» Fiction » My Man :), Annamere [most life changing books txt] 📗

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Chapter two

Mika ignored my whining and he took me to the hospital. I couldnt argue anymore because a reallly sexy trainee took me to a room. Mika came with me but stayed in the room while I got x-rays. The trainee gently felt my ribs and I stared at him. He met my eyes and smiled. Flashing perfect white teeth. "Makayla Chase, two ribs are broken. How did this happen?" he asked.
"Umm, my brother's friend was watching me and I got really mad at him then he wanted something, but I wouldnt give it to him and he squished me."
He chuckled then we went back to the room. Then he talked to Mika. "We want to keep her over night just to be safe. A few of her ribs are broken."
Mika just nodded to everything he said. When the trainee left Mika made me lay down. Then he called mom and dad. When he was off the phone he covered me up and appologized.
I smiled and took his iPod from him. "I'm not mad." I murmmered, amused. "Did you see how sexy that guy was?" I asked.
"Makayla, he is like twenty something." he said.
"Mika, shut up." I whined.
He smiled and I giggled.
"You should do that more often, big goof."
He whipped the smile from his face and mom and dad came in. I sighed then pushed them away as they hovered to close. Eventually they stopped and I went to bed. In the morning the sexy trainee wrapped a bandage around my ribs then I went home. I got dressed in my work clothes then went to work. All of them wern't happy about it, but I told them I'd come home if it hurt to bad.
Mika wouldnt let me drive though. So he went upstairs and changed into his bus boy uniform then he drove me and him to dad's resturant. More men come into that resturant because it has a very sexy waitress. Mika is constently watching me.
One time when I was fifteen a trucker guy slapped me in the butt and Mika shaddered a plate over his head. He said, "Dont touch my sister, fat scum." Even dad had our backs on that one.
"Makayla," dad said yanking me back to the present. "are you ok?" he asked. I nodded. "Will you go do your job then?" he asked softly.
"Grr, ruin my thoughts will you?" I asked and went to take peoples orders. "Hello, welcome to Big daddy's house of food, what can I get youtoday?" I asked a family. They told me and I went to take it to the cheif. My dad is weird. But we love him.
When it was time to close I was exausted, but I still went to the salon. I chopped hair and talked gossip with Tatiana. "So, I heard you were gonna get lucky with Ash last night. Give me the deets, babe." she ordered.
"Hmm, lets see here, welll I took a drink then told him to get out he told me I look sexy when I'm mad then told me to kiss him, then he broke some ribs." I said.
"You still love him, right?" she asked.
I smiled and looked at her. "Yes, I still love your brother. He turns me on everytime I see him." I said and flattened out some chick's hair.
She giggled. "Good, he is coming to spend the day with me. Promise me you wont chase him down with scissors."
I snickered then pursed my lips. "I promise. Maybe" I said then crossed my fingers behind my back.
"Makayla, I need to tell you something." she said stopping me from cutting more hair.
"What?" I asked looking up at her.
She smiled. "He was singing Beautiful last night when he got home. He said that he was singing it for you. Then I read what he put on his fb."
My heart sped in excitment. "What did he write?" I asked.
She put a flower in my hair. "She's so damn beautiful, wish she was mine. I love Makayla."
"Aww, you're not just doing that to push my buttons are you?" I asked. her.
She put her arms around my waist and I winced. "No, he really put that on fb. What did you do to him last night?" she asked.
"I told you." I murmmered. "Will you finish here? I need to sit down so I dont collaps." I said.
She took the scissors and I sat in the chair next to the one the custumer was in. "He also loves how you're dangerous and sexy. He loves how you are madly in love with Taylor Lautner and Diggy Simmons."
"Sexy beasts right there, Tatiana." I said and kicked off my heels.
She squealed then ran to her brother. I sighed then stood up and finished the girl's hair.
"What do you think?" I asked. "It screams sexy and independant." I said.
She giggled. "I love it. It does."
She gave me five dollars then left. "Whos hair do you have to cut now?" Tatiana asked. I bent over and looked at the paper.
I stood up and grabbed my phone. My dad was calling me. "Hey, baby girl. I found your iPod. Your sister had it."
"Ooh, thank you, daddy. Did she slobber all over it?" I asked.
He sighed. "No, but she broke it. I'm going to get you a new one soon."
"Ooh, thank you."
"You're welcome, baby girl. I got to go, Mika and I are going fishing."
I giggled. "Good luck with that. Love ya."
"Love ya too, kitten."
I hung up the phone then Mika called me. "Help me. He is taking me fishing."
"Mika, you've been ignoring him since they got married again."
He didnt sound to happy. "He made me a bus boy. I have to wear white. Happy colors." he shouted.
"I dont appreciate being shouted at, bastard." I shouted back then hung up.
My mom came up with Megan. "Baby, are you ready?" she asked.
"I have one more. I'll be home later." I murmmered.
"I dont want you walking home by yourself."
I giggled then moved a stran of hair from her eyes. "Mom, I'll be fine. You can thank Mika for this. He wouldnt let me drive."
She smiled then put a hand on my cheek. Then she took Megan home. I yawned then sat in the chair.
"There was a insainly sexy trainee at the hospital last night." I said to Tatiana.
She gasped. "Did you get his number?" she asked.
I glanced at Ash. "No, he's like twenty something. Mika didnt want me anywhere near him this morning. But he had his hands on me." I said.
She giggled. "Mika is so protective of you. What do you mean he had his hands on you?" she asked.
"He was setting my ribs and he gently, with long fingers, wrapped gauz around my skinny torso." I said and glanced at Ash for a split second. He looked really mad. Yes!
She smiled. "Was your top off?" she asked. I nodded. "How rude. You're the sexiest person I know. I would have my hands all over you in a heartbeat."
I giggled.
"I'm gonna go pee. All that water is going to my bladder." she said then went to the bathroom.
Ash watched me with warm eyes. I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked. He just stared at me. I grabbed a hair clip and threw it at him. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked as he jumped.
"I dont know." he snapped. "Whats your favoret song?" he asked.
"Umm, Somebody that I use to know." I said.
He snorted. "Thats gay."
I picked up the scissors and aimed for his face. "Take it back."
He chuckled and held up his hands. "I take it back, your highness."
"Tell Tatiana she gets to do my haircut. I'm gonna go jump off a bridge." I said and grabbed my bag. I got up to walk away but he grabbed my wrist.
"Wait." he murmmered and got up. He pulled me back and kissed me. A light kiss. His lips were so soft. "Its the best damn song I've ever heard." he murmmered. I bit my lip and my heart sped in happiness and something else. "I'll see you later."

Chapter three

Ash slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. "I'm sorry about your ribs." he murmmered in my ear. My heart leaped.
"Dont worry about it." I said tracing his abes. We wern't doing anything, I promise. He just came upto my bedroom and refused to leave.
He chuckled. "You like it?" he asked.
"Yah." I gasped.
He laughed. "Go to sleep. I didnt mean to wake you."
I glared at him. "I wasnt sleeping. I was counting how much money I have left."
He kissed my lips lightly. "You have no idea how much I want you. I've loved you since we were twelve. I dont know what happened. You just..." I shut him up with a kiss.
"I started loving you when Mika and I turned fourteen."
Mika came in and turned the light on. He squinted then became aware. "Ash, what did I tell you?" Mika snapped.
"Umm, that your sissy is off limance."
"Yes. Why are you in her bed?" he snapped quietly.
"Why?" Ash whined, not bothering to answer why he is in my bed.
Mika sighed. "I dont want

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