» Fiction » Take Me Away, Kayla Trautman [most inspirational books .txt] 📗

Book online «Take Me Away, Kayla Trautman [most inspirational books .txt] 📗». Author Kayla Trautman

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Cocaine and Morphine to the druggies on the street. I don't like it but I guess it's the best way to be sure that Matt, my mother, Simon, and my father won't find me.

I went home at 5:30 and Chris was cooking. Suprisingly. I went over to him, "I didn't know you cook. What you cooking?" He smiled, "Spaggetti and meatballs." I sighed, "I remember that they used to be my favoriite. But then no one could make them as good as my father did once he left." Chris turned to me and brought me into his arms, "We'll see if that changes tonight at dinner." I laughed, "I'll be upstairs in my room. Call me when it's done." He nodded and I went upstairs into my room. I sat on the edge of my bed and took out my phone. It had five missed calls on it. All of them were from home. I don't know why they keep on calling. I did tell them that I wasn't coming home and that's all that they would want to talk about. I knew I shouldn't have but I hit the call back button and put the phone to my ear. It rang once and then Matt picked up, "Emily?" I answered, "Matt why do you keep on calling?" He answered, "Because we care about you. We want you to come home. Look, if I drove you away by letting dad in your room then I'm sorry. Just please. Come home." I sighed, "Matt. You didn't drive me away. He did. I was thinking about it before he was in my room. I was going to do it when I woke up but he was there." Matt asked, "Emily. We can help you if you come home. How can we help you if we don't know where you are? We can't. And you have us worried that you're going to get hurt. Or worse. I know your 18 but your 18 doing stuff you know you're not suppost to. Mom's in her room right now crying because she's afraid for you." I said, "Well, tell her to stop worrying about me. I'm fine. I'm safe." Matt said, "No you're not. You're living with the people that are selling you the drugs. How are you going to stop now?" I answered, "I don't want to stop. I want them. It makes me feel better. I know that it can get dangerous but I don't care." Matt asked, "So is this your new way of commiting suidcide? Only it kills you slower." I said, "Matt. I'm not coming home. Stop trying to get me to come home. If this is all we're going to talk about every time I call you then I'm just going to stop calling. There's no point to it if we're just going to keep arguing about it." Matt was about to say something but I hung up. I couldn't talk about it no more. Chris called up that it was time for dinner so I went downstairs and ate with him. And as I knew it would be, his was no where as good as my father's spaggetti.

The next day when I got up Chris was laying on me.I pushed him off and got up. "Hey. I was comfortable." Chris said. I turned around, "Well I woke up and couldn't just lay there." Chris got up and pulled me onto his lap, "Maybe we can switch positions when we pass out this time." I laughed, "You want to do it again?" He nodded and kissed me, "Why not? It's only 6:30." I sighed, "You're getting greedy." He layed down and pulled me on top of him, "What can I say? You're beautiful and good." I laughed, "You're hopeless." He smiled and kissed me.

This time when I woke up I was laying on him. It was now 9:30. I got up and got dressed. When I was done getting dressed I went over to Chris and nudged his leg, "Hey. Wake up. You told me you were having a party at four. You better get up and get ready." Chris groaned and got up, "You know we need to talk." I asked, "Yeah about what?" He answered, "About you and me. I want us to be together. I mean for real not just a booty call. Or a buisness thing. For real. You could get all the drugs that you want. And whatever else you wanted. Anything. It's yours. All you have to do is ask." I laughed, "That's funny." He buttoned his pants and grabbed my hands, "I'm serious. I want us to be together. Just me and you." I said, "Really? What about the other girls? Your other booty calls? And what about the other girls that want drugs but have no money?" He replied, "I'll give up the other girls. The only other girls that I'm going to sleep with are the ones that are strictly buisness. That's it. Nothing else." I shook my head, "No thank you. You're cute and everything. But I'm not sharing my boyfriend." I turned around to get my shoes and then he hit me. I was shocked. What in the world was he doing? I turned around and frowned, "What the hell was that for?!" He yelled, "I gave you a place! I shared you with that boy Simon! And now you're going to stab me in the back the moment I ask for one thing! You bitch!" He punched me in my face and pushed me to the ground. He started kicking me in my stomach, "Now you have a reason to reject me
BITCH!" I layed on the floor crying holding my stomach and Chris left. I sat up and got my shoes on. I was leaving. He wasn't going to hit me again. One time was too many. But I wasn't going home. That I also knew for sure. So for now Iwould be homeless.

