» Fiction » Unbelievable, Haley McGill M [beach read txt] 📗

Book online «Unbelievable, Haley McGill M [beach read txt] 📗». Author Haley McGill M

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his mirror, grab his brush, and start doing my hair. “Shit! I don’t have a ponytail!” I yell and slam my fist on his table.

“It’s fine, Satan. Just wear your hair down today, it doesn’t look too bad.” He says and snickers at the last comment. I smooth my hair down and brush it back and out of my face. I guess I don’t look too bad, except for the bootie shorts of course.

“Times up, let’s go.” Chris says and walks out the door, and I follow.

It takes about 25 minutes to get to school and about 5 minutes to find a space to park in. As I get out of the car I push my hair back, straighten my jacket and smooth my bootie shorts. As I start to walk to the building I catch a few glances from people. Just as my eyes find the front door, I see the bitch I never seem to get a break from. Miranda. As I turn to Chris, I can tell he’s noticed her. He gives me a look that says ‘stay calm and don’t do anything you’ll regret’ and I listen to that advice, there’s no way I'm getting suspended on my second day of school. I look back at her and notice the new boys with her. Scott’s laughing and whispering in her ear, while Cam’s sitting there smiling at her. I'm about to look away when Miranda catches my eye. She smiles and whispers something in Scott’s ear, he then turns my way and smiles. Shit.

Just 7 steps until I can walk through the doors and leave Miranda behind me. I tell myself. I start walking up the steps and I'm almost to the door when Miranda steps in front of me.

“Well don’t you look skanky today Satan?” She says in her annoying tone. Scott joins her side and Cam just smiles.

“Thanks Miranda, don’t you look slutty as always?” I say back with dignity in my voice. She frowns at me and opens her mouth to say something but Scott interrupts.

“I'm liking the new look Satan. Suits you.” He says with a flirty voice. That’s when Cam stands and joins Scott’s side.

“Listen bitch, why don’t you just leave and skip to class with your boyfriend? Kay?” Miranda chips in.

“Um, you do know that I have to go through those doors-“ I gesture to the front doors, “to get to my class, right? You blocked me. So be a doll and move, so I can ‘skip’ to class with my ‘boyfriend’. Kay?” I say, using her annoying voice on the last part. Cam and Scott start smiling and snickering and she gets . She looks me up and down and smiles.

“Fine, as you wish.” She says and moves out of the way. I start to walk to the doors when my feet come out from under me and I fall on my palms. Luckily I didn’t get scratched, or land on my face. I lay there, looking at the ground, and start laughing.


There’s no way she’ll get the glory outa this. I think to myself. 

“What are you laughing at you clumsy skank?” She scoffs at me, and I hear Scott and Cam grunt. I start to pull myself up when Cam grabs me by the elbow and helps me.

“Thanks, but I don’t need your help.” I snap at him.

“God Miranda! You will just never stop will you?” Chris yells at her. He puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me through the front doors and down the hall.

“You okay?” he asks me as we reach my locker.

“Yeah, I'm good. God, I can’t stand her, I just really wanted to slap her in that bitch face of hers.”

“Yeah, me too. Did you see Cam after she tripped you? He looked pissed, and Scott did too.Those ass holes were laughing the whole time.” He says. Really? Psh like they really cared; Chris is right, they’re the ones that caused this.

“No, I didn’t, but I don’t really care. I just gotta get to class. Okay? I’ll see ya later.” I say, I grab my books, and head to my first period class, plannning her funeral in my head.

Chapter 11

As I reach the door to my first period class. Math. I could tell something was up. As I walk into the class, all I hear is laughter. Shit. Cam and his friend Scott sat just 15 feet away surrounded by girls. Great. Luckily they couldn’t see me. I edged over to the seat in the corner-the farthest away from them- and put my head in my hands. A big smacking sound brought me back to reality and as I flinch and look to see Scott standing 4 feet away with a huge grin on his face, just looking at me.

“Hey sweetheart, do you mind handin me my book?” He said and pointed to the ground next to my feet.

“You have legs, get it yourself. You did throw it over here.” I say smugly.

“Ouch, that hurt my feelings Satan.” He said and got up and walked towards me. He picked up his book and sat on the top of the desk in front of me with his legs sprawled out on both side of my desk. He just sat there. Staring at me.

