» Fiction » Vampire Knight 3, True.Fantasy [best books to read all time txt] 📗

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there; you’re making me nervous.” She spoke; her voice amplified though his chest. What on Earth was going on? Feeling a bit confused, Zero turned and walked out without another word. What in the name of…? Who was she?
“Goodnight to you too Zero.” Keisha says rolling her eyes. “You know there’s a think called common courtesy. Nothing fancy, but is being a little more polite gonna kill you?”
Unbeknown to her, he had stood in front of the door and heard her sarcastic comment, before stepping away to get ready for patrolling the school grounds. Putting her physics book away, she pulled out her stuff from her suitcase and began putting it all away. Tomorrow was her first day. She really did want to see the school. It could be fun.
The morning rays lit up his room and Zero got up with a sigh. He didn’t dream tonight like he usually did. Brushing his face lightly, he looked at the clock; 2 hours until the gates open. Giving an exasperated sigh, he got up and moved to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get dressed. He only reached for the handle, when the door opened and Keisha looked up in surprise; her hair was wet and she wore a towel around her body. Apparently we had similar plans, he thought.
“It’s all yours.” She says casually, brushing past him towards her room. His head swivelled to follow her, but he stepped into the bathroom and began stripping off his clothes to take a shower. Unfortunately, due to his vampire senses, he could still smell Keisha’s scent in the bathroom. He breathed it in and much to his dismay, it smelt…nice. Growing more frustrated with himself he stepped into the shower, but images of her showering where he just stood flashed through his mind, solidified by clear her scent. He almost growled in frustration. Why did she have to come here?! Who was she anyway? Come on Zero, get a grip. Yuki. Normally he’d avoid thinking about Yuki at all, but the situation was dire. He tried remembering her time as human, but felt her fall deeper and deeper into the blackness…Keisha’s scent surrounded him again. Close to angry, he stopped the shower and stepped out to quickly get changed and opened the door to exit the bathroom. He bounded down the stairs to find Kaien and Keisha making breakfast and chatting cheerfully.
“Zero!” The headmaster smiled. “Look at this; Keisha helped me with breakfast and look what we made; Samosas!” Zero grunted a reply and sat down at the table. “Someone’s in a grumpy mood.” Kaien smiled putting a plate in front of him. Zero ignored the comment and decided to eat his breakfast.
“How is it?” Keisha asked grinning. Zero barely looked up.
“Not enough salt.” He said finally. Keisha gave him a look, but then took the salt container and tossed it at him. Catching it deftly, he set it aside. “It’s alright, I like it.” He said without looking up.
Keisha pretended to almost choke. “Was that…a compliment?”
Zero did look up this time, his violet eyes as cool as ever. “Take it as you want.” He said simply. Kaien shook his head.
“Sometime I really wonder how my son could be such a grouch.”
“I’m not your son.” Zero says finishing up his Samosa. “Go get ready, we’ll be leaving in ten minutes, and remember your prefect armband.”
Keisha glanced at the headmaster, who pulled out a white armband with the cross logo. Taking it with a nod of thanks, Keisha bounded back up to her room.
“You know, I don’t see why you have to be so rude to her Zero.” Kaien sighed.
Zero frowned. “How was I rude?”
“I tasted the Samosa and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.” Kaien said. “Not to mention your reception wasn’t the warmest yesterday either – I was listening.”
“What did you want me to do? Hugs and kisses, a ‘welcome to the house of Cross’ anthem?”
“No. A ‘Welcome’ would have sufficed.” Kaien said sternly. “Anyway, she’ll be down any moment. Do you plan to show her how to deal with the day-class first or show her around.”
“She has a job to do.” Zero answered simply. “She’ll do that first.”
“Okay, I’m ready. Do we go?” Keisha asked walking down the stairs. She was dressed in the Day-class uniform, with black jacket and skirt, white shirt and long black stockings. She plaited her hair and tied it off with a red ribbon.
Zero glanced at the headmaster, who raised his eyebrows as to say ‘go on’, and turned back to the new prefect.
“Fine. Come on.” Zero said, putting his plates in the sink and finishing his glass of water.
They trotted out of the house and down the path to the gates. Zero had been…cold, to her, which she took as an affront. No matter how hot a guy may or may not be; it didn’t give him the right to look down on others like this. So if he wouldn’t speak with her, she wouldn’t speak with him. They reached the gates in silence to find a crowd of day-class students surrounding the gates.
“So what do I do?” Keisha spoke finally. It had to be asked.
“Since the headmaster thought you would make such a good prefect, and given your arrogance, I’d have though you wouldn’t need the instructions.” Zero scoffed.
That was an affront for sure, Keira scowled. This man was starting to get on her Hunter nerves. Fine.
“Fine then.” She said, stalking ahead of him. Zero smirked; this would be interesting. “Okay; listen up people!!” She shouted. Surprisingly, everyone turned to look at their new prefect, and stopped shouting and cheering over the gates. “There’s a few things I’d like to vocalise.” She said standing in her most authoritarian posture.
“Who are you??” A girl nearby asked. Good question, Zero thought, leaning on a tree beside the group casually.
