» Fiction » Don’t Believe Them, Leah Parker [mobile ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Don’t Believe Them, Leah Parker [mobile ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Leah Parker

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I’m not going to be his friend, though, because he would probably use and abuse me again. I can’t have that. And I won’t allow it. That’s a promise.

I decided to wear my hoodie today because I was feeling really happy with myself and when I’m happy, nothing can stop me. I have a family who love me and they are really accepting with who I am. In fact, they’re glad that I had enough courage to tell them and I’m glad that I didn’t leave it until next year to tell them- which I was going to do. If Tucker was here, what would he think of me? I’m a mess and nobody, not even Tucker, could help. My anxiety sets in whenever I go outside in fear that someone is going to beat me up or worse, kill me. No, I don’t want to think about that. I was almost killed but then he turned out to be my friend. He stuck up for me when Tucker Smythe was bullying me and when he planned a school shooting. Being Irish, it’s really hard to write the ‘th’ and the ‘t’ in words because we don’t say them. We have so many things with our language that people will never understand.

“Jes, look after Ally for me?” Dad told me as he walked out the door to go to work. Ally is evil, she runs me ragged forcing me to do whatever she wants. She’s adorable though, her huge ocean blue eyes and her dark brown hair and her pale skin. She may be 9 months, but she is so beautiful already.

“Come on Als, time for a bath.” I said loudly so she would hear. As soon as I said it, she took off running, expecting me to chase her; a baby of 9 months, though, doesn’t understand that when you get older, you get taller and quicker. After three seconds, I managed to grab her and lug her to the bathroom. I was in luck though, she was already in her nappy so it was really quick and easy to get her in the tub. She made a huge fuss about getting in as she didn’t want to, but when I tried to get her out, she wouldn’t let me. I know I’m the boss, but it felt like she was more of the boss as she was telling me what to do like when she didn’t want to get in the bath. She chooses her own clothes for her to wear and she’s really fussy about food. If her food isn’t a bright colour, she will not eat it. At the moment, her favourite food is sweet corn. She loves the colour, the shape and mostly the taste of the butter melting into it.

I have a lot of questions for life and existence. Like why do children have to think that they’re better than everyone else? Why are children so mean? I just don’t get it. I mean, I got bullied really badly but if I didn’t have that done to me, I wouldn’t be going on a talk show. That’s right, I was invited to go onto a talk show tomorrow night. Everything that’s happened has got me noticed by talk show hosts and I am so grateful. For anyone who have had a hard time: You will become who you have always been dreaming of being. Don’t let them rule your life, only you can do that. Also, live your life, don’t worry about people. Be who you are, not who people want you to be. I did that and look where I am now.





I literally cannot wait for tonight. I’m going to be on live TV with Ally, mum, dad and Mallory and I couldn’t be any happier. I’m ecstatic. We’ll be on air at 5:30 pm GMT time so anyone can see it. And it will be on YouTube so the rest of the world can see it.

I’ve been getting ready as I only have two hours left. One hour to get ready and another to get there. I’m petrified that I’m going to mess up and eat someone out but as long as I take my mints, I should be fine. I’ve just done my dickie bow up and I think I’m now ready. Brace myself for a twenty minute drive.

I’m at the studio now and I’m pacing up and down because I’m so scared. My name was called and I walked out on stage with my family.

“Good morning Jesse- Ringo” the lady announced. “How are you?” I was picking the skin off my fingers and I actually had to answer her question.

“I’m very well thank you. How are you?” I replied after a nudge from me da. The anchorman wasn’t expecting me to ask her back. She smiled and nodded her head while she fiddled with her papers.

“So..erm..Jesse, you’ve had a tough few months, am I right?”

