» Fiction » Take Me Away, Kayla Trautman [most inspirational books .txt] 📗

Book online «Take Me Away, Kayla Trautman [most inspirational books .txt] 📗». Author Kayla Trautman

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they guy in the car got out of his car and started walking towards me. He looked familiar. But I couldn't put a name or a face to him. He had dark brown hair that had a couple patches of gray hair. He was thin and he had a gray old navy sweater on with blue jeans. When he approached he said, "Hello Emily." I frowned and asked, "I'm sorry. Do I know you? You look like someone I know but I can't put a name to you." The guy nodded, "You once knew me. You see, I'm Carl Butler. I'm your father." My lungs seized to work. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This is my father. After all these years he came back. My eyes got all watery and I began to cry. He went to wipe my tears away but I pulled away, "No! Don't touch me you bastard!" I ran off down the street and didn't once look back.

When I got home I stormed in and ran straight to my room. My mother and Matt tried to talk to me to find out what was wrong but I just ran straight to my room. I locked the door and went over to my dresser. I opened my top drawer where my drugs were and reached inside for them. But they weren't there. I pulled out my clothes and threw them on the floor. I couldn't find them. I cried, "Where is it?!Where the hell is it?!" I tore through my clothes in my dresser to try and find it. But it wasn't there. I threw everything that was on my dresser off of my dresser ignoring my mother and Matt when theyn called in for me to unlock the door. After a few minutes I got up and unlocked the door. I opened it and walked out into the living room. They followed me. I turned around and yelled, "Where is it?! Where did you put it?!" Matt answered, "They're gone. I flushed them down the toilet and got rid of the needle. You don't need that anymore. You never did. Now let's talk. Why are you upset?" I put my hands to my face and just stood there crying. Matt and my mother came over to me. My mom said, "Emily. Talk to us. What happend?" I pushed them away from me and ran out the door. Matt followed me out. He grabbed my hand, "Emily! You're not leaving! Every time you leave you get some drugs and you're really upset! I don't want you to hurt yourself!" I pulled my arm back and ran off as far as I could. Matt yelled after me, "Emily! Come back! Emily!" I didn't care what they had said. I had to leave and shoot up.

I walked over to Chris and said, "Chris. I need some more. Can we go to your place?" He nodded, "Sure." He said goodbye to his buddies and we left.

After we were done having sex he gave the pack and got the needle loaded with both Morphine and Cocaine at the same time. Chris looked at me whileI pumped it into my system and said, "Now I know that you're pretty upset about something but you've been on that long enough to know that it's bad to shoot them up together." I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. Do you have anything to drink? Something strong? Really strong?" Chris nodded and went into the kitchen. When he came out he had a bottle of liquor called 151. He handed it to me, "Be careful with that stuff. It's extremely strong." I put my drugs away and opened the bottle. I gulped it down and stopped when I got half way through the bottle, "Thank you." Chris nodded, "Alright but you gotta go now. I'm expecting my gang to be here soon and they ain't too friendly." I got up and took the bottle with me.

I walked home drinking the bottle of 151. I was drunk by the time I hit my corner. When I got up to my house I fell to my knees. Matt was sitting on the porch when I got to the house but he came running over to me when he saw me fall to the ground. I muttered, "I'm okay. I'm okay." He picked me up and then everything went dark. I couldn't see nothing. Or feel nothing. Or hear nothing. I didn't even think I was breathing anymore. I guess that I had passed out.

Chapter 5

I woke up in a hospital bed. When I looked around I saw Matt and my mother standing beside me with worried faces. Mother grabbed my hand, "We were worried about you. What were you trying to do?" I just layed there and stared up at the ceiling. Mom repeated, "Emily. Talk to us baby. We only want to help you. We want you to come clean. We don't want to lose you." I sat up and brought my knees to my chest. I held them there and burried my head in my lap crying. I remembered everything that had happend before I passed out. Matt came over to me and rubbed my back, "Emily please. Tell us what's wrong. Maybe we can fix it so that everything will be alright again." I got up and walked into the bathroom. I didn't want to say anything to them at the moment. I was feeling so depressed on what had happend. I looked in the closet where they had the clothes that the patients clothes were in. I took my clothes out and looked in my pocket. Suprisingly, my drugs were still in my pocket.

