» Fiction » The One To Be, Cody Brugh [best black authors txt] 📗

Book online «The One To Be, Cody Brugh [best black authors txt] 📗». Author Cody Brugh

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mother who had woken up to the tragic scene. Well as he was pleding Waka came up behind him and hit him in the head with a large candle holder, the blow to Jaho's head caused his to be dazzed as he watch his mother be stabed by Waka." Chris says trying to keep his temper level. 

"Well after that, Waka framed his brother and mother for their father's death. The kingdom grew mad as they tried to kill Jaho for the death of there beloved king. So Waka told them to calm and just banish his brother to the farest coner of the world and keep him there to rot. Well the people needed a king and Waka was the only air to the throne left, so he took the throne and ruled it for years. He gave the people what they wanted until, he the evil in his heart began to corupt him and turn his soul black. After his tansformation he became a ruthless king and those who would not listen was put to death." Chris states as he eats the last bite of his cake, then slurps down the last bit of his tea. 

"What the hell would he do that for?!" Andrew questions with anger in his eyes.

"Calm down my lord. There is no need to get mad." Chris exsplains as he puts his hands on both of Andrew's shoulders.

To worried about the evil king to catch that chris called him lord he replied, "Well what happened next!" he demanded to know.

Chris moves his arms off of Andrew and motions them to the air, "Well Jaho, your father meet a young ladie on his way to the farest coner of the world. It was love at first site and she demanded to come along so she did. Well when they meet there destination, they built them a house and then they made them some tools for farming. Then they made sweet love and then had you." Chris stops to see Andrew's exspretion.

"Well?" Andrew demands as he waits impatiently.

"Well, they had you and then Waka sunt out creatures to kill yall so you would not be the next air to the throne. Your father fought of the creatures long enough for your mother to reach me and give me you. Well when she gave me you i ran to an old witch that lived in the mountains, beging her i demanded her to send us away to a new world until the time you was needed to rule the kingdom." Chris says while motioning his hands in the air once more.

"Well what happened next?" Andrew questions trying to get Chris to tell him.

"Well I had to make a deal with her. I had to give away my hieght for our jorney." Chris says with his head bowed

"What you mean you had to give your hieght away?" Andrew questions as he looks at chris thinking "He realy isn't that short.". 

"I'll just show you." Chris says as he stands up removing an amulet from his neck. A bright light shines from all over his body.. Andrew covers his eyes from the bright intense light coming off of Chris.

"Okay, now you can open your eyes." Chris says as he stand there still waiting for Andrew's exspretion. Andrew uncovers his eyes and looks were Chris's eyes use to stand. 

"Um, where are you?" Andrew question as he looks around the room puzzled.

"Right here!" Chris says with a attitude in his voice. Andrew stops and pans down to see this short stuby little man with his little baby like fingers and rough scrufy beard. The man which was not Chris as he know but Chris's true form.

Andrew busted out laughing. "You're a freaking dwarf!" He said rolling around on the couch holding his stomach. 

"You don't have to be an ass about it!" Chris hisses as he puts the amulet back on. 

"So you're a freaking dwarf and I'm your king." Andrew states as he rolls around still laughing. 

Chris sighs, "I believe so my lord. But i wasnt always short, i was once 7'2''." Chris exsplains as he frowns from knowing he isnt his old hiegth. Andrew finaly stops and sits up. 

"What happened?" Andrew questioned as he waited for a quick responce

 "Well do you remember when i told you that I had to pay in order for us to come here." Chris questions as he sits back down.

"Yeah" Andrew ansers quickly.

"Well thats what i mean by the price being my hieght. I became a dwarft in order to bring u to safty." Chris says as he qucikly grabs the empty tea cup and rushes it to the sink.

"Oh, well I'm sorry you had to do that for me." Andrew states as he slumps down into the couch leaning his head on to the arm rest. Drifting off into slumber he can faintly hear Chris start yelling at him but he can not make out what he is trying to say. 

Andrew almost slips into complete slumber when he sees a slight image of a creature bust through the window tackling Chris. 

Andrew slips off into complete slumber, becoming one with the darkness that lies behind his eyes.


Chapter Four-The journey begins

 Andrew wakes in a frieght, he jumps up, looking around the room franticly. He sees the window broken and the walls and room is all messed up with holes every were. He runs around the house looking for Chris and screaming out his name.

"Chris!" Andrew screams as he franticly starts to pick up and move a bunch of things around. He happens to run past the laundry room and hears a slight noise. He turns to look to see what it is and he realizes that it is Chris siting there laying in the floor all cold, alone, and just about to pass over to the spirt world.

