» Fiction » The One To Be, Cody Brugh [best black authors txt] 📗

Book online «The One To Be, Cody Brugh [best black authors txt] 📗». Author Cody Brugh

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my video games all day.".

He hears a buzzing noise coming from his poket, he pulls out his cell phone as he realizes that it is his alarm for 8:25am.

. "Oh crap!". He whispers to him self as he takes off towards his school.

As he arives at his school he gets stoped by a gang of bullies.

"Hey midget!", Kevin yells out teasing Andrew.

"Let me go to my class Kevin.", Andrew states as he trys to push through the pile of boys.

Kevin laughs as he pushes Andrew to the gorund,

"No you freak! I'll do what i want when i want to, you're just the freak boy who likes to stay in his room all day.", Kevins says with his arms crossed and his head held high.

"Leave me alone!", Andrew yells out.

Kevin smirks as he looks back to his friends and then back to Andrew.

"Freak boy!", Kevin yells at Andrew while geting the rest of the kids to yell freak boy as Andrew runs inside, he covers his ears with his hands.

Andrew makes it to his class late, the teachers stares at Andrew, "Why are you late.", the teacher demands as she gestures him to take a seat.

"Sorry Mrs.Pidawall, I was just not paying atention to the time. It will not happen again.", Andrew says as he lows his head and moves quickly to his seat. He sits down and pulls out his books.

The teacher starts talking as Andrew drifts of into space. He starts thinking about what level of his game he wants to get to when he gets home when suddenly he hears a faint voice call to him.

"My lord..."

"Andrew!" the teachers yells at him. He quickly shoots his head towards her.

"What are you doing?" The teachers points out as she becomes angry.

"Oh I was..." The teacher interrupts Andrew, "I don't care what you were doing, just start writeing your five parragraph essay on why students should do there classwork!".

"But I..." The teacher interrutps again,"I don't care!"

Andrew sighs as he pulls out a piece of paper and begins to write. 

Andrew starts to quickly write some reason down as the lunch bell rings.

The teacher calls Andrew to her desk as the rest of the kids rush out the door. He slowly walks up to her desk with his head held down. "Ye..Yes" he says as he hands her his paper.

"Andrew you're a bright kid and i didn't mean to be so harsh with you."

"It's okay Mrs.Pidawall, it was all on my end any ways." he states as he rubs the back of his neck.

"No, I didn't want the kids to think i take it easy on you or think that i favor you. Besides i can't let them know you're my favorite student after all." She says with sarcasim in her voice as she throws her feet up on her desk.

"Thanks, may i go now" He asks impatiently.

"I might as well let you go now sence you did the essay." 

She gets up and shows him to the door.

"Well have a good day Andrew and make sure you study for tomorrows big test." she states as she giggles and walks back to her desk.

"Thats tomorrow!?" he questions her.


"Shit!" he whispers to himself as he runs off to lunch. On his way to lunch Kevin stops him Infront of the lunch room. "So freak boy, you wanna come chill with us after school or what." Kevin asks as he smirks.

"No!" Andrew yells as he grabs his books tightly.

"What ever, we dont want to hang out with a freak any ways!" 

Kevins walks past Andrew hiting his shoulder and knocking him to the floor scattering his books every where.

"Dick" Andrew mumbles as the gang of boys enter the lunch room. He gathers his books and rushes into the lunch room barley with enough time left to get his food.

Andrew pays for his food and begins to walk to his lunch table as he passes Kevin. Kevin sticks out his foot and trips Andrew. "Opps!" Kevin yells as every one begins to laugh.

Andrew gathers whats left of his lunch and he rushes to the bathroom throwing away his spilt lunch in the trash can.

He busts into the bathroom and starts cleaning of his shirt as the anger builds up in him. He punches the mirroir breaking it. Suddenly a sharp pain rushes through his body as he hears a distant voice call out to him.

"My lord, calm down."

Suddenly He shoots up stareing at him self in the broken mirroir. "Am I going crazzy or did i hear a voice?" He thinks to himself as he is starlted by the flushing of a toliet. Froozen he stands still holding his hand keeping the blood from driping every where as a large boy comes out the stall. The boy stares at him as he rushes out the bathroom.

"Fat ass" He says to himself as he starts to wash off his hand.

Andrew walks out the bathroom and glaces past his shoulder seeing a young girl crying while two girls kick at her. "Yeah you slut!" one girl yells out as she dumps out the little girls bags onto the floor. 

"Hey!" Andrew yells at the two girls as he runs over to save the little one. "Oh, its freak boy!" the two girls yell as they run off in fear of his freakieness.

"Are you okay." Andrew states as he helps clean up the girls penicals and papers spread across the floor.

"Yeah, I'm fine." the little girl whispers as she helps clean up the mess. They both stand as Andrew wipes off his pants legs. "So why was those girls beating you up?" Andrew questions as he hands her a handfull of pencils. "I don't." the girl whispers as she grabs pencils and put them in her bag.

