» Fiction » Out of His Mind, Alice Jane [ebook reader for comics .txt] 📗

Book online «Out of His Mind, Alice Jane [ebook reader for comics .txt] 📗». Author Alice Jane

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hand.  We had found each other and there was a force between drawing us closer together the more time we spent with each other. Shattered Glass

 Cody stayed at my place while we searched the system for his sister Zoe before his dad could get to her.  After the night on the doc we didn't have much time to talk we had to find Zoe before it was too late.  Cody was 21 so he could legally get custody but first we had to find Zoe.  After the accident she was placed in a trauma rehabilitation center, from what we gathered from the towns people, she had just stopped speaking and regressed to functioing at a three year old level.  They tried to kept her local and Emily's parent actually applied to be her foster parents but Zoe needed more help then they could provide.  Because of the sensitive situation it was hard to find information about her.  Cody was also very reluctant to go to the police.  He didn't want to put Zoe and now me in more danger.  After spending a week with the real Cody my feelings had began to change.  He was no longer the man of my dreams, literally, but a normal 21 year old boy with flaws.  He had a bad temper and did not like to listen to anyone else but himself.  Although we continued to grow closer, this real Cody still alluded me.  His true feelings also seemed hidden.  On the doc, I felt so close to him, I could almost feel the elctricity between us but now it was fading.  We did not have time for romance anyway, he was consumed with finding his sister.  On Sunday, he finally got a call.  Zoe was in an pediatric rehabilitation center in Foxcroft about three hours north of Castine.  Within twenty minutes we were packed and ready to go.  Cody wanted to drive so he could think, I was glad, long car rides make me tired.  The drive up here nearly killed me.  I was awoken by Cody screaming at a passing semi truck driver and that was it.  I wanted to know what his problem was, if we were going to be friends at the least he would need to learn to control his temper.  The screaming match ended after a total of five minutes, three pot holes and a flat tire later.  The jolt of the pop was enough to snap us out of the fight.  When Cody pulled over, he broke down.  The tears I had been waiting to see finally came.  I think at that moment he realized aside from Zoe he was all alone in the world.  I figured he want space so I began to get out of the car to change the tire, which I thought good thing I bought a spare before I drove up to Maine a few months ago.  But just as my hand touched the door knob I felt his hand touch me.  He looked up at me, with the same eyes I had seen  that day on the beach and once again I fell, harder and faster then the first time.  

He didn't say anything, but his out stretched hand reminded me of my dream and this time I took it.  He simply said, " Faye, will she have to call me Dad"?  My heart broke for him and his sister, I knew he was scared and I wasn't even asking him if he was okay.  That whole week I was so focused on having him with me and the life we might have together I had forgotten the events that brought him into my life in the first place.  We talked on the side of the road for about an hour before I was allowed to go out and fix the tire.  I drove us the rest of way and he slept.  I knew he would need the rest, rasing a ten year old wasn't easy on its own but Zoe now had special needs, as did Cody but he wasn't ready to admit that yet.  As I pulled into the parking spot at the front of the center I looked over at a peacful, sleeping Cody.  Waking him would remind him of his pain and fear but hopefully it would also awake the excitment he had for seeing his sister again.  I lightly stroked his hair until his eye fluttered open slighty.  He looked in my eyes and I knew it was time.  The front desk knew we were coming but I didn't know if Zoe did.  She didn't know me at all, I figured I'd stay in the lobby while Cody went back but he insisted I come with him, I could feel the nerves in his voice.  I stayed behind a one way mirror as Cody walked into the brightly colored playroom where Zoe sat, back turned away from everything, she stared blankly at the wall.  I couldn't hear what he said but it went something like this.  Cody opened the door, still Zoe showed no interst.  He walked slowly towards her bent down behind her and whispered something in her ear I couldn't possibly make out, and even to this day I do not know what he said to her to bring her out of the trance.  All of a sudden her head spun around and she was on top of her brother, they both began to sob with relief.  I was next in the room.  I knelt down next to her and introduced myself.  Something in her seemed to know what I had done for Cody and she hugged me as well.  The enitre staff was shocked but over joyed she finally had a family to care for her.  

All three of us were led down a hall and into Zoe's room, Cody was pulled away to do paper work and I was in charger of helping her pack.  The silent air in the room began to feel heavy.  It weighed on my tongue renduring me unable to speak, I packed as if I were a robot stacking pants and shirts into perfectly folded pills in the suitcase we had brought for her.  It wasn't until I looked up to see tears in Zoe's eye that the weight lifted and again I could speak.  The poor girl had been through so much and again I was another stranger shuffling through her stuff and disrupting her life.  But to my shock she spoke.  She asked if I was the girl who lived in her house.  She had drawn pictures of her old home with a blonde haired girl walking around it, I figured it was there mom but was it supposed to be me?  I said I had moved in three months ago and she simply said thank you.  If this was two months ago I would have been totally freaked but now it just seemed normal she too would know who I was.  

Just as I zipped up her suitcase Cody came back in with a women in a suit.  The paper work was done and Zoe was offically in our custody.  When the women said OUR I almost fainted.  What had Cody been thinking sure I wanted to be in there life but why would he give custody of Zoe to me? Then it hit me, his dad was still out there and if Cody was found his dad would surely kill him this time.  He left Zoe with me, someone he had to trust completely.  He shot me his sly smile, picked up Zoe and off we went.  After about an hour on the road Cody recieved a call from the center.  Surprised he answsered, they asked if we had broken the window that sat directly behind Zoe's old bed and tried to cover it up.  They said when the house keeper went to clean it there was a large hole in the bottom panel of the window, which was covered by the bed and shattered glass everywhere.  Cody dropped the phone and I knew this journey was far from over.  

His Father

 The atomasphere in the car had changed, Zoe had falled alseep in the back seat and Cody had been to anxious to drive.  My mind began to wonder, I felt like the sun, shining and bright but worn down by those orbiting around me.  When I looked at my life I was unrecognizable.  I didn't ask for this, I didn't move to Maine to be wrapped up in another broken life.  But just as my mind began to wander and my anger began to creep across my face I saw Zoe sleeping peacfully in the rearveiw and Cody next to me with his sly smile and I knew their family was far from broken.  My anger quickly turned to tears when I thought of my mom.  I had ignored her calls, ignored her mail and moved away when she needed me the most.  My family wasn't broken either, it was different now like Cody's but we both could find happiness again.  I reached for my phone to call my mom after two months I was scared she'd be furious and worried but I couldn't wait to hear her voice.  A violent jerk knocked my phone from my hand just as I hit her contact.  The car was sent flying into the right lane, if it wasn't 1 o'clock in the morning we would have collided with countless other cars but instead we meet the grass.  When the car flipped I felt the world spin around me, I was held stationary by my seat belt.  For what seemed like a full minute I watched my phone whirl around the cab along with my soft drink I grabbed from the gas station five miles behind.  I was mad, Dr.Pepper was my favorite.  All at once I was snapped out of my trance by the sound of scretching metal and Zoe screaming.  The car landed right side up and Cody was unresponsive.  Zoe was shaking in the back seat, both of us had only a few scratches, the car was hit on Cody's side.  I climbed into the back, grabbed Zoe and broke through the back window.  After helping me out I felt a hard pull at the collar of my shirt.  At first I thought it was Cody, in the dime light he looked exactly like his father.  He followed us, it was him who hit the car, my body became a weapon, thrashing and swinging with all I had.  I got in a few hard hit to his face which lead to

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