I got dressed into my clothes and went back into the room. Mother looked at me and asked, "Where do you think you're going? You have to stay here until the doctor gets here." I shook my head, "No. I'm going home and I'm going to bed." I headed for the door but Matt stopped me. He grabbed my arms and said, "What's wrong? I can see it in your eyes that something's wrong." I tried to hold it in but I couldn't. I cried and tried to get out of the room but Matt wouldn't let me go, "Matt. Let me go. I need to go home." Matt shook his head, "No Emily. You can't. The doctor wants to talk to you first. And we need to talk. Now what's going on?" I answered, "Dad's back. Dad's back. Dad's back . . ." I repeated it until it faded out and I just cried. I hugged Matt and just stood there crying in his arms. Matt asked, "Are you sure it was him? He's been gone for eight years. Why would he come back now?" I nodded, "I don't know but it was him. He told me himself." Matt just held me in his arms. I could hear mother crying behind me and I'm not sure but Matt could've been crying. He was quiet after that. Matt's always quiet when he cries. He never cries out loud.

When we got home I went straight to my room and shut the door. I layed on the bed and cried my eyes out. There was a knock on the door, "Emily. Can I come in?" It was Matt. I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. Not wihtout letting him know that I was crying. Matt came in and I turned around to face the wall. He sat on the bed next to me and put his hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay?" I swallowed my tears and nodded, "I'm fine." Matt sighed, "You were Daddy's little girl. It hurt you the most when he left. You were closer to dad then Martin and me. Maybe even closer to him than mother was. Or at least close to it. It's okay to be upset about him coming back all of a sudden." I turned around and sat up. Matt wipped the tears away from my face. I hugged him, "Why did he come back? He's been gone for so long. Why now?" Matt ran his one hand through my hair and rubbed my back with the other, "I don't know. You'll have to ask him that the next time you see him." I pulled back and shook my head, "No. I don't want to see him." Matt nodded, "Alright. You don't have to if you don't want to." I asked, "How's mom doing?" MAtt answered, "She's doing okay. She's more worried about you. You need to stop doing this to yourself. You're too young to be drinking and then you abused it and got drunk. And on top of that you got high. Do you have any on you right now?" I lied and shook my head, "No. Of course not." Matt asked, "Are you lying to me?" I looked away and shook my head, "No." By the look that he gave me I don't think that he believed me but I wasn't giving him this batch. Matt sighed and held out his hand, "You're lying to me. I can tell. Give me them." I looked at him, "Okay. I won't lie to you anymore. I did it again. I prostituted for drugs. And I have some right now. But I'm not giving them to you. I want them. I need them." Matt frowned, "Emily. Give them to me. Stop destroying yourself. I bet if dad told you to that you'd listen. If he were here." I shook my head and got up. I walked over to the other side of the room and folded my arms, "No. I wouldn't. If I ever see that dirty bastard again he's going to get hurt. So he better not come any where near me if he knows what's good for him." Matt came over to me and grabbed both of my hands, "Emily. Please. I know that you are in pain. But getting high on Cocaine and Morphine isn't going to take the pain away. It's just going to make it worse. Please give them to me." I took my hands back and walked over to my bed. I layed down and covered up with the blanket, "Please go. I want to take a nap." Matt sighed and kissed me on my forehead, "We'll talk later. And you will give me them." I ignored him and he left.

Chapter 6

It was around 5:30 when somebody woke me up. When I opened my eyes I couldn't believe what I saw. It was my father. He smiled, "Hey honey." I jumped up and ran over to the other side of the room, "What the hell are you doing in my room?!" Matt was sitting on the chair on the other side and he answered, "He came for a visit. I thought that it would be good if he came and talked to you. You need help." I looked at Matt and then back at my father, "Get the hell away from me!" My father asked me, "What is it exactly did you get yourself into?" I folded my arms, "Why the hell do you care?!" He answered, "Because I love you. What did you get yourself into that you need help?" I yelled, "I don't need no help! I don't need Matt's help! I don't need mother's help! And I definitely don't need your fucking help!" Matt stood up and walked over beside father. They were both in front of me and they were both looking at me. Matt said, "She's addicted to drugs. And she won't let us help her." My dad looked at me with a puzzled look on his face, "My dear child, please tell me it's not true." I put my arms down and lifted my sleeves. I showed
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