After I had my shoes on I got up and ran downstairs. I ran right out ignoring the fact that Chris was yelling, "Yeah! Go ahead and get out! You whore!" I ran down the street and just left that place. I'm never going back there. At that moment my phone rang. I took it out and answered it not knowing who it was, "Hello?" I was still crying and whoever was on the other line would be able to tell that I was. Then I heard my mom say, "Emily? Are you alright? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I said, "Nothing. I'm fine. Is Matt there?" I don't know what came over me but I changed my mind. I wanted to go home. Then I heard Matt say, "Emily. I'm here. What's wrong? Mother said you were crying." I said, "I want to come home. Can you come pick me up?" Matt sounded relieved when he said, "Of course I will. Where are you?" I looked up at the street signs and said, "At the corner of Coner and Tray street." Matt said, "Alright. I'm on my way. Just stay there. Everything's going to be okay." He said that and then he hung up.

I sat on the steps and leaned my head against the wall. I closed my eyes and I wished that all that was happening was just a bad dream. And that I would wake up on my tenth birthday and father was there. I wished that he had never left because now I realize that it was because of the pain that he had caused that got me hooked on drugs. Which I will never forgive him for.

About fifthteen minutes later I heard my brother say, "Oh my god Emily. What happend to your face?" I opened my eyes and saw him. I smiled and hugged him, "Matt. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I want to go home." Matt rubbed my back and said, "It's okay. You can come home. Come on. Just get in the car." I nodded and got in the back seat. I didn't see who was in the back seat. When I saw that it was dad I didn't even care. I didn't say nothing. I just layed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I fell asleep and dreamed that everything was back to normal. Dad had never left. I wasn't on drugs. Martin was still alive. Mother and Matt weren't so mad and disappointed in me. Just our old lives were back and we started over. But of course nothing would ever be the same. Not with Martin gone. I'll never be able to get him back.

Chapter 8

When I woke up my mother was sitting in the chair next to my bed. She smiled when she saw me awake, "I'm so glad that you're awake. Hold on for a minute." She got up and left the room. When she came back in Matt followed her. They both were smiling. I sat up and scruntched my face up because my stomach hurt. Both of their smiles disappeared. Matt asked, "What's wrong? Are you hurt other than your face?" I leaned back against the wall and sighed. I looked down at my stomach and lifted my shirt a little bit. Just up to beneath my breasts. When I looked at my stomach I saw big purple bruises covering just about every inch of my stomach, "Shit. I didn't think it was that bad." I looked up at my mom. All the color was drained from her face. I looked over at Matt. His face was turning a light red and I could tell that he was going to try to go after Chris. He asked, "Who did this to you?" I answered, "The guy that I was staying with. He was my dealer. And I was his booty call and occasionally it was buisness." They both looked at me with disgusted faces. Matt knew what I meant by booty call. Mother, on the other hand, didn't. She asked, "What do you mean booty call?" I answered, "It means that I was just his peice of ass. When he wanted sex and didn't have anyone to get it from. That's where I came in. Well, anyways, he wanted to make it more than that. He wanted a relationship between us but I didn't want to. So he hit me in my face and pushed me to the ground. That's when he kicked me in my stomach several times." My mother was speechless. The feeling of someone hurting her child was the feeling that I could see in her eyes. I heard that it was the worst pain to endure. But obviously it's not true. Because if it were, then my father wouldn't have hurt me when he left. Matt asked, "What's his name and where does he live? No one hits on my little sister." I shook my head, "I'm not telling you." Matt took a breath and let it out slowly, "Emily. He hurt you. Badly. You're hurt. Why are you protecting him?" I rolled my eyes, "I'm not protecting him. I'm protecting you. I don't want you to get hurt because of my mistake. I already lost one brother to my dumb ass mistakes. I'm not losing another one. Don't ask me to do that. Dealer's always have buddies that will help them out. Or they will use a weapon of some sorts. I am not letting you go down there to get killed." I put my shirt down and folded my arms. I looked down at the floor and frowned. Matt came over and sat next to me. He grabbed my hand unfolding my arms, "Hey. Look at me." I looked up at him. He said, "It wasn't your fault. Martin's death wasn't your fault. It wasn't.
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