» Fiction » The One To Be, Cody Brugh [best black authors txt] 📗

Book online «The One To Be, Cody Brugh [best black authors txt] 📗». Author Cody Brugh

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missed Andrew's attack ducks down and picks him up, slaming him to the ground and kicking him in the face.

The rest of the boys join in beating Andrew as Kevin watches laughing.

Andrew lays on the ground feeling every hit as he hears a whisper "Awaken my lord.".

Andrew begins to glow as he feels a surge of power rush through his body exsploding out of him and knocking back all the kids. 

Kevin is puzzled by the cloud of smoke and all the kids laying of the ground. He squints as the smoke clears and sees somthing walking from it. He stands frozen as  a large glowing figure walks towards him. 

One of the boys on the ground gets up and  trys run away, the figure lifts his arm shooting a pulse of engery that slams the kid to the ground knocking him out. 

Kevin turns to run away as the figure shoots infront of him. He can feel the flames burning his hair, he quickly jumps back triping and falling on the ground. 

"Oh, whats the matter Kevin?" the figure sarcasticly questions as he walks towards him. 

"Who are you!?" Kevin questions with fear in his voice as he trys to get up.

The figure raises his hand shooting anouther pulse wave towards Kevin causing him to fly back and hit the alley wall. Before Kevin can hit the ground the figure catches him and slaming him to the wall. 

With one hand on Kevin's shirt the figure sarcasticly questions "What you don't reconize me." 

The figure laughs as the fire surounding him buns even brighter.

"It's me freak boy." the figure raises his hand as a ball of energy begins to form.

"Looks like i realy am a freak now!" the figure yells as the ball of energy goes bigger.

"Stop!" a voice sreams.

Puzzled the figure turns his head looking down the alley way. The figure sees a shadowy outline of a man standing at the entrance of the alley.

"Stop!" the man yells again. 

The figure shoots the built up ball of engery towards the shadowy man. The ball of engery races down the alley way destroying every thing in sight, as the ball reachs the man he slashes it away as if it was an old newspaper blowing in the wind. 

"How dare you!" the figure says as he drops Kevin. Kevin and all of the boys run past the man at the entrance and down the street screaming in fear.

The figure turns towards the man and roars. It charges towards the man, as it reaches him it raises it's hands in the air, and bringing them down missing the man. 

"You don't want to this!" the man yells as he reveals a large sword and shield.

"I will crush you!" the figure roars as he slashes again. 

The man jumps barely missing the large claws.

"My lord, i don't want to have to do this. Calm down please." the man says as he stops the figure's other claw coming in from the other side.

The figure roars again as the fire of it's anger increases singeing the alley way. 

The man jumps up in the air striking the figure in the shoulder knocking it back. It stumbles and catches it self. 

The figure looks back as the sun shines a beam of light through the alley way and reflect off a window and hiting the man in the face.

"Brother?!" the figure says as its fire deems to a low ember.

"Not quite, now calm down." Chris says as he stands his ground to brace for anouther attack.

The figure's fire goes out like a candle and from within the small cloud of smoke laid Andrew. He laid passed out from the intence power he had just unleashed.

"Get some rest my lord." Chris says with pastion in his voice as he picks up Andrew and carries him out of the dark alley. 

Chris arives at there house still carrying Andrew, he shifts Andrew to his shoulder as he walks up the stairs and into there house. He softly lays Andrew down on the couch and props a pillow behind his head. 

A few hours go by and Andrew wakes up in a flash, gasping for air he looks around furiously to see where he is. "Calm down my lord." Chris says as he brings him a cup of warm tea, "Here, drink this."

Quickly Andrew grabs the cup and begins to chug it. "Oh, that was the worste tea i ever had." Andrew says as he wipes his mouth with and hands Chris the half dranken glass of tea. 

"No my lord drink it all." Chris says as he hands Andrew back the glass and moves to sit down beside him. "My lord?" Andrew questions as he down the rest of the horrible tea. "Why are you calling me your lord big brother?" he questions Chris. Chris slowly sits down and stares at the coffe table. 

"Well you see my lord..." Chris tries to exsplain as Andrew interupts.

"Stop calling me that!" Andrew hisses as Chris.

"So sorry my lord." Chris opologizes

"Cut it out!" Andrew demands as he tries to get up but falls back down on the couch out of breath.

"Just sit down and I'll exsplain every thing my lord." Chris exsplains as he motions Andrew to stay seated.

"Just call me baby brother like you always have!" Andrew demands as he catches his breath.

"Well Andrew I'm not your real brother..." Chris exsplains as Andrew interupts.

"What do you mean?" Andrew questions as he scratches his head.

"Please let me exsplain." Chris says impatiently.

"Go on." Andrew states as he motions Chris to continue talking.

"Well I am not your brother Andrew..." Chris says onces again as Andrew interupts.

"Yeah, Yeah. You said that already but why." Andrew Questions. Chris shoots him a fowl stare.

