» Fiction » Take Me Away, Kayla Trautman [most inspirational books .txt] 📗

Book online «Take Me Away, Kayla Trautman [most inspirational books .txt] 📗». Author Kayla Trautman

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and grabbed my hand, "We need to talk. But not right now. It's late and we all need to get some sleep."
Matt was about to get up but then I said, "I'm sorry." Matt smiled slightly, "We were so close. All three of us were so close. I remember me, you and Martin used to go to the park and play together. Remember the time when were playing on the monkey bars and you fell? You would've hit your head if I didn't catch you. They were good times." I nodded, "Yes they were." Matt asked, "What happend to them?" I looked at the family picture that was on the dresser across the room and Matt followed my gaze. Then he turned back around to me. I answered, "I don't know. Good times just never last I guess." I was still looking at the family picture. I didn't even realize it. Matt kissed my cheek, "Well, get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning. I love you." I replied, "Don't love me. It just gets people hurt." Matt sighed and turned around. As he turned around I could see that he was crying.
When he left I cried and got out of bed. I went over to my dresser and opened the top drawer. I reached in under my clothes and pulled out my needle and what little drugs I had left. If I wanted to continue my addiction I had to get some more. But I took it over to my bed and set it down. I sat on the bed and loaded the needle with the Cocaine. I took an alcohol swab and rubbed it on my arm. then I threw it on the floor and grabbed the needle. I stuck it in my arm and shot up. I knew that I shouldn't have but I just felt so depressed I didn't know what to do. And I had the need for it. After I pumped it in I took the needle out and just held it. I felt the rush of the Cocaine go through my veins a moment later. That's when I fell to the bed asleep.

It was 9:30 when I woke up to Matt tapping my arm, "Emily. Emily wake up." I opened my eyes and looked at him, "What time is it?" Matt stood up and brought his hand up to show me the needle he had in his hand, "It's 9:30. You shot up last night?"Ibrushed my hands through my hair, "Yeah. I'm sorry. I needed it." Matt shook his head and went over to my dresser, "Where is it? Your stash, where is it?" I answered, "That was my last bit. I swear. If I had more I would've shot that up too." Matt continues to look through her stuff, "I'm sorry Emily. But I'm doing this because I love you." I nodded, "I know. I don't know why I started drugs." Matt went over to my closet and started lookin through it, "I think I do. We'll talk about that later." He grabbed something that rattled and brought it out. He came over to me and held them up, "You take sleeping pills?" i nodded, "When I can't sleep or when I don't have any drugs to get high on." He frowned, "Do you know that if you take too much of these that you can go to sleep and not wake up? And you fell asleep holding the needle. You could've stabbed yourself with it in your sleep." I looked at the floor and nodded, "I know. But I didn't go to sleep holdong the needle on purpose. That was an accident." Matt sighed, "You passed out. Get dressed. We'll be waiting for you in the living room." He left with the needle and pills.
When I went downstairs mom and Matt were sitting on the couch. I sat on the armchair that was placed across the room. I pulled my legs up and leaned on the arm of the chair. My mom leaned forward, "Emily. We need to talk about this addiction. And you're taking sleeping pills?" I nodded, "I'm sorry. I. . .I have no excuse. I don't even know why I started. I want to stop. I really do. But it's just . . .I can't stop. I need it." Matt shook his head, "No you don't. That's just the addiction talking. And I think I know why you started drugs in the first place. This all started when you were eleven. Dad left when you were ten. You didn't talk for a year. And then you just one day started speaking. I think that that's when you found something else to take the pain away." I frowned and folded my arms, "What makes you think that?" Matt answered, "Because that's when it all started. And last night when you told me that you didn't know what made you start you stared straight at the family picture that was on your dresser." I looked away and sighed, "Well, that's not the reason. I wouldn't get mad at that bastard and feel pain for him for this long." My mom looked at me and said, "Emily don't use such language like that about your father." I looked at her and asked, "Why what has he done to earn my respect? He's a jackass and he needs to open his eyes." I looked at the floor and bit my tongue before I said anything else. Matt said, "Emily. We know that it hurts you to know that dad left us without a word and didn't come back. But you can't do what you're doing to yourself. You need to get help and we want to help you." I was so mad at the moment that he brought the subject of dad up. Matt continued, "There's this rehab center that we think that would be great for you. They would give you conculing and they would help you get clean . . ." I stood up and yelled, "No! That's okay! I don't want your help! I'm going to my room!" I ran to my room and slammed my door shut. I locked the door and layed down on my bed. There was a knock on the door, "Emily! Unlock the door!" It was Matt. I yelled out, "Go away! Just leave me the hell alone!" Matt called in, "No! We need to talk! Look, I'm sorry if I upset you but I truely think that that's the reason why you started! Please open the door!" I picked up my family album and threw it at the door, "Leave me alone! Go away!" Matt called in, "Fine. But we'll talk later." I layed on the bed and cried. Then I looked up at the family album that I threw at the door. I got up and went over to the door. I picked up the album and sat down. When I opened the book the first picture I saw was the one when I was two. It was me and my father at the park. I don't remember that day at all but from the picture it looked like we were having a good time. My dad was holding me and I was laughing. I turned the page and seen a picture at my fifth birthday. My face was covered in cake. They had shoved my face in the cake that day. I had to blow my nose to get all the cake out. I moved on and turned the page. It was a picture of me and my dad with both my brothers. It was the last picture that I had ever taken with my dad. I had more pictures in my album but I couldn't look at them anymore. I put the book down on the floor leaving it open to the page I was looking at. I got up and walked over to the window and opened it. My room was on the first floor and in the front of the house. I climbed out of the window and left.

