» Fiction » The One To Be, Cody Brugh [best black authors txt] 📗

Book online «The One To Be, Cody Brugh [best black authors txt] 📗». Author Cody Brugh

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past relationship but when i arived here she was there and she told me she was my wife." Chris says and he sits down on the couch. 

"Ew. You're wife is our mom." Andrew says and he motions that he is throwing up.

"Stop it!" Chris yells as he biulds with anger. 

"I'm sorry." Andrew shoots back and then he stops and smirks. "I am your lord after all." he says with his head held high. 

"I don't care!" Chris shoots at him with a stare. Andrew laughs and begins to march around the room. 

"Oh come on, losen up." Andrew says and he pushes on Chris.

"There is no time to losen up, run up stairs and grab a bag." Chris says as he motions Andrew to his room.

"Fine." he stomps up the stairs to his room.

"Make sure you pack everything that you're going to need." Chris says as he moves around the kitchen looking for a bag. He finds a bag and starts to stuff dry food in it.

"Hurry up!" Chris yells up the stairs as he stuffs a loaf of bread into the bag. He contiunes to look for things to eat and drink. He finishes with the bag and throws it at the door as he hears a loud noise coming from outside the window.

Andrew comes down from his room with every thing in his bag. "Okay im ready." Andrew says as he stumbles down the stairs. 

"That bag is as big as a mountain, what do you have in there a mini-van!?" Chris  Questions and his mouth drops. 

"You said get everything that I am going to need." he states as he starts to laugh.

"Yeah, I know what I said, and I said to get every thing you needed. I didn't say bring your whole room." Chris exsplains as he begins to laugh too. Andrew walks back upsairs and begins to unload his bag, only keeping what is needed the most. 

"Okay, I have only what i need." Andrew sprits down the stairs with his bag not as full. 

"Good!" Chris says as he sits on the couch and pulls out a long pipe.

"Why did you need me to pack my bag up with what i would need the most?" Andrew questions as he joins Chris. 

"Well we have to go and meet your family. My wife will be home soon, then we will go." Chris says as he puts the pipe to the end of his mouth. 

"Eww! I didn't know you smoked." Andrew says while disgust takes over his face. Chris laughs and grabs a lighter from his pocket. He flicks the light on and then aplies it to the end of the pipe.

"Don't smoke in here!" Andrew demands as he covers his mouth. Chris laughs again.

"Well I'll do what i want and i don't care what you have to say!" Chris agrues as he blows on the pipe, Bubbles spread out of the end of the pipe. The bubbles cascade down from the pipe and on to the floor, some bubbles fly in the air, but most just flow over the sides of the pipe like a waterfall, and down onto the floor.

"You're so mean!" Andrew says as he bust out laughing. "Bubbles!" He says as he starts to play with them.

"I figured  I would mess with you just a little bit, but i think we need to get every thing we need before we head off." Chris says as he jumps up and begins to pack every thing that they need, Andrew follows short behind him. 

They gather every thing they need for there big journey ahead of them. "She'll be home soon." Chris says as he holds his head. 

"Whats the matter?" Andrew questions as he walks to Chris concerned about him holding his head. 

"I'm fine just a little head ache." Chris says as he shakes it off. Andrew turns his attention twords the window as he hears a large roar. 

"Run!" Chris yells as he grabs his sword and shield. Removing his amulet he begins to glow as he strikes the thin air. 

"What as gotten into you?" Andrew questions as he stands there puzzled. Andrew grabs the bags and rushes them down and onto the street.

Chris comes tumbling down as he shoots up and starts to hover. "What is it?" Andrew questions as he starts to look for what is attacking Chris. Their mom arives and she jumps out, helping with the bags she throws Andrew in the car.

"Mom!" Andrew yells as she slams the door on his shoe string. Andrew opens the door back up and pulls in his shoe string. Their mom slams on the gas, as the tire screeches the car shoots off and begins to voom down the street.

"What about Chris?!" Andrew questions with conserne for Chris's safty.

"He'll be just fine." Their mom says as she takes a sharp left.

Andrew looks out the back window to see Chris fighting mid air, geting slamed back and forth, from left to right. He stares puzzled as what Chris was fighting and why he could not see it. He sees the buildings crumbles as if something big was runing into them but tere was nothing just Chris flying around sliceing the smog.

"What is he fighting?" Andrew questions his mom as he turns to look at her waiting for a responce.

"Well... It's hard to exsplain." she says as she takes anouther sharp turn, but htis time right.

"Trust me I learned alot today, I doubt it's that hard to tell me." he says as he turns back and stares back at chris only to see him being flung into the ground.

