» Fiction » Fighting Thy Master, Flicka Of The Night [best e reader for manga txt] 📗

Book online «Fighting Thy Master, Flicka Of The Night [best e reader for manga txt] 📗». Author Flicka Of The Night

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water and other things into the wound and then left her there, her wolf is the only reason she survived it, so go easy tonight just be there as comfort for those nights of mares, ok, now I must go back to sleep,” his father chuckled as Zander nodded, they had walked all the way down the hall and back. He looked at his door and sighed. He saw her curled in a ball asleep. He smiled softly, her hair color changed every few minutes, he walked back to the bed and pulled off the jeans he had put on before leaving and crawled in, pulling her passed out form with him, she was warm, emitting heat. He sighed and barred his head in her shoulder. He loved it having her there, even if she was a dog.


I woke up shacking, and in Zanders arms. I snarled and rolled out of the bed. I really couldn’t remember what happened. I looked at his seemingly peaceful form and growled; he put sleeping medication in my food and had me chained. I called for my wolf but felt nothing. I felt pain, nothing but pain. I felt around on my body and then on my neck, I felt the outline of a collar. I run towards the bathroom, keeping as silent as I could, and stared in a mirror. It was silver and had the ancient writing on the band of silver; the cloth was violet and looked like it had been written on with black thread. I started clawing at it, but it didn't have a place like the others. “No...” I whispered. I closed my eyes and tried to grab the band and break it but it burned into my hand and I yelped. Zander was there in seconds a smirk on his face. “Really darling, trying to take off one of the collars you won me yesterday,” his hand grabbed my burning one and I winced. “Its not too bad it will heal, but I need you to get ready to go into town, my cousin’s coming and I need to get him along with his two wolves and he wants to freaking stop at a shop, then we have to pick up one of his friends and you know that a wolf will be coming with him.” Zander walked off back into his room. I chuckled he must really hate running errands. I ran my hand under some running water and sighed. I was about to walk out when something came flying at my face. It was white, black, and gold, with the same writing except in silver. I looked it over and growled. I pulled it over my red black hair and pulled a brush threw the curls. My green and my blue eyes flashed, I smiled and walked into the room. Zander was pulling a black and silver shirt on his back muscles moved smoothly under his pale skin. I was sure I was about to drool and I mentally shook myself. I walked farther into the room barefoot. “There’s some converse and heels, your choose. He watched as she walked to the shoes, any girl would go for the price heels, even his bud, Louis’s warrior with more scares then skin, would wear heels anytime she could, but Kayza went for the converse, she pulled them on with a pair of socks and laughed out loud, they fit they for once fit perfectly. I looked over at him and into his studying eyes. “What I’ve never had a pair of shoes that really fit perfectly?” I stood up and pulled my hair into a braid down my head without looking; grabbing a piece of ribbon from his desk I tied my hair back, a few strands stood out on the side of my face. I smiled. “Ready,” he smiled back “Good, let’s go get him.” Chapter 2 *New Heart Aces...And Eight Pain's *

If I really thought waking up to a kick in the ribs was horrible. Then lying in the back of a dang Limo was a way to get chronic back problems. Zander had his I-pod blasting in the built in speakers, my ears were ringing from the bass. I growled slightly at him and all he did was smile slowly at me. “Kayza do you not like the music, would you like me to cut it down a bit,” I held his eyes for a moment but turned my head away from him, his eyes were mesmerizing, and I really didn't need that. I huffed and covered my ears with my paws hoping to block out some of the racket. But his laugh was heard no matter what she did. Zander’s hand ran down her brown and black back, “Poor Poor Kayza, being tortured with music, too bad it’s just to dam funny for me to see that look in your eyes.” With that the car stopped and so didn't the horrible music. She slowly got to her feet which went from brown to gold. “I’m going to get out and you can shift back your clothes are right there on the seat,” his fingers pointed to the seat beside his, “You won’t have to shift back into wolf form …well unless I want you to of course.” I rolled my eyes shifting and swiftly pulling the clothes on. “OK all mighty MASTER, what do we do now,” she hissed pulling her hair back into a bun, keeping her face free of the small strands she followed him into the airport. Kayza was sweating by the time they got into the air-conditioning. Zander was sweat free and still smelt like that cologne he put on this morning. She shook her head and tried to clear the fuzzy thoughts surrounding her thoughts. No, he’s a leech, one of them, he sees you as a freaking piece of property and he chained you up remember what happens when you trust someone like them,

Her wolf was inlove with him but her racial scene of right and wrong took over and she tried to remember she was to watch for danger and to protect her master like the good little slave she isn’t.

