» Fiction » Out of His Mind, Alice Jane [ebook reader for comics .txt] 📗

Book online «Out of His Mind, Alice Jane [ebook reader for comics .txt] 📗». Author Alice Jane

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is was my sleep depreived mind playing  trick on me?  But none of that really matter,  I was scared.  I was scared that maybe like my mother the loss of my brother has started to detach my grip on reality.  Maybe I was dreaming of Adam standing next to me like I wished he really could have.  But in the back of my mind I knew Adam's eyes were brown not blue and the thought of something else watching me was terrifying. If it wasn't Adam all those nights in the woods, in my room and in my dreams, what and who has been it been. 

After my body calmed I ran back up to my cottage slamming my door shut and locking it twice, my brain was in overload.  Even the shadows from my kitchen chairs fueled my fear.  Sitting in the empty space that was my house was doing no good for my already hightened senses.  Driving, driving I thought, that will calm me down.  I picked up my keys and headed to my car.  I peaked out my curtain to make sure that thing hadn't followed me up the cliff and with no sign of life I ran to my car shut the door and locked it behind me. Panicing I floored it all the way to Jacobson's General, I heard hundreds of little pebbled whrilling behind me but I didn't care, I just told myself I had to get to Annie, she'd protect me.  When I pulled up the store was busier then normal on a Monday afternoon but I pressed threw to find Annie overwhlemed at the register.  Soon I was pulled into the back to help restock sheelves and help Mr. Jacobson keep track of inventory.  Three hours later, the rush had subsided and Annie was telling me how grateful she was I had shown up there when I did and that she'd pay me overtime for all my help.  The only thing I could think of however, was, should I tell her what I witnessed only a few hours ago on the small beach below my home.  About half way threw her apology she could tell something was off.  She asked if maybe I had been sick or on edge about something.  This was it this was my time to tell her why I was on edge and terrifed to go back home tonight, but the only thing that I could manage was, " Is there a Library near by?"

Now why would I be asking about a libary?  Well I decided, while in the stock room, it was just too strange to tell her I thought I was seeing my brother outside my house at night, my dead brother to make things better, but instead it was another enitity.  So, I asked for a libary to do some reach about my cottage and the very small, hidden beach directly below me.  Of course she knew right where it was and even drew me a little map.  I got there with only an hour left until it closed.  The librian seemed very confused as to why I, someone she hadn't met before was there.  I explained I was Faye the new girl, the one that lived up on the cliff.  I asked her where the town's records were and maybe a book about it's history.  She was estatic I was interested in learning about Castine and was very helpful.  Part of me wanted to tell her the real reason I was so "interested" but it would have been cruel to kill her enthusiasm like that.  With three books and a stack of old newspapers in hand I left for the harbor.  It would be lite down there all night in case any boats decided to come in late and I sure wasn't going home that night so it was the perfect place to start reading.  After what seemed like forever, I drifed to sleep on the dock still reading about the founding families of Castine and their legeacy left behind through there, wait for it, 30 childern between three families. 

I was awoken the next morning by none other then Bently licking my hand profusly.  When I checked my phone it was 5:30 in the morning.  I couldn't remember what day it was or why I had fallen alseep on the dock but when I looked at the book on my chest it all came back to me.  Suddenly, I remebered that yesterday at midnight was the final date for registration to Southeast University and I had missed it!  I jump up to find my car, forgetting my fear of my cottage I raced home to see if I could still register but alas when I logged on to the website it was closed.  How could I have let my fear get in the way of college, had I become so consumed with Adam that I let the deadline slip by.  Unfortunately, the dean would make no expection to extend the deadline and I was out a semester from college.  I couldn't tell my parents, they were already so upset they didn't need another child falling behind.  I would keep it a secert and taken winter and summer classes to make up for the lost time.  It would be extra work but I couldn't stand to think of their disappointment.  My predicament did provide some new found time to pick up a few more shifts at the general store and it also gave me more time to investigate. 


