» Fiction » My Man :), Annamere [most life changing books txt] 📗

Book online «My Man :), Annamere [most life changing books txt] 📗». Author Annamere

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grabbed her hand. "Megan, dont talk to your sister like that." mom snapped and took her out of the kitchen. I went back into the living room and layed on the couch. Ash and Mika went back to wrestling. Kayla and Peanut came down the stairs and ran into Ash and Mika.
Mika took them into the kitchen to feed them and Ash crawled over to me. I took the buds out. "What ya listening to?" he asked.
"Do it like a dude."
He chuckled then got searious. "Whats wrong?" he asked.
I put my hand on his cheek and brushed my thumb across his cheek. "Nothin."
He put his hand on my arm then pressed his lips to mine. Someone sighed then said, "Are we gonna wrestle or am I gonna watch you suck my sister's face." Mika asked.
Ash pulled away. "You can watch me suck your sister's face." Ash said smiling. I glared at him. "Na, lets do this." he said then they wrestled again.
I got up and grabbed the laptop off the coffee table. I sat down and opened it to find it on porn. I looked up and glared at Ash and Mika. I clicked off the porn and went on facebook. As usual I had a bunch of notifacations, messages, and friend requests. I took Mika's earphones out of his iPod and listened to music on youtube.
When they were done and gone and I was the only one home I turned the stereo on and listened to music. I danced too. I dont like dancing when my family is home. Well, Mika is the only one I trust. He says I'm really good and I should be a professional. But I always get embarassed in front of real people that are mean. Mika isn't a people, neither of us are. We consider ourselves sexy aliens from the planet mars.
Ash came through the door and I stopped and whipped the smile from my face. He chuckled then pulled me into his amrs. "Mika and I were watching you through the window." he said. I glared at him and he chuckled again. "You're really good. Especially with that butt."
I punched his shoulder. "Not funny." I snapped. His hands lazily slipped down to the small of my back.
He pecked my lips. "You're right not funny. Umm, Mika went to Kaysee's you should come hang out with me."
"I want to stay here."
He pursed his lips. "We'll stay here if you dance for me."
"Then lets go." he said pulling me to the door.
I pushed him away from me. "Or we can go up to my room and..."
"No." he snapped before I had a chance to finish. "I wont do that, virgin. You're only sixteen."
"And you're not?" I snapped.
He frowned. "Makayla, I've had sex twenty times since Tatiana made me get checked. If I have something I dont want to give it to you. And I dont want to loose my girlfriend or my bestfriend." he yelled.
He called me his girlfriend. I glared at him. "Dont yell at me." I yelled back.
He stopped and got an appologizing look on his face. "I'm sorry." he said sincearily.
A tear fell from my eye and he whipped it away then put his arms around me. "You're an ass."
"I'm gonna go get checked just for you, tomarrow, or when I get around to it. You're in a very bad mood today. Do you wanna get your belly button peirced?" he asked.
"No. Why cant I stay home?"
"We can, I'll peirce it."
"Noooo." I said quickly.
He looked at me confused. "Why not?" he asked.
"Cause you might kill me." I murmmered.
He chuckled. "You and your brother have major trust issues. I peirced your brother's eyebrow."
I shuddered. I hated Mika's eyebrow peircing. It annoyed me and I wished he only had his lip peirced. He has his eyebrow and his lip peirced. "I dont want my bellybutton peirced, though."
"Nipple?" he asked. I glared and he chuckled. "Eyebrow?" I shook my head. "Nose?" I shook my head. "Lip?" I nodded. He chuckled. "You know that hurts really bad?"
I shrugged.
"Right, I forgot you were Mika's sister. No pain."
"What?" I asked.
"Right, you're not gothy. Why your lip?" he asked. I shrugged. "Ok, you got a needle?"
I pushed away from him and went to get the needle from the table in the living room. Then we went into the kitchen and he peirced my lip.
"Sit still." he ordered and dug his elbows into my theighs.
"Owe, stop it." I snapped and kicked his knee.
He winced then stuck the needle through my lip. My eyes burned and I kicked him again. "Owe, why are you kicking me?" he asked and yanked the needle out of my flesh. "All done." he put his arms around me. "You're tall sitting up there he said and put his head in my lap. I was sitting on the table.
"You're... an.... Ass." I murmmered.
He chuckled then sat up straight. I leaned down and kissed him. His hands slid down to my hips and then he pulled me onto his lap. I felt his heart quicken beneath my fingers then he pulled away.
"No." I whined.
My ex step dad came into the kitchen. "Hey, kiddo, where is your mother?" he asked. I looked at him with hateful eyes. I made him terrified of me. He flinched.
"The hell if I know. Either with dad or at the salon."
He nodded then left.
Chapter five

