» Fiction » My Man :), Annamere [most life changing books txt] 📗

Book online «My Man :), Annamere [most life changing books txt] 📗». Author Annamere

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you playing with her emotions."
"I promise, I wont. And sissy still has her clothes on."
Mika glared. "Get back downstairs."
"I'm starving." I said and got up. Mika's eyes widened.
Ash rolled his eyes. "Relax, she was like that when I came up here."
I grabbed my purfume and sprayed Mika with it. "You smell like fish." I muttered. "Can you two get out of my room now? My stomch is cold."
Ash and Mika left and I closed the door softly. I yawned and turned the light off, then climbed in bed.

Robbie and Malinda were in my room when I woke up. I dont know why I was in such a good mood. But I was still mad at them. My ribs didnt hurt that much and when I went downstairs, I giggled. Mika and Ash were passed out on the couch together. I went into the kitchen with my hightops hanging over my shoulder.
"Hi, sunshine." dad said.
I kissed his cheek. "Hi, daddy." I said and sat at the table. I picked off all the sausage and bacon off my plate and threw it at Robbie. He caught it in his mouth. It was fun to do that, but I was still pissed off. "Daddy, do I have to work today?" I asked.
"No, I told you yesterday, you have the whole month off. So does your brother. By the way, what was going on in your room last night? I heard Mika snapping at Ash and Ash being quiet for once."
"Umm, I dont know." I said.
"Where you going today?" he asked. Mika and Ash came into the kitchen and they were fighting still.
"Robbie and Malinda are taking me to Cali." I said, jokingly.
Malinda shook her head. "Am not."
I picked up a handful of scrambled eggs and threw it at her. "Slut, why do you have to take everything so seariously?" I asked. Mika and Ash stopped and stared at me, wide eyed. "Why the hell are you two staring at me?" i snapped.
"Your languige, you've never used that word before." Mika said.
"Its sexy." Ash said.
I giggled and they went back to fighting. I sighed then pulled Ash out to the living room. "I'm going to get coffee." I yelled over my shoulder. I had Ash sit on the couch. "Why?" I asked.
He shrugged. "I dunno. Where you going?" he asked.
"Coffee." I murmmered.
"Can I come?" he asked raking a hand through his unruley black hair.
"You kind of need clothes on to go to a public place."
He chuckled. "I have clothes around here somewhere."
"I'll be back later."
"Can we make out when you get back?" he asked.
I nodded then walked out the door. I got in my mustang and sped to starbucks to get coffee. Then I went to see Tatiiana. "So, you and my brother. I love it! How late were you up last night?" she asked.
"I dunno. Ash wouldnt go away until Mika came in and snapped at Ash for being in there."
"God, your brother is a sexy beast. I pictured he was on top of me insted of Naulan last night."
I giggled. "I have to get home. I'll see you tomarrow." I said then left. I went to the store and got some pain killers for my head then went home. Ash was sleeping so I went into the kitchen. Dad was cleaning up the eggs I threw. "Here you go, daddy." I said handing him half of my coffee.
I went to the pantree and got the peanut butter out and went to get a spoon. "You going to your room?" he asked.
"Yah." I said. He grinned. "Why are you grinning?" I asked.
"Just cause."
I rolled my eyes then went up to my room. A husky puppy was sleeping on my bed. A very georgous husky puppy. It had a pink bow around its neck. It looked up at me and wagged its tiny tail. I put the peanut butter on my dresser then picked the puppy up. It licked my face and I scratched it behind the ear. Mika came in with an identical puppy. "Did it suprise you too?" he asked. I nodded. Mika and I went downstairs and into the kitchen. Dad looked at us and smiled
"Look at that little face." I said then kissed the puppy's head.
"Most animals are not adorable. But this is adorable." Mika said.
"They're both girls." dad said.
Mika glared. "Why?"
"We dont want tinyer puppies running around. And your sister and mother cant stand male dogs."
I smiled and scratched the puppy's ear again. Mika did the same. "Oh well, I'll name you Kayla."
I punched his arm. "Not fair. I'll call her umm Peanut butter."
They chuckled. "You and your peanut butter." Mika said. "I'm gonna go call Kaysee."
"I love you, dad!" I said then went to my room. I was reading a book and eating peanut butter while the puppy was sleeping when Ash came in. I looked up and smiled. He sat on my bed and smiled. He was still only in his boxers.
He took the spoon from me and ate some peanut butter. "Whatcha doing?" he asked.
"Reading Shakesphear."
He chuckled. "I dont know who that is." he said. I shrugged. He layed down and put his head in my lap. "You're being very boring right now."
"I'm sorry, I'm tired." I said.
My puppy jumped on Ash's stomch then walked up to me. I picked the puppy up and kissed its head. "That is a tiny puppy." he said. I brushed my thumb across his cheek. I put the puppy on my bed and it layed down and went to sleep again. "My pit itches."
"So itch it."
He raised an eye brow. I turned my tv on and changed the channnel to Spongbob. He took my hand and pressed it to his lips, then slowly made his way up to my lips. His hand cupped the back of my head and his other hand was tangled in my hair. One of my hands rested on the small of his back and my other hand had fingers dug into his shoulder. His lips parted and he slipped his toung in my mouth.
My heart pounded in my cheast and his was doing its best to beat out of his cheast. He pulled my hair and I pulled away and yelped. "Sorry." he panted. "My fingers were stuck."
I giggled then bit my lip.
"I love you!" he murmmered.
"I love you too!" I murmmered.
He smiled then kissed my forehead. "You so beautiful." he sung.
I giggled. "You're a weirdo."
"Why, thank you." he said. "You so dangerous."
"Stop it," I said giggling.
He layed me down smiling and brushed my hair from my eyes. "So damn beautiful." he said then kissed me lightly. "I'll see you at dinner." he murmmered.
"Oh, where are you going?" I asked, pouting.
He smiled. "I dont want to ruin this. So, I'm gonna go control myself then your brother and I are going to hang out in the bad side of town."
I bit my lip as he hovered over me. "Kay."
He kissed my lips one more time. "I'll be back." he said then left. Then the head cheerleader from school was calling me.
"Hello?" I asked hoarsly.
We hang out alot. I helped her get over her dad dying. "Hey, babe, I havnt seen you all summer, you should come to the party I'm having tonight."
I smiled. "Maybe."
She giggled then we hung up. I grabbed the spoon from the peanut butter jar and ate more peanut butter.
A little while later, Peanut curled up next to me and we went to sleep.
Chapter four

