» Fiction » Fighting Thy Master, Flicka Of The Night [best e reader for manga txt] 📗

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it would of hit. She growled as it flew into her body she felt the blood. Her soreness forgotten. she turned her head to the window and smiled a ferrel grin. "I SEE YOU ASSHOLE," she say his eyes widen as he turned to run, "Run run as fast as you can but guess what your running from the wolfman." She lept out the window her fury running threw her. She caught up to him before he could run another mile. She slammed her fist into his head, knocking him out. She was back to the hosue with in seconds. Zanders father was asking everyone if they were ok his mother was frantic as she looked him over.

Zander shook his head and he finally turned to her. Hearse and Flex were shocked and frozen where they stood, Dexter and Gage were wide eyed as they followed there master around. "Kayza," Zander whispered as he started towards her she held her hand up and growled as she threw the shooter on the table. "Thats for the bullet idit." She hissed as he moaned in pain. The King looked at her and the shooter and nodded the Queen ran over and looked at the hole in her outfit then the slowly pouring blood. "Natalie we need some gaze. "the bullets still in there i can feel it moving." Kayza whispered as she looked her master over making sure he was in one piece. "You are ok Master Zander" He smiled softly. "Yes Kayza I am fine, thanks to you," she nodded. Then finally she was able to pass into the world of darkness as unconchiousness clamed her.


I woke with a burning pain in my side. "You need to stay lying down." She looked around and saw she was in Zanders room, in his bed. She felt the bed dipping under someones weight. "My cousin was impressed, he is still eager to have you, but you are mine, i dont think i would be alive right now if it weren't for my brave wolf, and thanks to you the shooter was caught and gave us some very juicy information, rest Kayza," she whimpered as he started to leave. "Can you get me something," she whispered, she was scared for him to find out her secret but she needed it. "What is it." "I need a glass of blood, yes, ill answer qestion later but can you please get me some," he was shocked but nodded as he walked out. She stared at the ceiling. She could of waited for it, but truly she didnt want to be confined to the bed forever. She felt fear, for once insain fear, she didnt want to have to have that secret out. Kayzas pack didnt loss wolves that offten because of the weakness there seen with. She didnt want them to have to loss more because of her, even though they were her tormentors she didnt want to be the cause of there downfall.



Chapter 4 *Moments Like these just STINK!*

((Preview of Chapter 4))

Chapter 4

It was around fall they said when I was born. When the leaves changed from glimmering green to a dirty brown or orange. My pack hated the fall and winter, but me. I loved them the most. Fall brought change and made me feel normal amongst the brown golden hues of the leaves and the falling snow covered the world in a blanket of snow so white nothing could compare. I never understood why my love went against everything my pack liked or how I was the black sheep in the family as they put it. In tell one day the first day I was beaten. They called me freak, monster, and destroyer. My own mother dare say I should of never been born. My father looked the other way when he saw the deep purple bruises covering my shoulders and back. I wanted so much to understand their hatred to me. From the time I turned 12 I had experienced broken ribs, cracked skull, shattered bones, black eyes so bad that the blood vessels in my eyes burst. I never wanted to be hated, never could comprehend what I had been born for. Was it for a punching bag or just to me be hurt.

When I turned 15 I was taken in the middle of the night by a group of guys my age. They said they free me of the monster. Conner was the betas son and my main tormenter. He tied me to a table laughing as his friends pulled out knives and buckets. That’s when it began. He took a knife from one of his friends and smiled poisonously as he slammed it down into my shoulder my hair turned a blood red my eyes flashed green, pain rolled in waves through my shoulder as they continued to play their sick game. He had four knives sticking out of my body by the time I couldn’t even scream anymore. He touched the top of the first knife and pushed it in deeper chuckling as his friends snickered. “To bad you’re a cursed whore, or it would be fun to fuck with you, but nope,” his lips popped at the end…cursed whore, that’s what everyone thought I was.

After that he pulled a knife out and made deep slashes against my paling skin and finally I found out what was in the buckets. They dumped ice water over my body sending me into shock at the sudden chill, at the burn it caused, at the feelings that couldn’t be stopped. He pushed the one in my side deeper and someone punched me in the shoulder jolting the knife slightly. I felt her then as they walked out. The voice inside of me that had been telling me to hold on and to take the beatings, and to become stronger to become better. The only thing that had kept my spirits from burning into ash. She whispered to change, to embrace my difference for it would heal me, and it would hold a better future then the likes of what should have been my family ever thought possible.

Kayza blinked awake looking around the dark room something felt different. Her body didn’t burn in pain, and she wasn’t chained to the wall. Remember who you are…who you will be…and who you will become.. The voices echoing in her head whispered. She shook herself. The light was slowly rising in the window. Hopefully it would be a easy quick day,


Text: Johnnie Cordell
Images: Google
Editing: LOOKING
Publication Date: 05-28-2012

All Rights Reserved

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