» Fiction » Vampire Knight 3, True.Fantasy [best books to read all time txt] 📗

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Darn Purebloods

Aido made his way quickly to Kaname’s room. Lord Kaname said he had a job for him to do. What that job could be was hard to figure at this hour. Knocking on the door, her let himself in, bowing down with an arm across his chest.
“Lord Kaname?” He asked.
“Hanabusa.” Kaname greeted. “Please, come and sit here. I have a favour to ask of you.”
He looked up to see Lord and Lady Kuran sitting together on divan. He moved over to side in front of them. “What is it?” He asked
“Yuki had been worried over how her friends and family are at Cross Academy.” Kaname spoke. “I’d like someone to check up on those people there and assure their wellbeing, for her.”
Yuki ducked her head. “I’m sorry if it’s a bother, you don’t have to.”
“No…it-it’s no bother Lady Yuki.” Hanabusa assured. “Who would you wish me to report from?”
“Yori, the headmaster, Senri, Rima, Zero,” Kaname frowned at his name, but remained quiet. “And just everyone else in general, I suppose.”
“Can you run this small errand for us, Hanabusa?” Kaname asked.
“Yes of course, Lord Kaname.” Hanabusa bowed. “Is there any message you would like me to deliver?”
Yuki nodded. “Tell the headmaster I miss him dearly, and that he should come and visit sometime.” She looked up with an idea. “How about at the feast on Saturday. Do you think we can invite them all to the feast, Kaname?”
Kaname smiled. “Would it make you happy, dear?”
“Of course Kaname.” She smiled.
“Then it’s alright with me.” He said. “Send them our invitation also. Allow the headmaster to bring any person he feels appropriate.”
“Yes Lord Kaname.” Hanabusa bowed, before getting up to exit. “Should I go now?”
“That would be much appreciated.” Kaname smiled. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure.” Hanabusa bowed again, before making his exit. He smirked; maybe he’d bump into Zero first.
Keisha had found a group of day-class students and ask them if they could show her around. Three boys almost immediately bounced up in agreement. But were securely pushed away by two girls, who said a female tour was best. In the end, the five took her around for a tour, while the others promised to see her in class. She really was making friends faster than she thought possible.
“So that’s the science lab.” Naomi smiled pointing. “And that’s the Art’s building.”
Keisha smiled. “Nice place.”
“Come on, there’s one thing you have to see.” Kevin said taking her hand and hurrying up the path. “Look there, that’s the Academy’s park; right beside the forest.”
Keisha grinned. “Wow…it’s pretty big.”
“It is, isn’t it?” He grinned proudly. “I helped plant a lot of those flowers and fruit trees.”
“And you did an excellent job, my man.” Keisha laughed. “The bathroom’s just down there. How about I meet you guys at the lockers in 10?”
Alias nodded. “Sounds good. Don’t be too long, class starts at 9 sharp.”
“I won’t.” Keisha smiled, trotting off.
Whilst she washed her face and dried off, she thought of her job during the day. Surely it wouldn’t involve much. Her studies were important this year. Looking out the window, she saw it; the fountain. It was just behind the school building. Smiling, she decided to check it out. She still had a few minutes after all. She walked out and made her way to the fountain area.
Meanwhile, Zero had walked Miena around the school as well, pointing out where her classes would be held and the locker area.
“You’re so dull, Kiryu.” She complained. “I was hoping you’d be a bit more playful.”
“I’m not here to be playful, Tori.” He replied. “I’m here to make sure your kind doesn’t screw up at this school.”
She stopped short. “My kind??” She sat down by the fountain. “I believe you are also…my kind. Are you not, Zero Kiryu?”
“We are nothing alike.” He glared. He hated this woman, just as much as any pureblood. Arrogant and heartless. All they could think of was playing other people’s emotions, and fighting amongst each other. Then dragging others to fight their battles for them. Disgusting.
She smirked. “I wouldn’t quite say that. We are both, vampires. We both do lust for blood.” She smiled. “Why not quench that thirst right now, Kiryu?”
His jaw tightened even further. “Not only is it strictly prohibited to drink blood on school grounds, the very thought is taboo.”
“We can go elsewhere.” She purred. That was it. Stepping over to stand directly in front of her, he narrowed his eyes dangerously.
“I may be a vampire; but I’m not anything like the sickening beast before me.” He growled. “But please, go on. The more you reveal, the easier it is for me have you shipped out of the Academy.”
“You lost me at beast…” She smirked, slipping her arms around his neck. “Let’s find a definition shall we?”
Zero glared at her menacingly, before freezing abruptly. Keisha was here, he could feel her. He was about to turn around to see, when Miena suddenly pulled him forward. Momentarily losing his focus caused him to lose balance and he landed on top of her and they both fell into the fountain with a splash. That ‘beach’! She wrapped her hands around him, but stopped immediately at the sound of a gun being cocked to her forehead.
“Move one more muscle and I swear I’ll blow that conceited smirk right off.” He growled, getting up, wet from head to toe.
“I see now why Kaname hated you so much. You’re hardly much of a gentleman.” She says getting up. “Besides, she left before I had a chance to make you look worse.”
“Keisha?” Zero frowned, keeping his pistol, the Bloody Rose, inched from her face. “Why do care about her?”
“I don’t.” She supplies, getting out of the fountain casually. “Well not yet. Thanks for the tour Guardian. I’m sure we’ll meet again soon.” She only glanced at him before walking off.
Swirling around, sure enough – Keisha was gone. Why did he care? What was it with that girl? Getting out of the fountain frustrated, he walked over to the men’s bathroom to dry off a bit. He had to tell Kaien to get rid of that brat. She was no different to Kaname or Shizuka – always working an angle.


