» Fiction » Unbelievable, Haley McGill M [beach read txt] 📗

Book online «Unbelievable, Haley McGill M [beach read txt] 📗». Author Haley McGill M

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Chapter 1

Its 6:00 in the morning on the first day back to school from winter break, and the last thing I want to do is wake up to the sound of my little brother Anton yelling at my mom in the other room. Ugh, he’s so annoying! He’s already 9 and he acts like a 4 year old. I think I can hear him.... he’s yelling at her for not making him damn pancakes for breakfast!

I’m too angry to fall back asleep, so I throw the blankets off me and stomp to the door. Its then, when I pass my mirror that realize I’m only wearing my bra and underwear. I walk over to my wooden dresser and put on a pair of black shorts, and a white T-shirt. When I look in the mirror, I see a picture of my mother, Anton, and I in the corner where I taped it. My father left when he found out my mom was pregnant with me. So that’s why he’s not in the picture.

I walk past my bed to the door, walk out and up the stairs, then down the hall to my brother’s room. My moms standing in the doorway with her hand on her forehead like she’s about to flip out. I past my mom and she looks up. I walk over to my little brother standing in a pile of clothes and games and as I scan his room for a brief second I notice one of my bra's on his bed.

"What the hell Anton!" I say as I walk over and pick up my Victoria Secret black and purple bra. He cut the straps off and ripped the lace off! I look over at him with my eyes narrowed.

I throw the bra back down on his bed and kneel down next to him so we're face to face.

"Do you have 35 bucks Anton?" I ask as I look straight into his eyes.

"No, and even if I did I wouldnt give it to you, I bet you used your prostitution money to buy that bra so you could get more costumers." he says back to me. I cant believe how he talks to me now, i dont know where he learns this stupid shit. 

I pick him up by the waist- he’s 4 foot 7 and weighs 87 pounds, so I can easily pick him up- he starts yelling and slashing in my arms, I ignore him and my mom moves out so she doesnt get hit. I walk past the door and down the stairs. I pass the living room-Anton still hitting and kicking in my arms- to the screen door that leads outside to our backyard. And our pool.

"Let me go, now!! Or ill bite you Satan!” he screams at me. I ignore him. I’m 4 feet from the pool when he bites me. I scream a little and throw him in the 22 degree pool.

We live in Seattle, Washington and its January 2nd. It snowed 2 weeks ago, so the waters freezing.

Hes under the water for about 3 seconds, then he comes out gasping for air. He starts screaming and yelling for mom-who just so happens to be 4 feet away from me. She smacks the back of my head, but I can tell she thinks this is funny.

"Get out of the pool Anton, I'll get a towel,”I say.

“I-I-I’m going to kill you Sat-t-tan! I-I-Im fre-e-ezing!.” He screams back at me, while trying to tred water.

“Yeah whatever. Just get out. I'll get you a towel,” I say back because I know im already in deep shit. I’m back in a minute and he’s out of the pool and walking toward me. He's shivering and has his arms crosed infront of him as he holds the sides of his arms. I almost feel bad for the kid. Almost.

“Don’t touch my shit! Oh, and you owe me 35 bucks so I can buy a new prostitution bra” I say teasingly as I hand him the towel.

"No way you tick, I hope mom grounds you!” he yells.

"You two quiet down! The neighbors will hear us. Now, Anton, get inside. Savannah, don’t ever do that again, your brother could get sick from this!” My mom whispers as she starts leading us back to the living room. I know my moms pissed when she starts calling me by my given name.

"Your not going to ground her?” says Anton.

"No. Shes not gonna do it again” mom says as she stares at me with death eyes. Eugh! those eyes scare the shit out of me.

"Ugh! That’s not fair mom! She threw me in the pool!!” yells Anton as he turns and runs upstairs.

“You're such a baby!” I yell. I know he heard me even though he didn’t reply.

My mom gives me a lecture for about 25 minutes. Then I head upstairs, into my room, and sit on my bed while I text Chris-My best friend.

To Chris:
Dude, get ur ass over here, i need to get out of here! I threw my brother in the pool and my mom almost shit a brick.

