» Fiction » Fighting Thy Master, Flicka Of The Night [best e reader for manga txt] 📗

Book online «Fighting Thy Master, Flicka Of The Night [best e reader for manga txt] 📗». Author Flicka Of The Night

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her wolves color flashed multipul times before settling on a dark ginger with black strips down her head to a pitch black tail. She lunged her alpha eara finally flashing. He yelped as he got trambled she grabbed him by the troat and threw him agiasnt a tree he didnt move. "Ha, whos next!" She chuckled. Her eyes were red she could smell the blood and hear it pumping in there veins and she wanted them to beg for there own life fource. She lunged at Dax's shell shocked form as he shifted "If i were you id start begging Saten for mercy" She growled she could see the fear in his eyes. Her fur was spiked to points. "Well do you two still want to take a shot,Gage, Flex, you see Dex and Hearse, you wanna join them."
They shook there heads. She shifted and pulled on the cloths wuickly. "Ok pup what did i say you should do," Dax shifted and had his hands in front of him.. "P-please, spare mercy, were sorry we douted high lord of death..Saten please spare." She nodded her hair going to her natrul black red she skipped to Zanders side. "Ok, now may i go to the room and relax" Zander smiled and waved her off. I could feel the glares on my back, i knew Dax and Hearse weren't going to forget they had just gotten beat by a girl, but what they need to remeber is that I am the girl that can kill with out a second thought because blood lust runs very high in her pack even if there considered soft and weak in battle they would win, they have a thirst like a vampire and they go so far they have to have blood, like when those guys did...that stuff, i had to drink almost four pints of blood. Kayza looked over her shoulder and saw that Zander was preocupied with tell his cousin something.

"Um, Natlie, is there any blood stored in the ice box." Natlie nodded. "Ya, why," "I need some.." She looked shocked and nodded grabbed a baggie and poured it into a glass. Kayza looked out the door again and looked at her stomich a deep gash was bleeding into her shirt now, she sighed as she pushed the glass to her lips her eyes flaring a daring red as she let the blood slide down her throat. She set it down and licked her lips shacking her head.

"I thought only vampire drank blood," Growled Gage and Hearse as they walking. Hearse holding a bag of ice to his head. "Ya, inless thats how you cheat!" She scoffed at them and poured some more in the glass. "You see the scratch Dax put on me." She lifted her shirt and he glared. "Now watch what my pack can do." She gulped down the blood and lifted her shirt again. The scratch healed faster then normal, then it was gone not even a mark. "What!?" She smiled. "Ya, i have to go, Thanks Natlie" She pushed past them and headed up the stairs. Archer looked at her as she passed him in the hall. She didnt care if they thought she was weird or that she was Satens Daughter. They would be on there best behavior. Chapter 3 *NOW the fun begins...Does it ever END!*

Chapter 3


Ok three days with four slaved werewolves would sound fun right with them all being guys. But Hell to the freaking NO. They were all, "Yes master i shall," or "Master is there anything I can do," talk about anoying to the dimond plant. It was just as bad that Zander wouldnt stop bugging Kayza about being more obediant. He wanted her to fight almost everyday.  Like right now they were just getting done with training when Cane with Gage fallowing behind walked to Zanders side. "I would like to talk to you, about your wolf, my wolves have told me something very interesting about her you might want to know." Zander pushed his white blond hair away from his face. "Oh really now," He glanced at me and I held in the flinch and glared. I was wearing one of those dang spell protected collers again. He said and I quote 'Everyone else has one on so suck it up' so i did i didnt complaine just took it out on the trainer.

Zander walked inside with Cane and Gage smirked in Kayzas direction. Her hair tips were slightly red while the rest a light brown almost chesnut blond. She glared at him and pulled her work shirt on and walked towards the building. Gage got in front of her before she could even take more then afew steps. "Not a conversation for you." He growled she glared back and grabbed his hand and bent it backwards. "I am seriously tired of ya'll touching me, so stop before I permently brake your arm." She hissed her mix matched eyes flashing. the roots of her hair turning black she stopped it there.

