» Fiction » Fighting Thy Master, Flicka Of The Night [best e reader for manga txt] 📗

Book online «Fighting Thy Master, Flicka Of The Night [best e reader for manga txt] 📗». Author Flicka Of The Night

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on attack. I moved to the side dodging and as she lowered her claws to hit me I grabbed her leg and spun, her joint snapped and she howled in pain. “No f-ing way,” I heard Drake growled. Amber limped for a second and faced me again. I snarled and laced all the anger and fury running threw me in it, I saw the males flinch and I watched as she winced and growled back but it didn't register with me. I ran at her but turned right before she dodged and collided with her rolling us on the ground, I pinned her and howled in my fury she closed her wolvern eyes and submitted in seconds. Her leg was bleeding heavily, and her back looked scrapped clean from the roll. I smiled and shifted back with my cloths on me in seconds. “Kiss my Tail Ass holes, weak my f-ing ares, and Zander if you need me ill be in the kitchen, because you owe me a stake,” I chuckled as he nodded a small smile forming on his face. “Yes, ill see you in my room,” I nodded and left but I heard the guys chuckling.

“Man she has a colorful vocabulary when it comes to vampires,” snickered I think Drake or maybe it was the other one, who cared I walked into the kitchen with blood running from a scratch on my arm down it dripping on the floor. The girl from yesterday named Natalie ran up and cleaned up the blood on the floor glaring in my direction but I really didn't care, I walked through the kitchen and walked up the winding stair case. I opened his door to see the smaller people from yesterday sitting in the floor playing some sort of game. I glared at them and walked towards the bathroom, as they looked up and disappeared. I ran some cold water down the cut and sighed as the water cleaned the blood off and soothed the sore skin. I walked back out and saw the boys looking at me, I growled and turned my back to them, “Leave me alone, and stop gawking at me,” I roll my eyes and pull the cloths off shifting, I could hear the gasps as they caught maybe a second of my naked body and then I was on all fours. I walked to my corner and lay down; it took a lot of strength to fight today. I needed some real food. I woke when something was shoved under my nose and someone ran a hand over my head and down my back, the hand stopped at my tail but then they grabbed my tail and let it flow through their fingers, I was about o growl but it felt so good, as they did it again. I opened my eyes, my fur was white tipped with a blue grey the tips of my paws and ears and probably my tail were that weird red. I lifted my head and looked at the food under my nose. It was a large rare stake and a scoop of mashed potatoes. I only took a moment to stare at it and then it was gone as I hungrily gobbled it down, I purred in pleasure as the meat ran down my throat and the potatoes were amazing. I licked my muzzle clean and heard someone chuckling at me, I turned my head to see who had there hand still on my fur, Zander stared back with a smile or smirk as many called it on his face. “Well I give you maybe ten maybe less minutes before you shift back and fall asleep.” I looked at him oddly, and growled how I could be so stupid, I cussed out his friends and himself making him embarrassed and me having to be punished. I felt dizziness rush threw me. I growled slightly as I sank back onto the floor not having enough energy to stop from lying down. He started to stroke my fur but it quickly became skin as my body shifted into its human form. I moaned in pain, I didn't like being weak, I didn't like not having control over my body, but then again who completely has control over their body. I was falling asleep as he continued to run his hand down my head threw my hair and down my spine. I didn't like this and this was just the beginning of my night of terror.

