» Fiction » Vampire Knight 3, True.Fantasy [best books to read all time txt] 📗

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you wish, I could send Hanabusa to check up on them for you.”
Yuki smiled. “Yes; I think I would like that. Thankyou Kaname.”
“You are my fiancé; there is nothing you need to thank me for.” Kaname smiles. “However I believe Ruka won’t be too happy reheating our dinner.”
“I’ll just clean up and I’ll be down.” Yuki nods.


Keisha soon appeared to the kitchen area, drying out her long black hair. She wore clean blue pyjamas, with only her simple necklace and bracelet she wore when she first came in. Zero barely glanced at her, and continued to eat his dinner. The smell of lasagne was overpowering, closing her eyes she breathed in the scent, a smile spreading across her face.
“Oh, uncle! That smells divine!” She grinned, moving over to the table. “I knew you could cook, but this is…magical.”
Kaien laughed. “My cooking is magical, but Zero made dinner today.”
“Zero?” She asked bewildered. “You can cook?” Zero barely looked up.
“It’s good isn’t it?” Kaien smiled.
Spooning up some warm lasagne, she took a bite. A grin spread across her face. “Great.” The three continued to dig in when she looked around again. “Wait, where’s Arrau?”
“Yagari came in while you were in the shower; Arrau’s headed off to the boy’s dorm, he’s now the day-class president. Yagari thought a hunter would be best for the job.”
“Yagari?” Keisha frowned. “The one we saw at New Year’s? With the eye-patch?” Zero stopped suddenly, but then continued his eating again.
“That’s the one.” Headmaster replied smiling. Keisha nodded and they soon fell into silence again. Although she didn’t mind eating in silence, she wanted to talk to the silver-head. Find out what his problem was with her and if she had to be stuck with that jerk for the rest of the school term.
“Someone’s at the door.” Zero spoke. Keisha blinked – no there wasn’t. Someone knocked on the door. Okay…so maybe there was. Kaien had already headed out to the door and I decided to continue with the lasagne until he returned.
“Do you want a drink?” It was Zero, who’d asked. Keisha shook her head. “Suit yourself.”
She decided to reflect his silent treatment back onto him and so simply continued to eat. She soon finished though, and putting her cutlery in her plate, she picked it up and headed across the room, to put it in the sink. She turned the tap on, feeling the cool water on her hands – maybe she should wash the dishes; it’s the least she could do, Kaien had always been so kind to her.
“You don’t need to wash them.” Zero said from right behind her. “I’ll do them.”
Keisha turned around with a semi-annoyed look. “I know how to wash dishes. I’ll manage it fine.” She said, reaching out to take his plate. He stopped her midway by taking her hand, and she froze. She lost her senses everywhere except in that hand. She couldn’t even feel the water over her other hand. What the…?
“Kids, Yagari’s back! Set another plate up will you?” Kaien’s voice floated to them from the door.
Quickly snatching her own hand away, she closed the tap and moved away from Zero to the table. Her senses had returned, but her hand felt…sensitive. She quickly started setting up the table for Yagari. The sound of water running in the sink had her turning around, and sure enough, Zero was cleaning the plates. With a short sigh, she finished setting up as Yagari and Kaien walked into the room.
“Mr Yagari.” Keisha greeted with a small wave.
The tall man still had the same get-up. A large brown coat, his hunters’ hat and of course the eye patch. He pushed back his black hair from his good eye and gave me a small smile.
“Miss Vinn.” He nodded. “Good to see you. How’s your father?”
She shrugged. “Same as always, I suppose.”
He nodded. “Nice to hear. Has Kaien run you through everything?”
She grew serious. “I read the report from the Hunters’ Association on the events that took place at Cross Academy a few weeks ago, and uncle did run me through what needs to be done. But I feel as if there’s still something he hasn’t told me…on purpose.”
Yagari glanced at the headmaster, before turning back to Keisha. “Maybe you should drop by to the office after school tomorrow. We’ve got a few things we’d like to clear up.”
She nodded. “Okay. Now I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to get some study done, and then get some sleep for tomorrow.”
“Of course dear!” Kaien exclaimed. “You have a very big day tomorrow, and Zero will show you around and see you to your classes. Maybe you could even check out the town square while you’re at it. Maybe we could even have lunch together as a family! And…”
“You best go before the old man hurts himself in his excitement.” Yagari cuts in.
“Hey!” Kaien protests. Keisha laughed.
“Okay, night everyone.” She smiled, bounding up the stairs to her room. Now for some quick study…yay.


