» Fiction » Take Me Away, Kayla Trautman [most inspirational books .txt] 📗

Book online «Take Me Away, Kayla Trautman [most inspirational books .txt] 📗». Author Kayla Trautman

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I wouldn't say it if it weren't true. And I'm not going to get hurt. Nothing's going to happen to me. Please. Emily. I'm not going to let them get away with that. Don't ask me to." I hugged him and said, "You can't be sure that you won't get hurt. If you get hurt then that's another life on my hands. I already lost one brother. I don't want to lose another." Matt rubbed my back and said, "Martin wouldn't want them to get away with it. You know that. Please. Tell me. Who did this? Where does he live?" I held on to him and cried silently. I sighed, "His name is Chris. He lives on Solemn street. The last house on the left. The door's red and the window's have red curtains on them." Matt kissed my forehead, "I'm going to go now. Just lay here and get some rest. Alright?" I backed up and wipped my cheeks, "Alright." Matt got up and headed for the door. Before he left I said, "Matt. Wait." He turned around, "Yes?" I got up and walked over to him. I pulled the drugs that I had left out of my pocket along with my needle and held it out, "Can you get rid of this please?" He smiled and took it. He kissed my cheek and hugged me, "Thank you. Once I get back we'll talk about getting you some help." I nodded, "Be careful. Don't get yourself hurt. Please?" He smiled, "I won't. I love you." i nodded and sat on my bed. That's when he left.

Ever since my dad had left I haven't been able to say 'I love you' to anybody. Not even to my mother or Matt. I guess it's because I loved my dad so much and I was really hurt once he left; I just don't want to get hurt again so I don't let anybody know that I love them. It just makes everything easier. But then it doesn't. I'm running out of ideas to get the pain to go away. I don't think that there's anything that will take the pain away, except death. But I promised Matt and my mother that I wouldn't try to kill myself again. I thought about all of these things while I waited for Matt. That and the big question. Is Matt going to be okay? As I thought about those things I layed down on my bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up it was about 1:30. I sat up and looked around. Mom's chair was empty and there was no one else in the room. I left the room and went into the kitchen. There was no one there. I went into the living room and my father was sitting on the couch.

When he looked up at me I looked away. He asked, "How are you feeling?" I answered, "Fine. Where's mother?" He sighed and rubbed his hands on his knees, "She had to go to the hospital. We got a call that Matt had got hurt and that they're working on him as we speak." I looked over at him. My eyes widened and my heart sped up. A tear ran down my cheek and fell to the floor. I just sat there. Looking out into space. My father came over to me and kneeled in front of me, "Don't worry honey. It's going to be okay." I looked at him, "It's going to be okay? How do you know that? He said he wouldn't get hurt and that didn't happen and now he's in the hospital. You can't say that." My father stood me up and went to hug me but I pushed him away, "Don't touch me! Just get away from me!" I ran into my room and just slammed the door. I picked up my family picture off of the floor and looked at how my family used to be. Everything was perfect. There was no deaths. No one getting hurt. Nothing. We were a happy family. Or at least I thought that we were. I didn't see any signs of our relationship breaking. But I guess dad did. I threw the picture at the window. It hit the frame of the window and I could hear the glass in front of the picture break. I went over to the window and picked up the picture. You know how when you break a peice of glass it's like a circle with lines coming out? Well that's what the glass looked like. And the circle part was on Martins face. And a line went through Matt's face. But none went through Mom's, or mine, or dad's face. It went through our bodies. But not our face. I dropped the picture and ran to my closet. I picked up my old bat and went over to the window. I gripped the bat and hit the window with it. The window shattered and I dropped the bat. That's when my father came running into the room. He said, "Are you okay? What did you do?" I looked at him and just stared at him. He came closer to me and I ran around him.

