» Fiction » Out of His Mind, Alice Jane [ebook reader for comics .txt] 📗

Book online «Out of His Mind, Alice Jane [ebook reader for comics .txt] 📗». Author Alice Jane

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in my house didn't hit me until I was standing in my living.  I excused myself after Annie told me everything and rushed home.  I remembered restoring the place.  I remembered what the condition the house was in when I first rented it and finally, I remembered the smell.  All at once I was relieved, horrified, and curious.  I was relived that Adam wasn't in distress, I was horrified that I had been living in a house where a murder suicide happened and a small part of me was curious if Cody was the person following me around my house and if he was, what did he want and what could my dream truly mean?

The Night We Met

I didn't want to stay at my house the first night I found out the travisty that had occured in my living room and in the surronding area.  I went back to Annie's and she offered me a bed that first night.  I slept easy and peacefully for the first night in almost a month.  The late september air cooled the house and Bently snuggled right up to me and I drifted away into dreamless sleep.  I awoke to the smell of bacon cooking in the kitchen down the hall.  I was almost embrassed because of how well I slept.  The Jacobson's offered me a bed until I could find a new place if I decided to move but something inside me told me to go back to the cottage in the woods and face the silent hand and Cody, if it really was him.  Annie showed me a picture of him and his family.  He was very attractive, he had wide set shoulders and his arms were well defined but not hulking.  He had those same pale blue eyes as I'd seen on the beach that day.  He was roughly six feet tall and had perfect curly blonde hair.  His sister, Zoe looked just like their mom and this two younger brothers were barely two in the picture and were adorable.  Walking through the house my stomach was in knots, I kept imagining their bodies across the floor and I could feel the terror they went through.  I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep in the house that night so I figured I'd try to see if I could see him again.  I encountered him once before outside of my dreams maybe if I could find him tonight I might be able to talk to him and see what happened and why he needed me.  But again, out of no where my legs felt limp and my arm pulled me onto my couch.  It was the same fatigue I had felt the first time I had the reoccuring dream, which for the record had recently subsided after my day at the beach.  But I knew what was coming and I welcomed it because I knew it meant answers.  When I opened my eyes again I was higher off the ground, this time I was able to look into the water and saw indeed I was no longer myself but I was Cody, I was reliving the last moments of his life.  In my dream I had this revalation but it didn't change the fact I still wasn't able to control my movements.  I was in the body and mind of Cody Handford, a boy that was in a coma miles away.  I was pulled away from my thoughts when my body started to move.  I was in the empty space where my house should had been again.  I ran through the trees and down the cliff this and pass the childern's laughter, which I now know to be his younger brothers.  Up the hidden trail we ran but I still didn't know why we were leaving his brothers to climb up here.  Then, it was her, his sister screaming.  The dream took a turn and this part I had never seen before.  Zoe was on the edge of the cliff and a man was holding her over the edge.  The man looked similar to Cody in his stature and he had the same pale blue eyes as Cody.  In that moment I knew it was his father.  He was threatening Zoe, my body flung myself at him fighting to get my sister back.  The man pulled me off him, I broke a branch on a lone tree on my way over the cliff, it cuts my body on my way over the cliff.  I reach my hand up for help and am greated with a kick to the face.  I fall and then nothing.  My body shakes me out of the dream.  I see him, sitting across the room in my lazy chair.  He is not what I pictured a ghost to look like, but then again he wasn't dead, not completely.  He wasn't transulcent but he didn't look human either.  There was a grey light around the area where he sat.  He began to speak to me.  The first thing he said was sorry, sorry for scaring me, and sorry for bothering me but he needed help.  My help specfically.  He eyes looked tired and broken.  I remembered his family was dead and his sister in foster care.  He knew this somehow, but he needed me to know the truth of his death and his families.  I knew he did not commit suicide and at that same moment I realized I had not said anything to him yet.  I told him my name, Faye, I told him I too had expereinced lost and I told him I would help him.  He explained to me that his sister was knocked unconcious by his father and when she awoke she found him and the called the police.  She told their mother the father had found them.  He talked about his father for a while.  He had been abusive and when his mother left with him and the other childern he lost his mind.  Ever since then they'd been running from him and finally, they thought they were safe up in Castine until that night. 

After Cody had been transfered to the hospital his mom hurried to pack and leave but his father was waiting and thats when well, this is when Cody got quite, and I knew the rest.  But what about me I asked,  how can I help.  What he said next I could hardly believe and at this point anything seemed possible.  He said he was not in a coma but his father was at the hospital with him and was administering a paralytic drug to keep him in a comatoss state and he wanted me to go and turn his father in.  After that he would get Zoe out of foster care and begin to rebuild their lives.  I was stunned, what could I do, could I really prove that this was actually happening, how would I get to his father..., my thoughts trailed off and again I was awaken by my alarm. 

Was all of it a dream, the conversation the accident? I didn't know what to believe anymore.  I had that really just happened. Was Cody actual here last night or am I actually losing my mind.  I stumbled to the kitchen where I saw a single pebble placed on my chair I sit in every morning and I knew, it was real.  I had to help him, this poor boy caught in the in between.  I got my laptop out and stared to work. 

A Plan

 After a few hours of research I had narrowed Cody's location to two different hospitals each exactly 30 miles away.  It was time to make some calls.  I decided to go under a fake name and I became Lola a cousin that came to visit Castine and heard the terrible news.  I needed to find Cody and be with him.  I called the first hospital.  No one by the name Cody Handford was there, discouraged I tried the next but again no Cody Handford.  I was stumped there were no other hospitals even close the 30 miles away.  Maybe he had died, maybe it was too late.  But then it hit me.  What if Cody was a nickname, I ran to my phone to call Annie.  She answered quickly and the words came out faster then I could keep them in, " Was Cody his real name?". Turns out his name was Dakota, Cody was in fact a nickname, Annie didn't ask questions, maybe she thought it was my way of dealing with living in a tomb.  I felt bad leaving her hanging and knew she's be worried but I promised myself I would explain after, well, I had something to explain.  I called back this time asking for a Dakota Handford.  Boom, the second hospital, Anderson Memorial had him, he was alive and I'd be visitng him tomorrow at noon. 

The nerves began to build after I hung up the phone what was excitment quickly turned to fear.  What if his dad is really there what if he was dangerous, would he hurt me?  I pushed my worries aside and thought about Cody.  Thats all I seemed to think about these days and not for obvious reasons.  I thought about his voice and the way my heart quickened when I saw him in my living room.  I quite thought passed through me, was I crushing on the guy that had been literally haunting my dream?  No I couldn't, it was impossible and I quickly shut it out of my mind.  The next day came sooner then I hoped.  I drove the 45 minutes north in land to the hospital.  They checked me in and and finally, I saw him.  His father that is, he was walking down the hallway to the cafetiera.  I had a window, I rushed into the room and my heart stopped.  It was him, it was Cody.  I could feel the tears beginning to burn my eyes.  But this was no time for emotions I had a job.  I had a plan, before I forgot to enroll in college this semester I was in nursing school.  On my last year actually and I knew exactly what I needed to do.  I'd have to draw his blood take it to the lab and run a tox screen to find any abnormal drugs in his system.  I quickly found the supplies and got to work.  Getting the blood was the easy part getting it to the lab was different.  Once I had my sample I had to work fast.  Cody's

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