» Fiction » The Monster, Laura España, Valentina Rodriguez [reading comprehension books TXT] 📗

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me. Leo:Get dressed, it's visitng day at prison Me:Why do I need to go? I said, putting Kelvin in his car seat. Leo:You need to see Justin and lay down the law. Don't worry, I will be there if anything. As we drove, nerves beat the inside of my stomach. I didn't want to see Justin. Leo finally broke my thoughts. Leo:I got an apartment. Me:Really? That's nice. Leo:I got 3 rooms. One for you, one for me, and one for Kelvin. Me:Why would you do that? Leo:I want you to move in with me kitty! Were going to the same college, and we have been friends forever. You don't want to? Me:I do, but it's alot of work living with someone else. And I have Kelvin, and I just don't want to annoy you- Leo:Kitty, there is no possible way you could ever annoy me. Me:I'll think about it. We got to the prison, and we had to wait in line. They checked Leo, Kelvin and I and we were sent to this cafeteria kind of place. There were a couple of tables per room, and me and Leo went in. Cop:Calm it Bieber. He said shaking the handcuffs Justin had on. Justin:You dick, you just made them tighter! He saw me and Kelvin and smiled. He walked over and I hugged him. Justin:Naomi, I am so sorry. I totally lost it, I deserve to be in here a hundred percent. Me:I know. I out Kelvin on the table and he looked at me. Justin:Hey buddy. Kelvin started to whimper and hugged me. Justin:Im such an asshole. Kelvin, look at me buddy.  He turned to look at his father. Justin:Wanna sit next to daddy. Kelvin:No. Justin:Why? Kelvin:Pow Pow! He said smacking his own hand. They took Justin's handcuffs off. Justin:Can you give me a hug? He said, his voice cracking. He had tears streaming down his face. Me:Give daddy a hug sweetie. Kelvin looked at me and went over to Justin. He hugged him and Justin let silent tears fall down his red cheeks. He put Kelvin on his knee and looked at me. Justin:Baby- Me:Naomi. Justin:Im so sorry. I have no idea whta happened to me. But im getting help in here, they have a pshycologist and she's helping me get through stuff. Me:I want to tell you some things. Whatever we had. I muttered, pointing from him to me. Me:Is over. I'm not taking your im sorry's anymore. If I do, the next time you will be saying sorry is at a funeral. He looked crushed, like if someone had just torn outt his heart and stepped on it. Me:I have custody of Kelvin. Jessie relinquished her rights. When and if you get out, your allowed to visit him if you call first. I will bring him here every Suunday to visit you. I will move my things out of your apartment and move in with Leo, and...that's it really. Justin:I love you Naomi. Me:Well, learn how to stop. Justin:But what if I change? Me:The bad guy never changes. I told you that 2 years ago. Now look where you are. He bounded Kelvin on his knee. Justin:I get it. We talked for a little while more, Justin occasionally letting out an im sorry. When it was time to go, I grabbed Kelvin and walked out. I looked through the window, and he had his head in his hands. The Monster was finally captured.... Epilogue


Leo and Naomi ended up getting married and having children of their own.

Naomi became a therapist to help abused teens and adults.

Justin got out of jail two years later and was a constant factor in Kelvin's life.



Thanks to my friends

Valeria Mejia

Daniela Muñoz

Vanessa Vela

Diego Patiño

Diana Lozano

Veronica Alvarez

Ampi Martinez


And my incredible idol... Justin Bieber and Nathan James Sykes


Publication Date: 05-27-2013

All Rights Reserved

To my friends family and idols , love you so much guys

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