» Fiction » The Monster, Laura España, Valentina Rodriguez [reading comprehension books TXT] 📗

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you ever hit a girl? Justin:No. Scooter:Are you sure? Then explain why your on the news, on every single paper I pick up, and 'Bieber Abuser' is a trending topic on Twitter? He slammed some newspapers and magazines on his lap. They all had the same thing on the front page. About me. About how he hit me, and threw me in the lake, and all of it. Justin:Naomi... Scooter:I'll be back in 7 minutes. This shit better be fixed Justin. He left and Justin got up. Justin:You told? Me:I didn't. Justin:THEN HOW DO THEY KNOW!? Me:I met this guy yesterday, and we hung out because I was upset about my face and- Justin grabbed me by my arm. Justin:Why did you tell? He said angrily. Me:Im sorry, please don't hit me. I whined. He shook me and grabbed my hair. Justin:I COULD LOSE MY FANS BECAUSE OF THIS! I COULD LOSE MY JOB! ME AND MY MOM WILL GO BACK TO POVERTY BECAUSE OF YOU! He raised his fist to hit me and tears streamed down my face. It was all my fault. He was going to kill me. He let go of my hair and tossed me on the couch. Justin:Im sorry. I'll fix this, okay? Don't worry about anything. My hands were covering my face and I was shaking like a dog. He moved my hands from my face and kissed my forehead. He held my arms softly, and I could fel his tears stream down my face. Justin:Im sorry. He took a deep breath, grabbed the newspapers, and went outside After I calmed down, I grabbed my phone. Kendall:Hello? Me:Kendall, did you tell anyone about my friend Justin? Kendall:No, why? Me:Are you sure? Kendall:Yeah, I got in trouble for sneaking out, so my parents took my phone and my laptop. Me:Because it got out, and im in really big trouble. Kendall:Im really sorry. But I swear it wasn't me. Me:Okay...bye. I hung up and went in my bunk. I just cried myself to sleep. When I woke up, the bus was moving, and I had about 3 blankets on me. Me:Justin? I opened the curtain and he came out of the bathroom. Justin:Hello Sleeping Beauty. Me:Huh? Justin:You've been sleeping for 2 days. Me:2 DAYS?! I got out of the bunk, with a blanket wrapped around me, and saw my phone and iPod charging. Justin:I didn't go through your stuff, I swear. I looked and I had about 30 messages from Razel, which I would read later. I turned to Justin and he had a black button down shirt with a white t-shirt inside, and some black jeans. Me:Where are you going? Me:WE are going to Oprah. Me:Oprah? Like, Chicago Oprah? Justin:Yes. Were going to talk about you. Me:Wait. I sat on the couch. Me:Me? Justin:The hitting thing. Me:Oh. Justin:So, um, Jessica came by, and picked out a dress for you, with shoes and stuff, so take a shower. Okay? Me:Okay. I got up and Justin moved out of my way. Me:Justin? Justin:Yes? Me:I could really use a hug right now. My voice cracked and some tears spilled down my face. He came over to me and enveloped me in his arm. I was scared. I didn't want Justin to lose his job, or his fans. Me:Im so sorry. Justin:It's not your fault. Me:Yes it is. Justin:No, its not. He squeezed me closer and kissed my forehead. Justin:It will be okay. Go take a shower. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Jessica had laid out a red dress, very frilly and pretty, with some red heels and diamond studs. My face had gone back to normal, so I put on some make up and changed to contacts. I came out and Justin smiled. Justin:Flawless. I blushed. Justin:After the show, I will stop and get us something to eat, for now, here's a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich. He gave me a plate and I ate it in an instant. Justin just ate some left over Sour Patch Kids. Me:Your nervous? I whispered, sitting next to him, my hand on his lap. Justin:A little. Are you? Me:That someone will see me trip in these heels. He smiled. Me:Everything will be okay. Justin:I hope. He mumbeled. The bus stopped and he got up. Justin:C'mon. He put his hand around my waist and we went out to the van. When we got to the studio, they took me and Justin to a room and they hooked me and Justin up to millions of hooks. Me:Im going to speak? Justin:Most likely. Me:I cant! Justin:Calm down. This girl came up to us. Girl:Would you like some coffee, water, juice, anything? Me:I would like some coffee please. Justin:Water. The girl left and Justin patted my leg. We were silent, I was a ball of nerves, I felt like I was going to throw up. If Justin was hated over this...I wouldn't be able to live with myself. The girl brought us our things and told Justin he was on  He got up and grabbed my hand and walked me