She looked at the door adn saw the handle move. She stood there and waited. Zander walkd out with a scowl on his face and Cane behind him looking concerned. But if you looked closer you could see the smirk in his eyes. "Kayza, upstairs NOW," She rolled her eyes. Wow way to go another day to relieve yesterday. She jogged up stairs and smiled at some of the work slaves, they nodded back. She could hear the King and Queen talking in another room, but didnt focus on it very long. Then she saw the two familier Silver and black doors of his room. I walked in and hoped for once he would tell me why i was in trouble. Kayza sat on the floor next to the chain and relaxed against the wall she held in the fear and let the unneeded emotions leave. After years of the tourcher she indured in her pack her walls were pretty high. She looked at the door as Zander stormed in. He had a scowl on his face and locked the door after him.

"So when were you going to tell me that you cheat while battling, do you know that I could get into deep, deep trouble for that, and then the things you told Gage or Hearse I dont fucking know, but thats crap I dont need my cousin to have fun with, your lucky it wasent anything big, this is really frustrating SLAVE, yes you dont have a name anymore intell you earn it, also cloths wise your getting one outfit and one only I choose and if it rips your in trouble because its not getting replaced! Got It?" She shook her head. He was pissed off to the next galazy. She started to stand but his foot conected to her rib cage she yelped. "Really and Who told you this, Master," He glared. "Cane, and his wolves, they said you cheated you do something and get in there heads some how and tell them to loss, then about what happened the day you came here," His eyes were turning a dark vilot. Her Hair was red blood red, firy red.

"Well master I have one thing to say to you," SHe got to her feet before he could deliver another kick. "I DIDNT SAY SH*T TO THEM YOU CONCEDED POMPUS ARES, and if you ever kick me again ILL FUCKING RIP YOUR FANGS OUT!!" She snarled back, but before she could say anything else she felt a blinding pain rip threw her as the coller shocked her. She whimpered as she clawed at her neck.

It burned hurt more then freaking battery acid being poured into a open wound. She screamed as she felt the blood running down her neck but it didnt seem to stop the pain. Zander smirked. "Well, what were you saying PET"

"Fuck you" she pushed out and felt the darkness take over. She felt his hand on her hair and could feel the coller being removed only to be replaced with another one. "Well, I know that but my cousin keeps snapping at me because i havent broken you, i know you wont remeber this but im sorry Kayza." Then everything was silent.


I woke with a blazing head ach, Zander wasent here, and everything felt sore. Kayza shook her head and tryed to remeber yesterday. She remebered the fight then agony. SHe got to her feet shackally and used to wall to stay standing. She looked at what she was wearing, tight leather pants that tied on the sides. Something you'd expect to see on one of those warrior movies. Then the top wasent much diffrent except it tied on the arms and the side below most of the chest area. She staggered to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

I nearly groaned in protest. The top was two tight and the new coller was one I reconginzed. A holder. It holds the wear in what ever form there in at the time, and if you try to change you'll be in for heart stopping mind clearing, body ripping agony. She walked around a bit getting used to walking again. She walked to the door and walked out. She didnt want to be caught by any of there guests wovles. Because no matter what magic is used the temper will be the down fall and shifting is what wolves do when there pissed past the braking point.

Kayza winced as she finally made it to the kitchen. She looked around and didnt see anyone. She winced as she opened the door and made it outside to the dew covered grass. Her hair started to run with blue streaks threw the black strands. She sighed as the cold water soked into her skin. It felt like bliss intell someone stood over her. Flex glared down at her. "Why arnt you wearing normal cloths, and does your master know your out of your room." She kept her eyes closed, and didnt answer. "Really bitch answers are needed." She opened one eye and got to her feet straching, hearing the popping of the joints that were still sore. She sighed as she faced him. "Yes, he does, now go barry a bone, or your master might get mad." She hissed at him hiding the limp she had she walked back inside.

Zander sat at the table eating his breakfest with his cousin and his cousins friend beside him. "So me and Cane will be leaving after the ball, and then you wont have a naughty wolf and us to deal with," Kayza glared and shook herself her hair stayed the same color she didnt dare let it change again. She walked to stand beside yet behind her master at the same time. Zander looked at her and nodded. "Morning Kayza," Ferrow purred. Hearse glared at her while Flex walked in and stood beside him. She sighed as she stood there. She tilted her head when she heard something clicking, then the slow metalic sound of someone aiming moving there weapon. She cursed and turned her head in time to see the bullet. She jumped in front of Zander a second before

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