» Fiction » Unbelievable, Haley McGill M [beach read txt] 📗

Book online «Unbelievable, Haley McGill M [beach read txt] 📗». Author Haley McGill M

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Chapter 8

“Where do you want me to sleep?” I ask Chris as he sits on his bed.

“You can sleep in my bed; I’ll sleep on the ground.” He says and walks over to his closet to get some blankets.

“No, it’s your bed; I’ll sleep on the ground.” I try to reach for the blankets but he moves them away.

“It’s fine Satan, I can sleep on the ground, you were beat up pretty bad and you should sleep in a comfortable bed.” He says and lays out the blankets on the ground next to the bed. I look over to the clock and it’s 2 in the morning, Chris catches my gaze towards the clock and nods towards the bed.

“We have school tomorrow; you better get some beauty sleep.” He says threw a smirk.

“Yeah you’re probably right.” I ignore his last comment and get into the bed. “Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed, Chris.”

“You’re welcome.” He says and turns on his side. I’m a little shaken up about earlier, all I can do is think about what those guys did and would have done to me. I start tearing up but try to stop because Im not a baby and i need to go to sleep, I can’t be crying right now. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

I awake around 4 in the morning. I keep telling myself that I need to sleep but I just can’t fall asleep. I slide onto my side and look down at Chris who’s sleeping like a baby. I can’t help but notice how good he looks when he sleeps. I start shivering and realize that it’s really cold and window is open.

I reach down and slide my hand across Chris’s shoulder and wake him.

“What’s wrong?” he asks a little surprised.

“It’s really cold and I can’t fall asleep.” I say in a baby kinda way. He smiles a little and slides out of his blanket and stands. He’s only wearing his shorts, and I wonder how he's not cold. How the hell is he not cold? I'm the one wearing actual clothes and he's wearing practically nothing! I get out of bed and walk over to him and grab his hand.

“How are you not cold? You’re warm too!” I say bewildered. I slide my hand up his arm and he moans and grabs my hand.

“I'm just not as sensitive as you when it comes to the temperature.” He says and smiles. With my hand in his, he steers me towards his bed and sits me down. “Go to sleep, okay? Do you want me to get you more blankets?” He asks me.

“No, can you sleep in the bed too?” I ask, kinda shocked at my own words, but realize that if he says ok that I’ll be warm and I’ll probably be able to fall asleep a lot fast then if he says no. He looks at me with shocked eyes, opens his mouth, and then closes it. Is he actually nervous that I asked him this? I mean, we used to do this all the time when we were younger. But I guess it’s not the same. I let go of his hand and turn away and say “I guess you don’t have to, I was just thinking that because you’re really warm.”

“No, no. It’s okay, I can.” He says and motions for me to get under the covers, and I do. He climbs in with me and wraps the blanket around us. He’s a lot warmer than I thought he’d be but its kind of relaxing and soothing, but more importantly is comfortable. I slide me hand across the small space between us and stop when I reach his arm. “How are you so warm?” I ask him again.

“I really don’t know Satan, but it’s really late, so let’s just go to sleep.” He says in an annoyed kinda way.

“Oh, okay.” I say in a disappointed voice that wasn’t really meant to sound like that. He looks at me and closes his eyes in a pleading kind of way.

“I'm sorry, it’s just, I-I kinda feel…..never mind, it’s just weird sleeping with someone next to me in my bed.” He says in a nervous way. He starts blushing and I can’t help but reach towards his cheek and touch it. He widens his eyes and grabs my hand before I have a chance to touch his cheek. “What are you doing?” he says.

“I was just, I don’t know, you started blushing so I-“I start to say but he cuts me off.

“I wasn’t blushing.”

“Yeah, you were Chris.” I say and look into his gentle eyes that are focused on mine and realize he's embarrassed. “I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you, I just can’t remember the last time you blushed.” I say in an apologetic way.

“Uhhh, I'm just not that kind of guy I guess. You know, you are a girl whose wearing a tank top and 2 inches away from me in a bed. I think any guy would blush in this situation.” He says in a flirty tone and slides his hand towards me and up my thigh.

“Whoa.” I say and swat his hand away. “No need to get all touchy.” I say with a laugh. But he doesn’t budge; he slides his hand over my stomach and hip to the small of my back and pulls me towards him. I open my mouth to speak but he pushes me onto my back and slides on top of me. His hair all messy and in his face makes him look rather cute but his eyes say he's hungry for something I can’t quite distinguish. He slides his hands up my sides and back down to my thighs.

He leans forward and kisses my neck. At this point I'm just speechless and I can’t move. He moves higher up and nibbles on my ear and I can’t help but groan, and as I do he moves his head back and stares at me and starts smiling. Then he leans in more and whispers in my ear “you’re blushing sweetheart.”

Chapter 9

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Instead I just smack his chest and cover my face with my hands from embarrassment. He laughs a little bit and eases off me.

“I'm sorry, but I couldn’t resist it.” He says. I uncover my face with my hands and face him.

“You suck, you know that?” I say smiling.

“Yeah, yeah, you know you were turned on.”

“That’s beside the point!” But now that I think about, I think I actually was. No. What.Am.I.Saying? I shake my head to get rid of the thought and turn the other way-not wanting to face him as a blush beat red.

“Okay, I'm sorry, please look at me.” He says and grabs my waist to pull me towards him. He’s practically hugging me in a backward bear hug, but it’s actually nice. He slides his hand down a bit until it reaches my abdomen and leaves it there. I can feel his breath on my neck and gives me shivers-but in a good way. “Warm now?” he whispers in my ear.

“Yeah, thanks.” I say in a hushed voice. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

I awake to the sound of Chris’ alarm clock and moan loudly. I.Do.Not.Want.To.Get.Up! I got like 3 hours of sleep after Chris got in the bed. He removes his hand from my stomach and turns off the alarm clock. “Wakey wakey sleepyhead.” He whispers in my ear. He jumps out of bed, leaving a gap in the blankets for cold air to get threw and make me shiver. I turn over on my back and rub my face to wake myself up. I lazily get out of bed and realize that I only have the cloths I wore to bed to wear for school!

“Chris! Ohmigod, I only have these clothes to wear! I can’t wear this to school!” I yell at him,
gesturing to my ‘pajamas’.

“Well your just gonna have to wear a jacket to cover up your tank top I guess. Looks like you’re gonna be a little cold today.” He says and starts laughing.

“It’s not funny! These are really short shorts! I'm gonna get so much shit today if I wear this to school. Do you know how many people will stare at me like I'm crazy?!” I yell at him.

“You can wear my jacket, okay? We have like 40 minutes till school starts, which means we have 10 minutes to get ready if were gonna make it on time.” He says and heads into the bathroom.

Great. I'm gonna look like a slut on my second day of school. Perfect.

Chapter 10

Chris is still taking a shower as I scramble around in my purse to find my mascara and eyeliner.
I finally find it and put some on. I check to make sure it’s all good and Chris saunters out of the bathroom shirtless and smiles at me.

“How many minutes do we have?” I ask him, avoiding the smile.

“About 4 until we need to leave.”

“Okay.” I say and walk to his coat rack to grab his leather jacket. As I put the jacket on I

look at Chris who’s just found a shirt to wear. I watch him as he puts it on and turns around to catch me staring. He smiles and turns back around to put some cologne on. I walk over to

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