» Fiction » The Love that Found the Lost, Rosie W. [sad books to read txt] 📗

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whispered bad stuff behind my back and to me when they passed me. All the bullies beat up on me since they wanted to and since they heard I was a criminal, they thought I was trying to be tough. But even though I didn't love my dad right then, I stood up for him. I was getting into way to many mean fights and coming home with a bloody face or a bloody face and a black eye, I did my best to fight back but it didn't do any good I was so tired from having no sleep about that day.
My mom found out the fights weren't accidents, and she also found out that my dad was a cop. That day when I came home from school my mom and dad were having an argument and not just about fixing the kitchen sink but a really bad loud argument. I went straight to my room and tried not to hear but their room was close to mine so I heard every word. Tears streamed down my face because I knew today my family would be ripped in two, I hate to admit it but I do cry. I started to pray. My dad yelled that he was leaving forever and never coming back. My mom yelled with tears and ran into their room and slammed the door. I ran down stairs.
When my dad saw my red watered tear stained face he ran out the front door and has been gone ever since. My mom was so solemn after that, she never laughed or smiled. At school soon I became invisible, know one paid any attention to me. Know one talked to me and I myself was fading from who I was inside. Then when I meet you, something.....I don't came alive in me. I started to smile again and so has my mom and ever since I meet you.....I started to trust in God again and so has my mom, well a little.”
My eyes were filled with tears. Tears of joy happiness, love, pity sadness, longing, hurtfulness, and anger all at the same time. I couldn't speak I just moved closer to Andrew and hugged him and he hugged me back (I knew it would make him feel better). We let go with a smile of understanding, of what we were going through. “ Andrew,” I said chocking on tears but glad I was speaking,” I'm so sorry. I had...I..had know idea what so ever. I mean I don't know what to say. I thought that I was the only one that suffered in this world...well other than Jesus (Well I was very selfishly mistaken). All I can do to really thank you for trusting me and this,” I gave him a small kiss on the cheek. He gave me look of shock but glowed and smiled. I smiled (not remembering my pain (it would spoil the mood) till it struck me).
I gathered my backpack with my “survival kit” inside and limped toward the door, stopping I turned myself in the direction of Rainy and limped toward her. Then I remembered something Andrew told me ( “ Jill, are you okay? Your face looks as pale a ghost!”
“ I'm fine, just a little cold, that's all.”)
But as I was limping towards the coral I collapsed, I could hear myself breathing hard and my heart beat barely thumping. My eyes started to close when I saw Andrew rushing toward me looking like he was screaming my name, but I couldn't hear. He scooped me up and placed me inside, then he started a fire and sat by my side the rest of the time. Next thing I knew I was having a flash back of the bear incident, then when Andrew thought I woke up I was really hallucinating that it was really happening. Andrew was so scared and worried we he saw me just sit up instantly and start screaming and talking (I learned this when Andrew told me once I finally woke up (wake up!)).
I woke up from a nightmare (it was scary ( I was trying to protect Rainy from getting killed but instead we both get killed by the darkness)). I looked around the room and my heart started to calm down but I couldn't see Andrew any where. “ Andrew? Where are you?”
“ Oh Jill, I'm so glad your okay...wait your not hallucinating? Are you?”
“ No...I don't think so...Why?”
“ No reason...I'll tell you latter. I was so scared you might die or something like the last time. But here you are, awake and rosy cheeked.”
I smiled then said,” How long have I been...out?”
“ Almost for six days, I was really worried but now I don't have to worry anymore.”
I smiled that someone ( Other than my Savior (I love you God! Thank you for watching over me)) cared about me. God and Andrew were both watching over me the entire time.

Chapter 6 “ First Kiss”

We all thought that it was about time we started to head home. Even though home didn’t sound very welcoming but we couldn’t just live in the forest (we could but I don’t know). Andrew got Rainy ready while I packed up me backpack (again), he gave me a boost onto her back. It was cloudy, cold and gray that morning and sun rays shown through the oak trees, aspens and pines. In spite of the ugly dull sky it was a beautiful day. Then Andrew gave himself a boost and swung up behind me, taking the reins he lead us off.