“That is correct” wow I’m even more polite than I think. It’s just the nerves. She asked me a lot of questions about Tucker and how he passed and Mallory stormed out of the studio to stand outside. We were all shook. I looked out of the huge floor to ceiling window and I could see her crouching down with her head in her hands, she was crying so hard. But why? I had Ally sitting on my lap as we finished the interview and all she kept saying was “Jesse” and it was so adorable. I couldn’t help but think that she was going to make it when she grew up. Being an older brother who has been through a lot, I can help her be herself and I can help her if she gets bullied on day, god forbid touch wood. But, it’s true, I can. And I will. One day, I will be a famous actor and author. I will. I can just feel it in my bones and my stomach, and it feels great! I haven’t even threw up once today, so I don’t feel ill or anything; I feel healthy for once.

From the distance in the studio, I could see a really cute boy. He had black, short and straight hair. His eyebrows were to die for and he had a huge smile on his face. I walked over to him, glared into his huge dark brown eyes where I could see my reflection and stuttered “H-h-hi there. I’m Jesse.” He looked at me and I think he could see that I was petrified. But he smiled at me and in his cute American accent, he said “I’m Adym. Nice to meet you.” He handed me a little piece of paper which had his name and phone number on. I looked up and grinned widely at him as he put his fingers to his ear gesturing for me to call him later. The butterflies in my stomach were making me feel sick and dizzy. Am I in love?

When I got back home I lied on my bed and couldn’t stop thinking about this boy. I don’t even know how old he is, but I took a deep breath and dialled his number. He picked up!

“Hi, it’s Jesse” I said stuttering. I could hear him giggle and it made me feel so happy.

“Hey, man. What’s up?” He replied after laughing. We had a conversation on the phone for about two hours until he told me he was flying back to the states. That made me sad because I knew I couldn’t see him unless we FaceTime or call. When I hung up, I saw dad standing at my door smiling. As soon as I looked at him, he walked away giggling to himself. I sighed to myself and walked downstairs where Mallory was putting Ally to sleep. Dad came over to me and rubbed my shoulder. I chuckled under my breath and dad did too. We were one happy family at last.

Mallory hasn’t been looking at me ever since we got home. I’m worried about her, like, why would she run out when we’re talking about Tucker? It’s confusing because she never met him, I don’t think, but she’s grieving like he was part of her family. There’s posts on Facebook about the show and when Mallory saw it, she threw her phone and I cuddled her because it’s scary.

“Mallory?” I asked walking into the kitchen where Mallory was peering over the stove making sure the potatoes weren’t boiling over. She looked at me. “You’re his sister aren’t you?” I said stumbling on my words. A tear fell from her eye and into the boiling water. From that, I knew it was true; she never had to say anything. I just knew.

I cuddled Mal for about two minutes and we were sobbing together. I think the potatoes boiled over but we didn’t care, I felt so bad for her. Her brother died! And everyone was just acting like it was natural? That isn’t right, we should all have listened to her when she obviously tried telling us. My head was filled with extreme thoughts and I just didn’t know what to do. I knew Tucker and I was the last one who spoke to him before his passing but I still felt guilty. I know I shouldn’t, but I just do. It’s hard to explain the regret and the guilt and the bereavement but the best way to say it is to say that it’s like something is missing and you know you can never get it back. That’s the worst part, just knowing that you will never see them again unless you look at pictures or go to their grave. It’s terrifying and you never know what it’s like until it happens to you.

Dad walked into the kitchen seeing us hug. He put his hands in the air and walked back out. “Come back, dad!” I screamed as Mallory and I broke from each other. We all sat in the living room listening to Mal talk about her little brother, even dad took it all in. That was the weird part, as dad never listens. He barely listened when I came out to him but I don’t really care because he takes in what he needs to but Mallory yells at him if he doesn’t listen and if he is in a little world of his own. My head was going mental again so I got on the phone to Adym and texted him:

Hey there. Wanna meet up soon? I need to see someone right now.

I know it’s a bit vague but that’s all it needs.


Publication Date: 03-10-2018

All Rights Reserved

To my girlfriend Alex, my sister Carlie and my whole family. Thank you for believing in me. I love you all so much!

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