» Fiction » The Monster, Laura España, Valentina Rodriguez [reading comprehension books TXT] 📗

Book online «The Monster, Laura España, Valentina Rodriguez [reading comprehension books TXT] 📗». Author Laura España, Valentina Rodriguez

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Justin:Sorry Naomi, we always talk too much. Its as if she totally hadn't kissed him. He grabbed my things and walked towards the bus, as I walked along, trying to hold back tears. He set down my things and showed me my bunk. Justin:I know it's high up, but this kind of ladder thing will help you. It really safe, don't be fooled. Me:Okay. Justin:Aren't you excited? I leaned against the wall. Me:Why did you invite me here if you have a girlfriend? Justin turned from the bunks to face me. Justin:Remember when we kissed, and I told you I wanted to see if this- He shifted his finger from myself to him. Justin:Was real? I nodded. Justin:Yeah, because I didn't want to leave Stratford, not knowing if I let an opportunity go. That still didn't make me feel ANY better. Me:Im tired. Just forget it okay. I took off my sweater and he grabbed my wrist. Justin:What's that? I looked at my arm and saw a scar back from when Justin bullied me. Me:Its nothing, forget about it. Justin:I never did this to you, right? Me:No, let go of me. Justin:Did you try to kill yourself? I snatched my hand away and looked at him. Me:Goodnight Justin. I climbed up to my bunk and closed the curtain. Justin:Naomi, come here! This is serious. I put my headphones on and drifted to sleep. When I woke up, I felt everything moving. Me:What's going on? I took off my headphones. ?:Were going to out next show. I peeked my headout and saw a cute boy with his head on my bunk. ?:I hope you would peek out. Im Alfredo. Me:Naomi. Alfredo:Japanese? Me:Yeah, how did you- Alfredo:The eyes. Me:That's a little mean. Alfredo:Im sorry. He chuckled. Alfredo:Want to watch a movie with me? Justin's on the other bus and Im lonely until the next pit stop. Me:Other bus? Alfredo:He's with Jasmine. He gagged and I laughed. Me:You don't like her? Alfredo:Not really, she's a little tramp. But forget about it, lets wacth the movie. I have noodlesssss! I gave him a strange look. Alfredo:I mean in the microwave! He said correcting himself. Me:I love noodles. I winked. Alfredo:Me and you will get along fine. I hopped out, a strinking pain my my leg where im stiched up, but I ignored it. I wasn't going to let the cutest guy I have ever seen, see my cry, much less tell the tale of how I got this injury. He cooked to cups of Raman Noodles and we watched the movie. Actually, we saw 3 movies. Before I knew it, it was 3 in the morning and I was in the arms of a guy I just met. Me:Aren't you supposed to rest? What do you do? Alfredo:Im a dancer, but don't worry about me sweetheart. The bus came to a sudden halt. When I looked, we were at a gas station. A few minutes later, Justin came in  He came in, his hair a mess, and looked directly at us. Justin:Naomi? Me:Yes? Justin:What are- Alfredo:Chill, we were watching some movies because we were bored and she got cold. He lied. I put my head on his shoulder and I saw his face turn red. Justin rolled his eyes and walked passed. Alfredo:Bro, what did you do over there? Justin:Just talk. Alfredo:Then why is your zipper down? Justin:Shut the fuck up bro! He went to his room and closed the door. Me:Did he..umm... Alfredo:Most likely. The thought of Justin with another girl killed me. But having sex with her? I almost cried. Alfredo:Don't worry about it. Before the bus pulls off, lets get some ice cream. Me:Okay. We walked off and his arms around me, because it was a little cold out. We went in and got candy of all sorts and ice cream. We ate it outside until we saw one of the bus guys wave us in. We ran in, not wanting him to leave us, and finished out ice cream. Me:I have never been bought ice cream before, so thankyou. Alfredo:No problem. And thankyou for spending time with me, it was very nice of you. I blushed and he tucked hair behind my ear. Alfredo:Can it repeat itself? Me:It will. I passed him the candy and he put it in the cabinet. I climbed in my bunk and he kissed my forehead. Alfredo:What? Just a friendly kiss! He winked at me and closed my curtain. Me:Goodnight Alfredo. Alfredo:Goodnight sweetheart. I smiled and fell asleep again. When I woke up, I rubbed my eyes and turned toward the curtain. There was paper taped to my curtain. 