About a minute later my phone buzzes and I check it.

From Chris:
Damn girl, I know why they call u Satan now. but anyways ill be there in 10.

To Chris:
Ya ya whatever, ill see you in 15.

From Chris:
I said ide be there in 10

To Chris:
Ya I know, but when are u ever on time?

From Chris:

Chapter 2

15 minutes later I hear a knock on my window. I walk over and open the window. Chris is standing on my roof that happens to be just below my window. On the side of my house, right next to the roof, is a stack of wood for winter when it gets cold. You can easily climb on the stack of wood and climb on to the side of my roof. That’s how I sneak out or Chris sneaks in.

“Ready?” he asks and carefully steps through the screen-less window.

“Yup, just hold on a sec, I’ve got to ask my mom first.” I say and motion for him to stay there as I walk out of my room. I walk downstairs and to my mom who’s making breakfast for Anton.

“Can I go to Chris’ house? School starts at 7:30 and we haven’t seen each other in 4 days.” I ask and hope to dear god she says yes even though I threw my brother in the pool.

“Sure, I need to take Anton to the Dentist anyways. You and Chris haven’t spent 4 days away from each other for about 9 weeks, I don’t want to break the cycle,” she says through a smile.

“Thanks mom, I'll see ya later,” I say and kiss her on the cheek.

I walk outside and Chris is already on his motorcycle with his helmet on. I’ve never gotten used to the idea that my best friend drives a death trap everywhere. I would drive my car but it's in the shop getting a tune up.

“Must you wear a tank top?” He asks as he scans my outfit. I changed my shirt into a black tank top and I’m wearing light blue jeans and black converse. I have my hair down so I can put that huge ass helmet on my head. “If we get into an accident, all your skin will scrape off those sexy arms.”

“Thanks for the concern Chris. But I’m fine.” I say as I straddle his bike.

He hands me the huge black helmet and I slowly place it on my head, so I don’t mess up my long brown hair that gets knotty every 10 seconds. The tough part is getting it off without messing my hair up. He starts the engine and slowly rolls backwards out onto the street, then accelerates onto the street. I wrap my arms around him in a bear hug and clench his shirt in my hands.

About 10 minutes later we arrive at his medium sized, 2 story, white old house. I take the helmet off as slowly as possible, trying not to mess up my hair, but it doesn’t work. I have to flatten my frizzy hair and i'll have to fix the knots later. I got off the bike and walk with him to his front door.

"You need a small and nicer helmet Chris, my hair can’t take much more of it." I try to say seriously.

"If you have 50 bucks I’ll be happy to buy you a nicer one." He says back, not trying to be serious.

I ignore his last comment and we reach his door. He unlocks it and we walk up the stairs and down the hall to his room. His older brother is the only other one who lives with Chris. His parent’s disappeared when he was 5 and his brothers 20, so he took custody of him.

I enter his room and walk to his bed, sit down, and wait for him to come through the door. But he doesn’t.

I peek my head out the door, “Chris?” I whisper out to nothing but an empty hall. All of a sudden I hear what sounds like glass, break. I walk down the hall and see Chris and his brother duking it out in his room. I see a broken lamp on the ground near his bed side table.

“Chris, Jack, stop it!” I scream and rush into the room and grab Chris by the waist before he lunges towards Jack.

“Calm down cupcake, we were just playin’ around.” Jack says to me, I hate it when he calls me cupcake, it makes me feel like I’m 10 and he’s my father. He bends down to pick up the pieces of what’s left of the lamp.

“Well how was I supposed to know if that was real or not? You guys were really brawling it out.” I say.

“Sorry Satan, I came in here to tell him you were here, and well, one thing led to another and we started fightin’.” Says Chris, who seems to be out of breath from fighting.

“Well wasn’t this fun. I’m going to work, catch ya later Satan.” Says Jack as he heads downstairs.

I head out of Jacks room and back to Chris’s. I sit on his bed again and he sits on his desk chair.

“School starts in 20 minutes, we should leave in sec.” Chris says as he gets

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