» Fiction » The Monster, Laura España, Valentina Rodriguez [reading comprehension books TXT] 📗

Book online «The Monster, Laura España, Valentina Rodriguez [reading comprehension books TXT] 📗». Author Laura España, Valentina Rodriguez

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up here. I saw a hand wave over my food, with bandaids at the tips. I looked up and saw a tan, tall guy., with short hair. Me:Justin? Justin:Hey. You look different. No more glasses, and you got more curves. Me:What are you doing here? Justin:Nice to see you too. I was walking past and I saw you. I looked at my salad and he pulled a chair infront of me. Justin:How are you? You look great. I looked up at him and his eyes were watery. Me:Im fine. What are you doing here? I asked again. Justin:I have a concert in Toronto. Me:Shouldn't you be rehearsing? Justin:Yeah. Listen, I just wanted to apologize for everything. I looked up at him, ready to rip his vocal chords. Me:Apologize? Justin:Yeah, and I was wondering if we culd meet up later to talk about it. I was in shock. Not of surprise, but of anger. How dare he? Fuck me and then dump me, now wanting to take me out again? What, Jasmine won't put out anymore? Me:Never. Justin:What? Me:Im not a booty call Justin. Either you chose me or you lose me, and you have lost me too many times already. Justin:Naomi, that's why im trying to apologize. Me:No. Justin rolled his eyes. Justin:That's why you have that hideous scar on your leg, because you don't know how to have fun. My eyes filled with hot hears and I gasped lightly. I grabbed my glass of water and spilled it over his head, throwing the glass at this eyes. I got up and whispered "Fuck you" in his ear. I left the store and walked home. Who does he think he is? Superman? He can't just come out of nowhere after a year and want to take me out. And what he said about my leg. I started at it. I had finally come to terms with it, and wore skirts and everything. For him to say that, after he was the one who caused it? He's lucky that's all I did. I took a shower and changed into black jeans with a purple shirt and sneakers. Then, at around 6:00, I heard a knock on the door. I saw  a man in a suit. Man:I have been told to pick up Naomi Hugo. Me:That's me. Man:Im Marvin. I have been sent to pick you up by a friend. A friend? Me:Can I see your license or something? He took out his license and handed it to me. It seemed decent enough. Me:Your not going to rape me or anything? Marvin:Im gay ma'am. Me:Okay. I giggled. I mean, it was worth taking a ride. Im alone here on a Saturday night in summer. Why not? I got in the car, and I didn't relly see outside because the windows were tinted. After what seemed forever, we stopped. Marvin:I was told to give you this once I got her. He handed me a plastic rectangle, and when I looked at it, it was a backstage pass with Justin's face on it. Me:Fuck. I knew where I was now. Im going to kill this kid. I got down and I went to the back, where security let me in. I walked around until I heard commotion. Justin:You came! I turned to see him jogging over to me. Me:Why would you send me here? You know I want nothing to do with you. Justin:I just wanted to apologize. Me:HOW MANY TIMES ARE YOU GOING TO DO THAT!? YOU HAVE SAID SORRY A MILLION TIMES AND I HAVE FORGIVEN ME A BILLION TIMES! Justin:If I said sorry a million times, how did you say its okay a billion times? Me:Says something huh? Im tired of this. I said motioning my finger from him to me. Me:Im leaving. I walked out. Justin:WAIT! He looked around and grabbed a microphone. He ran on stage and everyone screamed. Justin:You guys, please. Hold on. They kept cheering. Justin:SHUT UP! Everyone silenced. I inched closer to the stage, so I can see him marching around. Justin:There is a girl here tonight, that I love with all my heart. She is my everything. We spent sometime apart, and I wasn't the same. She won't believe me because I said something kind of ride to her today, but I love her. The crowd aww'ed. Justin:I want to marry this girl, because she has put up with all my crap for years. His voice cracked. Justin:And I promised her that we would grow old and be together forever, and I don't break promises. And I know she could here me. He said looking in my direction. Justin:I love you Naomi. Tears rose in my eyes  and I left. I couldn't stay here. After everything that had happened, putting my faith in Justin again is like asking to get dissapointed. I took a taxi home, and saw Leo on the couch. Leo:Justin called  I tossed my jacket on the table. Me:He called the house? Leo:He called me. Me:How did he get your number? Leo:That's not important. Umm, Naomi, that boy loves you. He really does. Me:No he doesn't. Leo:Then why would he call the guy that hates his guts the most? Because he knows im your friend. Me:Leo, im tired of him. Of saying sorry and sorry and never meaning it. Tears spilled down my cheeks. Me:Ninja tears. Leo:You still remember that? Me:Yes. Leo:Naomi, I have never heard ANYONE cry like he just cried to me over the phone. I wiped away my silly tears. Me:He what? Leo:He cried. It made me cry Naomi. I sat next to him. Me:But what he said to me one has ever made me feel like such crap. Leo:Did you ever think he didn't mean it? Stupid shit comes out of your mouth when your angry. Me:He's not worth it. Leo:If he's not worth it, then why am I defending him? I looked over at him and he raised his