"Like i was saying, I am not kin to you but I am your gaurdian. When you was just a baby I was sunt with you from a parrel dimension to be your protector..." Chris exsplains as Andrew interrupts 

"Okay? So why are you calling me lord?" Andrew questions as chris shoots him anouther look.

"Sorry." Andrew says as he motions to chris that he will not speack any more.

" Well Andrew you are the son of Jaho, the great and noble warrior. He is one of the two princes that was born from a god like womb." Chris exsplains as he pauses. 

"Well besides you and all of your brothers, sisters, and cusins. You are the first born and the rightful air of your grandfather's throne." Chris states as he pauses trying to hold back the change in his voice.

"Well if i am the rightful air of the throne, that means..." Andrew pauses as if he doesnt want to hurt any one's feelings. 

"That means... my father died?" Andrew questions as he looks towards Chris.

"I'm afraid that is uncertain, we do not know if he is dead. Well i do not know but the awaking of your power is a sigh that he might be." Chris says as he gets up and moves towards the kitchen. 

"What powers?" Andrew questions hastely as he moves his head to see what Chris is doing.

"Yes powers!" Chris says with excitement in his voice as he poors anouther cup of tea.

"Oh no more tea for me please, that stuff taste like moldy chicken-noodle soup with blue cheese." Andrew states as his face cringes with disgust. Chris walks back over to Andrew giving him the cup of tea. Andrew pushes the cup of tea away and hisses at Chris. 

"No drink it!" 

"I wasn't the one who wasted all my mana on a worthless gang of playground bullies." Chris states and he puts the glass of the tea to Andrew's mouth. Andrew sips it and then grabs the glass.

"Hey this anit so bad!" he says as he slurps the rest of it down.

"Yeah, the less mana you have the worse it taste." Chris exsplains as he sits down beside Andrew.

"Mana? Powers? Lord? Throne? Brothers? Sisters? Cusins? What are you talking about i'm so confused." 

"Well if you would have let me exsplain and not run your mouth all the time then u would know." Chris hisses as he squints at Andrew. 

"Any ways, you are a prince that was born from a father who was born from a womb that was blessed by the gods them self. Your father was a great and powerful man who had the strenght of 1,000 men, and the heart of a saint." Chris says trying to make a wonderis story by motioning his hands in the air. 

"So what happened?" Andrew questions as he hands the empty glass to Chris. Chris grabs the glass and gets up. Moving towards the kitchen he looks back and says "Well Jaho, your father had a younger brother who was very evil and jealous of your fathers gifts. So one day he decided to kill their father and become air to the throne." Chris says trying once more to make a dramtic scene with his hands.

"What?!" Andrew gasps. "Why would he want to do that to his own father over a stupid throne." Andrew debeats as he motions for more tea. Chris walks over to the tea and poor anouther glass. He brings it to 

Andrew and then sits down.

"Well the younger brother Waka, he wanted to rule over those who treated him wrong. So he decided he would use the gift that was given to him by his mother's womb to kill his own father." Chris stops and stares at the window. 

"What wass that?" Andrew questions as he stares at the window too. 

"Sh!" Chris hisses.

Chris stops and looks back at Andrew. "Any ways, like i was saying. Well one dark night he used his gift to summon two serpents to do his biding. He killed innocent guards that had familys. He killed every guard but one, that one guard ran to Jaho who was helping an old ladie kill a Diersnatch, and told him about Waka killing guards and that he was heading to their dad's chambers." Chris says. 

"What's a Diersnatch?" Andrew questions."

"Well its like what they call a rat over here but much larger and with more heads." Chris says as he gets up and moves towards the kitchen. Andrew begins to laugh. "What's so funny?" Chris questions as he turns around. 

"Look at your butt!" Andrew demands loudly as he rolls around on the couch laughing. Chris pans back to see what was so funny. While exsamining his butt he realizes that there is a sock sticking out of his butt crack making it look like he has a tail. "Ah, Diersnatch!" Andrew yells sarcasticly as he grabs his belly. Chris joins with Andrew.

The laughing calms down and chris goes and gets a pound cake from the fridge. He stops and pans over to Andrew to see him siting there growling at the sight of the cake. Chris gets a knife and walks back to Andrew. Chris places the pound cake on the coffe table and then takes a seat.

"Hey, are you gonna cut me a piece or not?" Andrew questions as he stares at the pound cake growling. 

"Yes." Chris states and he cuts off a large piece for Andrew and then a large piece for him. Andrew scarfs the cake down.

"Okay, so the guard came and told Jaho what Waka was doing. So on, and so on. So what happens next?" Andrew questions impatiently. Chris takes a bit of his cake and then sips on his tea.

"Well before Jaho could reach their father's chambers Waka already had kill him by strangling him with one of the serpents." Chris states and then takes a bit of his cakes. "Well what happened next was tragic. Jaho busted down the door and threw an axe at one of the serpents killing it. But what Jaho didn't know is that the axe didn't just hit the serpent but it hit theirs father's neck causeing him to look like as if he died by the axe." Chris says and he takes anouther bit of his cake and a chug of his tea.

"Well Jaho feel to his knee and beged for forgiveness from their

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