» Fiction » Out of His Mind, Alice Jane [ebook reader for comics .txt] 📗

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nurse was doing her hourly round so I needed to move quickly.  She left he computerized charting open and it was all too easy to sneak behind the desk and order the labs I needed.  I scanned in the blood work with the new orders and made my way to the lab.  If my plan worked, the nurse would get an alart that there was an abnormal result, see the drug and take action.

I waited for about an hour when finally, I heard some comotion.  I stayed in the waiting room while Cody's father went back into the room.  Sure enough his nurse frantically rushed into the room and did some emergency lab work.  His father had no idea what was happening, maybe he thought Cody was dying but I was not going to let that happen.  As I hoped he was postive for a medication the hospital had not been administering but they weren't questioning the father they were going after the nurse.  I had to step in, I walked into Cody's room and introduced myself to his families killer.  I imagined myself to be shaking, scared, and unable to speak but the words flowed, I was focused.  He bought it well enough, and we stayed their for a while.  It was 3 o'clock when his father started to get ancy.  The nurse from before had been traded with another one and I felt bad becasue I knew she didn't do anything wrong, like I would have to do with Annie, I'll apologies later.  Cody's vital signs started to rise and this scared his father.  He told me to get the nurse but I knew if I walked out, his father would adminster another dose of the paralytic and my progress would be lost, so instead I pressed the call light and he began to sweat. 

He started to get angry but I was prepared, he yelled at me to leave the room let him be with his son but I didn't budge I knew if he got loud enough the staff would hear him.  He realized this quickly too and lowered his voice.  Cooly he apologiszed and blamed it on the emotion of it all.  I comforted the monster, told him I understood the pain he had been through and would give him a moment after I said my goodbyes, I made my goodbye just long enough for the nurse to finally come in and with that he started to move.  A finger at first then and arm, a leg, and finally a sentense.  It was him, as he pointed at his father.  All at once he shoved me and the nurse out of the way and ran.  Down the hall and out of the ICU.  Security officers chased after him but I was too consumed with Cody to notice.  He gave me a funny look up and down.  He turned to the nurse and gave her a concern looked but before she could react I too ran out of the room, however, I was not followed. 

Out of His Mind

The dreams stopped almost immediatly, I was no longer connected to Cody and his life.  I felt like I left a part of me in that hospital room with him and I was reminded of the day I lost my brother.  My heart ached to see him just one last time, even though I never really knew him I felt connected to him.  Without him, I began to feel alone in my small cottage so far away from town.  The 15 minute drive now seemed like 30, the cliffs raised themselves higher and farther from the water and I was an island.  Each wall of my house became a border I was unable to escape from.  I looked out my windows hoping I would see him somewhere in the mist.  I slept by the front window that first night without him, I started into the sky until everything became a mess of stars, sky, and tears.  I couldn't bare to leave my nest of blankets I had pilled up in font of the window.  The weather was starting to turn cold.  I hoped with everything I had left he would walts in and embrace me, this was not the case.  I didn't leave my house for a week but then the groceries started to run out and I knew it was time to go into town.  I had called off the last week and a half incase Cody  needed my help tp get out of the hospital and to deal with the aftermath for waking him up.  It would be nice to see Annie and Bently, I needed some light in my life.  I pulled myself away from the window and shuffled to the bathroom.  I looked in the mirror and saw a ghost of the person I was a week before.  My hair needed to be washed, my face was pale and my eyes were sullen with the shadows of non existen tears from the nights before.  I let the hot water run down my back and over my face.  The heat made me feel numb which was welcomed.  I wanted to stay under the water forever.  The quiet rush over my face washed the memories of Cody down the drain with it but only if I was full emersed, every time I came out for air I was greeted by a familiar saddness.  I managed to wash my hair and face but I knew if I stayed in there much longer I'd be stuck, for a moment I thought I should just lay there on the shower floor and hide but a faint growl in the bottom of my stomach reminded me of my misson.  I threw on a pair of sweats and my only semi clean hoodie.  I looked rough but it wasn't comparable to how I felt.  Once outside the sunlight stung my skin, my eyes adjusted and I pressed forward to my car.  A map of the hospital still sat in my passenger side seat, I left it there, I imagined it was Cody.  On my drive to town I told myself I was overreacting, the pain I felt wasn't real because Cody himself was just a dream.  I almost had myself convienced I was going to be okay but then I pulled into Jacobson's General.  My heart lite up when little Bently troted towards me, tail straight up behind him.  I scooped him up in my arms and held in my tears, it would good to see a familiar face.  After a few minutes Bently had had his fix and was ready to move on to the next customer.  I was greeted by a big hug and a pat on the back from Annie and Mr. Jacobson.  Then my world stopped all over again, it was Cody.  He was in the back of the store sitting in Mr. Jacobson's office reading something.  My heart began to swell, so much so it began to close my throat.  Annie seemed to sense this and promtly started talking.  It seems the Jacobson's had a nack for collecting young 20 somethings with no family.  He came back to Castine to try and track down Zoe his only survivng family member.  His dad had escaped before sercuity could get a hold of him and now all of Castine knew the truth of what really happened that night in my cottage.  The Jacbonson's were hiding him from the press and curious eyes of the public.  They wanted me to meet him, they wanted me to take him back to my place so he could see his old home.  I was overwhlemed to say the least and Annie knew.  She suggested I take a walk to clear my head, I couldn't be more thankful.  As I walked out the door I glanced back at him, for the last time.  