"It's a Monterrone." She syas she slams on the gas some more, barley scraping a car she continues, "It's like a giant snake slash dragon but invisable in this world."

 Chirs fight off anouther attack. He turns back to look at Andrew as he gets speared by somthing, blood squirting every were like a fountain from a horror movie. The creatures swallows him whole as he becomes visible to Andrew. 

"Oh no!" Andrew wheeps as he turns back in his seat looking at his mother.

"What?!" She questions as she trys to stay on the road. 

"It got Chris!" he yells as the wheeping becomes louder. His mom stops the car and jump out. She summons a large sword, she jumps in the air slashing the large creature in the head. The creature roars as it bleeds out on to near by cars, the blood starts to melt the cars as the people inside of them scream from the pain of the acitic blood.

"Mom!" Andrew yells out as the big beast swings it's tail slinging his mom into a near by building.

"No!" Andrew screams as the beast stabs her through the chest with its tung. Swallowing her whole the beast turns towards Andrew.

"You will die!" Andrew yells as tears roll from his eyes and down his cheeks. The beast lunges twords Andrew with it's mouth wide open, the blackness from within its mouth nears closer.

Andrew wakes up in a flash startling every one around him.

Chapter Five-What the...

Andrew pans around the room in a haste trying to see where he is at, dazed and light headed he gets comfronted by the teacher. "You finaly awake Andrew?!" the teacher ask as he stares hard at Andrew. 

"Where am I?" Andrew questions as he begins to focus on the black board. 

"The world of dreams." the teacher says as he waves his hands over his head and down to his sides. 

"Realy?!" Andrew questions as if he believes in what the teacher just told him.

"No! Your in my class sleeping all day, now get back to work or im sending you to the office!" the teacher hisses at the response he got from Andrew.

"Oh, can i go to the bathroom real quick?" Andrew questions as he stands up in a rush.

"Yes, and stop by the office and tell them you have been sleeping all day!" the teacher says as he waves Andrew away. Andrew runs out the classroom slaming the door behind him, he hastly rushes down the hallways and into the bathroom. Slaming the door behind him and closing his eyes he places his head on the closed door.

"Umm... Hey?" a light voice calls out from behind Andrew. Andrew slowly turns his head puzzled by what he is hearing.

"Ahh!" he screams as he sees a girl half naked washing somthing in the sink.

"What are you doing in here!" he demands as he stares at her breast.

"What do you mean? Why are you in here." She questions as she trys to cover up.

"This is the boys bathroom I am allowed in here!" he scoffs as he continues to stare at her body.

"This is the girls bathroom!" she states pointing at the wall. Andrew stares at her with a puzzled look as he turns to see what she is pointing at. He pans up and sees a like figure of a girl.

"Oh shit." He says as he turns back to the girl. "I'm so sorry." he says as he trys to leave.

She reaches out and grabs his shirt stoping him from leaving.

"No wait!" she says blushing with her head held down. "Wait why?" Questions as he stares at her puzzled egered to leave.

"Can you help me get this dye out of my shirt? The girls that you saved me from early poured drink all over my shirt." she asks as she continues to blush. Andrew removes her hand from his shirt and holds it. 

"Why yes my lady." he says sarcasticly as he kisses her hand. She giggles as the blush on her face begins to glow brighter. 

He walks over to the sink where he had saw her washing somthing, he looks down and sees a tiny white t-shirt in the sink soaked with red dye and water.

"Well I don't think that will wash out." he states as he picks it up. "Get your mom to wash it when you get home." he says as he offers her the shirt.

"Well..." she says as she pauses.

"Well what?" he questions as he drops the t-shirt back into the sink.

"Well, my family is pour and we can't afford to wash our cloths if they are to badly stained. We can't afford to spend money on clearers like that." she says as she looks away from being poor.

"I'm sorry, my mom would be happy to wash it." he says as the dream hits him. Andrew runs out the bathroom with the t-shirt in his hand, he shoots down the hallways passing his teacher. "Hey get back here!" the teacher yells out as he raises his fist into the air.

Andrew ignores the teacher and runs out the school. Andrew runs across the street and past the alley way where the gang of kids was fighting him. He slows down and looks down the alley way spoting burns on ghe side of the walls. He gains back his focus and speeds up again.

Andrew nears his house as he runs out of breath, stop Andrew sees his mom arive from work.

"Mom!" he screams out as he runs twords her jumping into her arms. Andrew begins to wheep as he hugs the breath out of her.

"Whats the matter?" she questions as she wipes away his tears.

"I thought you died!" he screams out as he begins to wheep even harder.

"Well that's

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