» Fiction » Take Me Away, Kayla Trautman [most inspirational books .txt] 📗

Book online «Take Me Away, Kayla Trautman [most inspirational books .txt] 📗». Author Kayla Trautman

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home." But all that came out of me was muttering that he couldn't understand. Or maybe he understood and just wasn't listening to me.
When the car stopped he came around and carried me out to the door. He knocked on the door and my mother answered it. When she saw me she said, "Oh my god. Come in. Put her on the couch. Matt!" Chris walked in and set me down on the couch. Matt asked, "What the fuck happend to her?" Chris answered, "She shot up and now she's high. She'll be fine in a couple of hours." I got a little worried when I heard yelling and then I heard Chris run out of the house. Matt came over to me, "Emily. What did you do this time?" I tried to speak but I couldn't. I passed out minutes later.

When I woke up I was in my room. I looked around and I saw Matt sitting on a chair by the door. I asked, "Where am I?" Matt answered, "Home. In your room. You snuck out and got high again. Do you have any on you?" I felt my pocket and felt I could feel the drugs in there. I nodded, "Yes." Matt came over to me and asked, "How are you getting the money for them?" I looked away, "I ran out of the money mother gave me two weeks ago." Matt repeated, "Alright, but how did you get some this time if you didn't have any money?" I didn't answer him because I knew that he would get upset. Matt sighed, "Emily. I need to know so that me and mother can prevent it next time." I shook my head, "I swore I would never do it just for drugs. I promised myself that I would find a way to get the money. But I couldn't get the money. And I needed it." I hesitated for a moment or two and then answered, "We had a trade. Me and the guy who brought me here, Chris. He said from now on he would just give me the drugs without me having to pay money, but I would have to have sex with him. And I did." Matt took a deep breath in and slowly let it out, "You prostituted for drugs?" I nodded, "Yes. And I'm sorry." Matt stuck out his hand, "Give me them. Give me the drugs." I looked at his hand and then up at him, "No." Matt sat next to me, "Emily. You can't have these drugs around you. They're going to kill you one day. I don't want to lose my baby sister. I'm your brother. We are so close. Or we used to be. We used to tell each other everything. But once you turned ten everything changed. You wouldn't talk for a year. And even then we were still close. Not as close as before but we were close. And then you turned eleven. That's when it really changed. You started to go out more. You didn't want to talk to us. Whenever we tried to bring up conversation we were the ones talking. I'm not even sure that you were listening. Or at times you would say that you were tired and you went to your room. Do you honestly want it to be like that. Martin wouldn't want you keep living like that. He loves you. I love you. Mother loves you." He held out his hand again, "Please. Give me them. You need help and both mother and I want to help." I looked at him and then turned to my pocket. I reached my hand inside and pulled out the drugs and my needle. I looked at it and then back at Matt. I sighed and placed them in his hand. He took them and hugged me, "Thank you sis. Me and your mother love you so much and we don't want to see anything bad happen to you."

At dinner time I hardly ate anything. I was just looking at my plate and thinking to myself about everything that has been going on. Mom looked at me and said, "Darling please try to eat something. You need to eat." I nodded and picked up my fork. I started eating but slowly.
When I was done eating I sat on the couch and just fidled with my fingers. Mom came in and sat next to me, "How are you doing?" I quietly answered, "Fine." Mother hugged me, "It's going to be okay baby. Once we get you to the rehab center everything's going to be alright and the way it used to be." I thought to myself, "No it's not. Martin's dead because of me. And dad ran away." But I just simply sat there and watched the T.V.

Chapter 3

The next day around noon I went into the living room to find both mother and Matt sitting on the couch. I had my jacket on since it was cold outside. Mom asked, "Where are you going?" I answered, "To the park. Simon just called. He wants to meet up with me." As I walked past Matt he grabbed my hand and said, "Don't come back with any drugs." I shook my head, "I won't." And left.

