» Fiction » Fighting Thy Master, Flicka Of The Night [best e reader for manga txt] 📗

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she said to me before approaching the bed, I nodded and winced as I changed, sliding the dress off first and pushing it away while I changed, I was now a golden and black wolf; I was the size of a normal male wolf maybe a little bigger. I chuckled inwardly as I shook my pelt and it started changing from gold to blood red, darker then that again that black red color. I walked forward and the queen did a double take and smiled. “OK son, you tell me,” he instantly sat straight up, his shirt tightened around his body as he sat up. His hair was cut in an emo sort of guy fashion, but better, “Dang that’s a big wolf,” he smiled and looked me over but frowned. “This isn’t a male is it mom,” he had a look of disgust on his face, he glared at his mom. “Mom, I wanted a male not a freaky female,” he snapped and started to lay back but I growled and grabbed his pants leg throwing him over my shoulder. He landed with an umf, I flicked my tail and shifted back and had the dress on before he opened his eyes. “What the FUCKING HELL, YOU BITCH,” he snarled. I flipped him off and smiled. “Ya born and raised what’s your excuse,” I snapped back. He was in front of me in seconds. I looked back to see his mom walking out with a smile on her face. “You two have fun,” she laughed as she closed the door. I turned back to the fuming vampire in front of me. “You are going to listen to me if I have to have a fucking female she had better be worth it,” he snapped before leashing me again, the dress ripped and my body shifted into my wolf faster this time, crap I thought to myself as I looked at the tattered remains of the dress. “I’ll get you cloths, and even if I didn't want a female, you’re really cool, at least your changing fur is awesome,” he said as he happily pulled me into a corner of the room and chained me down. I snarled and tugged at the rope but it didn't do anything except make me feel weaker and weaker in tell I finally laid down gasping for breath. My sides heaving I closed my eyes. I felt his hand run threw my fur and wanted to purr in happiness but I held back I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me enjoy his touch. I’ve been away from home for almost three weeks, two to get to the jail and then six days of quentine then I was brought here and I was tired really tired. I whimpered as I thought of home, my bed my things they have probably already given away. I curled up when he left and slept. I woke to a kick in the side. I snarled and got to my feet quickly. “Who the fuck is this, Archer,” a tall blond haired guy stood in front of me, there was another guy behind him that looked like a younger version of Zander, I shook my head and snapped at him. He laughed but when my teeth met his fingers he screamed in pain. I flashed my bloody teeth and snarled. They backed away. “Shane I think that’s Zanders new wolf, he said mom and dad were going to get him one so he could break it, I guess he got his male wolf after all,” the boy chuckled. “Nope it’s a girl, guys and I wouldn’t mess with her both her bit and bark are cutting,” Zander stood in the door way a smile on his face, and if I said he wasn’t hot I would be a lying no good dirty dog, he was smoking hot when he smiled, his icy hazel eyes shown, his white hair flashed in the light and his body, ok ya I know vampire but still better than any male wolf I’ve seen. I held in my tongue that would of lolled out at the sight of him, but I held my ground on that one. I gave one more snarl and turned my back on them and rolled into a ball on the carpet and fell back asleep. I could still hear them talking but I didn't respond. “Mom said she was rare and that I had to take good care of her or dad threatened to take her for himself, which I can’t understand, her fur changes color and all never seen that but why was he so egger,” Zander wondered aloud at the end, I couldn’t hear his brothers reply but everything went quit after that I was out cold at least for the night. Chapter 1 *Waking up in Hell*

I never thought I’d be woken with a kick in the ribs, but I guess it happens that I live a life of unexpected things right. I wince as I get to my paws and growl at my attacker. He smiled at me and I saw it was Zander.

