» Fiction » The Love that Found the Lost, Rosie W. [sad books to read txt] 📗

Book online «The Love that Found the Lost, Rosie W. [sad books to read txt] 📗». Author Rosie W.

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Ya, it seems like it went by so fast,” he said lightly hypnotized by me in the snow,” Merry Christmas, Jill.” We leaned in and I touched my forehead to his as he held me there eyes shut thanking God, Andrew was mine :). We drove to the Ranch in darkness and I convinced Andrew to stop by my moms house.
“ Jill, are you crazy?! Your mom is going to catch you.”
“ Andrew, it’s ok. I’m going to leave her present on the porch, ring the door bell and run. Piece of cake.”
“ Jill, I don’t think this is a good idea. Come on, you can give it to her tomorrow.”
I looked at the door longingly (but fearing she would lock me up again), wanting to jolt forward I decided to go back. Besides, I wanted to write a message and put a photo in the locket that I knew she would love forever.

We finally got back to the Ranch and we both unloaded all our supplies and ingredients to make it a wonderful Christmas Party. I looked both ways (making sure no one was around), I crept into an unused storage closet with a bunch of empty boxes, putting everything into the empty boxes I found a black tarp hidden in the corner. Grabbing the tarp I fluffed it out and covered the boxes with it, making sure it would most likely not be found. The next morning I slept in latter than usual. Groggily I woke up and turned on my phone surprised it was almost twelve. I slept in till five to twelve. I need more sleep.

Andrew came in happily,” Good morning, beautiful, I made you some hot chamomile tea.” I was so thankful Andrew was mine, he always made sure I was comfortable and relaxed. Tiredly I reached for the mug of tea and clutched it feeling the heat rush through my arms. Drinking my tea I went to “My Stuff” and then to “My Pictures” and found the very first picture I ever took with my very first cell phone. The picture had my mom and me hugging each other and looking straight into the camera.

Curiously I asked,” Hey Andrew?”
“ Yes?”
“ Is there possibly a mini photo printer in the office?”
“ Ya, I could go get it for you, if you like?”
“ Thanks.”
That’s really cool that it’s portable, a lot easier to. If she possibly comes or someone was to see it, I could hide it super easy. So I went into the kitchen and put my cell phone’s memory card into a flash drive that hooked up to the printer, I selected the picture and pressed “Print”. It printed out perfect, then with my crafty skills I cut out a heart with my mom’s head and mine hugging. The picture fit absolutely perfect in the locket (I was so glad because I wasn’t about to print out five more and cut them too).

I placed the locket perfectly in the middle of the white foam in the box, then I wrote a note I knew I needed to write. This is what it said:

Dear Mom,
I know you must be frustrated with me, for worrying you and running away. I’m sorry I ran away, I just had to! Remember when I got my cell last year, and the first thing I did was take a picture of you and I. Well, I don’t know how tough it is to loose a husband, and honestly I can’t possibly imagine. But I do know what it’s like to loose a dad. Mom, I love you, so much and I always will. Forgive me? We’re having a Christmas Party at the Ranch and if you would like to come, we wouldn’t turn you away. I love you!

P.S. Love you,
Hope you like it! Jill

Folding the note I put it over the locket, and drew a heart with “Mom” written inside. Then I wrapped it with gold wreath paper, and tied a silver sparkly bow on top and a white tag with her name and mine. That day Andrew and I drove to my house. He parked a couple blocks down, I got out and crept behind a tree, then I crept low to the porch, placed the gift on her holly welcome mat, rang the door bell and ran behind a thick tree for a good view. She opened the door saying,” anyone there?” She looked down and saw the gift and read the tag, I could see a small smile creep onto her face, walking inside she shut the door. Running back to the truck I felt good inside and hoping everything I wrote would be answered on the party night.

“ So, did she catch you?”
I smiled lightly punching his arm and giggling,” No......I hope she’ll forgive me.”
“ Hey, don’t worry. I’m sure she’ll forgive you and if not, try try again.”
I knew he was right and I smiled that he supported me so much and believed in me (and God (to bad everyone doesn’t :( )).
“ you know what I’m getting you for Christmas.”
I started looking around, in the back and in the glove compartment then I scratched my head and shrugged my shoulders.
“ I have no clue!”
“ Well that’s good because, if you knew it wouldn’t be a surprise,” he said so seriously, I laughed till I cried.