“I’m Keisha, I’m your new prefect…and let me tell you, and by the looks of things, it seems it’s a going to be a tiresome job. We have a problem, see. You want to crowd around a gate shouting and carrying on like you were for some reason and…”
“We want to see the night-class students!” Another girl shouted. Many others shouted in agreement.
“Okay…” Keisha nodded. “But the night-class students are tired and probably want to go to sleep. But don’t worry, I have a solution.” She voiced proudly. Zero smirked; she was quite the interesting person, quirky. What solution could she possibly have that Yuki and he couldn’t have thought of?
“What’s that?” A boy asked.
“Well, how about you look at them all you want, without stepping on this footpath…” She started.
“We’re forced to do that already!” A girl complained. “That’s a dumb idea.”
“Well maybe if you expanded you attention span just by a fraction, you might actually hear my solution as a whole.” Keisha mocked. There was a pause, before laughter erupted across the crowd. Even Zero could help smiling broadly; something he’d hadn’t done for years.
“Go on.” Zero said loudly. She flashed him a glare and turned back to the crowd.
“So, if you look, and I mean you can even wave or whatever, at these oh-so-special men and women you believe as the night-class…we could hold a seasonal or even monthly dinner at dawn, where both day-class and night-class students can talk and get along. So that you can actually talk and be friends with them when they can actually talk and be friends back. They’re probably tired and exhausted at this time, so you’re wasting your energy anyway. What do you say?” Huh, that was a pretty good idea – except since they’re vampires, they should be kept a mile away from humans at all times.
A slow clapping came from the crowd, the tall boy clapping grinned. Arrau.
“I think it’s an excellent idea, sister.” He says. Zero got up with a start, her idea was presented beautifully, even he thought it ingenious when he heard it; but he can’t allow this to happen! There was enough contact between the classes as it is. The crowd clapped and a few boys whistled, earning a death glare from Zero – causing them to shut up immediately.
“Oh Keisha, you’re kind!” A girl exclaimed. “You’re the best prefect. I’d totally not be such a hassle knowing you actually understand us, or at least try and give us what we want too.”
The gates opened, the crowd turned to look at the night-class. Keisha stopped to see what the fuss could be about. They were vampires. She smirked; obviously it was their looks that captured the crowd’s attention. And those, whose attention was not caught, would be caught in the crowd.
“Okay everyone; let’s give the night-class some space!” Keisha says moving to the end of the footpath. Obligingly, the students stepped back, much to Zero’s surprise, and besides a few waves and calls, no more was exchanged. Impossible. Many of the guys and girls swarmed around Keisha, with welcomes and other phatic communicational exchanges. Feeling a bit aggravated, Zero went in and fished Keisha out, much to the crowd’s dismay.
“Okay, now get to class.” Zero said firmly. “Now.”
As the crowd dispersed, Keisha began struggling. “Let go, you big brute!” He dropped her down and she brushed her clothes. “What’s your problem anyway!?”
“We can’t hold a monthly dinner! They see enough of the night class as it is! It’s not how we do things here.”
“Since the headmaster thought I would make such a good prefect, I guess I don’t need the instructions.” She says. “This is how I roll. If it wasn’t what you wanted, maybe you should’ve just said so when I asked!”
“You’re really starting to get on my nerves.”
“You’re already on my nerves, silver-head. Now, if you don’t mind, I have a school to explore.” She says turning around. Reaching out, he took her wrist. She froze. The touch again took over her senses. Zero could feel it too, and he wanted to let go – but he couldn’t. It was unreal. She turned around to face him confused. What was this?
“Zero Kiryu.” A voice behind them spoke. The both turned to look at the tall night-class girl, with dark red hair and green eyes; she was most definitely a pureblood. Beside her stood Kaien. Zero tightened his hold on Keisha and she winced; what was wrong with this guy?
“And I suppose you are Lady Miena Tori.” Zero spoke.
“I am.” She spoke.
“She just got here this morning.” Kaien explained. “She thought it’d be best if she came early. She requested you would show her around the school.”
“The day-classes are running. Not night-class students allowed.” Zero said firmly.
“Yes, and I told her it would be your choice. You may choose to give her one quick tour now…or tonight – when you’re on duty.” Kaien said. “It’s completely up to you. Then there’s my darling Keisha.” He smiled warmly at her. “You could give two tours in one!”
Zero glanced at Keisha and she pulled on her wrist. He kept his grip locked. “I don’t know.”
“Oh please…” Keisha rolled her eyes. “Uncle, I know this idiot enough. Maybe I could get another day-class student to give me a tour.”
Zero’s jaw ticked. “Fine.” He said, letting Keisha hand go. “A quick tour.”
Kaien nodded. “Wonderful. Have fun, all of you. But remember to come visit me after school Guardians, okay?”
“Guardians?” Keisha asked.
“He sometimes calls us that.” Zero explained in a low voice.
“You’ve got to be kidding.” Keisha says shaking her head.
“Well then, Kiryu, let’s get this tour started, shall we?” Miena purred, taking hold of his hand and pulling him into the school. With a small wave to her ‘uncle’, Keisha made her way into the Academy as well. Something told it was going to be a long day…
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