“GO the FUCK away,” I growled in fury, he just smiled more and turned his back on me and then threw something that looked like a pair of blue jeans and a small shirt, and I smiled wolfishly. He grabbed me by the neck and took the leash out, I instantly shifted back into me human form and laughed, at his dazzled expression, I quickly pulled the cloths on , the shirt didn't go all the way down, it stopped at my belly button. I frown slightly but shrugged I was used to seeing people walk outside in nothing but there birthday suit and around town like that so a little bit of skin showing didn't faze me any. He frowned at my lack of expression. “Come on, mom said to get you fed and then I can’t start the braking process, with my buds,” He snapped. She smiled faintly and walked out behind him like the good little bitch she pretended to be. He walked through the maze of halls and stopped when they reached one that smelt like a restaurant. My hair started to tip with gold, another thing that confused me to no end. My fur changed color and I didn't need to go to a salon to get colored tips in my already colored hair. I sighed and walked in behind him and smiled as I saw the shocked faces of the other wolves that were forced to live here with this manic. I watched as he grabbed a plate and piled it with fruit and other none hearty things. I growled as he walked towards me. “Eat the fruit and if you win the battles to day then Ill give you a big juicy stake and more tonight ok,” he seemed truthful as I took a big bite out of an apple, and then in about five or seven minutes the plate of fruit was gone. I slowly fallowed him, I was still starving, wolves rarely eat fruit because of our wolf sides but that’s all I’ve had in a matter of two days, and I’m about to scream in pain from the hunger that racked my body. Zander never turned around he kept walking in tell they got to the front door and then walked outside and into a ring of some sort. I winced as I saw the russet and black wolf standing beside a blond and black haired vampire, who must have been one of Zanders buds. I growled at the wolf and his big head turned towards me a wolfish smile lighting his face, I held in my power so he thought I was a normal female, right the stupid A. I walked behind Zander as two other people showed up and brought in there large male wolves. Zander smiled and walked over. “Hey guys,” they all looked up and pounded fists, guys man I thought male wolves were weird. I shifted my weight from foot to foot as the two male wolves looked at me and a very tough looking female. I smiled at her and she glared, her scared cheek raised in disgust at me, ya I was a smaller build then her and not a muscle freak so what? I turned and saw Zanders friends looking at me. “So they got you a freaking female, man that sucks, I got lucky with Amber and all, but man she looks weak,” chuckled a brunette Zander smiled, “Ok how bought we make a bet, if she wins then you have to give me a spell collar from each of you,” he smiled flashing fangs, the boys looked at each other and nodded, “Ok but if ours when then they get to us that workless piece of wolf as a toy, and I mean any toy,” Zander nodded and I snarled, was he insane, I am not getting raped by anyone, or any wolf I backed up and heard Zander snap, “Come here and fight Tighten and I really hope you win, because of not you will be regretting it,” he snapped joining his friends on the side lines, Tighten turned out to be the one that was first here. I smiled, “So I need to shift now,” I whispered past my lips as my body shook, my anger was high, I shifted and my golden wolf form started changing to blood red as blood rage took over my body. The male wolf looked shocked and scared for a moment before he leaped, the game was on.
It wasn’t really a fair fight considering, I blasted him with alpha power ever few steps, he looked like he was about to die from the pain it caused, he whimpered as I leapt on his back and rolled him swiftly over the ground, his back a bloody mess by now. I let him go and hit him with another blast of power before he submits. I chuckle and looked at the shocked vampires I smiled evilly. “NEXT,” I howled and glared at them as blood mixed into my fur, blinding in. “DAM IT! He is one of the best fighters out of any pack, the legendary pack for that matter, what the FUCK,” screeched the guy I imagine owns Tighten. I turn towards them and look at the next male in line, he whimpers and shrinks back, I could see the pee running down his leg. I chuckle and turn towards the female, she looked smug and not at all scared, I smiled, good id have fun. I looked at Zander and he looked shocked, “Ok, Drake are gonna make Amber go because Butch is down for the count,” they look at the dark brown wolf who already held his body in a submissive possess and whimpered. The guy, who was apparently named Drake, nodded and waved the dirty blond wolf to the field. I smiled and crouched my fur turning darker blacker. I saw her uncertainty but then it was gone in a flash, she crouched and leapt at me a straight

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