» Fiction » The Love that Found the Lost, Rosie W. [sad books to read txt] 📗

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something not to go wrong). Then suddenly breaking the beautiful silence I heard a loud rustling noise from a grove of bushes printing the side of the trail. Andrew stopped the sleigh (but I was tempted to grab the reins and have the horses fly this sleigh far away from here, but I didn’t). The horses and myself waited for whatever would come out. And to a not very surprising surprise, Scarlet crawled out of the bushes covered in snow.
“ Well hi! Andrew, I was looking for you. I wanted to invite you to my New Year’s Eve party,” she said all preppy (enough to make me puke). I rolled my eyes and waited to see what Andrew’s excuse was going to be.
“ Oh! Sorry Scarlet, my schedules full on New Year’s. I kinda already made plans,” he said (an obvious excuse saying,” HELLO! I have a girlfriend!”)

“ Oh. Bummer. Well then call me, and like we can like make plans or something,” she said preppily disappointed (AHHH! I wanted to puke all over her pink pleated skirt!) She looked down all sad about to walk away and me to say good ridence in my mind when Andrew spoke up.
“ I guess we could give you a ride to the Ranch.”
Her face brightened up.
“ Thanks! That’s like really nice of you!”
So Andrew and I scooted over (sadly (she totally ruined our sleigh ride)) to make room for another passenger. The only one talking on the way back was (you guessed it), Scarlet. And the only problem with her talking- I mean rambling was that she didn’t let you answer, she just kept going on and on. It was like I was locked in an old stuffy closet, with no air to breath (and that’s what it was like all the way back). Trying hard not to loose my temper, I held my breath from when she strated talking.

We dropped her off (finally!)
“ Well Jill, I guess it’s silent and just the two of us. Right, Jill.”
I guess I forgot how to breath because I passed out, since it was such a long ride (her perfume was chocking me, and so was her talking!) Andrew stopped the sliegh again, picked me up, and dropped some snow on my face. I woke up (as if I had a bad dream).
“ That was really close Jill.”
He pulled me in and hugged me.
“ I thought I lost you, for a second.”
“ Well you almost did. If you wouldn’t have thrown snow on my face,” I said a hint of fear in my voice. He hugged me tight (I almost couldn’t breath again).
“ I’ll never let anything happen to you again.”
I smiled and he picked my up and carried me back into the sleigh, since my legs were numb and I couldn’t walk very well.

It was peaceful as we went for another quick ride. I fell asleep on the way back, with my head on his shoulder. We got back, but I was still asleep. Leaving me in the sleigh asleep, Andrew unhitched the horses. He groomed them and then put their blankets on, and then feed them. Pulling the sleigh into its place, he picked me up (careful not t wake me) and put me in his front seat (still asleep). Driving to my house I had a dream about Andrew and I walking on a bridge, we stooped and looked out at the view when the stone from underneath my feet caved in and I was falling fast. Before I almost cleared the stone he reached his hands in and said,” I told you I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you.” Pulling me up I smiled at him, knowing I would be safe. Parking t my house he got out and found the extra house key under our welcome mat. My mom wasn’t there, so he unlocked the door, came back to his truck, and carried me inside laying me on the couch.
“ Night Jill, my sleeping angel. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He bent down and kissed my forehead, then staring at me a minute, he really did think I looked like an angel.

I woke up. It was early dawn, and then I realized he brought me home last night. I undressed out of my Sunday best, and into casual t-shirt, jeans, old converse, and a zip-up. Creeping out of the house (not to wake my mom) I took a walk in our neighbor hood forest. It was beautiful that morning, dew dripping from the trees and sunlight slowly creeping through. I flipped open my cell and saw it was already eight, so I went inside and told my mom I was going to the Ranch.
“ Be home in time for dinner. There could be a surprise waiting for you.”
I was curious at this but then shrugged it off and ran out the door. The lit snow crunched underneath my feet and my eyes went blind every time I got to a real reflected snow spot I had to have my arm as a shield.

The sun shone like a white/gold coin amid sapphire sky and clouds faintly bordered the edges of as much sky as you could see. Starring up at the sky and walking at the same time, “BEEP!!!” I was scared out of my skin as I realized I wandered into the middle of the street. I quickly jumped out of the way and saw the carved wood sign of “Wild Flower Ranch”. The air was very clear and crisp and the roads were paved for the many cars that passed. At the gate of the ranch it looked so amazing covered in snow and extra Christmas decorations that weren’t taken down. The excitement of the Christmas season was setting and the dawn of a brand new year was about to begin.

