» Fiction » My Man :), Annamere [most life changing books txt] 📗

Book online «My Man :), Annamere [most life changing books txt] 📗». Author Annamere

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I are going to the bad part of town. Then I'm gonna go check on Tatiana." he said then turned my light off.
I rolled over and grabbed his boxers. He chuckled then leaned down and french kissed me. A few seconds or minutes later Mika said, "Come on, Ash, you can suck her face later."
Ash pulled away then chuckled. "I'll see you later, babe." he said then kissed the tip of my nose. I rolled over and closed my eyes.
"Bye bye." I mummbled groggily then they closed my door. Two minutes later I heard fighting. Robbie and Ash. I jumped up and sat at the top of the stairs.
"No, you'll take advantage of her." Robbie shouted.
"Actually," Mika said. "Makayla is still a virgin. And he listens to her."
"I listen to her too." Robbie snapped. "Ive been listening to her for sixteen and a half years."
I stood up and went down stairs. "Just curiouse, why are you fighting?" I asked.
"They're fighting over you." Mika whispered.
"Mikers, arn't you and Ash leaving?" I asked.
He shrugged and his head went in a circle. "I dunno."
"Ash, baby?" I asked softly. He looked at me and smiled. I bit my lip and admired him for a few seconds. "Go beat up some thugs." I breathed.
He chuckled then came over to me and took me into his arms. "I have you breathless." he murmmered then kissed my lips three times. Robbie winced. "Te amo!" he said.
I giggled and stared at him suprised. "Te amo." I murmmered. Then they grabbed two guns then left. Robbie grinned a painful grin at me. I sighed then said, "I'm going to Hawii with my mom." I muttered. He pulled me over to the couch. He put an arm around me placing a big hand on my hip.
I sighed and glared at him. "Sorry." he murmmered and his hand slid lower.
"Robin Hawk, get your hand off of me." I snapped. His hand slid up to my side. I layed down on the couch then fell asleep.

I shivered then threw myself off the couch. I was having the worst dream. I had absolutly nothing and I died the worst way to die. Ash and Mika looked up from the floor, Robbie jumped up and put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, hey, hey, get your hand off my girlfriend." Ash said easily jumping to his feet. Robbie tighted his hold on me and I cringed in pain.
Mika jumped up and Ash and him tackled me and Rob. I screamed and dad came out and helped me. "Hey, what the hell are you three doing?" he snapped. I painfully leaned against him. All three looked up at us.
"He was touching her then he hurt her." Mika said.
Dad looked at me. "Go pack for Hawii." he said.
Mika glared. "What, she gets to go to Hawii?" he snapped.
"She needs it, Mika. Mom and her are gonna be back in a week or so. Then you and I'll go somewhere." dad said.
Mika got up and walked out the door. I grabbed Ash's hand and dragged him up to my room. I grabbed thirty of my bakinis out of my closet and tryed them on for Ash. "Baby, you're going to Hawii, why do you need to look hot?"
I sat on his lap and he put his hand on my side. "Cause, I dont want to look pour hot." I said.
"You look pour hot?" he asked. "All of these are like a million dollars."
"Fifty to a hundred." I murmmered.
"Take half of them." he murmmered against my neck. I put my hand under his chin and tilted his head up and kissed him. I pulled away and got up. I grabbed his sweatshirt off my bed and slipped it over my body.
I went to my closet and grabbed my suit cases. I threw about ten bakinis in it then went to get really cute clothes. I put a couple weeks worth in it then put my suit cases by my bed room door. He came up behind me and put his arms around me.
"I have an alchol problem." he murmmered.
"No you dont, you barely drink." I muttered.
"For you. Ask Mika. If I wasnt with you right now I would be drunker than anything."
I rolled my eyes and kicked my door closed. "Go have fun with Mika. I need to finish packing."
He grunted then pulled me into him. "Will you be ok?" he asked. I nodded. "Ok." he said then left.
Chapter seven

"No, Rogger, I promise, we'll be ok. Makayla is just a bit jittery because she is a yellow thing." mom said. My phone vibrated and I answered it.
"Did you know I'm in a yellow thingy?" I asked.
"I did." Mika said chuckling. "Are you ok?"
"Sure. Where is Ash?" I asked.
Mika sighed. "He says he is sleeping until you get back."
"Ok," I murmmered. "I got to go. Love ya, bro."
"Love ya too, sis." he said then I hung up. Mom smiled and put an arm around me.
She sighed and I put my head on her shoulder. "I love you, mom."
She froze. I havnt told her that I loved her since I was ten. A tear slipped down her cheek. I whipped it away and she said, "I love you too, baby."

