» Fiction » Out of His Mind, Alice Jane [ebook reader for comics .txt] 📗

Book online «Out of His Mind, Alice Jane [ebook reader for comics .txt] 📗». Author Alice Jane

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of the woods by myself was a mistake.

 That night while I tossed and turned trying to get some sleep I couldn't get the mysterious thing out of my mind.  Then, suddenly, it hit me.  I wondered if maybe, just maybe what I saw was Adam.  I've heard of people seeing their loved ones after they passed.  I never believed it would happen to me but at this point it made sense.  Even though Adam was my younger brother he was always very protective over me.  He could have been checking up on me after I moved away from home.  With this, my mind began to ease a bit, sure I sounded crazy but I felt safer knowing that maybe Adam was looking out for me. 


The Stranger in the Wind

I began to spend less time at home after the night I saw the tree branch that I determinded was actual Adam checking up on me.  But still, altough not as frieghtening, the though of not actual being able to talk to him depressed me.  My home had become less inviting and more daunting as the next week drug by.  The sea didn't seem to gleam as it had when I first arrived, the air was getting thinner and the trees began to receed into themselves when they once extended their branches to comfort me.  At night, I was restless and unable to sleep.  I felt as if a heavy hand was hovering in the air above my bed.  It reached it's fingers as far as possible but it could only brush the top of my head or the bottoms of my feet.  I'd wake up in cold sweats from nightmares I barely remembered, a person, the mist and the hand out stretched searching for me.  I have had vivd dreams since I was a child so I attributed the nightmares to the trauma I had just been through with Adam and my new surrondings but something in my torn heart behind the greif and pain told me that wasn't it.  I could no longer ignore the gentle pull at my heart after the three month anniversary of my move to Maine.  The Jacobsons invited me over for dinner like every friday night since I had met them in their general store, dinner was delious as per usual and I left at 8:00pm promtly, just before they head to bed.  The air was turning cool in late August and I was not used to fall coming this early.  The drive up my driveway seemed longer tonight like the air around me and my house was sleepy.  When I finally made it to my bed it was only 8:36pm but it might had well had been 3 o'clock in the morning.  My arms were two heavy sandbags that weighed to my bed and my legs were too fragile to move another step.  My room began to blurr as my eyes feel shut until I was consumed by darkness.  That night I dreamt I was outside of my house but my house its'self was gone and I stood in it's empty space.  The mist from the ocean below me came billowing up so thick I could barely make out the figure of a man reaching his hand out to meet mine.  This time I took it in mine, all of a sudden I disapeared entirely, and I saw the world threw someone else's eyes.  My movements were not my own and I was now a spectator in another person's what seemed to be dream.  I began to run threw the woods. I knew this unknown person was much taller then me and faster becasue I could see more of the forrest then I had been able to before.  This new body was taking me down an unfamilar trail to the bottom of the cliffs.  I heard laughter as the sky brighten, it sounded like small childern playing near by.  We ignored the distraction and pressed on back into the tree line.  We stopped at a lone tree, bare and a branch broken we stood there for what seemed like forever until the once lite sky drew dark again.  Nearing the edge of the cliff I am forced to look down and see a dark shadow of a hand reaching towards us.  I am awoken by a loud buzz from my alarm five minutes late getting in the shower and my mind in reeling from the events of last night.  The whole exprience felt like a memory not a dream at all.  With my head still foggy I pressed on to the Jacobsons, I am normally not up until at least noon on a saturday but I agreed to help Annie take Bently to the vet.  She didn't care for driving and Mr. Jacobson was going to be gone all day fishing.  I volunteered about a week ago but I am now regretting my decision and longing to crawl back into bed.  The drive was near slight exepct the occaional protest from Bently in his kennel.  I dropped Annie off, her friend would be picking her up later, and headed to the oppisite side of town to a small diner; I needed some coffee to clear my head from the fog it had been in since I woke up from my strange dream.  Tony's was a small shop on the corner of North and Madison at the edge of town.  I had only been there a few times to pick up food for Marnilla on our breaks.  Today was the first time I sat down and really took in the atomoshpere.  It wasn't old like the rest of the town, the wood stained booths gave it a rustic feel but I know I had seen similar ones back home.  Emily served me my coffee and I lost myself in thought.  What could the dream had meant, and what could have triggered it?  They say dreams are your minds way of working out problems you faced that day but without limits like logic or gravity.  I've had vivid and odd dreams as a child, I was always fairly good at figuring out what I did the previous day and why the issue showed up in last nights dream.  For example, I tripped over a rug back home and broke my moms favorite picture frame.  That night I had a dream instead of a cell phones my mom talked to me threw picture frames, the connect was always simple enough.  But today, and last nights dream, nothing; I was stumped.  Then again, if Adam really was watching maybe this was how he wanted to communicate, still I didn't know what he wanted but if I was believing his spirit was around this could be plasuable too.  But I needed to figure out what my brother wanted to tell me.  It was also possible I wanted to find Adam, pull him out of the dark place he went to after his death.  This thought scared me, I didn't want him suffering.  I knew I had to do something but what, no one would believe me and I hadn't even told Annie the real reason I moved to Castine.  Emily brought me back to reality when she asked to refill my coffee, not noticing I drank it all so fast.  I decided against a second cup, I needed a new eviroment to think.  I tipped Emily and walked out in to the now warm August air.  I took a quick walk down to the docs to see if any new boats had showed up but it was a quiet Saturday. I decided to go back home against my better judgement.  As I returned home that day everything felt okay.  The sun was still shinning and the coffee was doing the trick.  I thought it may be a good idea to clean up around the house so I put on a good playlist and figured if I wore myself out it would be eaiser to sleep that night.  Unfortunatly I had no such luck.

An Uexpected Turn of Events

 Two days and two sleepless nights later I decided it was time to get to the bottom of my reoccuring dream and see what Adam wanted me to find.  The past few nights had been brutal the same out of body expreince led me down trails that don't exisit and all ending with a hand reaching up begging me silently for help.  I gathered up whatever courage I had left and began to explore beyond the trails near my house.  I stepped onto my front porch and peered out into the calm ocean below me, unsure of which way to go, I choose the cliff trails first.  That was where I kept ending up at the end of my dream.  I slowly made my way down the steep face of the cliff.  It was broken off into sections that almost looked like stairs from far away.  The path drops off at the beach about 100 feet below my cottage.  Once I reached the beach there are a few options from there.  The easest walk is straight down the beach to a dead end before the harbor.  The second is a path into the forrest that lets out near the end of my drive way and connects with the main road back to town and the third, was a small path that lead to the oppisite side of the cliff I had just walked down.  I tried to remember from my dream which way the mysterious person had guided me but it was all a fog now.  I decicded to go around the oppisite side of the cliff to the smaller beach because I hadn't spent much time over there, but the area was small and the only other way to it was straight up or down the strear face of the cliff.  In my frustration I laid down on the small beach and closed my eyes.  In my mind I tried to relive the preivous nights and dreams to piece together a map but nothing came to mind.  When I opened my eyes, I froze.  Not even my chest dared move to take another breath because in that moment there was a man leaning over me.  Although, he was unlike any man I had ever seen.  His pale translusent eyes seemed to look right passed me and to my shock I saw straight threw him.  As soon as the figure was there he vanished.  I jumped up out of the sand and searched the area brefily.  Maybe I fell alseep and was dreaming, maybe

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