 A week into the history of Castine and I found absoluty nothing.  I had been threw every news article, every book and even listened to the librain go on and on about old town gossip.  Whatever I was looking for wasn't there.  I went back to the first day Castine was founded until about 10 to 20 years ago when the books were publsihed.  I knew that something must have happened more recently but the archieves were not very current so I decide to start asking around and see if I can find clues from the locals.  The easiest place to start would be Annie however, she had gone out of town for the weekend on a retreat for her small group at church.  Who now I thought? Maybe Emily, after my morning in Tony's I had gone there each time I had a sleepless night and Emily was always working.  I walked into Tony's hoping she would be working and to my advantage she was just coming on and I was the only person in the resturant between and lunch and dinner rush.  I struck up a conversation like normal but today I had to be very careful what topics we discussed so I could slide in a few questions.  First, I started with some gossip, she kept me updated on things around town so I asked her what was new.  She told me about some kids who got arrested for breaking into some cars and a missing cat that had been foundbut then, she started talking about a boy in a class ahead of her, which would have ment he was around my age.  She said it had been six months today that a local boy named Cody was in a terrible accident.  She got a little chocked up talking about it and changed the subject quicly but this was just the led I needed.  An accident? what could that mean. After I ate and said my goodbyes to Emily I knew just what to do.  I went to the library and started to google Castine and any kind of accident that happened within the past six months.  Since today marked six months of his death I had just enough information to narrow my search and within ten minutes I had a hit.  The article was very vague, it read, twenty year old male in an accident, seriously injured, arilifted to a near by hospital.  That's it I though.  I wonder if her died in the hospital, what hospital did he go to, and what was the accident and could this be guy around my house.  I ran threw all the senarios of normal accidents that happen in small towns.  Car crash, drownings, man slaughter but which one.  I knew I had to ask Annie when she got back but what would she say, what would she think about me poking around?  I couldn't tell her what I was seeing but how would I bring it up in converation. 

Two days later Annie was back and I was prepared.  My plan was simple tell the truth minus the ghost part.  I would tell her I was talking to Emily about the town and she brought up a boy named Cody that was in an accident but she was too emotional to finsih the story.  Hopefully, she'll be able to tell me what Emily couldn't.  I waited about 30 minutes until bringing up Cody, I listened patiently about her retreat and her spirtual journey but it was time.  I told her my story just as I had rehersed in my head but the outcome was slighty different then I expected.  Annie looked almost mad I had asked.  She fell silent and her face twisted a little until finally she said, I knew this was coming I just hoped you would have had a little more time.  Shocked I didn't understand before I could protest she started talking again.  She told me the story of Cody Handford and she was right I wish I had had more time before I knew.  So here it is, Cody was a track star and straight A student he had three younger siblings and a single mom, his suicide shocked the town to its core according to Annie.  He had been watching his siblings by the beach when he disapeared for two hours before he was found.  When he was found he was half dead on a low hanging cliff and was bleeding.  His younger sister was the one who found him and called the police.  He was on life support in a hospital about 30 miles away.  At this point in the story I was confused why she was reluctent to tell me what happened but then she dropped the bomb.  The house I was renting belonged to Cody and his family.  The small beach was where his siblings were playing was the isolated beach below my house and their used to be a trail up to a small cliff side where Cody had died that had since been blocked off due to obvious reasons.  Suddenly the dream began to make sense but there was more.  Annie took a sharp breath in and finished the story.  After Cody had been moved to the hospital his mother snapped, killing his two younger siblings and seriously injuring the sister that found Cody just before killing herself.  This all happened in my living room and the smell was caused by the family sitting there for a day before people came to check on them.  Cody's sister Zoe was transported to the same hospital as Cody.  She woke up and was placed in foster care but Cody was still in a coma and they were unsure if he would ever wake up.  The idea that a family had died

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