"Makayla," Mika and Ash sung then burst into my room. They were both drunk.
"He's clean." Mika slurred. Peanut barked at them then jumped up. I grabbed her before she could run after them. I've only had her for a few weeks and she is my best friend. She growled at them.
"The doctor lied to me." Ash plopped on my bed. The doctor said that Ash had an std. I knew he read the test wrong. I can read doctor's tests. Dad taught them to me about three months ago. I closed my book and let Peanut go. She whimpered then curled up next to my theigh. "Can I touch you now?" he asked.
"No." I said smacking his hand away. He sat up then kissed my lips lightly. "Eww, gross." I said pushing him away from me. He chuckled then him and Mika kissed. I broke down laughing and mom came to see what I was laughing about.
She gasped and pulled them away from each other. "What are you two doing?" she snapped.
"I'm kissing Kaysee." Mika slurred.
"I'm kissing Makayla." Ash slurred then they went back to kissing. I started laughing again and mom came to sit by me.
"They're drunk, mom." I said. "They wont remember anything."
"Of coarse Ash'll think he is kissing you, Mikers is your twin. What are you doing up?" she asked.
"I was worried about Mika and Ash."
"Ahh, I'm gonna go back to bed. See you in the morning." she said then left closing the door behind her. I looked at Mika and Ash again and broke down laughing. They pulled away from each other and gaped at me.
"What the hell?" they said and pushed each other into the wall. Ash fell and passed out. Mika slurred a curse then he fell and passed out.
I grabbed my iPod and listened to Kiss the rain. I turned my light off then layed down. Peanut layed on my arm and went to sleep. I eventually fell asleep.
I woke up and didnt notice the boys on the floor and tripped over them. Mika just grunted. Ash opened his eyes then helped me up. He was confused but didnt ask until his head stopped pounding. "Ok, so I know we were in here before we passed out. What happened?" he asked.
"Umm, you and him came in here all drunk and talked to me."
He raised his eyebrows. "About what?" he asked.
"Taking me to see the hunger games today." I said smiling.
He chuckled. "Great, we have to be stuck in some chick flick."
I rolled my eyes and couldnt beleive that actually worked. "Its not a chick flick. Its a action thingy."
Ash kicked Mika. Mika grunted then jumped up. "What?" he snapped.
"We told Makayla we'd take her to the movies today."
"When did we say that?" he asked holding his head.
"Last night. Why do I taste years of pain and sorrow?"
I bit my cheeks to keep from laughing. "Why do I taste bad boy?" Mika asked. "Makayla? Did Ash and I..."
"What?" I asked when he hesitated.
He closed his eyes and stuttered. "K k kiss?" he asked scratching the back of his head. Ash closed his eyes and put his head on my shoulder. I hesitated, trying to think if I should tell them the truth. I just shrugged.
"I fell asleep."
I smiled at them and they laughed. Ash looked at Mika suprised. Mika stopped and scratched the back of his head. "I dont think goth is working out to well for you, buddy." Ash said.
"Yah, I think I dont like it. I love laughing. It makes Makayla happy."
Ash placed a big hand on my back. "I love seeing Makayla happy."
"Ok, now both of you get out. I need to get dressed."
They chuckled then let me push them out of my room. I went to my closet and took out a black silky dress then took out black stilettos from under my bed. I went down to the bathroom and took a shower.
When I got out and dried myself off I put the dress on then went to get my leggings from the laundry room. I put them on then slipped my feet into the heels. I dried my hair then braided it and curled the loose strans of hair.
When I was done I went into the kitchen and dad put a plate of food in front of me. He gasped and smiled. He sat next to me and said, "You're wearing it. Where are you going?"
"Ash and Mika are taking me

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