» Fiction » Vampire Knight 3, True.Fantasy [best books to read all time txt] 📗

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smile. “I am not Kaname Kuran.” He froze at the mention of their previous Dorm President. With a small chuckle, she continued to stroke his cheek gently.
“Yes my lady…” He said, hypnotised by Miena’s touch.
“All I ask is for your undying loyalty, as I ask from all those I choose to keep…close.” She whispered seductively. “You will grant me that, won’t you sweet Josiah?”
Josiah gulped, feeling the close proximity with the Lady Miena jarring his very soul. “Forever, My Lady. I will remain loyal to you until my last breath.”
“I know you will…” She said sweetly moving back. “Let Kāos in.”
“Of course, my lady.” He said. Getting up quietly, he quickly walked out of the room.
Miena smirked; they were so easy. No wonder they were played so easily by Kaname. She turned back to the large window opposite the door. The bright round moon in the blue-black sky…how beautiful. Her simple long silver flute appeared in her left hand, raising it softly to her lips, she began to play. The melodious tune was carried off by the winds, travelling to every corner of the Night dorm and the fields outside. For a while she kept playing the tune beautifully; it was a sound of perfection, of grace and beauty. She played effortlessly; string the notes perfectly along in time and pitch. After a few moments longer, she softly ended the piece.
She smiled; things were at peace – for now. She should know better than anyone; peace doesn’t ever last very long. Slipping the flute back into her coat. She waited for the vampires outside her door to finally decide to knock. They did.
“Come in.” She said, moving to sit onto the new divan she’d ordered. He stepped in; Kāos. Dark brown hair, of average height and build but with eyes as black as charcoal. Stepping forward three steps, then kneeling down as he always did.
“My Lady Miena.” He greeted respectfully.
“Dear Kāos.” She smiled. “Please, get up.” He rose back to his feet.
“As you wish. I have brought vampires who approached me and asked to come to the Academy.” He said gesturing to the door. “A man named Josiah is showing them to their rooms.”
“I see.” She nodded. “And who is still waiting outside the door?”
The door opened again, and in entered two vampires. A girl with orange hair tied up in pigtails and a boy with purple brown hair and grey blue eyes.
“This is Rima Touya and Senri Shiki.” Kāos introduces. “They wished to see you in person.”
“Very well.” Miena nods. “You may leave for now Kāos; I would think they would like to talk to me in person, privately.”
With a nod, Kāos’s body vaporised, as he left the trio in peace.
“I heard of your loyalty to Kaname Kuran.” Miena said tossing her hair back. “Not that it matters now. However, I also heard of the loss of dear Takuma Ichijo. My deepest condolences to you both.”
Their eyes widened at the motion. Rima looked away with a sigh. “We came to see who the new president was. Miena Tori, am I correct?”
“Indubitably.” Miena smiled and got up with a sigh. “So I must ask. Regarding Takuma’s sword; I would hope you have kept it somewhere secure.”
Senri looked up this time. There was silence for a while, and then he spoke. “Yes.”
Miena turned to look out the window again. “I can bring him back you know.”
Both Rima and Senri looked back suddenly. “How?” They both asked in union. When Miena didn’t reply, Rima sighed.
“You’re lying.” Rima frowned.
Miena laughed and turned to face the two. “Such little faith?” She shook her head. “I can, but I know he is devoted only and only to Kaname Kuran. If I raise him from his coffin, he will have to accept me as his master.”
Senri frowned. “So…you can find him for us? Bring him back?”
“If he’s ready to bind his life to mine; yes, I can.” Miena supplied. “However, that is his choice. Kaname could have well brought him back, for a small price of course, but he didn’t.” Miena smirked. “But perhaps he didn’t require Takuma’s further service…”
“Takuma gave his life for Lord Kaname!” Rima shouted. “How could Lord Kaname turn his back on him?!”
“But on the same token, perhaps I am wrong, although that doesn’t happen very often. Perhaps Kaname has his own reasons for turning away from Takuma.”
Senri spoke up this time. “We just wanted to know exactly what you wanted from us.”
“I want nothing, except whatever you wish to give, Senri.” Miena spoke smoothly. “However if you are asking why I came here? Perhaps as time flows on, the answer will be as clear as the full moon in the night sky.”
Rima and Senri glanced at each other before bowing down. “Yes, Lady Miena.”
The sound of a flute woke Keisha up. She wasn’t really in deep sleep before anyway, getting up quietly, she opened her window and letting in the cool night breeze. She breathed in the fresh smell of the early spring night air. It smelt beautiful. Hmm…how about a quick stroll outside? She knew that Prefects were supposed to patrol during the night as well as the day, but Kaien had insisted in the letter she let Zero handle the night. She smirked, he’d insisted not ordered. Slipping her Hunter’s knives into her belt, she slipped on her shoes and leapt out of the window to the short distance to the ground. Landing gracefully, she turned to the path to the Academy gates. Running sprightly down the paths and through the forest area, she made her way into the school, her long black hair flying around her.