'When you get this, come to my room. -Justin' I read it over and crumpeled it up. I got out and took a shower, and I put on pink jeans and a Hello Kitty shirt with some flats and a pink bow in my hair. I looked around and knocked on Justin's door. Justin:Come in. I opened the door slowly, watching it fade from brown to Justin's room. He was looking in his suit case for clothes, for her was in mere boxers. Me:Justin? He turned and saw me. Justin:Sit on the bed, I don't mind. I sat and watched him pull out jeans and a shirt. Me:Why am I here. Justin:I want to talk to you about this. He grabbed my wrist and flipped it so I could see my scars. Me:What about it? Justin:You cut yourself! That's a form of suicide Naomi. Me:You don't think I know that? Justin:Then why did you do it? I sighed with anger. Me:Because I didn't want to wake up another day to face you. I was tired of doing homework, and getting beat up for everything that happened in your life. Ever heard of kick boxing? Justin:Naomi, I didn't mean to make you want to kill yourself. Me:Then what did you mean? Beating me up, taking my money, my pride, my dignity. For the first time, making me not want to go to school, and not want to live. Huh? You tell me. He was silent. Justin:One other thing, what was with you and Alfredo yesterday? Me:He offered for me to watch a movie because you were gone and he was bored. Justin:Why were you all over him. Me:All over him? It was a hug! Justin:You didn't think saw when you got off the bus? Me:Again, he hugged me! I didn't get this upset when Jasmine KISSED you, and your getting all worke up over a hug. I got up and he grabbed my hand. Justin:Because I care for you Naomi, and I don't want you to end up in wrong hands. Me:Explain to me why your zipper was down yesterday? More silence. Me:Goodbye Justin. I walked out and slammed the door. Alfredo:Goodmorning. He said hugging me. Me:Goodmorning. Alfredo:How about I take you sight seeing I smiled and tucked hair behind my ear. Me:Like a date? Alfredo:Umm, sure. He put an arm around me and we were off. He took me to a movie, and just walked around. Alfredo:More ice cream? Me:Sure. We stopped at a ice crem shop and he got me a choclate cup. He got a vanilla for himself and we sat down. Me:Im having tons of fun, thanks so much Alfredo. I said touching his hand. Alfredo:No problem. I need to tell you something. Me:Anything. Alfredo:Im not as old as you think I am. I was eating the last of my ice cream, trying to pay attention to Alfredo. Alfredo:Im 28 years old. I froze and looked up at him. Alfredo:I was just under the impression that you thought I was 16 or 17, but im not going to lie, I really do like you- Me:Your 28? Alfredo:Yeah. He said, rubbing the back of his head. Alfredo:And I didn't want it to be creepy if you ever wanted to date or whatever, so I just wanted to tell you now. I looked back at my cup. Me:I've never been with an older guy. What would an older guy want any business with me? Im 16! But he looked so sincere, like he could never hurt me. Alfredo:Yeah, so im really sorry, we could be friends- Me:Do you like me? I asked curiously. Alfredo:Yes. Me:Like what? Alfredo:Umm, your smile, your smart, pretty, your eyes, I like how you love to laugh all the time. Your pretty much perfect. I was blushing so much, he thought I wasn't breathing. Alfredo:Naomi! Me:Im fine, just flattered that an older man would find such interest in me. Alfredo:So do you want to try things out? Me:What do you mean? I stopped for a second. I didn't know what to say, it felt wrong, but I felt safe. Me:I don't know. I said, rubbing the goosebumps I hadn't realized I had. Me:I'll think about it. I got up and we went back to the bus, an akward walk baack. Me:Where's Justin? Alfredo:Maybe in Jasmine's bus. I went over and knocked. One of the dancers opened and looked me up and down. Girl:Yes? Me:Tell Justin to come here now. Girl:He's busy. Me:NOW! I yelled and she jumped back. She went inside and a few minutes later, Justin came out. Justin:Now you want to talk. Me:Shut the hell up. Why didn't you tell me Alfreo was a grown man! Justin:I was trying to! Me:Pull up your zipper. He looked down and pulled it up. Me:You played me twice Justin. I don't want to see him again! Justin:You can bunk with the girls. I looked at the bus and back at Justin. Me:Uh, your