» Fiction » Unbelievable, Haley McGill M [beach read txt] 📗

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up and walks to his closet to change. He takes off his shirt and reveals his chiseled body. I cant help but stare at his chest, which he notices and starts to smile. “If I didn’t know any better id say your checking me out.” He says to me and grins from ear to ear.

“Yeah right. You have a nice body Chris, and we both know that. Hell, everyone knows that.”

He starts to walk toward me and sits on the bed, still half naked. “Does this bother you?” he says to me, his eyes locked on mine.

“A little.” I say and slide a little over so he’s not so close to me. He flirts with me more ever since he got back from his trip to Italy last September. I don’t know why but when he flirts with me, I kind of, well, I like it. It’s weird for me because we’ve been friends for so long and I haven’t ever thought of him like this before.

“Good,” he says and he slides closer to me. I start to stand up but he grabs me by the wrist and pulls me down on the bed to where I’m laying on my back. In a half a second, he’s on top of me, straddling my waist likes he’s sitting on a horse.

“Get-off-of-me.” I say, wiggling under him, trying to get out, the entire time I’m laughing and so is he.

He eases up a little, just enough for me to move, and he grabs both of my sides and pushes me up so my head is inches away from the head board. Its then when I realize that he still has is shirt off, and I only realize this because I’m pushing against his chest, trying to get him off me. He lowers his head so its inches away from mine, then he leans closer and closer. I swear he’s about to kiss me, and I think I want him to. But then he licks the side of my cheek and starts to laugh.

“Eugh!!” I scream. He gets off me, and I sit up on my elbows and wipe my cheek. “Gross Chris! What the hell was that for?” I yell at him.

“I was just having fun, I know you liked it.” He says through his sexy smile that I’ve always loved. Chapter 3

We roll up to school on his bike 20 minutes later. Everyone is staring at us because of his bike and all the noise it makes. Ugh, I hate attention, but Chris doesn’t, he just smiles and takes it all in. I get off the bike and slowly take off the helmet, my hair gets all frizzy so I have to pat it down again. Dont even get me started on the knots.

“1st day of second semester, and I still have the ladies staring at me.” Chris says to me with a grin on his face.

“Chris, their probably staring at me, dumbfounded, that Im on your bike with you and their not.” I say back as I stare at all the girls who are gawking at us.

We start walking towards the front door when I catch in the corner of my eye, Merida. She’s the ‘popular’ girl at Lineway, everyone’s scared of her because they know that she can ruin there life.

“Bitch alert.” I say to Chris and he turns around to see me staring at her. He looks back to me and grabs me by the shoulder and drags me through the front doors. “Hey, let go.” I whisper so we don’t draw attention to ourselves.

“Listen, if she saw you, the first thing she would do is embarrass you in front of the whole student body. I just saved you some humiliation Satan.” He whispers back to me. Ok, I have to admit that was nice of him.

“Ok, fine, thanks Chris.” I say as he lets go of my shoulder when we reach the gym for the second semester school assembly. “let’s find a seat at the bottom of the bleachers, I don’t want to trip over people on the way up.” I whisper to Chris. I take a seat at the very front in the middle of the bleachers and Chris sits next to me.

Merida and the Principle start talking about this year and all the ‘fun’ stuff that’s going down, but I space out during most of it. Merida's the head of the student body council, so she’s explaining most of the stuff while the principle stands there and smiles.

I stop spacing out when everyone starts yelling. “What’s going on?” I ask Chris who seems to be into the assembly.

“There about to pick someone new to go up there and recite the rules for the school for all the new kids.” Chris whispers back to me. Merida starts walking down the side of bleachers and bends over. I cant see who shes talking to, but then a boy stands up and starts to walk towards the middle of the court.

I hold my breath because of how hot this boy is. Hes about 6’1 and he has shaggy blond hair. Hes wearing a black T-shirt that outlines his body, his body resembles Chris. He’s wearing black jeans and a leather jacket.