When I got to the park Simon was sitting on the bench. I walked over to him, "Hey." He stood up immediately and hugged me, "I've missed you so much. I would've came earlier but your mother said that she didn't want any visiters in the house at the time. So I didn't but I had to see you today. Are you alright?" I nodded, "I'm fine. My mom and Matt know about the drugs that I'm on and they're trying to get me to quit. They just took my stash today." Simon smiled, "That's good. Is that the reason why your mother doesn't want anybody in the house?" I shook my head, "No, well, it's part of it. But it's not the main reason. I . . . I tried to kill myself the other day. I hung myself in my room but Matt found me and they rushed me to the hospital." Simon grabbed my hands, "What? Why?" I answered, "Because I killed my brother, Martin. I didn't want to live so I tried to hang myself. But that didn't work out." Simon hugged me and squeezed gently, "I'm so glad that you're okay. I love you. And it's not your fault." I shrugged, "That's what everybody tries telling me but I know that it's not true."

At that moment Chris came up to me and tapped me on my shoulder, "Hey. Emily. Come with me for a second." He walked over to a tree and waited for me. I looked at Simon, "I'll be right back. Stay right here." I walked over to Chris, "What? And don't do anything to show anything of what we did because my boyfriend's right over there." Chris shook his head, "No. Of course not. But I figured that your mother would take the stuff from you so I have another pack here for you. The needle and all. And don't worry. I'm not like those other dealers, I'm not going to charge you for this one. Any other ones I will, but not for this one. This time it was my fault. I took you home when I knew that I shouldn't have." Hehanded me the pack and I put it in my back pocket, "Thank you." Chris said, "Alright. Don't mention that to anybody around here. They'll think that I'm punking out and then I'll have to charge you." I nodded and walked back to Simon, "Sorry about that. He . . . he owed me some and he couldn't give it to me over here." Simon asked, "Aren't you quiting?" I answered, "They want me to quit but I don't know. I don't know if I can. I need it now." Simon bent down and kissed me. After a minute he pulled away and moved my hair out of my face, "I wish you would quit. I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you." I sighed and hugged him, "Please stop saying 'I love you'. People just get hurt. Either you get hurt or I get hurt. But somebody always gets hurt." Simon replied, "No one's going to get hurt. I promise. They're just words that express how you feel about someone. Come on. I'll drive you home." I nodded and walked to his car, "Please don't tell my mom or Matt about me getting some from Chris." Simon started the car and drove down the street, "I won't but you have to quit some day soon." I nodded, "I will."

When we got to my house Simon and I walked inside. Mother was still sitting on the couch, "Hello Simon." Simon replied, "Nice to see you Mrs. Butler." I grabbed Simon's hand and walked to my room. When we got there Matt was sitting on my bed looking through my family album. I said, "Matt. What are you doing?" He answered, "Just looking at the pictures. The ones where we were truely happy and everything was right." He looked up and saw Simon, "Hey Simon. I didn't realize that you were standing there. I'll go now." Matt got up and went over to me, "Did you get any?" I shook my head, "No. I was with Simon the whole time." Matt nodded and left.

When he left Simon and I sat on the bed. He asked, "What do you plan to do? You can't keep telling them that you're clean and then you're still hooked on it." I shrugged, "I don't know. It's different when you're the one going through it. To everybody else it's just an addiction. But to me it's a curse that can't ever be removed. I feel as if I need it just as much as I need air. I can't live without it." Simon grabbed my hand and said, "It is a curse. But it's a curse that can and will be lifted from you if you try." I layed in his arms and sighed, "But I don't want to try. I don't want the pain to return." He rubbed his hand on my head, "I know. But you have people here that love you very much that will go through hell to help you. You know that right?" I nodded, "Yes. I know."

Chapter 4

After Simon left there was a knock on my bedroom door. I was sitting on my bed and I called out, "Come in." Matt came in and sat next to me, "Hey. How are you feeling?" I nodded, "Good. I guess. Am I suppost to feel something?" Matt shrugged, "I don't know. I was just wondering. Are you thinking about going to that rehab center that we talked about?" I sighed and shook my head, "No. I think that it would be best for me to just quit right here at home. I don't want to leave here." Matt nodded and smiled, "Okay. But you will quit right?" I nodded, "Yes."

When Matt left I took the drugs and the needle out of my pocket and put it under my clothes in my dresser.

The next day at 12:30 I went for a walk. I didn't walk in the same neighborhood that I usually do. I walked in the neighborhood where people didn't just hang on the streets and do drugs or prostitute. I was thinking. I was thinking about everything. I was thinking thinking about how I'm addicted to these drugs and how I killed Martin with my addiction. I don't know what to do. At that moment a car honked at me. When I turned to see who it was
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