girlfriend doesn't like me. Justin:She's not- Whatever. You need to see him somehow. Me:I don't know what to do. I said squating down. I held my head and closed my eyes. Everything was moving to fast for me. Justin:Are you okay? Me:Lord, kill me now please. Justin:Get up, let's go talk I just held on to my head. Everything was spinning, I felt like I was going to die. Justin:Okay, let's go. He picked me up bridal style and I just tilted my head back. I felt how I looked, dead. I didn't have feelings for Alfredo, he was just being nice and I was just being nice! Justin put me in the passanger seat in a van and layed back the seat. He left the door open and we went to sit in the driver's seat. Justin:Just breathe. He said, rubbing arm. Me:I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Leo dumping me, and you waltzing into my life, and Alfredo liking me. He's a grown man! He can find someone his own age. Justin:I know. Me:I mean, when you invited me here, I thought it was really because you liked me. And I know now it's not like that anymore, because you have a girlfriend, and Leo won't anwser my calls, my text. I pushed my hair back. Me:I want to go back in time. Justin reached over and closed my door. Justin:Jasmine is not my girlfriend. She is a friend, I try to be nice to her, but she's always all over me. I mean, Im a man, and I like it sometimes, but I could never be with someone who has no respect for themselves. I looked over at him and he was staring at me. Me:What are you trying to say? Justin:That I like you. That's it, no one else. I smiled and so did he. Justin:Come with me. He grabbed my hand and took me to the back of the van, where there were no windows. Justin:I don't want interruptions. He put his hand on my cheek, the other on my waist. Justin:Have I ever told you, you have the prettiest brown eyes I have ever seen? I smiled and shook my head and brought my body closer to his. His face was close to mine, I can feel his hot breath on my lips. Justin:Can I kiss you? Me:Please. He smiled and planted his lips on mine. They were in sync with mine, and he pressed on mine hard, as if he was dying for a kiss. His toungue peaked at the part of my lips, and I let him in. His toungue explored my mouth, and I put my arms around his neck. I never wanted this to end. His phone rang, and without pulling away, he tossed at the front of the bus. He pulled me on his lap and I couldn't help but grind on him some. He started to kiss my neck and I held on to his head. I felt myself getting...tingly, so I stopped. Me:Justin- Justin:You already got my jeans wet, I know what's going on. I bit my lip and he whispered 'I don't care'. He planted his lips on mine and I couldn't help it. He layed me down on the seat, my legs still around his waist. Justin:I just want to kiss you all day. He shoved his toungue in my mouth and I ran my fingers though his hair. I was ready to lose my virginity, right here, right now. Justin slid one hand down the front of my jeans and I grabbed it. What was I thinking!? Im not ready! Im not even an okay kisser yet! Me:Stop. Justin pulled his hand out and pecked my lips. Justin:Sorry, I carried away. Me:Its okay. I whispered out of breath. Justin:I don't want you to think I said those things for that, I honestly meant them. Me:Okay! Justin:How about after my show, I take you out on a real date? I opened my eyes and Justin was trying to catch his breath, his bangs falling off his face. Me:On one condition. Justin:Anything. Me:You talk to Alfredo Justin:Sure. Me:Annnndddd, you tell me where we are going. Justin:I honestly don't know either. But I'll find out. Me:Okay. He layed his head on my chest and I put my arms around his head. Justin:Haha, boobs. I sucked my teeth and pushed him off. I inched up to leave and he grabbed me by my waist, laughing. Justin:I was kidding Naomi. Me:C'mon so you can talk to Alfredo. We got out and Justin kept squeezing my shoulders, like a five year old giving a mesage. We went in the bus and I climbed in my bunk, not wanting Alfredo to see me. Justin banged on the bathroom. Justin:What are you doing? Alfredo:Fixing up, why? Justin:You need to bunk on another bus. Alfredo:What? Why? He opened the door, because I could hear him clearly now. Justin:Your making Naomi uncomfortable, she doesn't like you like that man.
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