As he was giving himself a boost he caught me smiling and my eyes slightly twinkling (like never before). He got up and poked me in the back I turned around and before I knew I was kissing the guy that I always hoped I'd fall in love with. It wasn't some phony kiss it was an actual real kiss (it felt like I was in a trance and couldn't believe it was real). When we pulled apart we both smiled (are feelings for each other were obviously the same and I smiled more love sick then ever (I never thought anything like this would ever happen to me)).

We rode off into the lighted forest (Andrew, Rainy, and I). But the story doesn't end there, I mean I would say,” Well it better not or I'm going to kill the author and then make them write more. Cause this book is pretty darn good and interesting and I sort of like it!”

Chapter 7 “Sight Seeing”

As we rode through the endless forest we captured beautiful things in our memories. We stopped and had some black berries for a snack by a gurgling stream. We sat on mosey rocks next to the stream and ate our lunch looking out into the forest. Between the two large rocks next to us it dropped down into a waterfall which was about the height of ten 12” rulers. Putting my fingers through the icy glass like waterfall it felt like I was in a dream. The water parted and made new ripples in the beautiful glass pool below.

“ Having fun,” Andrew said sarcastically looking at me amusing myself. I nodded going along with his statement, we lazily picked ourselves up and boosted ourselves back on Rainy. It was one of those gray days you wanted to sit in a big comfy armchair with something hot to drink next to a fire place and read a good book. Rainy was really ready to go (she was being really hyper that morning), but she waited for us to give her the word. Birds were twittering in the coolness of the morning air and a white butterfly or two passed by our faces slowly going along.

The stream gurgled down into the river as if it was gurgling row-row-row your boat. Squirrels ran and jumped friskily up and down trees and along the trail. All the trees were decked in water droplets that the sun rays shown through making them look like diamonds. A crisp breeze blew and shook the trees making the droplets bomb onto the ground with a drip-drop-drip. Through the brush I could see a spotted fawn with a doe drinking from the river. They pricked up their ears and lifted their heads watching us passing by. They continued drinking peacefully after we were a little out of range. Suddenly I noticed a rustle and looked up in the trees and saw a dove looking down at us curiously and following us from branch to branch and flying some of the time. Now and then it stopped to see if it was being noticed and to wait up. “ Looks like we have a little guest!”
“ Oh, I do believe we do.” We started to coo to it and it cooed back, we laughed with delight. Finally the endless forest ended and we came to a wooden fence. A large flowered meadow with an endless fence caging itself in. The air was getting colder as I soon realized it was the third of December and Christmas would be here and frost and snow would cover the town. Rainy jumped over the fence giving us both a jolt forward (but it was probably the easiest way to get over the fence (unless we wanted to climb over it)).

She galloped swiftly across the acres of oaks and hills covered with flowers. What seemed miles of riding actually was longer than we thought. After hours we could see the Ranch in the distance (but we didn't hurry because honestly we weren't to thrilled to see it). We were welcomed with an angry worried crowd who looked a little glad and relived to see us. Andrew's mom and my mom rushed to us bawling, screaming, and stressed out.

“ Jill Corry Bardwick! What on earth were you thinking! I was worried sick! And your riding that horrible horse! Jill, I told you not to ride that horse! Look at you, still injured and dirty! You went without even telling a soul and without my permission! For riding that horse and worrying me to death and going into the wild without my permission...your grounded!For exactly a month! You don't get any privileges! And stay in your room!” she said angrily. I was honestly to tired to care or even try to care. Mom ripped me off Rainy and slid me into the back seat of our black Honda. I cried myself to sleep and didn't wake up (nor did I want to).

Finally I woke up from a nightmare of Rainy being taken away from me, soon I was scared it was true. Getting up I went to my door and turned the knob but it didn't open I shook it and shook it but it still wouldn't open I started stressing out and then remembered I was grounded. Then I rushed to my window but it was locked as well (Ha! No surprise). Not knowing what to do I went into my secret room (my mom has no idea I have it :D )
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