» Fiction » The One To Be, Cody Brugh [best black authors txt] 📗

Book online «The One To Be, Cody Brugh [best black authors txt] 📗». Author Cody Brugh

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Chapter One-The beginning of time

In a parrel dimension, there was a kingdom that ruled over all the land, from as far as the eye can see. Where great peace and prosperity rained over the land, as if the cold winter had laid a thick, white blanket of snow.

In this kingdom there was a king, a queen, and two princes.

The two bothers faught as brothers do, but Jaho would always win, leaving Waka defeated. Jaho was the older stronger brother, Waka was the younger weaker brother. Jaho could throw a dozen axes at once and lift an ox with one hand, but Waka could not. Jaho was noticed as the best looking prince of all the land with his blue eyes and gold flowing locks. Waka was known as the dimmer less atractive brother, with his Brown eyes and black hair. No one notice Waka as a prince, he was teased and beaten by all the kids when he walk through the alley ways playing. Jaho would save his little brother from most kids but Waka still despised Jaho.

What most did not know is that Waka had a unigue talent witch made him stand out from ever one else.

As the years grew on,  less, and less people even notice Waka as a prince. He grew angery with the land and all on it. He seeked revenge and power over all in his father's kingdom. So one cold dark night he devised a plan to kill his father. He waited a few years, training his unique talent giving to him by his mothers womb. The womb that also gave his brother the strength of 100 men and the good looks of his father as well.

As the years ticked by the brothers grew father and father apart. As Waka's powers grew stronger with every waking moment. He soon would be able to fufill his despicable plan, but Waka's powers were great but not great enough. After many more years of their father's rule Waka's powers grew stronger than even he himself could dream of.

One dark, dreadful night, while the king was sleeping in his bed.

Waka called out to his powers,"Come forth my fellow minions and make quick work of my pitiful father.", as he spoke the clouds in the sky begain to turn a dreadful black, and serpents began to form from his arms and slowly inched towards the ground.

The hellish serpents moved ever so gracfuly with the wind as thunder crackled above the kingdom. Rain began to pour down on to the ground forming large puddles of muddy water. The serpents slithered down the hall of the castle and towards thier fathers room.

A gaurd happened to see Waka summon those beast from within himself. The guard bravley ran towards the serpants striking one in the head, stoping it in its tracks.

When Waka realized what had happened he commanded the serpents to devour the guard before continuing their first command.

The serpants began to slowly but painly wrap them selfs around the guard as he panicked and began to strugle with the beasts. They began to crush his suit of armor, sealing him with in. The guard was amazed as though the one he thought he had killed was back alive crushing him within his suit of protection, which was becoming his coffin. As the serpants crushed the suit of armor to were it could not move they stoped and continued with the first command.

Waka ever so slowly walked over to the guard who was beging for mercy and pleding he would never tell any one about what he had saw. When Waka reached the man he looked down and laughed.

"You think I would let a peasant like you free from my grip, Ha how foolish are you!"

He stompted on the mans arm breaking it.

"I will show you no mercy for I was shown none as a child. I was floged and made a joke of. My whole life i was just a steping stool for my brother to reach his goals. But!!! Not tonight, I will have my revenge on that fool you call a king!" He yelled as the man pleded for mercy.

"Please oh please kill me Waka, oh please!" Waka mocked as the man layed in his cold iron coffin beging for mercy.

The guard began to soil himself as he weeped.

"Oh god, you disgust you pathetic pest!" He yelled as he kicked the man.

"Well, Well. Might as well show you mercy now as i would show a child."

Waka's eyes started to glow with a dark ember as his hand began to morph in to a bumpy hole filled hive. He laughed as tiny little incests began to drop from the holes and into to the small opening of the guard's amor.

He walked away as the screams of the guard faded. The iron coffin began to shake rapidly, as the insects devoured the body from within.

Waka walked ever so steadly down through the castle, crushing and killing every guard in sight.

As he aprouched his father's chambers, the fire of revenge burned as bright as the summer sun. As he commanded the serpents to go under the chamber's door and unlock it from within.

He felt a sudden hold in his movments. He was frozzen as he thought to himself, "What is this feeling. This strange unknown feeling runing through my body makeing me tense up and stop all my movements. This gut renching feeling that makes me want to stop all that i am doing, and bow to my father, beging for his forgivness for i have fallen from the path of the light." Waka shook of this feeling as the serpents pried open the door to his fathers chambers. 

He looked over his father and mother laying in there bed sleeping.