She finally reached the fountain area and stopped to catch her breath. She loved running; especially on a cool but not too cold night like this. She sat down exhausted.
“Ai amah!” She breathed. “That was fun, but exhausting.” She turned around to splash some water onto her face. Sighing gratefully, she leant back on the fountain edge and closed her eyes. She lay tuning herself in with the environment. There was no one nearby, but she felt too tired to be sure. Patrolling probably involved more ‘guarding’ and less ‘kick back and relaxing’, but the headmaster did say Zero had it relatively under control.
“What are you doing?” It was Zero. Uh! You’re not meant to be here, she thought; Go away! Instead she sat up with a sigh and gave him the bored look he usually gave her.
“Patrolling.” She answered. He folded him arms and gave her a look.
“Go to bed girly; you’ll only get in the way.” He said. “You seem to be doing more relaxing than patrolling.” Don’t you think I know that? She thought sarcastically. She got up and folded her arms, taking his stance.
“Get in the way? Girly?” She asked. “You act as if this is some mafia undercover work. How can I possibly get in your way as you waltz around making sure little day-class kids are in bed and night-class are in class?” She asked, giving him a look. “It’s like babysitting.”
He sighed. “You’re always ready for a fight aren’t you?” He walked over to the fountain. “There are classes of vampires running in that room, and always the possible lovesick human girl or boy, who thinks it’s okay to go take photos of them, or even talk to them. Honey, there’s a bloody pureblood in there. What do you think happens if she finds one and gets a little thirsty?”
“Then go protect them.” Keisha answers in the same tone.
“What if she finds you here and gets thirsty?”
“Bad luck for her.”
“Keisha, please!” He sighed. “You don’t know what you’re dealing with here. You can’t act like—,” He stopped short.
“I can’t act like what, Zero?” She asked, confused. He turned around to face a figure behind them.
“Well well…” A girl chucked. “Keisha Vinn and Zero Kiryu. I thought I sensed two hunter bred rogues.”
“Miena.” Zero said simply. She stepped out from behind the trees and into the moonlight. Lady Miena Tori.
“Zero.” She returned. “Hm.” She smiled tapping her silver flute to her cheek thoughtfully. “Correct me if I’m wrong Kiryu, but I don’t believe you ever formally introduced me to your little friend there. How rude.”
Zero narrowed his eyes. “What do you want, pureblood?”
She laughed. “You’re so funny, my sweet Kiryu. I’m asking you to introduce me, of course.” Zero didn’t flinch. Feeling a little awkward, Keisha raised her hand in the friendliest way she could muster.
“I’m Keisha.” She supplied. “Nice to meet you.”
Miena smiled. “Likewise.” She drifted a bit closer. “I’m sure you know who I am, though. But allow me to reintroduce myself; I’m Miena.”
“Miena Tori, yes?” Keisha asked. “Your parents own the Torrita Star Resorts, don’t they?”
She stiffened for an instant, but then relaxed again. “They do. I see you did your research.” She said moving to stand beside Keisha.
“We have other places to secure, Vinn, let’s go.” Zero said flatly, locking gazes with Miena.
Miena smirked. “Well then in that case; don’t let me keep you.”
“Come on Keisha.” Zero said walking back away from the fountains.
“Uh…see ya.” She said uncomfortably to the pureblood, before turning to follow Zero. As soon as she got out of hearing range, Zero turned to face her heatedly.
“You’re such an idiot, Vinn!!” He said angrily.
“What?” Keisha gave him a confused look.
“You won’t come out patrolling again; is that understood?!” He said.
“Why not?!”
“Because I said so!” Zero fumes. “God Keisha, will you stop irritating me like this?! You’re so damned pigheaded, you don’t listen – you just argue! You drive me bloody crazy! I can’t work with someone like you!! Why can’t you be more like Yuki, and just be a bit more compliant!?? Heck, if it weren’t for Kaien and your father, I doubt I’d have to put up with you!” He’d only said the words before realising what he’d said and turned away with a sigh. They both stood silently, soaking in his harsh words. More like Yuki? Her father and Kaien? She drove him crazy and irritated him? “Keisha…I—,”
“Shut up, Kiryu.” Keisha cut in. “You’ve said enough.” She turned around; she’d fought with him before, but this time she felt she could be close to tears. Taking in a deep breath; she ran.
“Keisha!!” His voice echoed as she only ran faster, her hair flying wildly, her shoes digging in further in the ground. She heard him call out again, but his voice was more distant and she ran faster and faster. Her breath more ragged as she approached the path leading to the house. You obviously don’t want me around Zero, she thought, so have it your way. A bit of revenge

“Lady Yuki, I’m not sure that dress will be…adequate. Try this one.” Ruka suggested, handing Yuki a pink and white dress with lacy fringes.
Yuki almost pulled a face, but then nodded. “I’ll try

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