The large door opened and out stepped young woman with dark red hair cascading down past her shoulders, with a few strands tied back with a white ribbon. She wore a white school jacket with a black shirt and white skirt. Her figure was slim but strong and her green-blue eyes were set firmly on the limo in front of the large house. Held tightly in her right hand, was a thin silver flute; off the end of which hung strings of light silver beads. Her skin was a reflection of perfection, not a spot out of place – she was a vampire. Today would be her first day…or night, at the Academy.
“Lady Miena Tori.” The driver called. “All is ready, my lady.”
She brushed back her hair and walked down the steps to the car, this would be interesting at the very least. Stepping into the car, she gestured to driver to drive on, and the made their way down the road.
She didn’t know an awful lot about the academy, but she knew more than enough about the history it shared with the Kuran family and the Kiryu. Not to mention two of the top vampire hunters taught there…and a third studied there. Zero Kiryu. She smiled. He was one of a kind. Extremely rare possession indeed. Stronger of two twins born to a prominent Hunter’s family, consumed the blood of three purebloods, drained his twin and thus gaining even more strength, and best of all; he too was a vampire, after Shizuka Hio converted him. He also had been the one to kill Kaname’s uncle; Rido Kuran. She smirked; he was indeed one in a billion.
“Mistress, would you like to bid your farewell to Lord and Lady Tori? They’re staying not too far from here.” The driver voiced.
“No, Chian, I’d rather not. We go straight to the Academy.” Miena spoke in her cool smooth voice. “I would hate to be late on my first day.”
“Yes Mistress.” The driver nodded, turning at the next corner. Chian had been her driver ever since she could remember, and he knew perfectly well why she’d rather keep her distance from her parents…well her mother, to be precise.
She zoned back into her evaluation of the Academy. Another key player in its history – Yuki Kuran. She’d heard that Kiryu had a soft spot for the girl, but after she returned to her pureblood state, he vowed to kill her, as he would other purebloods. The thought made her smile. He’d most likely be the most amusing character of them all, no doubt. Shizuka never realised how lucky she really was. Then there’s the headmaster, a legendary Hunter until he retired and lived off beliefs of passivism, and built the school to forge better relations between the vampire word and the human world. He too had a history with the Kuran family, especially with Kaname’s mother, Juri. He put away his sword for her, and his pacifist beliefs rooted from his…acquaintance with her. She did a good job; eliminating the most feared hunter in an ingenious manner. Although rumour had it, that Juri had actually felt love for him too, Miena doubted it. These humans were such fools.
“Chian; how much do you know about the Kurans?” She asked casually.
“I’ll be honest mistress; not much aside from their high standing in society as purebloods and that they have had many conflicts in the past…”
“Haven’t we all?”
He glanced at her from the driver’s mirror and nodded. “Indeed. I guess conflict arise easily with power.”
“Indeed…” Miena replied thoughtfully. “It is almost as if it were our curse.”
Chian remained silent, focusing only in his driving. With a small sigh, Miena turned back to gaze out the window, contemplating the secrets of the pureblood world.
New to the job

“To explore the forces acting on a beam of electrons in a particle accelerator, we also need to consider the effect of a magnetic field on a charged particle.” Keisha sighed, turning the page; physics sucked. “…since F is equal to Q V B, in the case of magnetic field of a particle accelerator…”
“F must equal E V B.” A masculine voice supplied. The door opened and Zero walked in.
“What do you want?” Keisha asked a bit rudely.
“Kaien sent me to make sure you’d set up in your new room.” His gaze fell to the floor where my suitcase lay; opened but still filled with all my clothes and belongings. “Which you apparently haven’t.”
“I’ll do it myself later.” She says sitting up on my bed frustrated. “Thank him for the concern, but I can manage fine. You probably need the sleep yourself.” Ignoring her comment, he picked up the suitcase and lifted it onto the bed.
“I’m patrolling the school grounds to make sure the night-class students and day-class students aren’t sneaking around the school grounds and getting into trouble. So I won’t be sleeping soon anyhow.”
“All night?” Keisha asked puzzled.
“Not all night. But for the peak hours for sure.” He opened her suitcase further to look inside.
“Hey!!” Keisha leaped across to where he put the suitcase. “That’s my personal stuff. I’m not letting you go through it!”
He looked at her with a bored expression. “Well obviously you don’t know how to unpack. I’m just doing as the headmaster said; help Keisha unpack if she needs it. You clearly do.”
“I do not!” She exclaimed frustrated. “I swear; you’re so annoying! Leave me alone.” She says half-heartedly.
Turning the suitcase around, she ruffled through it while muttering about men. Zero couldn’t help but smirk, but it quickly faded as he got a glance of her features. Her long black hair fell to her side, exposing her bare neck and shoulder. His fangs stretched out at the sight, and he struggled to repress them. Her tanned skin glowing under the moonlight streaming through her window and bed-side lamp. His gaze fell lower to her light curves; legs slightly opened as she kneeled over her suitcase, searching though her belongings. Another part of his anatomy responded, and he clenched his hand into a fist as he held tightly only his own leash. As if feeling his gaze, she looked up in surprise. He snapped his gaze back to her clear brown eyes. Her surprise morphed into irritation.
“Will you quit just silently standing

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