Leaving Cody and Castine behind was my only option.  I couldn't face him, I couldn't bare to see his blank expression when I introduced myself to him.  I opened by car door just in time, the tears began to fall.  Not like a waterfall, I had two perfect streams that emptied at each check spilling on to my hoodie.  I tried to drive away but my vision was too blurred, I pulled over at the docs, the same pier I stayed at the night I found something around my house.  Now, sitting on that same doc my life had been turned upside down.  Looking back, I was so confused and distraught by seeing Cody again in person; if only I knew what was to come.  The doc was freshly cleaned, I could smell the sealint drying and I took my shoes off to feel the splinterless wood.  All at once I was consumed with the natural world around me.  The ocean breeze blew through my hair and dried my tears, I looked out into the afternoon sun and felt a part of my soul free its self from the cage that was my body.  It was lost in the sound of waves crashing gently against the sides of fishing boats and in the smell of salt.  For a breif moment, I remember the beauty of Maine and why I had wanted to come in the first place.  My feet took me to the end of the pier, I was tempted to dive off into the ocean just a few feet below me but his voice brought me out of my trance.  I looked over my shoulder and there he was, the sun shining through his blonde hair and lighting up those pale blue eyes, my heart weaken just at the sight to it all.  He called my name, my name, had he remebered it from the hospital?  Before I had a chance to reply I was in his arms.  He embraced me and I fell weak, like an infant as he held me up.  I thought I was going to faint from the shock, but he let go and backed up slighty.  I looked into his eyes, the sam eyes I saw on th beach that day.  All at once he aplogized for saying he didn't know me, he wanted to keep me safe from his dad and he was scared I wasn't real.  He knew he sounded crazy and didn't understand why I was the one he went to, he didn't even know me.  I hugged him again, a sense of relief washed over me instantly followed by fear, fear of the unknow that lay ahead.  We sat on the pier and talked for what seemed like hours, we talked until the sun turned light pink, then bright orange and finally, we were surronded by darkness.  He told me about the night of his accident, he said that he heard everything happening around him while he was unable to move, and finally he told me how he found me.  Niether of us really knew how to describe it, it started in a dream for him too, a dream of me driving down his drive way and him chasing after me.  I told him how I felt like I saw the world through his eyes and how I ran up the cliff and saw the

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