“What’s your name?” Merida asks the boy.

“Cam.” Is all he says.

“Is that short for something?” He obviously doesn’t want to be up there, I can tell by the way he keeps looking at his seat. Chris accidently nudges me and apolygizes and I dont catch the guys name. 

“Well Cam, please recite the 4 rules we have at Lineway.” Buts in Principle Howard.

“1st rule, no bullying or harassing. 2nd rule, no drugs or alcohol. 3rd rule, no place of affection on school grounds. 4th rule, no profanity.” He says threw a monotone voice.

“Good job Cam. Does anyone have any questions?” says Principle Howard.

“Yeah, what happens when your break a fuckin' rule!?” screams some boy in the area where Cam just sat down.

“Who said that?” yells Principle Howard. Everyone’s laughing but nobody comes clean. “Okay everyone, get to 1st period, now.” He says with anger in his voice.

I start to stand and walk to the doors with Chris by my side. When I reach the doors to lead out of the gym, someone pushes me into the wall.

“Ow! What the hell?” I yell. I clutch my right arm in pain. Cam comes into view with another boy by his side.

“Watch where you’re going.” Says the boy next to Cam.

“I wasn’t even in your way, you did that on purpose.” I snap through clenched teeth, still holding my arm.

“Your word against ours sweetheart.” Says Cam with a smile on his face. Then he starts to walk away and Chris comes up behind me and grabs my waist to turn me around.

“What happened? I was gone for 2 seconds and you’ve already hurt yourself?” he says with shock on his face.

“Where were you? Some guy pushed me into the wall.” I say back with just as much shock on my face.

“I saw Daniel and went to say hi. Who pushed you into the wall?” he says back, looking around.

“A new boy, I’ve never seen him before.” I look around for him again.

“Oh, well if you see him, tell me. Let’s get to class.” He says and ushers me throught the hall.

School goes by quickly, im already in 3rd period, Chemistry, with Mrs. Peterson. She hands me a piece of paper. I open it up and it has 2 words on it. Cameron Calibre. What does that mean? Who’s Cameron Calibre?

“What does this mean?” I ask Mrs.Peterson.

“Its your lab partner for the rest of the year. Go find him at a table.” She says
I look around the room. Cam and his friend that pushed me into the wall are sitting at a table near the windows. I look over to Chris, who’s standing with Will, his friend. “He’s over there by the window, the guy that pushed me,” I say to him as I walk over to him and point over in that direction.

“Those two? Oh, well I'll deal with it later.” He says with suspicion in his voice.

“Im partners with some guy named Cameron, who are you partners with?” I ask


“Do you know who Cameron is?” I ask Lacy whos standing next to me. I knew her from last year.

“Yeah, he’s the hot guy over there who stood in front of the school and recited the rules.”

No way. That ass hole can’t be my partner for the rest of the year. I walk over to the table where they're sitting. “Cameron?” I ask him.

“It’s Cam. You’re not my partner are you?” He asks me. Shit, it is him.

“Umm, yeah, I um, I'm your partner.” I say very shyly. I don’t know why I'm being shy, I should be a complete bitch to him for what he did.

“Shit.” He says under his breath. His friend stands up and looks down at me with a smile on his face.

“Good luck.” He says to me as he slaps my right arm playfully, knowing it’s the arm that hurts. I wince a little, and sit down.

“Okay class, take out a sheet of paper and split it in half and give the other half to your partner.” Mrs. Peterson says. I take out a sheet of paper and carefully rip it in half and hand the other half to Cam.

“Okay, now you’re going to get to know your partner. Write down 10 things that your partner tells you about themselves.” She says.

Chapter 4

Write down things about my partner? I don’t even want to talk to him. Could this get any worse? I glance at his paper and he’s already written down a few things. He hasn’t even said anything.

“What are you writing?” I

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