"So what's your name?" he questions as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Oh, it's ..." she pauses as she stares at the ground blushing.

"Well?" Andrew questions impatiently.

 "Alice!" she yells as she runs off.

"I'm sorry!" Andrew yells as he stands in the hallway puzzled.

He slowly turns around and starts walking back to the lunch room as the class bell rings.

"Damn, looks like im going home hungary." he thinks to himself as his stomach growls.

All the kids rush out of the lunch room yelling and jumping around. He slowly turns and fallows them to his next class.

He reaches his next class barley as the late bell rings. "Ugh, science." he says while he slowly walks through the door. He walks over to his desk and slings himself into his desk.

"Now class." the teach says as he grabs a ruler. "I am your teacher. I might be new but I can be ruthless." he exsplains as he smacks the ruler on the board.

"Cut that out!" Kevin yells out as he stands up. Andrew shoots his over staring at Kevin, "Oh fuck!" Andrew whispers under his breath as he begins to hide his face. Unknowingly Andrew happens to push is bag off the desk. The bag makes a loud sound as it smacks the ground. The whole class turns around surpirsed as they stare at him. Kevin sees Andrew and smiles. "So, guess we are gonna study the life of freaks now." Kevin says as every one laughs, including the teacher.

Andrew quickly grabs his bag flinging in on to his table. He stares at kevin as he smirks and says, "This must be biology because you're one small organism!".

"Fuck you!" Kevin screams as he trys to move towards Andrew but one of his friends stops him.

"Hey now." Mr.Que states as he walks over to his desk.

"Do i need to send both of u to the office?" he smirks as he grabs his walkie-talkie.

"No. Im sorry Mr.Que." Andrew apologizes as he turns torwards the window staring off into space.

"Kevin?" Mr.Que questions as he stares at him. Kevin sits down angrly stareing at his papers clinching his fist.

The school bell rings as one kid yells out "Thank god!"

All the kids empty out of the class room and into the hallways in a great rush. Andrew remains in his seat as Mr.Que grabs his bag. Mr.Que walks over to Kevin's seat taping on it. "Hey Kevin." Mr.Que says as Kevin startles awake. Kevin shoots his head up, looking around furiously. He sees Andrew still siting there staring out the window, he gets up and starts walking towards him. 

"Kevin!" Mr.Que yells towards him as he points at him. Kevins stops and stares at Andrew, clintching his fist he begins to walk towards him again. "Now Kevin!" Mr.Que raises his voice as he steps towards Kevin. 

Andrew gets startled as he shoots his head towards Mr.Que. Kevin stops and whispers to Andrew "Just wait freak boy, just wait.". Kevin rushes out the class room knocking into Mr.Que. "You're in big trouble mister!" Mr.Que yells down the hallway as Kevin makes his way out of the school.

"Watch your back Andrew." Mr.Que says as he walks out of the classroom. 

Puzzled Andrew grabs his bag and walks out the class room. He reaches the school door as a sharp pain rushes through his body. Hunched over he hears a voice say to him "Run." the pain stops and he glaces over as he sees Kevin and his gang of followers talking over at the edge of the fence on the far side of the school. 

Andrew ducks his head and begins to walk the opposite way of the of kids. He glances back as he sees Kevin spot him. "Get him!" Andrew hears as the boys begin to run towards him. He shoots off running across the skreet. He rounds the corner as he hears the foot step of the boys follow behind him. His mind races as he runs down the block looking for a way out.

He spots a dumpster and quickly hides behind it. Andrew pears around the dumpster seeing the boys run past him as one of the boys stops and yells "In here!". Suddenly Andrew takes off further down the alley as the boys follow in. He reachs a dead end as he shoots around riasing his fist shaking.

Chapter Three-The unkown prince

The gang of kids crowd the entrance of the alley way. Kevin walks past them laughing "Oh poor little freak boy." He says sarcasticly as he walks slowly towards Andrew with his hands in his pockets.

"Go Away!" Andrew yells as he backs up further hiting the alley wall.  Kevin stops and laughs

"You messed up this time."

"Well boys we got a game to play." he pans back and looks at boys motioning them closer.

"Whats the game?" one boy questions as he hits his fist onto his open hand.

"How many punches can the freak boy take before he pukes." Kevin says with excitment in his voice. 

"Fuck off!" Andrew yells as he clinches his fist. He throws his bag down onto a old newspaper rustling it.

"Beter watch that mouth before I break it in!" Kevin taunts as he raises his fist.

"Okay boys, lets get him!" He says as all the boys charge towards Andrew.

Andrew holds his ground with his fist raised, he swing as one of the boys get closer. He hits the kid square in the jaw knocking him out.

The rest of the boys continue to charge, Andrew swings and misses one the boys but hiting anouther. The boy that

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