I walked into the neighborhood where all the other druggies and prostitutes hanged out at. I had gotten a new dealer since Martin died. One reason was he was in jail where he belonged. But even if he weren't in jail, I would have gotten a new one. I walked to the corner where my dealer was, "Hey Chris. Can I talk to you?" Chris walked over to me, "What up? You run out already?" I nodded, "Yeah. But I can't pay you right now. Could I get some and pay you later? I swear I'll pay you back." Chris groaned, "You know I hate to do that. I'm not saying that you won't pay me back. But things happen and people don't pay me back sometimes. And then I have to get mean and you know that I don't like that." I nodded, "I know. But I'll find a way to get the money." Chris smiled and looked up and down me "But I don't know. I think that we can make a trade from now on. I give you some of that stuff and all you have to do is come to my crib. Do we have a deal?" I didn't want to prostitute for my drugs but I was desperate and I needed some. I didn't have any money and I didn't know how I would get some. I looked at him and smiled, "Deal." He put his arm around me and told his friends that he'd be back in a couple of hours.

When we got to his place I put my jacket on the chair and sat on the couch. He sat next to me and placed his hand on my face, "Have you done this before?" I nodded, "Yes. I have. I know what to do." He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back. In about a moment or two he put his hands on my breasts. I didn't flinch but I felt uncomfortable. Then he moved his hands and unbuttoned my shirt. When he got the last button undone he move my shirt to the side. I removed my hands from his shoulders and moved them to my side letting him take my shirt off. When he got my shirt off he threw on the coffee table. He stood up and stood me up with him, "Turn around." I turned around and he unsnapped my bra. He threw it with my shirt and turned me around. He bent down and kissed my neck. I closed my eyes and just stood there. He moved down and kissed my breast and suckled. Then he reached down and unbuckled my pants.

When I woke up we were laying on the couch together. I woke him up, "Hey. Wake up." He stood up and stretched, "You're good. Worth every bit of what I'm giving you." I looked and the clock that he had on the wall. It was five in the afternoon. I got dressed and asked, "Alright. Can I get my stash now?" He nodded and got dressed. He went upstairs to get it. When he came back down he had the needle and the bags full of drugs. He gave them to me and kissed me, "Here they are. As promised." I smiled and loaded the needle with some of the Morphine. He asked, "You're doing that right now? Man, you is in need of it." I just simply smiled and pumped the shitty Morphine. About a half of an hour later I was out of it. I didn't pass out but I was going to sooner or later.
I felt Chris carry me out to the car and start to drive. He said, "I'm taking you home. You're about to pass out." I tried to say, "No. Don't take me
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