» Fiction » The Monster, Laura España, Valentina Rodriguez [reading comprehension books TXT] 📗

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you want me to drop you off at yours? Me:I think Justin will drop me off. Let me ask. He was picking up some present to take to the car. Me:Justin, are you taking me home? Justin:Yeah. Leo:Well then, I'll stop by tommorrow and we could go to the pool or something. Me:Okay. He kissed me softly and I giggled. Leo:And, your necklace looks beautiful on you. He left and I helped Justin pick up some stuff. Me:Your song was beautiful. How did you write it? Justin:Well, when I visited Japan, there was this story about a princess who was in love with this guy but her parents didn't approve because he wasn't a prince. I Google'd it and the girl looked alot like you. I didn't want it to be so obvious, so I used examples. Me:Oh. Its really really good. Thankyou. Justin:No problem. We got in the car and he drove to my house. He stopped in the front and helped me bring all the presents. When we were done, he just rubbed his head. Me:Thankyou so much Justin. Justin:Its the least I could do. He gave me a hug and I rested my head on his chest. He looked down at me and I looked at him. Justin:You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I blushed and reached up. I wanted him to kiss me so bad. He smiled but didn't do anything. Me:Can you kiss me already!? He smiled and his lips landed on mine. I put my arms around his neck. I didn't know why I wanted him so badly, its just....I can't explain it. He licked my bottom lip and I let him in. He sat onthe couch and brought me with him. He lifted my dress some and his warm hands touched my waist. Gosh, he was such a good kisser. We kissed until I got out of breath. Justin:Why do you want me to kiss you so badly? He said kissing my neck. Me:I don't know... Justin:Can I ask you something? Me:Sure. Justin:Do you want to come on tour with me? Me:What? Justin:Would you like to come on tour with me? He was still kissing my neck and I pushed him back. Me:What do you mean? Justin:Well, I have this big tour and, im going to be gone the whole summer, and I just want to spend time with you. I want to know if this... He said looking at his hands on my waist, showing my white lace underwear. Justin:Means something. I would like to go on tour with him, but I didn't know if this meant anything either. I didn't know if leaving would mess up me and Leo, and my parents would need to know. Me:I don't know. I need to think about it. Justin:That's fine. But Im leaving tommorrow at 6 in the afternoon. I need to know by then. Me:Okay. I got off him and he fixed the bottom of my dress. Justin:See you later. He kissed me softly and left. I sat on the couch and closed my eyes. I woke up to some shaking. Mom:Naomiiiii. Wake up! What is all these presents? I rubbed my eyes and looked around. Me:Umm, my friend Justin threw me a party and these are the gifts I got. Mom:Which friend? Me:Justin. I got up and ignored her yelling, and took a shower. I looked at my digital clock as I dressed. 7am. I went downstairs and remembered Justin's offer. Me:Mommy. Mom:You only call me that when you want something. I chuckled. Me:Umm, my friend Justin, hes a singer wasked me to go on tour with him. I want to go, but I need to ask you first. Mom:Go for it sweetie. Me:BUT MOM- Wait, what? Mom:Go. An opportunity like this only comes once in a lifetime! Ill tell your dad and he will be okay. Do you need me to help you pack? Me:Umm, no, Ill do it. I went around the counter. Me:Thankyou mommy! I ran upstairs and grabbed my green suitcases. I grabbed all my nice clothes and packed them, went threw my presents and packed some stuff I might need. Someone got me an iPhone! I changed phones and packed everything. My room looked like a waste land. I grabbed my new phone and called Leo. Leo:Hey baby, im on my way to your house. Me:Umm, about that. Justin asked me to go on tour with him! Leo:AND YOU AGREED? Me:I need to call him, but I wanted to tell you that I would be gone for the summer. Leo:Your spending too much time with Justin. Me:He's just my friend. Leo:But why would he invite you out of all of the girls in the world? Me:Gee, thanks Leo. You know what? Your even lucky I called you, I could've just taken off. Leo:Then why didn't you? Me:Because I wanted to tell my boyfriend first. Leo:Well, congrats, now you have none. And the line went dead I looked at the phone, stunned. Did he just break up with me? I've never been dumped before. I was sad..I guess. Shocked maybe? I slumped on the bed. I bet Leo won't even want to look at me. I wasn't upset about losing Leo as a boyfriend, but as a friend? I couldn't stand that. I blinked to wash away rising tears and texted Justin. I didn't want to speak to anyone right now. A few minutes of washing tears and deleting pictures later, I heard a knock at the door. I took my bags downstairs and opened. Justin was there with his hands in his pockets. Justin:Hey, Im so happy you agreed to come with me. He hugged me tight. Me:No problem. I muttured. Justin:Your okay? Me:I don't want to talk about it. Justin:Okay. He grabbed my green suitcases and dragged them out to the car. He helped me in and started to drive. Justin:Are you sure your okay? Me:I really want to let it go. I looked out the window and the passing houses, seemingly close, but getting farther in distance. As we drove, less houses started to appear, and more buildings and roads started to sprout up. Farewell Stratford, I thought fondly. Goodbye Mom and Dad, Razel and Leo. Leo. Tears blinded my vision and I blinked to wash the out. I still don't understand why he would dump me with no reason.Was he just angry that I had cancelled on him? Or that I was leaving with Justin? I thought about it until Justin tapped me. Justin:Were here. He got out his and my bags and we rolled them into the airport. Justin kept nagging me to tell him what was wrong, even as we boarded the plane. Justin:Please tell me. He whined, taking his seat. Me:Justin, for the last time, I don't want to bring it up! Leave it alone! I snapped. Justin:You know what then, don't talk to me at all. I turned to him. Me:Justin, I didn't mean- I was cut off by him putting his head phones in his ears. I waited for the plane to take off and pressed the flight attendant button. Justin:What are you doing? My back facing him, and I tossed my hair to let him know we weren't on speaking terms. A tall blonde lady in a blue uniform came over to me. Lady:Yes? Me:Can I please have my seat changed, this guy is bothering me. Justin:WHAT?! Lady:We have a seat in the back, if you like. Me:That's fine, thankyou. I grabbed my carry-on from the cubby on top and looked at Justin. He had a shocked expression. I tossed my hair again and the flight attendant directed me to the back. There were two empty seats and I took the one closest to the window. I plugged my ear phones in and listened to music. I was about to go to sleep when I felt someone grab my shoulder  Chapter 12

