright, one dance.” She took his hand. Smiling broadly, he pulled her into the centre and began dancing. She could feel the eyes of vampires on her since she first entered the room, but they seemed…heavier now.
“You’re so tense.” He remarked. “Block everyone else out.”
She glanced at him with a funny look. “How do you know whether or not everyone else is bothering me or not?”
He smiled. “Because I’m only half vampire and so I understand both vampire and human thinking and actions very well.”
Keisha tilted her head interested. “Half?” She smiled inwardly, that made more sense. The other vampires seemed a lot more hostile. She’d wondered why he was being friendly to a hunter.
“Mhm.” He nodded. “And I can sense thoughts.”
“You’re psychic?”
“Not exactly…” He shrugged. “But sort of. I can’t tell exactly what you’re thinking. But yeah.”
“Interesting.” Keisha smiled. She glanced at Zero leaning against the wall beside Yori and Arrau across the hall. She still felt a bit weird dancing with a total stranger. Why did she say yes?? That was totally out of character for her! He laughed.
“Sorry.” He smiled. “I have influence on others thoughts. I may have…” He had swayed her thoughts!
Keisha stopped abruptly. “You don’t have to be a psychic to know the end of that sentence. Just so you know; I hate the very thought of being manipulated.”
He smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.”
She stepped back into pace with the music slipping a smirk. “But I admire honesty.”
He grinned. “I thought you might.”
She laughed out loud. “And you’re a comedian. What was your name again?”
“Ladino. But I’m usually just called Dino by my friends.”
“Nice.” She grinned, speeding up with the music. “Dino it is.”
Trouble at the Kurans'

“So when is Yuki coming?” Yori asked for the hundredth time. Zero sighed irritably.
“I don’t know, and I don’t really care.” Zero said. “Just wait for a bit. Or ask Kaien.”
“Headmaster?” She asked. “Okay, hold on.” She walked down the hall to where Yagari and Kaien stood talking together in low voices.
“I don’t like it.” Arrau said leaning on the wall beside Zero. “Kiki shouldn’t be dancing with some strange vampire.” He said frowning. Zero shut his eyes; he’d seen them too. He didn’t like it either.
“You’re sister’s quite a handful.” Zero commented.
“She is.” Arrau agreed. “About the Academy though; after the huge reconstruction both the Senate and Vampire Council have had because of the…events that happened there – is this human-vampire structure really going to help?”
“I doubt it.” Zero admitted. “But it’s what the old man wants.” Zero tilted his head towards Kaien.
They stood staring and Keisha dancing and talking vivaciously with her vampire dance partner. Finally Arrau and Zero both let out a long sigh.
“Why don’t you go fetch her?” Zero asked.
“Like she’ll ever listen to me.” Arrau said rolling his eyes. “Why don’t you go?”
Zero gave him a look. “She hates my guts.”
Arrau shook his head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with her. She hates most vampires.” Zero felt a sinking feeling in his stomach for some strange reason. Arrau continued. “I think we’ll need to get her some more combat training. She’s been asking for it but…father and I didn’t see why she’d need it so soon.”
Zero frowned. “How much does she have?”
“A bit of the basics.” Arrau shrugged. “Oh well, she’s as stubborn as a mule when she wants to be. I’m just going to go get some cake.”
“Kay.” Zero

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