We finally got to Hawii. Mom made me sleep through the flight because I wouldnt stop jumping in my seat. I was sitting on a bench waiting for mom to call dad and find me and her some food and a georgous boy sat by me. I glanced at him and he glanced back. I grabbed my phone out of my bra and called Ash. "Hello?" he asked groggily.
"Hey, baby." I said.
"Baby, your plane didnt crash. Thats a releif. I was worried."
I giggled. "If I died I would haunt you." I promised.
"Ooh, I would love that. So whats up?" he asked.
"I dunno. I'm bored." I said glancing around.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Waiting for mom."
He sounded like he was smiling. "Where did she go?"
"Call dad and find food." I said and found her. "Babe, I gotta go. I'll call you tomarrow."
"Kay, bye." he said.
"Bye." I murmmered then hung up. Mom came to me and handed me a chocolate muffin.
"I know you dont like the yellow things, but we need to take one."
I grunted then got up. Taxi's were annoying and I didnt like them at all. I wanted to murder them all. "Ok," I murmmered. We got in a taxi then went to a insainly fancy hotel.
Mom threw her bags on her bed and a boy from downstairs put mine on a bed. The taxi man hit on my mom and a bunch of boys my age offered to carry my stuff. They said I looked exauseted. But I was wide awake, so my mom told me to let one carry my stuff. If boys were gonna hit on my all week, I'll go insain.
I smiled at the boy. "Thank you." I said.
He smiled and flipped his hair. "Anytime, sweetheart. You should come to the beach later. I'm gonna take my little sisters." he said sounding self assured.
"Makayla, can I see your iPad?" mom asked.
"Umm, maybe." I said to the boy and got my iPad out of my bag.
"Cool." he said. "See you then."
"See ya." I said then he smiled and left.
I looked at mom and handed her my iPad. She smiled and I smiled back. "You wanna go surfing with Gale?" she asked. My cousin Gale and his mom moved to Hawii when his dad died in a plane crash. Uncle Jason drove planes. but the guy driving the plane was buzzed and made them crash. Gale went into a depression and his mom became a royal bitch.
His mom met someone and they both liked him and then all three of them moved to Hawii. Gale teaches people how to surf and his mom is a very tan life guard. Gale is pretty tan as well. I know its weird to find your cousin hot, but my mother's side is very georgous. Even the old people are georgous. They barely have any wrinkles and some people mistake them for twenty year olds.
"Yah." I said excitedly.
"Kay." she murmmered. I grabbed a really sexy purple bakini with white poka-dots.
"I'm gonna go soak first." I said then went into the bathroom. I gaped at the bathroom. It was huge. The bathtub was big enough to hold fifteen people. I started the water and took my clothes off. I got in the bath and dozed off. When I came around I drained the water and put my bakini on.
I grabbed a towle and dryed myself off. I walked out and rummaged through my bag. Someone put their tan hands over my eyes. I gasped. "You know, you've really grown up since the last time I saw you. Your hair is longer and your taller. Aunt Amanda says you have a boyfriend as well."
"Gale." I squealed and turned around and hugged him. He put his arms around me and hugged me.
"But you're still the adorable little girl I left in Cali." he said then took a step back. He was wearing swim trunks and jordans. He put a hand under my chin and tilted my head up. "Purple eyes, redish and pinkish lips. Lip ring?" he asked. "Who talked you in to this?" he asked.
"My boyfriend was keeping my mind off of something." I said.
"Makayla Chase." Gale said playfully hitting my shoulder.
I laughed. "Gale Hawthorn." I said then punched him playfully. His dad was mom's brother. Mom's maiden name is Hawthorn. He handed me his shirt and I slipped it over me.
"Amanda, we're leaving." Gale said to mom.
We went down to the beach and he demanded to know about my boyfriend. "He is a boy." I said.
"Well, duh. Who is he?" he demanded.
"Ash Mellark."
Gale glanced up and glared. "Why does our gene pool

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