eyebrows. He was right. Leo hated Justin more than anything. If he was sticking up for him, Justin must really mean something. Leo:I need to go. See you tommorrow? Me:I'll let you know. He kissed my forehead and smacked my knee lightly. (like in How To Love when she has sex with the mexican guy and he pays her...yeah) I rested my head on couch and drifted off to sleep. When I woke up, I was in my room, under the covers. I woke up and took a shower, and changed into pink jeans and a baby blue shirt. I put on some socks and put my hair in a ponytail. I ran downstairs and looked at my phone. It had about a million calls from Justin. I picked up the phone and hit 'redial.' Justin:Naomi? Me:Wanna come over? Justin:Okay. I hung up and ate something, then brushed my teeth again. I heard a ring at the door and ran to it. I opened it and saw Justin with some roses in his hands. I smiled jumped on him, calling him to fall on the soft grass, and kissed him I kept giving him little kisses and he put his hands around my waist. Me:I *kiss* love *kiss* you. I said, kissing his face uncontrollably. Justin:Really? Me:Mhm. Your the best thing I ever found. He smiled and grabbed my face and kissed me. It was slow and passionate. I felt him let my hair out, and he sat up, with me on his lap. He pulled away and smiled. Justin:I like you with your hair out. He looked at the flowers, crushed my my embrace. Justin:These were for you. He said, handing me the flat roses. Me:There beautiful. I kissed him again, squezzing his body to mine. He had gotten more muscular, I could feel it as his big arms enveloped my fragile body. Justin:I missed you. Me:You did? Justin:Yeah, alot. Did you miss me? Me:I don't know. Justin:Lets go inside huh? The neighbors are watching. I giggled and pecked his lips once more. He carried me inside and took off his grass stained shirt. Me:Sorry again about that. Justin:Its okay, if you don't mind, I don't mind. I looked at his body and saw a tattoo on his hip and on his side. I touched them lightly and he smiled. Justin:You like? Me:Did they hurt? Justin:No, im a man! I looked up at him, and he was grinning at me. Justin:Maybe a little. He said showing me with his fingers. I kissed the one on his side lightly and he hugged me close to him. Justin:I thought you would never forgive me. Me:I know. But Leo told that you cried for me. Justin:Yeah...I just..I didn't know what else to do. We took wide steps to the couch, not letting eachother go. I never wanted to let him go again. I realized that I did miss him. We talked for ever, telling me about his adventures, me telling him about mine. I told him how I had gotten an early acceptance to college, but it was in the states. He told me how he saw Jessie's baby, Kelvin. He looked alot like him, he said. He wanted it to be me having his child, and Jessie asked for me constantly. Me:Did you date her? Justin:What? No. I don't like blondes. Me:You sure liked her before. Justin:Shh. He said playing with my long hair. Justin:I need to tell you something. Me:What? Justin:My mom made me leave you I got up from his lap, looking at him. Me:What? Justin:Yeah. She told me that with the Jessie thing and tours and interviews and things, it was hard to please a girlfriend. Is it because she didn;t like me? But what could I have done? I had sex with Justin but...and I got Alfredo kicked off the tour...and I made Justin get in trouble. She had every right to hate me! Me:Your mom hates me. Justin:Dont say that! He reprimanded. Me:Why wouldn't she? She thinks I took your virginity, your fans, Alfredo. Justin:Naomi, that's not it. Me:Yes it is! I said standing up. Justin:I don't want to fight. Me:Why did you listen to her? You could have said no! Justin:What do you think, I sat there like an idiot? Me:But you didn't fight for me. Justin:You saw me get smacked, it was like that for months! Me"Your mom- Justin:Naomi, don't talk about my mother. He scolded me with athourity. I looked at my feet and he pulled me close to him. Justin:Im here now. Right? Me:Yes. He kissed my cheek. Justin:I have custody of Kelvin this month. Me:I want to meet him! Justin:You will. I got an apartment down town, with 2 rooms, for me,you and him. Me:Me? Justin:Yeah, you could stay over sometimes. Me:Like live with you? Justin:You've lived with me before. Me:That's different. That was a bus and there were always other people. Justin:If you don't like the idea, that's okay. Me:No, just trying things sorted out. Justin:I set up his room all space like, ot has glow in the dark stars in the paint. Me:Thats so cool. Justin:I know. I need to pick him up tommorrow. Me:Is he big? Justin:Hes fat! Me:JUSTIN! He started laughing. Justin:I can't call my kids fat? When he used the word 'my kids' reality set in. I was in love with a superstar that already had a kid. And was bi-polar. But I shrugged it off. Me:Not the word fat. Justin:Chunky? Fluffy? Meatball-ish? Me:Lovable. Justin:Tha's a nice way to put it. Justin:I need to go. Will you pick me up at the airport tommorrow? Me:Sure. Do you have to go? Look at me, yesterday I didn't want to be near him, now I didn't want him to leave. Justin:We could make out for 5 minutes, but then I really need to go. Me:Ha. Makeout. I put my arms around his neck and pressed my body to his bare chest. Justin:That's what were going to do, I don't know why your complaining. He said mumbling.
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