» Fiction » The Love that Found the Lost, Rosie W. [sad books to read txt] 📗

Book online «The Love that Found the Lost, Rosie W. [sad books to read txt] 📗». Author Rosie W.

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and something extremely wet hit my forehead. Oh No! It can't rain now! A clap of thunder sounded and rolled through the forest's quite silence. Lightning bolted and flashed across the sky lighting it up with a purple glow. Then it disappeared and Rainy stopped (I didn't blame her I would've stopped since I was starting to get spooked).
“ What's wrong girl? Do your legs hurt? I'm sorry but we have to-,” I stopped then looked out at the river it was pretty wide and very long you could hear it rumbling along. But then I looked down at the creek bank, and there was Andrew lying still half on the bank and half in the water. He was soaking wet and had a bleeding bruise on his head at first I thought he was dead but then I figured he just lost consciousness. I bet he tried to cross the river and hit his head on that branch and then fell off the unstable looking bridge and the river washed him up on the shore.
I rushed to him and picked out the first aid kit from my pack I dipped a corner of the towel in river water and dabbed his head. Then I wrapped his head with clean bandages, I wrung out the water in the towel then put it around him for some sort of warmth. I balanced him on my shoulders (even though the pain was more than I could bear) I gave him a boost on Rainy and since I didn't have enough strength to boost myself up I lead Rainy and Andrew through the rain. Rain was flying at my face like someone throwing knives but I trudged on. Creepy noises came from every which where.
We were all searching for a dry spot to stay the night, I could feel the branches scraping my face. But, after what seemed forever I bumped into a wall (I was shocked to have hit something and not even really know it). “ Rainy stay here. I'm going to come back and find a dry spot for you!” Rainy neighed as if saying “ditto!”, I laughed.
I let go of her reins and traced the wall with my finger tips limping all the way, Andrew was balanced on my shoulders again and I did my best to see if I could find the door. Then the wall caved-in to a door, I felt around and found a door knob. All I saw was darkness but it seemed dry, I tripped on the door way and almost lost my balance but I caught myself. My eyes adjusted and I could make out a fireplace. I gently placed him on the floor and went back to close the door.
I ran back to the fireplace (so I could warm Andrew up) and accidentally hit my head on the fireplace. I screamed clutching my head almost ready to pass out, I got up slowly and felt around for the mantel, I found it. Then I felt around for possible matches and to my surprise I found them. It must've been dusty because I sneezed and hit my head on the mantle, I passed out on the floor. I woke up ' I did it again, didn't I' I thought then I opened the matches, lit one and threw it in the fire place for light. I gathered some pine needles that were already inside and threw them on the match, it lit and I could see wood already stacked next to the fireplace.
Once I was finished making a fire and getting Andrew comfortable, I went outside to help Rainy. “ Rainy!” I yelled out into the darkness, thunder and lightning streaked the sky, I heard a whinny and ran toward it. Tracing up from her rump to her ears I found the reins. I then felt around and felt a gate (it must've been a coral with a little barn) I let her inside and the lightning showed me she was inside and safe. “ Night girl,” I said softly she nickered a goodnight and I shut the gate and found my way back inside. I opened the door and found Andrew awake. “ Hi! Glad to see your awake.”
“ What's going on Jill and where am I.....Jill? Jill?! What are you doing here?! Your still really hurt!” he said with extreme concern. “ When your mom called me and told me what happened I was worried some I came looking for you,” I said worriedly. “ Well you didn't- wait what's that,” he said looking at my head. “ I guess it's from when I hit my head twice on the fireplace. OUCH! Now come to think of it it really hurts. I better fix it up,” I said tiredly almost collapsing on the floor.