His hands moved from my back to my front he whispered things I couldn’t remember. I moaned as his hands moved over my neck and side, I knew he was probably smiling in triumph but I didn't care I was enjoying the touch of my apparent ‘Master’. “Wolves are so odd, they can be the meanest or smartest, and even the wisest yet, when there bought by someone they see them as there master even if there human half doesn’t, then there’s you I can’t believe you’re so easy, the more dangers a wolf is the more soothed they are by their owner..humm” then I felt his mouth at my neck and I whimpered. I opened my eyes and saw his glowing eyes, “Very weird,” he whispered nuzzling my neck i gasped trying to hold in the moan that threatened my lips. “Never disrespect me again, Kayza, because next time, I might be tempted even more to push your boundaries…” then he moved away. I growled and started to move but was held in place; I looked at my hands and saw I was tied to the head board. “Let me off,” I hissed, he raised a eye brow and smiled, “Nope, sorry, but I quite in joy the sight,” he snickered as I struggled, I looked down and was happy to see that I had cloths on, even if it was a thin almost see through gown. I looked at him threw slanted eyes. I started yanking on the chains what I could see of my hair was turning bright gold, I snarled and yanked harder. He was there with in a second pushing me back into the bed. “Stop fighting them, there only for tonight,” he growled as he held my wrists. I snarled but it sound like it was in between a snarl and a screech. I started hyperventilating. The last time I had been put in this predicament, there was knives and ice cold water involved. My pack thought I was cursed and used to do the cruelest things they could thinking it would make me better… ya right. I started thrashing, “NO, No not again,” I howled as I tried to shift but it didn't work, I couldn’t fight I had no way to protect myself. I whimpered as I remembered the knives running down my skin, cutting deep and the guys laughing hysterically at my screams, before I could protect myself, before I had the strength. But now it was happening again and the one thing that got me out last time was gone, I waited for him to hit me or cut me whatever it was that he planned to do. The disobedient and ferocious wolf was a whimpering mess of fear. I flinched when his hand rose to touch me. He looked shocked and a little wary. ”What are you so scared, Kayza, the fearless,” he whispered laying his hand on my cheek and looking into my eyes. “I don’t want to be weak anymore, please let me off,” I whimpered, my fear was overpowering. He smiled, “No, but I will not hurt you I promise, except to knock you out of course, you need to sleep, and this is your punishment darling girl you have to learn,” he whispered by my ear, I shook and knew I wasn’t going to like this. I turned towards him in shock as he hit my nerve I was out like a light. I felt his arms go around my numb body, and his breathing evened out. I felt the nightmares coming and could only hope they wouldn’t be what I thought they would be.

I screamed in agony, as Conner drove the blade deeper into my shoulder, saying something I could barely hear over the others snickering and my heart was pounding in my ears. I screamed again as he drove it into my leg, “To bad you’re a cursed whore, or it would be fun to fuck with you, but nope” he popped the ‘P’ as he slammed another knife into my side avoiding major organs but driving it into my ribs. I howled in pain as they started laughing harder, I was weak I couldn’t move it hurt everything hurt, I moaned in pain as one of them slammed there fist into my already bloody shoulder I screamed at the top of my lungs……..

I woke up screaming and thrashing, looking around wildly. Zander was up in seconds, “What the fuck,” then he looked at me and growled, “What the fuck is wrong with you,” he snapped but I didn't see him I could only see the faces of the people that nearly killed me, he went to touch me and I screamed, “NO no more, I’m not cursed anymore I swear please, don’t,” I cried I started sobbing, I couldn’t do this anymore I needed off this chain. He looked so shocked that he yelped as he fell off the bed. He was up and unlocking the chains in seconds, but I still couldn’t feel my wolf. I curled into a ball and kept chanting it over and over again, I’m not cursed anymore, I’m not cursed anymore, I’m not cursed anymore,’ Zander started to go to her when his door slammed open. “Zander what the hell are you doing to her to make her scream like that,” his father yelled. Zander growled, “Nothing, she had a pretty bad nightmare, that’s about it,” Zander snapped and went back to the wolf curled in a ball on his bed. “Kayza,” she only whimpered in response. “Dad do you know her history, because all she keeps saying is I’m not cursed anymore’ over and over again what does that even mean?” he growled running his hand threw his blond hair. His dad looked at her with sympathy. “Her pack thought she was cursed because of the way her fur changes, it’s because they have a legend and we have a legend, but it isn’t the same at all, and anyway she s the blood the others the darkness,” His father said putting a hand on Kayza’s back she froze and then she was asleep again. “Dad Explain please,” Zander walked out with him closing the door lightly. Archer went by and growled. “What is wrong with that dam mutt,” he snapped at his older brother. Zander glared and fallowed his dad ignoring Archer. “Well the curse, was really the wolves legend, the curse of ever change, of a darkness that would destroy all that would put the moon, the sun, the world to shame, and kill all kinds in its wrath, but that happened thousands of years ago, its already come true and they do not know this, and our legend goes, The wrath of one moon to engulf the sun forever, to bring more to harmony then its self, to change like the should of many, like the days of earth like the seasons we hold, our emotions the strongest it shall rise to power with love and befriend every creature in its path.. for it is the night, the moon, the light, a darkness that is fire, and blood, that shall bring with it peace, she is special but don’t change what you’re doing will sound proof your room tomorrow, but tonight watch over her, the file said some of her pack mates tied her down and stabbed her cut her poured ice

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