to the door of the stage. Me:Good luck. Justin:Thanks. He walked out and everyone cheered. Oprah got up to give him a hug and I took a huge sip og my Starbucks coffee. I felt rich drinking this stuff. Oprah:So, how are you? Justin:Im good thankyou, yourself. Oprah:Im great, thankyou for asking. How is everything? Justin:Good, Im on tour now, having lots of fun. He looked so cute. Oprah:So there's a reason your here? Justin:Umm, yeah, I have recently been in the news about hitting a girl, my friend, and to those of my fans calling her a liar and things, please stop. Its true. Back in grade school, I was going through some things, and I took it out on her. I hit her recently, and I was..not at my best. Oprah:Has she forgiven you? Justin:More times than she should. He smirked. Oprah:What's her name? Justin:Naomi. Beautiful name isn't it? The crowd clapped some. Oprah:Have you ever thought of hitting her again? Justin nodded. Oprah:Would you ever hit her again? Justin:Never. Tears started to well in my eyes and I finished my coffee. I couldn't help it. Tears started to spill down my face, and no matter how many times I cleaned myself up, I kept crying. Oprah:Never? Justin:I would never lay a finger on her again. Oprah:But what about Never Say Never? Justin:That song wasn't written about this. Oprah:I understand that she's here. Justin:Yes she is. Oprah:Let's bring her out. Justin stood up and the girl took my cup of coffee. I walked over to him and he smiled at me. I collapesed him in a hug and cried on his shoulder. Justin:I love you. Me:I love you too. He hugged me close and I looked up at him and he wiped the mascara off of my cheeks. He took me to the seat and Oprah smiled at me. Oprah:How are you? Me:Good. Oprah:Why are you crying? Justin rubbed my back and I tried to hold back tears. Me:He's sweet. Justin:Thanks. Oprah:So, lets talk about grade school. How did Justin...bother you? I looked at him and he nodded. Me:He would follow me home with his friends... I looked over at him. Justin:Tell her everythig. I took a deep breath. Me:He would make me do his friends homework and his homework, and if I didn't I would get beat up, if I got an anwser wrong, I would get beat up, if he got caught on a test with a cheat, I would get beat up. For just about everything, I would get beat up. Oprah:What was the worst thing he did to you? I looked at Justin and he sighed. Me:He-he tricked one of his friends to invite me to a party, so I got all dressed up, and they kidnapped me and took me to a lake and pushed me in, and there was glass at the botom and it went through my leg. Justin:Show her the scar. I shook my head. Justin:Just put it on my leg. He whispered, reaching for my thigh. He grabbed my leg and placed it on his knee. Oprah:Is this it right here? I tried to hide my face, but there was no where to go. Oprah:Then what did he do? I stayed quiet. Me:He left. I finally mutered. Me:I was there for hours and when someone found me, I passed out because of all the blood loss. Oprah looked at me and touched my leg. Oprah:Justin, do you ever regret it? Justin:Everyday. I can't slep at night sometimes. Oprah:Naomi, why did you forgive him so many times? I looked at him. Me:Because I knew he didn't mean it. He smiled. Oprah:Well, thankyou for being here with us, and clearing everything up for us. Justin:No problem. He walked me to the back and they took all the cables off of me and Justin. He walked me back to the van and we drove to Wendy's. We got some food and sat down. Me:I didn't know you could go to a Wendy's and not get surrounded. Justin:Me either. Umm, Naomi? Me:Yes? I said with fries in my mouth. Justin:Did you mean it when you said you loved me? I looked at him and nodded. Justin:Would you like to be my girl? I looked at him as he took a sip of his soda. Me:What? Justin:Would you like to be my girl? You know, my baby, my boo, my shawty. I blushed and gave him a toothy grin. Justin:You have a beautiful smile. I blushed more. Justin put his hand on mine. Justin:Soo? Me:Yes. I'll be your shawty. Justin:Oo, don't ever say that again. I laughed and reached over the table to peck his lips. We finished eating, and started to leave. Me:Wait! Justin:What?! Me:I want a Frosty. Justin:I thought something happened. Here. He gave me two dollars and I made the line. I guess I would see what was so important that Razel messaged me about. 'Omi, im sorry.' 'Please don't hate me.' 'I went on a date with Ryan and he told me about how Justin and them would bully you, and I kinda posted it on the internet.' 