» Fiction » Unbelievable, Haley McGill M [beach read txt] 📗

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ask him.

“Nothing.” Really? He knows I can see him writing stuff. What’s he writing?

“What are you writing?” I ask again. He turns to me, then stares at my-blank-paper.

“My names Cameron, but I go by Cam. Write that.” He says to me and turns to write more things. I write down what he said, and turn to see that he already has half the page filled with words.

“What are you writing about me? I haven’t even told you anything yet.”

“Im writing all the things I already know about you.”

“You don’t even know my name.”

“Your names Savannah Maine.” My eyes go wild as he says my full name. How does he know that? Half the kids at this school don’t even know my real name, and he just got here.

“Its Satan. Don’t call me Savannah, and how do you know my name?”

“I asked around.” What? Why would he ask about me?

“Who did you ask?”

“Does it matter?” he says rudely. I don’t reply.

“Class, you will be spending lots of time with your partners. You need to have at least a full page of information about you partner by tomorrow. Class dismissed.” Mrs. Peterson says as the bell rings. A full page? I have 1 thing about him and now class is over.

He gets up and starts to walk towards the door. I grab my bag and paper and rush towards the door.

“Cam!” I scream. He doesn’t stop walking down the hall. I run up to him and grab his arm, he spins around and pushes me towards the lockers, not hard, but not gently. He looks around to see if anyone saw us then turns to me.

“What do you want?” He says angrily.

“I don’t know anything about you, and I have to have a page about you, by tomorrow.”

“I have to get to class, you’re going to have to deal with it.” He says and starts to walk away.

“Cam!” I scream and he stops. “Unlike you, I want to get a good grade in chemistry.” He walks towards me and grabs my hand. He scribbles something on my hand and walks away. I look at my hand and there’s 7 numbers on my hand. Great, now I’m going to have to talk to him over the phone, I guess this day can get worse.

I skip lunch and go the football field to sit and read. Then 4th period comes around.

4th period is block. Block is when you have two periods with the same teacher and class but they're both different subjects.

I walk into Mr. Mack’s class and lucky for me, Chris is in this class. I walk over to him and tell him about how I’m partners with Cam. Then we sit down at a double seat table.

“I can’t believe you have him as a Chemistry partner, he’s a douchebag.” Chris says to me.

“I know.”

Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around. I’m face to face with Cams friend-the one that pushed me into a wall.

“Hey Beautiful, how did Chemistry go?” He says in a taunting voice.

“Great actually.” I say with a smile, giving it right back.

“I’m Scott by the way,” He says and sticks his arm out. I see Chris stiffen in the corner of my eye but i extend my hand anyway.  

I shake his hand nicely and say “I’m Satan, the girl you pushed into the wall earlier, remember?”

“Of course i remember, sorry about that.” he snickers the last part.

“No problem, its not like it hurt or anything.” I say sarcastically and turn around. I sit through 4th and 5th period. 

Chapter 5

After the bell rings, I meet up with Chris. I have P.E next. Great, I get to run around having perverts gawk at me.

“Yay! P.E! I yell as we walk into the gym. I look around, there’s a bunch of boys in one corner and the girls in the other corner. I catch sight of Miranda. She stares at me, smiling, like she has some plan to remove me from earth.

“Hey, isn’t that the asshole who pushed you into the wall?” Chris says. I look in the direction he’s looking in. Well what do you know, he is here, and so is Cam. Perfect.


“Class, Line up for your uniforms!” yells Coach Armstrong. I line up with Chris and slowly move forward to the table with the uniforms.

“Hey Sweetheart.” Someone whispers in my ear. I turn around and Scotts inches away from my face, smiling.

“Hey Sugarplum. Enough with the names. Actually, enough with the talking to me.” I say back, still slowly walking to the table

“I like feisty girls,” he taunts. I turn back around, and grab my uniform. A grey small T-shirt and black shorts lay in my hands. I start to walk to the locker room when someone grabs hold of my elbow. I turn around.