"Brother!" Andrew yells as he runs towards Chris picking up his little body. Andrew carries him to the couch and lays him down.

"T...tea." Chris manages to say before he drew his last breath.

"Noooo!" Andrew yells as he falls to the ground on his knees wheeping. Andrew realizes what his brother said and about how they have powers, so he ran over to the tea. He shuffled through the trash and dry wall on the conter. 

"Where is it!" he said to him self throwing stuff around out of fustration. He lifts up a large piece of dry wall and sees the tea cup that he had drank from, he grabed the tea and poured a tall glass. He rushed over to Chris laying on the couch lifless.

"Come on don't you die on me!" he screamed while holding up Chris's head, trying to pour the tea in Chris's mouth. He began to wheep again, managing to get most of the tea down Chris's throat he held the cold little body crying.

"Why!" he yelled into Chris's chest.

"" Chris managed to get out. Andrew paused as he felt Chris's body become warm and tight again.

"Brother?" Chris spoke clearly. "Why are you crying?" He stared at Andrew puzzled.

"Because you died and i thought i lost you for ever." Andrew exsplained as he wiped his tears.

Chris laughed as he regained all his strength "I wasn't gonna die, i was only  taking a short nap." he chuckled as he drank the last of the tea that was siting on the coffe table.

"What?!" Andrew questions with a shocked exspretion comeing over his face.

"Yeah, my mana went realy low and I just needed some sleep to regain it." He exsplained as he threw the tea cup at the wall. "Thank God you gave me that tea or I would have been sleeping for days." he chuckled as he stood up. He stumbled and then caught him self. 

"Man this place is a mess." he chukled as he looked around the room. He stoped and ran to the window, almost flinging him self through the window as he looked out of it. 

"I wonder where he came from?" Chris questioned him self.

"What was that thing!?" Andrew questioned as he stood up and joined Chris.

"Well that was a beast that Waka can, and will summon to kill who ever he feels the need to." Chris says as he exsamins the alley way. 

"Strange." Chris says to himself as he rubs his chin.

"What?" Andrew questions. Chris pauses as if he is in a deep thought and then looks back out the window again.

"What's strange!?" Andrew questions impatiently.

"Well..." Chris pauses as he looks back out the window. Andrew taps his foot and stares at him waiting for an anser.

"Well, those beast normaly attack in packs. That one that i had to slay was biger than normal but there should be several more. hmm.'" Chris exsplains to Andrew, then he turns to look out the window again and then turns his head to look on the roof.

"Well maybe this was a stray or something." Andrew states trying to convince Chris that there is nothing wrong. 

"We need to clean this place up before mom gets home or we are dead." Andrew exsplains making Chris shoot his head towards him. "My amulet?" Chris questions with his eyes wide open grabing his neck. Chris runs over to were he was at.

"I think i saw it over there in the laundry room." Andrew sugest as he points to the room where he found Chris. Chris rushes over to the room and starts throwing stuff around. 

"Ah-ha, found it!" he celebrates as he puts it on. The room fills with a bright light again as he morphs into Chris.

"By the way, what is ur real name?" Andrew questions Chris as he starts cleaning.

"You're gonna laugh." Chris says as he shly walks around looking for a broom.

"I promise that i wont." Andrew says as he walks around looking for his book bag.

"Well, it's ... Jenny." Chris says as he blushes and waves like a girl towards Andrew.

"Realy!?" Andrew questions with his mouth wide open from shock.

"No. I was just kiding." Chris says as he starts to laugh.

"Oh. Then what is it?" Andrew questions impatiently. 

"Well, i don't realy know. My memory was affected when i traveled to this world, well besides what i told u and what im going to tell you." Chris says as he starts speaking a forien language.

"Oh." Andrew replays as he stares at Chris puzzled by what he is speaking. "What are you doing?" Andrew questions as a wind picks up in the room. Chris starts to speak louder as his eyes begin to glow. 

"What the..." Andrew trys to say as a bright light flashes in his face causing him to cover his eyes. 

The wind settles and the light vanishes, Andrew uncovers his eyes and sees the whole house back to normal. "How the hell?!" Andrew yells as he stares at Chris puzzled.

"Magic!" Chris says as he motions a rainbow. Andrew giggles. 

"So what now?" Andrew questions as he stretches. Andrew moves to the door unlocking it. "Mom will be home soon." he states as he looks at Chris. 

"Well Andrew..." Chris says then he pauses. "What now?" Andrew questions giving Chris a puzzled stare. 

"Well our mom is my wife." Chris says as he blushes. 

"What!?" Andrew question as he gives Chris a nasty stare. 

"Well you see I brought my wife with me, I don't remember much about our wedding and

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