Chapter 12 “Riding Horses”
When I finally hoped over the gait (I could’ve opened it but it’s more fun jumping it :) ) and walked to the stables I could see Andrew training/riding his horse (but not at the same time (that would be kind of difficult)). Day by day the snow would melt getting ready for more or an early spring. Andrew motioned his horse, Pistachio, to come toward me. He was a beautiful bay with a dirty blonde mane and had speckles on his rump, so I guessed he was an Appaloosa. If I was wrong he’s still a very beautiful horse (no, he’d be ugly if I was wrong. DUH! Hello?! Beautiful horses are beautiful horses).
“ So, would you like to take a ride?”
I looked around is if he was talking to someone else.
“ Oh! You want me to take a ride?”
“ No, I want a squirrel to take a ride with me, of course I want you!”
“ No need to shout.”
“ I’m not shouting this is me talking.”
“ Are you sure about that?”
“ More than ever.”

I ran into the stables and got Rainy all geared and ready to go. And before I knew it I was galloping Rainy across the meadow, with Andrew and Pistachio close behind. It was so beautiful that morning and now there were clouds in the sky. Most likely the border of clouds I saw this morning are the cause. But, the sunlight that shone on them lit them up pink (which made the sky even more beautiful). Even my brilliant mind (haha :P) couldn’t have thought up anything better. Waking up, walking in the dawn, riding with my guy, and then seeing the days beauty unfold.

The horses were enjoying the meadows’ sweet fresh air, and for that matter Andrew and I were enjoying it as well. Up hills we bounded and jumped, flying across the meadow is what Rainy and Pistachio do best. Carrying us as if we were just feathers. It felt (and was) so amazing riding our beautiful creatures. The urge I felt to go as fast as the wind lurched in my mind, I bent down to Rainy’s ear and whispered,” Give it all you got, girl. Just let yourself fly.” Apparently she got the message because now it was like I was riding the wind. She gave a burst of strength and flew me up over a hill. I think if I could have a favorite superhero it would be God, he’s so amazing in everything he does, and just so incredible that he made horses the way they are.

We raced each other back to the Ranch, we were neck-n-neck until Rainy bounded forward and won the race.
“ That was probably the best ride I’ve been on since I’ve been here!” I exclaimed.
“ Probably? No. I think it was the best.”
“ How would you know, Mr. Know-It-All?”
“ I wouldn’t.......but I’m guessing it’s one of the best.”
“ That could be true.”
“ Well I think it was the best ride of my life!”
“ You think? Well I know it was!” I said matter-o-factly. We groomed down our horses and then gave them a few treats while scratching them behind the ears (but not to many, we wouldn’t want to spoil their dinner).

After saying our “C-ya’s” to our horses we headed toward the lounge holding hands.
“ I think so chamomile tea would do us some good.”
“ That’s sounds really good right now.”
“ I’ll race you to the kitchen?”
“ I don’t know I’m kinda tired.”
But, before I could say anything back he took off, and I ran right after him. Since his head start started I couldn’t catch up with him, and I lost the race (but I was still looking forward to that tea). He already had the kettle lit and two large mugs waiting to have the tea bag brew inside of them.
“ Here, you do the tea and I’ll do lunch.”
“ Sounds good to me.”
So I took some leftovers from the Christmas meal and made a concoction of soup that was actually better than I thought it would be. Sitting down to hot soup and chamomile tea sounding to good, we prayed for our meal then ate and talked about just random things that popped up. Now that we were full of warmth we snuggled on a couch next to the fire place and told funny stories about memories we’ve had.

After a while I went outside to check on the horses and when Andrew and I entered the hall the horses whinnied hello’s. I had a good idea at that moment.
“ Hey Andrew?”
“ Yes, angel?”
The sarcasm in his voice made me laugh.
“ Would you like to come over for dinner?”
“ Well I don’t know my dear let me check my schedule?”
He said using a british accent and more sarcasm.
“ My mom said it was surprise.”
“ Oh no! You don’t think it’s mystery meat, do you!”
He was still using his british accent and so much sarcasm I was laughing so hard I almost couldn't breath.
“ Easy Jill.”
“ I’m okay.”
I gave him a little shove with my shoulder.
“ What’s that for?”
“ For calling my mom a lunch
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