Chapter 10 “ Christmas Morning”
It was Christmas morning and the whole place was half decorated, shockingly I sat up and almost gawked at all the decor that I didn’t decorate. Blinking my eyes I saw Andrew siting in a comfy arm chair right next to the couch I was siting upon.
“ How about we open our presents from each other,” he said with excitement and a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
“ Alright, how bout we swap,” I said in a southern accent.
There was an okward pause for a while then we started laughing. We swapped our presents, I opened mine first carefully unwrapping the ice blue shiny paper. He looked like he was going to explode and I couldn’t take it any longer, I ripped off the wrapping paper and almost died when I saw what my gift was. Sitting on black velvet was a diamond looking picture bracelet.
“ Oh Andrew, it’s so beautiful. All it needs is a little memory to go into the picture slots.”
“ We’ll take care of that after breakfast,” he beamed knowing that I loved his gift.

Then he opened his gift wrapped in black shiny star paper with a big green bow on top, he didn’t take any second thought and ripped it open, then his face split into a grin.
“ Thanks Jill, I always needed a wallet and this one is really cool. My stuff is always falling out of my pockets and I keeping loosing it, but now you’ve solved my problem.”
He picked up the navy blue flamed picture wallet and started putting his stuff inside, after he finished he kissed me on the forehead and then headed to the kitchen. Smiling I followed him into the kitchen smelling an amazing scent on the way. HE. COOKED. ME. BREAKFAST! All I could do was smell, and it was an amazing smell. Finally my eyes locked onto the kitchen and moved their way to the big wooden table in the center, set for two (ohmygoodness I thought I would melt right there) I held it together and stepped toward a chair. Old fashionably he slid over and held it out for me to sit, I sat then he dished my plate up with a delicious homemade cinnamon roll (well Pillsbury counts :)....doesn’t it), delicious scrambled herb eggs, and crisp bacon. He dished himself the same, we prayed and began to eat.
“ I almost forgot,” he said coming from the counter with two giant mugs of hot chocolate and loads of whipped cream.
“ It’s my own secret recipe, hope you like it,” he said sheepishly but smiling. He handed me the oversized red mug and I took a long sip. It. Was. Fantastic. Not to hot just right and a lot of whipped cream. Smiling he finished eating the rest of the food on his plate then gulped down his hot chocolate. I did the same, then we wrapped up the rest of the food that wasn’t eaten (duh!) and washed the dishes. Going back into the lounge of the lodge (I made that up myself) I reached into my backpack for a pair of clothes and toiletries (who invented that word, it sounds so wired).
So we both got dressed and freshened up, climbed into Andrew’s pickup and drove off to town. It was such a beautiful day, cloudy with peeks of blue sky and sun shining through brightly. He parked in a spot so we could walk and talk while we approached the mall. Finally we were inside it was rather crowed but there was no one at the photo booths so we sneaked over and went inside. “ These look so much smaller inside than out,” Andrew said looking around at the small space. “ True, they make me feel claustrophobic!”
“ They make me feel sweat-a-phobic, hurry it up I’m dyeing here.”
I gave him a smile then put in a dollar and went back inside, talk about bright. It’s just like FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! But we ignored the flash bulbs as best we could and just posed, it was the most fun I ever had on Christmas (since my dad died :( (but I didn’t want to get all teary eyed, so I cheered up :) ).

We stumbled out of the little booth and took our cute/funny photos, went to a photo store and copied them. I just happened to have little scissors in my purse incase of emergency (wink wink ;) just kidding). Cutting them out I knew I’d remember this day forever, so I took my pictures and Andrew took his. Holding hands we walked back to his pick up knowing that this day would be a memory kept forever.

The rest of the day was a real hurry, everyone was bumping into each other and I got but in the head twice. We planned ahead, I guess we just needed more help (pity lol not really). Two
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