Zero walked into class late. He seemed dry enough, but his hair was still dripping with water. Without making eye-contact with anyone, he moved to sit at seat near the back. A girl sitting beside Keisha nudged her softly.
“Isn’t he hot?” She smirked.
“Who?” Keisha asked surprised.
“Zero, of course.”
Keisha rolled her eyes. “I’ve seen much better. You don’t have to live with him. He’s such a wet blanket.”
The girl’s eyes widened. “Really? You don’t like him? I’d give up organs to live in the same house.”
“How’s $10?” Keisha smiled.
The girl laughed loudly. “You’re so funny. But I would take that offer if I could.”
The teacher started talking and Keisha’s attention fell on her as she explained the concept of…Probability. Yay…math. It didn’t slip her attention how much the class was affected by that no-good, silver-haired arrogant idiot. Girls especially. She rolled her eyes; this is one of the many things she hated about vampires – which then leads to their vanity.

Zero is a Prick

Lunch bell rang, and Keisha got up and headed to the lockers to put her books away. Lunch time is the best time at school. Avoiding the rest of the students, she made her way to the rocky area nestled in the forest. Peace and quiet. She opened up her lunch and began eating. How beautiful the Samosas smelt! But she couldn’t help thinking why Zero said there wasn’t enough salt. They seemed perfect enough to her. Maybe he’s just an ugly jerk.
“Well, hello there.” A blonde boy with ice blue eyes walked up to where she sat. She frowned; he was a vampire. He wasn’t wearing any uniform though.
“Hello.” Keisha greeted politely. “Can I help you?”
“You could indeed. You see, I’m here running a small errand.”
“I believe night-class students aren’t allowed on school grounds during the day.” Keisha spoke sternly. “I think I may have to ask you to leave.”
“I’m not a night-class student.” He smiled. “Not anymore.”
She sighed. “Okay then, what’s the errand?”
He smiled and walked over to stand in front of her. “It’d be rude of me not to properly introduce myself first.” He took her hand softly and she took a small step back in surprise. “Pleasure to meet you, my sweet lady, I am Hana—,”
“Hanabusa!” A masculine voice shouted. Keisha turned to see Zero step up aggressively. “What are you doing here?” Zero asked taking his hand from Keisha’s.
Hanabusa smirked. “I was simply introducing myself to this lady; surly that’s not against you precious school rules, Zero.”
“Why are you here?” Zero snarled. “Who sent you?”
He smirked. “So scary.”
Within a blink of an eye, vined erupted from the ground, wrapping tightly around Hanabusa and lifting him up off the floor. It must be Zero, Keisha figured. The powers she’d read about. It was a lot more intimidating in reality, than words on a formal Hunters’ documentation.
“Zero, what are you doing?” Keisha asked pushing him back. “Leave him alone! He didn’t do anything wrong.” She argued. The vines tightened for an instant but then released him. Hanabusa dropped to the ground and Zero took a step back.
“You stay out of this.” He says firmly to her.
“No, Kiryu. You stay out of this.” Keisha says firing up. “I believe the man was speaking to me, before you so rudely interrupted!” Zero narrowed his eyes, but didn’t reply. Giving him a hard look, Keisha turned back to the blonde on the floor. “I’m so sorry about that.” She apologised. “He’s just such a pest.”
Hanabusa got up and brushed down his clothes. “No need to apologise, young maiden. It wasn’t your fault.”
Keisha glared at Zero then turning her back to him, she once again faced the blonde. “I’m Keisha.” She said with a smile.
“You’re also a hunter.” Hanabusa remarked.
“Hunter’s daughter, yes. And I hope to be one.” She smirked. “But don’t worry, I’ll spare you.”
Hanabusa looked at her wide-eyed, and then smiled. “Very kind of you.”
“Your errand, my good man?” She asked.
“Oh yes.” He glanced briefly at Zero who continued to look daggers at him. “You see my Lord sent me here to check up on a few people’s wellbeing at the Academy.” He gestured at Zero. “One of whom I see is in perfect health.” He said fixing his tie.
“Who else do you need to see?”
Hanabusa smiled. “The headmaster, Yori and a few members of the night-class; Rima & Senri.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem. How about we start with the headmaster; that way we can also ask his permission for the others?”
“Beautiful and smart, I see.” Hanabusa smiled.
Keisha smirked. “Come after school. Zero and I will pick

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