Me:Hey watch it! I opened my eyes and saw Justin. Justin:What did you do that for? I kept my mouth shut. Justin:Look, im sorry, I didn't literally mean for you to stop talking to me. Me:I know what you meant. Justin:Please, I just want to know why your upset. I sighed and took off my ear phones. Me:Leo dumped me today because I told him I was coming on tour with you. I mumbeled. My voice cracked at the end. Justin:Good thing you didn't tell me in Stratford. Me:Why? Justin:I would have killed him. I smiled and he hugged me. Justin:Im sorry. Me:Its okay. Wanna know a secret? Justin:Umm, okay? Me:Leo was a bad kisser. Justin:Compared to me? I blushed. Me:Yes. He smiled and looked down at me. He moved closer and kissed me softly. After a few seconds, he pulled away. We were silent for a few minutes until Justin let out a chuckle. Me:What? Justin:I have no idea how you can be a worse than that. I giggled and we started to talk until the plane landed. He grabbed my bags and we saw a woman with red straight red hair waiting for us. She was pretty, crooked smile, but beautiful regardless. Justin went up to her and kissed her cheek. Mom, Im guessing. He squeezed her tight and she focused on me. Pattie:Is this the girl you were telling me about? Justin:Yes ma'am. She hugged me close and I was beyond confused. Pattie:Im so sorry. If I would have known Justin was doing these things to you, I would have killed him. I smiled and hugged her back. Pattie:Im Patricia, but you can call me Pattie. Me:Im Naomi Hugo. Pattie:Nice to finally meet you. We started to walk, Pattie in front, jib jabbering away about Justin's tour scheduele, when he reached for my hand. I looked over at him and his eyes were fixed on his mom, but he had reached for my hand on purpose. I decided to take it and he interwinded his fingers with mine. I looked again and he was smiling. He helped me in the van a guy named Kenny was driving, and we were off. When we got to the arena, Justin helped me with my things until he heard a cry. ??:JUSTY!!  I saw this girl with a head on black curly hair run up to him. She started to kiss his cheek a million times a second, and I just watched. Justin:I missed you Jasmine. Jasmine:I missed you more. She said collapsing him in a hug, making him drop my things. Who IS this chick? I mean, I know Justin wasn't mine, but we kissed. That makes us something...friends with benefits? Then maybe they were something and I just let Justin kiss me for no reason. Jasmine:Who's this? Justin:This is my friend Naomi, Naomi this is Jasmine. Jasmine:Nice to meet you. She said smiling at me with wicked eyes. They just kept chattering away and I stood there like an idiot. Me:Uhh, Justin. He looked my way. Justin:Im sorry. Jasmine, I need to help Naomi with her things. Jasmine:That's okay, just pass by my bus later. She pecked his lips and left. My heart erupted into pieces. Why would she kiss him if they weren't a thing?

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