'Im so sorry.' i kept reading the rest of the messages and my hand balled into fists. Guy:Next! I went to the front of the line. Me:Give me a Frosty. Guy:Your a little dressed up to be at Wendy's. Me:Hey, how about you shut the fuck up before I go to McDonalds. I couldn't believe Razel would do that. I mean, she didn't know, but she should have talked to me first! And why the hell would she post it on the internet for? Guy:Here you go ma'am. 1.75. I put the two rolled up little dollars on the table. Guy:We can't- Me:If you tell me that you can't accept it because it's wrinkeled, I will shive my hand down your throat and rip out your vocal chords. He took the 2 dollars and gave me my change. I grabbed the Frosty and marched out of the store. Justin was leaning on the wall. Justin:What's wrong? Me:Im going to kill Razel. I said as I paced. Justin:Lets go to the van. He grabbed my hand and took me to the car. Justin:Sit down, breathe, and eat the Frosty. After you calmed down, tell me what happened. I did as he said and laid back in the seat. Justin:You can go know Kenny. The car started to move and Justin took the cup from me. Justin:What happened? Me:Razel told. Justin:Told what? Me:About us! The whole bullying thing! She was the one who told! Because Ryan told her and she put it on TwitBook. Justin:Its either Twitter or Facebook, not both. Me:THIS ISN'T FUNNY! Justin:Why would she tell? Me:I still have 20 something messages to read. I finished reading, getting more uset with each one. Justin:What? Me:Ryan isn't a virgin anymore, thanks to Razel. Justin:That's gross. Me:Don't start, I got a couple on you. She said she told because she didn't want you to get away with it. Justin:With what? Me:I don't know! 'It' I guess. Justin:Just, forget it. It passed now. Lets just go to the bus, watch a movie or something until it's time for my show. Me:But- Justin:Okay? I took a dep breath. Me:Okay. It was a silent ride to the bus, mainly because I was upset. We got back to the bus and I took a shower and changed into PJ's and so did Justin, and we sat on the couch and watched movie's. Justin:We are going to have cute Canadian-Japanese little kids. Me:That would be akward. Justin:What do you mean? Me:Like, what if one of them looks more like me than you, and the other one looks like you. They will be made fun of or whatever because there eyes are too small, or there too short. Justin:Your calling me short? Me:Im not calling you tall. He looked over at me and I smiled. He leaned closer and kissed me softly. No toungue, no groping, nothing. Just a simple and sweet, fairytale ending kiss. Justin:Asians are short. Me:Thats stereo typical! The tallest man is asian! Justin:But he doesn't play basketball! Me:Just let it go. He kissed the top of my head and got up. Justin:I need to go get ready for my show. See you after? Me:Sure. He pecked my lips and left. I started to pick up the mess he always leaves when Alfredo came in Me:What are you doing here? I asked, still picking up the mess. Alfredo came over and pinned my arms against the seat. Me:Let me go! Alfredo:I'm not good enough for you, but Justin is? No way. He started to kiss me neck and I screamed. He put his lips on mine and I tried to kick him, but he blocked it. Alfredo:Your going to get it know. He reached for the elastic of my waist. Me:STOP! STOP IT PLEASE! I kept screaming and kicking but he wouldn't stop. He took me to Justin's bed and had his way with me. He left as fast as he came, and I layed on the floor, crying. Why me? I didn't do anything to deserve all of this karma. Hours passed, and Justin finally came. Justin:Baby! Where are you? I just kept crying until her found me on the floor. Justin:What happened? I kept crying, and Justin stroked my hair and hugged me to his chest. Justin:Please tell me what happened. I had to tell him. Me:A-A-Alfredo. Justin:What did he do? Me:He..he..he came in here..and... I started to cry again. It was all I could do. Justin:Did he touch you? I nodded. Justin:Where? I tried to speak through my heavy sobs. Me:Everywhere. Justin said nothing, just stroked my hair and held me close. Justin:Im going to kill that son of a bitch. He got up and I followed him. Justin:Stay here baby. Im going to fix everything. He went out and I looked through the window. Justin:OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR YOU LITTLE CUNT! He kept banging on the door. Kenny came over but Justin didn't listen. Alfredo came out and Justin grabbed him by his shirt and threw him to the ground. Justin kept punching him, Alfredo hitting him back, and no matter how many times they pulled Justin off, he went right back. Justin:I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL
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