I ran to the bathroom and shut the door. I opened the cabinet above the sink and pulled out my razor. I sat on the floor against the side of the tub and held my arm out. I knew it would hurt. And I knew that I would scream and my father would come running in but I just had to hope that I would bleed out before he got me to the hospital. I put the razor to my wrists and pushed in. I pushed in hard and pulled back. I screamed and dropped the razor to the floor. My wrists was bleeding a lot. And my wrists were bleeding fast. My father opened the door and saw me. He yelled, "Emily! No! Emily!" He bent down and picked me up. I tried to fight him at first but then I just stopped. He took me out to the car and as he was laying me down on the seat and wrapping some peice of cloth around my wrists I whispered, "Just let me stay here." He got in the car and sped down the street. He yelled, "Just hang on baby." On the way my head was spinning and I closed my eyes. I was unconscious. The last thing that I heard was my father yelling, "Don't close your eyes baby! We're here! Just have to get you inside!" But I didn't think about anything after that. I couldn't.

Chapter 9

I don't know what happend. But my head was hurting. I opened my eyes slowly and I saw my dad sitting in the chair with his head leaning against the wall and his eyes were closed. He was asleep. I looked at my left wrist and I saw stitches. Not to mention that my wrists were tied to the hospital bed along with my ankles. They were tied with the orange things that I always saw in the movies on ER.

I started to move my hands up but I couldn't move them. I just made the metal sides of the bed rattle waking my dad up. He sat up and looked at me. He had tears in his eyes and he reached over and grabbed my hand, "You had me so worried baby. I was worried that you weren't going to make it. How are you feeling?" I rolled my eyes and turned my head away from him. I ignored the question, "Where's mother? How's Matt?" My dad stood up and went around the curtain that was up beside me. He was talking low to someone. No matter how much I strained to hear him I couldn't.

And then he opened the curtain and I saw mother sitting by Matt's side. His lip was cut and his eyes were shut. I said, "Is he going to be okay?" I cried silently to myself. My mother nodded, "He's going to be fine. He's just sleeping. He was stabbed in his side but the doctors were able to stitch him up and take care of him." My mom was crying when she came over to me, "Why? Why did you do this? Again?" My dad looked at me, "Again? What you tried to kill yourself before?" I looked at him, "Why the hell do you think they have me in these Carl? I hung myself before and Matt saved me. I promised not to do it again. But I did it again, and again my dumb ass was saved. Why the hell does fate want me to live? I didn't do anything good to deserve it. I killed Martin and I hurt Matt. I almost killed Matt. But thank god he's going to be okay." My mom said, "I'm going to tell you this once. It's not your fault that he's dead. And it's not your fault that Matt got hurt. They were just trying to protect you. Something I'm very proud of them for." I looked at her, "But if I weren't on these damn drugs then they wouldn't have had to try to protect me. Martin would still be alive and Matt wouldn't have been hurt." My dad said, "Emily. If it's anybody's fault it's mine. I hurt you and you couldn't deal with the pain. So you turned to drugs to take away the pain. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt any of you." I looked at him, "Yes I did. But I'm not talking about this while I'm tied to the bed. So we can talk later if I decide that I ever want to talk to you again."

At that moment I heard Matt say, "What's going on? Why is Emily tied to the bed? Why is she in a hospital? Did Chris come back after her?" My mom shook her head, "No. He didn't. When Emily found out that you were in the hospital she busted the window with her bat and then ran into the bathroom. She slit her wrists with her razor. Luckily Carl was able to get her here in time. But since this is the second time she tried to kill herself they had to tie her down so she didn't take the stitches out."

Matt sat up and turned towards me, "Emily. I thought that we talked about this. Why did you do this? You need to stop hurting yourself." I turned my head and said, "No. I don't. I need to stop hurting my family." Matt got up and slowly walked over to me. I heard my mom say, "Matt. You shouldn't be out of bed." Matt said, "I'm fine as long as I take it slow. But I need to talk to her. I can't talk to her if she isn't looking at me." Thats when I saw Matt on the other side of the bed. He was holding his side. I sucked my teeth, "Matt go back and lay down. You're obviuosly in pain." Matt shook his head and brought the chair over to the bedside, "No. I need to talk to you. And it's not that bad." He sat down and leaned on side of the bed. I looked at him and he grabbed my hand, "Emily. You didn't cause any of this. It's absolutely not your fault. At all. And you said that you need to stop hurting your family. Well then stop. You're hurting us when you hurt yourself. When you do drugs you hurt yourself. When you try to kill yourself you hurt yourself. If something were to happen to you then me and mother would be hurting inside. We love you. And we care about you.
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