“What?” I finally said.

“Nothing, just trying to figure out why that boyfriend of yours could go for a girl like you.” He said calmly. I felt like rising from my chair and punching him, but I just sat there, dumbstruck.

“He-He’s not my boyfriend, now go away.” I finally said. Why the hell do i get this way with them?

“Oh, well then that explains it.” He said with another sheepish grin. I almost felt like crying. What did I do to him?! I turned away and looked down at the grown to avoid his annoying gaze. I heard shuffling for a brief second and turned to look Scotts way when I caught my breath and was staring right into his eyes. He was at least an inch away and coming closer. His face had just brushed past my cheek when he whispered “Gonna cry Satan? I couldnt imagine a devil crying.”

I jerked back and slapped him square in the cheek. “Douchebag, you’re not worth crying over.” He jerked back and I could tell he was about to say something but was stopped when Mr.Conaway entered the room.

Scott glares at me one last time before turning and sitting next to Cam, who looks dumbstruck in his seat. The girls all scatter to their seats and I notice that a few of them turn and glance at me a few times during the period.

As the 1st bell rings and signals us to go to our 2nd period, I notice Scott lingering back in his seat with Cam. I stand warily and avoid eye contact with them. I start to walk past them, hoping they’ll ignore me, but I was wrong. Scott sticks his leg out so fast that I don’t have time to react except fall palms first onto the ground. I barely have time to look up when big hands grab onto my shoulders and flip me onto my back. Now, I'm staring into Scott’s big brown scary eyes. I crane my neck back and try to catch a glimpse at Mr.Conaway. I see him sitting at his desk with his head down and not even noticing what’s happening.

“Mr. Conaway!” I yell but he doesn’t even move. It’s like he’s dazed or something. I open my mouth to scream again when Scott’s hand clamps over my mouth before anything comes out.

“Shhh, Cam’s concentrating, you don’t want to distract him and have Mr.C wake up.” He whispers in my ear. I look up at Cam briefly and notice that he is concentrating really hard on something. He’s staring at Mr.Conaway like he’s confused but mad. I look back at Scott and he smiles. Suddenly, Cam stands up and walks towards the door, glancing back at me quickly and leaves, closing the door behind him, leaving me alone with Scott. I look back at Mr.Conaway and it looks like he’s sleeping. I grunt and moan really loudly, trying to get his attention when Scott knees me in the stomach and I can’t help but moan in pain.

“Shut up, we don’t want to wake him.” He whispers and grabs onto my side and pulls me closer to him. I close my eyes and wince when he takes hold of my hair and makes me move my head closer to his. He grabs onto my lower back and pushes me into a sitting position on his lap. He looks at me and smiles before he nussle’s his head into the nape of my neck. With his hand still over my mouth, he starts nipping at my neck and I try to squirm out of his grasp but he holds me even tighter against his chest.

“Stop, your just making it worse. If I move my hand off your mouth, are you gonna scream?” He asks me. I hesitate for a second and realize we have 2 minutes until the bell rings, so it wont be long before students pile in the room, so I nod a no. He removes his hand from my mouth and I take a deep breath.

“What do u want? Just let me go” I whisper. He pushes me back onto my back on the ground and slowly moves atop of me while straddling my waist.

“Sorry sweetheart, can’t do that. I have to test this one thing…” He says and closes the distant between us and his mouth is on mine in an instant. He lingers there for a moment, and a heat rises up in me. But it’s not anger, its lust for more. As if a reflex, I grab onto his shirt for dear life and pull him in for more. His hot sweet lips grow stronger against mine and I can’t help but moan into his mouth. He takes that as an invitation and slowly slips his tongue into my mouth. We stay like that, kissing, for a few more seconds before a big slam brings me back to real life.

“Scott!” Cam yells as he enters the classroom. Scott eases up a bit and smiles.

“Hey, I told you to give us a few minutes. Didn’t want you to walk in.” He says with a mischievousness smile.

“No, you said you were going to test her reflexes! You never said anything about that.” Cam says and gestures toward me us on the ground. Scott eases up more and I squirm out of his presence and scramble to my feet. I whirl around and face Cam, who looks disappointed and pissed.

“What’s going on?

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