» Fiction » The Love that Found the Lost, Rosie W. [sad books to read txt] 📗

Book online «The Love that Found the Lost, Rosie W. [sad books to read txt] 📗». Author Rosie W.

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Mom, I'm home!”
“ Good! Your just in time for dinner. Who drove you home?”
“ Oh, some boy who works at the Ranch.”
“ I see!”
The next day I was late for my lesson at the Ranch because I had to do an extra credit project for school. At least I could go at all I walked to my beauty of a horse and decided to name her Rainy (right out of the blue). I liked it and when I told Rainy her new name she whinnied with delight.
I started galloping her and trotting too! Today it was hot again, and there was very little shade but clouds looked like they were closing in. I wanted to rest so I sat on a water bucket in the shade of a cherry tree. Then Rainy started to buck and whinny, Andrew started running and shouted,” Jill! Watch out!” But it was to late, Rainy accidentally stomped on my right arm (which was fiddling with a piece of grass on the ground). I screamed out in pain, it felt broken and it was blue/purple and bleeding almost constantly. She pushed me aside with her head and stomped on the ground next to the water bucket.
I couldn't balance myself as I wobbly started walking toward the stables and fell on a sharp broken corner on the water trough and cut my leg and side. I screamed again and fell on the ground (everything felt slow-mo) I shut my eyes dealing with the pain. Andrew rushed to me and scolded Rainy, telling her to back off. But she pushed him out of the way and came to me and laid down by my side. Andrew's mind was made up that he couldn't convince her to go. Curiously, he went to go look by the water bucket and there was a baby rattle snack.“ Thank goodness she didn't get bit by that, and in a sense Rainy saved her! saved her life.” But not wasting anymore time saying things out loud he ran into the nurses office to get medical equipment.
Everyone else was gone on a trail ride so Andrew and I were the only people there. He was taught basic and advanced medical techniques from his dad, so he moved me into the nurses office on the table. Then it started to storm (from the clouds moving in earlier) and the phone lines blew (from the lightning) so he couldn't call 911 or my mom. He got a cloth from one of the nurses drawers then ran to the lodge and filled a stainless bowl with water from the Nikon water jug. He dipped the cloth in cool water and dabbed my wounds hoping the blood would stop. Then he mixed peroxide with a little water (to clean my wounds) and poured it on my wounds, I screamed because the peroxide stung. He noticed a shared of metal stuck in my leg and pulled it out with tweezers, I screamed again and then after he wet my wounds again with peroxide he bandaged them. “ Wow Jill, you're hurt really bad. I mean I've seen someone get cut pretty bad, but not like this!” He felt my forehead “ Oh, no! She's burning up!” He felt my wrist for a pulse. “ Her heart rate is lowering every minute. Come on Jill! Stay with me here!”
Next morning I was worse, and it was still storming plus the phone lines still weren't working. In the next hour my heart stopped,” NO JILL! NO! Don't die on me, come on!” He dipped the cloth in just plain cool water and wet my wounds and put on fresh new bandages. Then for six hours he kept cooling me down with ice and water to see if my fever would go down. He knew I wasn't doing good at all, he looked at me and said,” Jill, I may not know you very well, but please don't die. Well here goes nothing.” He leaned down, came close to my face and kissed me.
I opened my eyes, even though I was weak and said,” Thank you, Andrew!” He looked surprised but said,” Don't mention it.” I went back to sleep, he felt my forehead again,” Her fever broke just with a kiss.....well, maybe it's magic or a miracle.” The next day the phone lines were working so they were fixed and Andrew called 911 and my mom. The good news is that I'm going to be OK, thanks to Andrew. The bad news is my mom said I can never ride Rainy at Wild Flower Ranch ever again, because she didn't believe me (that Rainy saved me). Well mom, we'll just see about that I'll ride her someday!
I was aloud to pick a place to make up and do schoolwork and I wanted it to be the lounge in Wild Flower Ranch. So every day I spent the night there and did schoolwork in the mornings. Andrew saw me everyday, once he even gave me flowers, they were lilies (my favorite flower). Abby came to see me too,” I know who has a crush on Andrew!”
“ Who!?”
“ My sister! But I talked to him and he can't stand her. He also said he liked somebody else, but she's still desperately hopeful. So, how are you?”
“ Oh, can't complain.” Abby brought me flowers too, they were gardenias mixed with daises and little pink roses. I love both my gorgeous posies.