Zander watched as the vampires and werewolves from all around the world walked past with there pets following behind them. “Man I hate this place, next time he’s walking to the house, Kayza,” he turned his gaze on her and she rolled her eyes walking forwards. "I agree what is it now 200 degrees outside," she grumbled as Zander chuckled. "Ya probrolly and he was exposed to be here like a half a hour ago." Thats when he saw the flash of red hair in the crowd. "He's here and he brought them

with him, dam it." He backed up and stood beside Kayza. "Dont move or pic a fight he brought his wolves and his friend with his, I dout even you could take out four wolves at once." Kayza looked afeneded and growled softly, he held in the laugh that theratened his lips. "Cousin nice to see you and your....slave" His cousin was almost the same height maybe a few inchs shorter then Zander, with blazing red hair. "Really Zander well meet my wolves, Flex, and Hearse." He pointed to the two wolves behind him one two others were beside them. "This is Cane and his two Dexter and Gage" Zander didnt even look at Cane he nodded to Kayza. "This is Kayza shes mine

." he put extra hatred into the last word as Canes eyes romed up and down. I hissed at him and growled my hair color changing to a pitch black with my anger.

"Very interesting, I might have to beg uncle to trade me one of mine for her."
Zanders eye brows rose and he laughed at him. His cousin looked mad, "Whats so funny couz." He flashed his fangs and only seemed to make Zander laugh harder. "She-shed' kick your ass" he said trying to calm his laugh. Kayza waved her fingers at him and flashed her fangs. "I might be pretty but even roses have thorns, and if your not careful they'll make you bleed." Just for fun she let her claws slip out. "Come on Ferrow, Cane, wolves follow Kayza she'll show you were were headed." Ferrow glared as he passed me I smiled brightly at him. The four wolves glared at her. "Well girl show us where to go unlike you we dont want to stand here insulting our superiors." Growled the one by the name of Hearse.

She smiled. "I think im going to like you!" Kayza said in a happy voice her hair turning a golden blond blood red streaks flashing through it. "Come on, id rather not indure another punishment

from Zander." She chuckled leading them to the limo she got in the back while the boys got upfront. Gage and Flex sat beside her while the others sat in front. "Our master has a interest in you changer," Kayza snorted, "No da, i noticed but unlike you guys i dont obey, i follow orders, but if i dont want to do it it takes a ass load of convenceing, but ya, but he freaking owes me a none spiked slab of meat or imma hurt someone and sadly you guys are the only punching bags i got."

The vehicle stopped the guys were still frozen in shock as she climbed out. Zander raised a eye brow and nodded for her to walk ahead. She sighed, "Thank god," she whispered as he followed behind her a slight smile on her face. "Tell my father our cousin and his friend have made it safly along with there wolves." One of the maids nodded and walked towards the winding staircase.

"Kayza..." I turned and looked him in his hazel eyes. "Yes, Master Zander" he smiled and grabbed her hand and pulled her close. "Stop with the anger before i decide to punish you gravly for disobideance." She heard someone clear there throat and saw Ferrow and Cane with there wolves standing behind them smirking. She rolled her eyes. "Yes, Master Zander, i shall see you upstairs." He shook his head nad turned her towards his cousin. "Ok Kayza just so you can get your anger off who would like to battle her," Hearse smiled and raised his hand along with Flex, Gage nodded and raised his, not wanting to be outdone Daxter raised his two. "Ok, outside come on hun," she let her feet drag on the floor then the ground. As a groan pushed out of her throat . She saw the ring and growled. "WHY? Didnt i do enough yesterday," he nodded. "Ill give you a nice batch of ribs for supper i promise i wont spike it if you behave." She nodded, "Ok."


In the arena it was like yesterday. The male wolves crowed around smirking. SHe rolled her eyes and croched her hair turning a blood red, her eyes flashing as Hearse walked out and hsifted a dark grey wolf with streaks of white on the chest. SHe smiled and shifted

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