He burned with anger as the serpents slowly moved up the sides of the bed post and up on his father. One serpent slithered along side the king and up to his neck locking it in tight. The other serpent silthered not to far from the other and locked in the kings hands.

Waka's father woke up gasping for air as the serpents constricted his air ways. The king cried from the pain of being  slowly murdered by his own flesh and blood, as the surpents began to drain every last drop of life from him.

He managed to squize out the words very faintly, "I forgive you.".

Waka heard the faint words caussing him to drop to his knees releaseing the serpents hold just enough for his father to catch his breath.

Waka weeped as he yelled, "Why! Why couldn't you just had let me kill you! Why couldn't you have just died and been gone!"

Waka weeped into his hands as his father caught his breath, still to weak to break free but just strong enough to speack.

"My son i love you and your brother the same, you both were born from my seed, my flesh, my blood." He let out a slight cough

"You both were born from your mother's womb which was blessed by the gods to give every born child a gift." He coughed again.

"Son I..."

Waka contricted the serpents around his throat again even tighter.

"Shut up, just shut up! I dont want a pity story from you!" Waka clinched his fist as he arched his back and screamed to the heavens.

"Be gone with you!". Waka sat there weeping.

 Then all a sudden Jaho busts down the door throwing an axe which stricts and kills the serpent contricting their father's throat.

He grabed his brother picking him up and flinging him to the wall. Jaho yells at his brother, "What kind of evil are you trying to curse the land with!"

Jaho grabs his brother by his long blackened robe."Why was you trying to kill our father!"

Jaho yells as he pulls a small axe from off his back. He raises it into the air as he speaks to his brother,"May the Gods has mercy on your soul."

He swings the axe down with great fury, but just before the axe strikes apon Waka's neck. Waka begins to laugh. Jaho stops and stares puzzled at his brother."Why are you laughing when you're so close to death?!"

He hisses at his brother impatiently. Waka continues to laugh even louder.

"Speak!". Jaho yells with a mighty roar.

Waka slowly looks at his brother with a big grin across his face as he points towards there dad,"Haha! I didnt kill him, you did. Haha!"

Jaho roars with anger. "No i did not!".

He slams his fist into the wall behind Waka barely missing his face."No!"

Waka chuckles,"Go on, take a look.".

With anger in his movments Jaho glances over and sees that the axe he had threw cliped his dads throat, leaving him in the bed unable to speak, bleeding to death.

Jaho hits his knees as he relizes that his mother had woken up and saw her husband killed by her own son's axe.

"How could you!" there mother yells from the dark coner with anger in her eyes.

"How could!". she yells one more time.

Jaho realizes that his mother is angry and pleds to her.

"Mother it wasn't me i sware it was Waka!".

She slowly starts walking towards him.

"Mother i sware!".

"Enough!". Shouts his mother, "Waka is no were to be found, all i see is you!".

Jaho pans around the room realizeing that Waka is gone. "But he was right here mother! He was strangling father with serpents!". Jaho exsplained as his mother stares into his soul.

His mother pauses as if she is thinking about what he just said. "My son i believe you, where is your..." 

Jaho pans back as he sees a slight image of his brother swinging down a large object hiting him in the back of his head. The sudden tramma sent Jaho to the ground with a ringing in his ears as he sees his brother drop the large object infront of him.

He watches as Waka steps over him and grabs his mother by the throat. He can only hear the slight whisper of the sounds of them argueing back and forth.

With the last bit of air in his lungs he whispers, "Mother", as he watches Waka stab their mother with a small dagger that he had conceled away in his robe.

"Noooo!". He whispers as he becomes unconscious.

Chapter Two-Freak boy

 "Burr, Its cold out here." Andrew says to chris as he covers himself with his coat.

"Oh yeah, it is cold out.". Chris giggles as he pushes Andrew out the door.

"Hey! Watch it!", Andrew hisses.

"It's very icy out here!" Andrew states as he almost slips and falls.

"Oh stop being a little baby and come on.", Chris says with laughter as he teases Andrew.

"I'm not a baby.". Andrew mumbles under his breath, as he stands up.

Chris glances back at andrew as he starts to run. He turns back and yells out to Andrew, "I'll see you after school little brother!".

Andrew waves at Chris as he sighs.

He begins to walk down the icy road sliping ever so often. He pauses and thinks to him self as he stares down into a puddle of frozen water, "I wish I didn't have to go to school. I wish could just stay in my room and plays

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