Chapter 3 “Andrews Missing?!”

My body was still weak and recovering but I could sort of stand up for a little bit. I cried out every time when I put weight on my leg so I started to use crutches instead. My arm was broken in four places and I had a cast and sling. I was always tired now and didn't get much sleep sometimes (because of the pain and just being tired).
Then the phone rang, I walked toward it with my crutches,” Hello?”
“ Hi, this is Michael Korans, the owner of the Ranch. I just wanted to say that...”
“ Say what?”
“ and well the only people who know about it are you, me, and Andrew's mom. And honestly out of all the people here, you're the only person he really does trust.”
He hung up the phone and I just stood there with absolute shock and worried, and I didn't have to look in a mirror to tell. It felt like Andrew was trying to tell me something a message or a signal. I knew I had to find him somehow or sometime soon or he could get lost or even hurt.
Abby came in, she had a happy grin on her face.“ Hi,” she said with excitement,” I really miss you around the Ranch. My sister keeps on saying that she's going to find Andrew. What does she mean, find Andrew? Do you know what she's talking about?” She looked at at me as if I had all the answers.“ Well,” I said truthfully,” Andrew is missing and that's probably why Scarlet wants to find him. But she can't! He wants me to, I can feel it.”
Me and Abby (but really me) were waiting for a call from someone, anyone. Then the phone rang,” Hello?”
“ Hi, this is Mrs. Davids, Karen Davids, Andrew's mom...anyway I wanted to tell you something. Um...the reason he ran away is because this morning Andrew and I had a fight. About his father and I having a divorce a week ago. He told me that since I yelled at his father sometimes that's why he left. I yelled back at Andrew telling him his father left because of the fights he got into. He said that wasn't true, that he was only trying to protect his father from insults. Then I screamed at him saying you false liar, I saw the fight you got into now cut it out.
He yelled at me and ran out the door, I'm sorry I have to load all this on you so suddenly but he probably would've told you anyway. “ I was shocked that he didn't tell me in the first place. I stood there again silent and speechless, on the phone with Andrew's mom,” Sweetheart are you OK?”
“ Oh ya, I'm fine!” I wasn't going to tell her that I was going after Andrew. I knew she was going to insist me to stay where I was. I told her thank you and goodbye, I hung up the phone. Abby was still there sitting on the couch behind me and she looked a little worried from my expressions constantly changing like something bad happened.
“ I need to go and find him Abby, he's probably lost,” I said frantically. She insisted that I stay here but that one helpless look on my face made her say,” But your injured and how are you going to find him in the state your in (that's not what I expected to hear).” I knew she was right, but I had to look for Andrew or I'd never sleep. “ Abby, I know that I'm hurt but please...just help me,” I said almost ready to cry.” Please Abby help me; we'll need some supplies; We need a cell phone, a first aid kit just encase, a flash light, a blanket, and clear minds to think.”
“ Well your mind isn't really thinking! Speaking of thinking, slow down and think!” Abby quickly snapped at me,” Your injured, it's almost 10 and you can't walk!” I stared at Abby, tears running down my face,” Look Abby, I know. I know I'm still injured, I know it's almost 10 and I know I can barely walk, just give me a chance. I might know of some places where Andrew would go or hide.”
“ Just listen to me!” she said almost screaming but walking out the door at the same time,” NO! Just stay right there and I'll be back I need to take a quick pit stop...just stay there!” She ran as fast as she could since the restrooms were around the lounge (which gave me plenty of time to escape and go on my rescue mission). I laughed and then hurriedly went to work, I packed my back pack with stuff I thought would come in handy. Then I limped toward the stables and hurriedly got Rainy ready for our rescue mission. I lead her outside to the fence, I painfully climbed up the fence and gave myself a boost (I held in my scream) and then galloped away on Rainy. We galloped into the darkness not knowing what was ahead of us.
Now thinking about it my arm was really starting to hurt from giving myself a boost onto Rainy's back. But I had to stay focused, the most important thing right now was to rescue Andrew then I could worry bout myself. Where would Andrew go...exactly.“ Do you know where he is girl? You know his sent girl, follow it. Please find him girl, please he doesn't know what he's doing we have to find him. Just lead the way."

Chapter 4 “The Search”

Rainy and I were still searching for Andrew, I shined a flashlight around. It was pitch black and suddenly very cold. Then before I knew it I could hear thunder
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