Chapter 5 “Confession”

 “ No, here let me. Since I was the reason you hit your head in the first place,” he smiled and got out some ointment and a roll of bandages.
“ Thanks, oh my goodness I'm so tired!”
“ Welcome to my world, ya I'm tired and have chills,” he said shivering.
” It's kinda like half and half like cream and milk half and half,” I said laughing, Andrew was laughing a little too (So what if it was corny! At least I got him to laugh! :D ). I was glad that I could cheer him up from all the gloom that had been happening.
“ Here I'll put the bandage on your head now. Just relax and we can talk tomorrow morning,” he said calmly. As I closed my eyes the firelight and Andrew faded from my view. After I started to settle into sleep, a dream started. The way it started out was Rainy and I were galloping across open fields and hills. Then galloping like the wind, Andrew on his steed Pistachio galloped by me with a smile (just for the record Pistachio is a dapple gray stallion with deep brown eyes).
Then in the rising of the sun we dismounted our horses and I could see the silhouette of our faces smiling and then leaning together. Just a little bit closer a little closer turn your head just a-. “ Jill, wake up it's time for breakfast. Come on do I have to wake you up myself?” Andrew said mischievously. I heard his footsteps come near me and to my surprise he picked me up (blanket and all). He carried me outside and riped the blanket off my warm body. “ Okay, Okay I'm awake! Literally I am.”
“ Good, cause breakfast is ready and yours is getting cold.”
I was laughing cause of how I pictured my shocked face and I caught a glance of Andrew give a little chuckle behind his back.
My smiling face could tell that I was happy this morning and at this point in my life it felt “SWEET!” to be me. Breakfast was silent but hearty, then once we were finished Andrew and I collected a special breakfast for Rainy. As she munched on her breakfast I brought up something I knew Andrew didn't want to here, but I had been waiting to say it and knew now was as good a time as ever. “ Why?” Andrew looked at me with a gloomy expression. I hated it when he looked sad so instead I said, “ Why do we keep hurting ourselves?” Andrew sort of caught on and laughed along with me. Then he made a small smile and I decided to get to the point.
“ But really why? Why didn't you tell me you got in fights? That you have a dad, that your dad and mom are divorced. Most of all why did me?”
“ Jill you don't really understand-”
“ Understand. Understand what? What I really don't understand is you!”
“ Come on Jill, let me talk first then you can yell at me all you want, unless you want me to come back!”
I was silent ready to hear what he had to say (I love him I don't want to not ever see him again).
“ Guess I should start from the very beginning...huh?
I looked at him a little harshly (a little to harshly (dang face just look blank and listen!)).
“ Anyway, my dad used to work as a mailman...or so I thought. One day after school I was walking home and in an alley I saw some kids beating up on a weaker younger looking kid. I went down there and they all got up in my face saying I was a softy, next thing I knew they were pushing me telling me “ Let's go! You wanna do this? Now we do this, now!” They started punching me pretty hard then I started punching back and knocked out one of them. They still started to beat up on me except for one guy. I saw he flipped open his cell phone, then after he was done making a call he and the other guys took off. The one knocked out and bleeding was still on the ground along with the kid they were beating up on (who started running away) and before I could take off a police car cornered me. The driver stepped out of the front, looked at the ground then looked back at me. I thought Crap! they framed me. He slammed me to the front of the hood of his car and linked on hand cuffs “ Your under arrest and have the right to remain silent.” Then I started struggling as much as I could and trying to tell him what really happened. Then next thing I know he starts calling to his buddy, in the passenger seat to help.
And to my everlasting shocked was my dad. As he was getting out of the car he said,” What's the matter ya can't handle a bloody crimin-” He stopped as he looked at my face and realized I was his son. My dad didn't say a thing as we drove to the police station. When we got there after two hours and a half in a jail cell he finally spoke up. He told them that I was his son and that he would pay the charges. All the police officers there were shocked probably thinking, Why didn't he say anything before, if he's his own son.
They unlocked my cell and led me out to my dads car. I was starting to tell him what really happened when he said,” Save it! I don't want to hear about it. That you were even involved with something like this makes me sick!”
I said in a raised angry voice,” Well you know what! You were the one that lied to mom and me. Ha, a mailman who's a cop, who locks his son in jail, doesn't believe his story, and is ashamed to look at him. If you think I'm worse than you then look in a mirror.”
He yelled at me so loud and so rough I jumped out of the car and ran home. I had so much bitterness and to much anger inside me, all I felt was hate.
Next day at school I figured out the news had spread, that I was a criminal, which I wasn't. And that my dad was a mean heartless liar of a cop. People
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