Someone gently shook me awake. "Makayla, honey, are you hungry?" mom asked.
"Yah." I murmmered and sat up. I got up and threw an arm around her. She helped me down to the kitchen and sat me in a chair. Mika and Ash stared at me with concern in their eyes. I took my shoes off and hurled them at them. "I'm not gonna get up and dance for you if thats what you're waiting for." I snapped.
"Mom, whats wrong with her?" Mika said blankly.
"She doesnt feel good. She has a fever."
I started jumping in my seat. Then I ran to the bathroom and puked. Ash rushed after me and held my hair for me while I puked. When I stood up I almost fell. He caught me and picked me up off the ground. He took me up to my bedroom. He cover me up then kissed my forehead. Peanut crawled under the blankets and layed on my shoulder. Ash brushed my hair out of my eyes and smiled.
"I'll come check on you later." he murmmered then turned my light off. I closed my eyes and he left.

In the morning I felt much better. I called Robbie and we talked for awhile. "Makayla, I'm sorry." he said as I ran down the stairs.
"No worrys, Rob." I said and switched to the other ear. Ash and Mika looked up at me. They were wrestling. "In fact, we should go to the movies." I siad sitting on the couch.
He sounded confused. "Why?" he asked.
"I dunno. Umm, what are you doing?" I asked.
"Going tanning with Malinda."
I rolled my eyes and clenched my fist. "Great, I got to go. My cousin is on tv." I muttered and hung up. I tossed my phone on the floor and looked at Mika. "iPod." I ordered.
He got up and grabbed his iPod off the tv table and tossed it to me. Megan came down the stairs and ran to grab my phone. "Meg, put it down." Mika ordered.
Megan ran into the kitchen. "Just my day." I muttered and got up. I went into the kitchen and grabbed it out of her tiny hands. "Little bitch, keep your hands off my stuff." I yelled.
She pouted then kicked my leg. "Fuck off, bitch." she yelled back.
Mom came in and

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