“Here, you forgot this in Chemistry.” He says and holds out his hand with my angel bracelet in it. I grab it. My angel bracelet is a small silver chain with a small pair of angel wings hanging from the chain.

“Thanks.” I say and he walks away and meets up with Scott.

After I change into my cloths, I examine myself in the mirror. I look so sporty. I have my hair up in a ponytail, I’m wearing my gym cloths, and I’m wearing sneakers that I brought from home. I walk out to the gym and meet Chris. He’s wearing basketball shorts, and a black T-shirt. He’s lucky, he’s on the football team and he gets to wear what he wants.

“We’re gonna be wrestling today, and the rest of the week.” He says to me. Great, I get to fight some girls I don’t like, this should be fun.

“Great.” I say back and walk to the mat with the girls around it.

“Alright, were going to be wrestling today. I’ll pick your partners. Remember the rules, no punching, scratching, or kicking. Most of you know the rules and the ones that dont can easily remember them, so no excuses if you break a rule!” Coach yells. I look around at the girls, there’s only one girl here that I can stand to talk to, and that’s Pyro-her real name is Kim, but she’s known for burning and catching things on fire.

Coach starts partnering people up, and then I hear my name. “Bethany, and Kristen.” He says. You’ve got to be kidding me! Kristen’s Mirandas little sidekick. She’s got long hair, down to her boobs, and she’s always wearing pink. She even has pink socks on now. If I fight her, she’s most likely to pull my ponytail, that’s her way of fighting. Last year, she ripped a girl’s hair out for calling her a bitch during lunch. It was brutal.

I feel everyone staring at me, like they know I’m going to get my ass kicked or something. Jokes on them, I actually know how to fight, unlike her. After Lana, Mary, Sarah, Jessie, Miranda, and Kim fight, Coach calls my name and Kristen’s. I head onto the mat and wait for the whistle to blow. I look to my right and catch sight of the boys wrestling; I see Scott and Cam looking at me.

The whistle blows and I focus back to Kristen. We start moving in a circle around the mat until she lunges for me, grabs my shoulders, and pulls us down on the ground. She’s on top of me now, trying to get my hands on the ground above my head. But then I push her and she topples to the ground next to me. I get on top of her and grab her arms, trying to pin them on the ground, but then I’m being lifted and thrown off her by her knee. She stands and lunges for me, but I’m too fast for her. I roll a little to my left and she hits the ground with a smack. I turn back over and get on top of her. I grab her arms and pull them up her head so she can’t move. I hear the whistle blow and people start cheering. I stand up and realize that everyone’s huddled around the mat, watching me, even the boys.

“Great job Satan!” I hear Coach yell. I smile, and turn around and face Chris. He hugs me in a big bear hug.

“I can’t believe you won!” He screams.

“Thanks?.” I say and laugh a little.

After all the girls are done wrestling, I head for the lockers to change. I change back into my other clothes and head for the door. I walk down to the vending machines of water. I buy one and wait for Chris.

I see him head out the guys locker room door. He looks down the hall until his eyes land on me. He smiles and walks towards me.

“Hey, let’s go.” He says.


About a half hour later, we arrive at my house. I hop off his bike and take the helmet off.

“Thanks, I’ll see you later.” I say and turn for the door.

“Satan, wait!” Chris yells and I turn around. “Can you go to K16 tomorrow night at 8?” he asks me.

“I don’t know, I’ll ask my mom!” I yell as I turn around and head into my house.

Chapter 6

    Its 7:00 PM and I’m doing math homework. I’m blasting Starry Eyed by Ellie Goulding in my ears. I finish my math homework and take out the paper that I’m supposed to have full of stuff about Cam. It’s due tomorrow! I know nothing about him, except that he’s an arrogant asshole with the most beautiful green eyes. I need to call him, but I don’t want to. Or maybe I do. No no, I don’t. But I need to! Dammit, I’m just going to call

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